The Whole Fake Bomb Threats a Ploy to Affect the Midterms?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

How could a poor, bankrupt guy living in his mother’s basement or in the van itself afford such a vehicle? It’s nearly brand new.

The reaction from Democrats was another tell. They were ready the minute the story hit – some even before it hit. John Brennan predicted that more bombs were coming because he hadn’t gotten one. The next day he did. When CNN received its bomb, instead of running for cover and calling authorities, they took photos of it. Alexander Soros was even able to get an OpEd printed in the New York Times the same day the Clinton/Obama bombs were found. How did he manage that without prior knowledge?

And then there’s this:

He only registered as a Republican in 2016. Before that, he was a flaming liberal on social media.

The modern Democrat Party is the heart of deep state opposition to President Trump, conservatives, and our constitutional republic. They are capable of doing anything to win. This is their October Surprise. Make sure you vote.

Much more about this @ Doug Ross @ Journal: RED ALERT: Meet the Laughably Fraudulent Patsy Just Arrested for Democrat-Staged Fake Bombs

5 Bizarre Facts About Cesar Sayoc & His Fake Pipe Bomb Scare That Are Making Americans Shout “False Flag!” @ 5 Bizarre Facts About Cesar Sayoc & His Fake Pipe Bomb Scare That Are Making Americans Shout “False Flag!”

1. The timing was suspicious

2. Look hard at this envelope…


3. Sayoc’s social media accounts say he was a huge Trump supporter and that he attended Trump rallies, but…

4. Is Sayoc really a Republican?

5. The van

It’s all a huge sham to affect the midterm!!!

Bomb Hoaxer Arrested, Already Known to Authorities @ Bomb Hoaxer Arrested, Already Known to Authorities

Meet Cesar Sayoc, The Most Comically Incompetent Political Terrorist Of Our Time @ Meet Cesar Sayoc, The Most Comically Incompetent Political Terrorist Of Our Time

How could a poor, bankrupt guy living in his mother’s basement or in the van itself afford such a vehicle? It’s nearly brand new.

The reaction from Democrats was another tell. They were ready the minute the story hit – some even before it hit. John Brennan predicted that more bombs were coming because he hadn’t gotten one. The next day he did. When CNN received its bomb, instead of running for cover and calling authorities, they took photos of it. Alexander Soros was even able to get an OpEd printed in the New York Times the same day the Clinton/Obama bombs were found. How did he manage that without prior knowledge?

And then there’s this:

He only registered as a Republican in 2016. Before that, he was a flaming liberal on social media.

The modern Democrat Party is the heart of deep state opposition to President Trump, conservatives, and our constitutional republic. They are capable of doing anything to win. This is their October Surprise. Make sure you vote.

Much more about this @ Doug Ross @ Journal: RED ALERT: Meet the Laughably Fraudulent Patsy Just Arrested for Democrat-Staged Fake Bombs

5 Bizarre Facts About Cesar Sayoc & His Fake Pipe Bomb Scare That Are Making Americans Shout “False Flag!” @ 5 Bizarre Facts About Cesar Sayoc & His Fake Pipe Bomb Scare That Are Making Americans Shout “False Flag!”

1. The timing was suspicious

2. Look hard at this envelope…


3. Sayoc’s social media accounts say he was a huge Trump supporter and that he attended Trump rallies, but…

4. Is Sayoc really a Republican?

5. The van

It’s all a huge sham to affect the midterm!!!

Bomb Hoaxer Arrested, Already Known to Authorities @ Bomb Hoaxer Arrested, Already Known to Authorities

Meet Cesar Sayoc, The Most Comically Incompetent Political Terrorist Of Our Time @ Meet Cesar Sayoc, The Most Comically Incompetent Political Terrorist Of Our Time

That sums up the way I see it, too.

I know a little more than that about wackadoodle cars, they add things in layers. Only one spanking brand-new layer there.

No faded Trump/Pence 2016 sticker. 1 pro wrap that can be done in 6 hrs.

No fading? :cuckoo:

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