The War on Kwanzaa


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
WI Lawmaker Says Kwanzaa Is A Fake Holiday For People Who Hate America: Chicagoist

Grothman (R-West Bend) put out a press release titled, "Why Must We Still Hear About Kwanzaa?" late last week in which he said public school districts that teach students about Kwanzaa are "irresponsible."

Waring Fincke, left-wing West Bend lawyer and vice chair of the Washington County Democratic Party, encouraged people to learn more about Kwanzaa in a column in July. Fortunately, almost all black people ignore Waring Fincke and his ilk and their efforts to divide Americans.
But why do they do it? They don't like America and seek to destroy it by pretending that its values as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, don't apply to everyone. Mainstream Americans must be more outspoken on this issue. It's time it's slapped down once and for all.

Grothman finishes by saying, "Be on the lookout if a K-12 or college teacher tries to tell your children or grandchildren it's a real holiday
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Kwanzaa was made up by a University of California Black Studies Professor back in what, 1965?
Republicans are trying to trash the traditions of Kwanzaa so that they can push their artificially created holiday Christmas
WI Lawmaker Says Kwanzaa Is A Fake Holiday For People Who Hate America: Chicagoist

Grothman (R-West Bend) put out a press release titled, "Why Must We Still Hear About Kwanzaa?" late last week in which he said public school districts that teach students about Kwanzaa are "irresponsible."

Waring Fincke, left-wing West Bend lawyer and vice chair of the Washington County Democratic Party, encouraged people to learn more about Kwanzaa in a column in July. Fortunately, almost all black people ignore Waring Fincke and his ilk and their efforts to divide Americans.
But why do they do it? They don't like America and seek to destroy it by pretending that its values as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, don't apply to everyone. Mainstream Americans must be more outspoken on this issue. It's time it's slapped down once and for all.

Grothman finishes by saying, "Be on the lookout if a K-12 or college teacher tries to tell your children or grandchildren it's a real holiday

"Kwanzaa" is no more stupid than "Christmas." I mean, virgin birth and magic stars--come on, let's get real. That didn't actually happen, and there is absolutely no evidence that supports the idea of Christmas other than retail promotion.

So, YEAH, Kwanzaa is stupid. So is Christmas, so ya'll are in the same boat if you ask me.
Kwaanza is a manufactured celebration with no connection to history or tradition. It owes its existence to a man who wanted something to do while he was in prison. This is what he came up with. As stated by the creator of Kwaanza it was created to give blacks an alternative to Christmas which is deemed too white for black nationalists to celebrate. There is just no particular tradition along with Kwaanza.

We make up holidays all the time. Martin Luther King holiday is recent and made up. There isn't anything wrong with Kwaanza. If some people want to celebrate it, good for them. It just needs to be in its proper perspective, which is it occupies the exact same place as Agelong which is the observance of the legendary battle between Corellon Larethian and Gruumsh One-Eye according to the Elven calendar.
It's Such A Fake Holiday.

We had a neighbor for a few years that celebrated Kwanzaa with all night parties involving excruciatingly loud live music. The entire neighborhood was Thrilled when said neighbor moved out.
Kwaanza is a manufactured celebration with no connection to history or tradition. It owes its existence to a man who wanted something to do while he was in prison. This is what he came up with. As stated by the creator of Kwaanza it was created to give blacks an alternative to Christmas which is deemed too white for black nationalists to celebrate. There is just no particular tradition along with Kwaanza.

We make up holidays all the time. Martin Luther King holiday is recent and made up. There isn't anything wrong with Kwaanza. If some people want to celebrate it, good for them. It just needs to be in its proper perspective, which is it occupies the exact same place as Agelong which is the observance of the legendary battle between Corellon Larethian and Gruumsh One-Eye according to the Elven calendar.

I'm good with this. Anything that qualifies as a paid holiday is a good thing.
About 15 years ago, I had a secretary that celebrated Kwaanza. She was so excited one year because she met a man from Africa and invited him to celebrate Kwaanza with her and her family. She asked him how Kwaanza was celebrated in Africa, it's birthplace. To her chagrin, her guest told her that Kwaanza was an American holiday not widely known in or celebrated in Africa. And here she throught it came from the motherland.
Kwaanza is a manufactured celebration with no connection to history or tradition. It owes its existence to a man who wanted something to do while he was in prison. This is what he came up with. As stated by the creator of Kwaanza it was created to give blacks an alternative to Christmas which is deemed too white for black nationalists to celebrate. There is just no particular tradition along with Kwaanza.

We make up holidays all the time. Martin Luther King holiday is recent and made up. There isn't anything wrong with Kwaanza. If some people want to celebrate it, good for them. It just needs to be in its proper perspective, which is it occupies the exact same place as Agelong which is the observance of the legendary battle between Corellon Larethian and Gruumsh One-Eye according to the Elven calendar.
Perfectly stated!! :lol:

Right-faker is trolling the depths of irrelevancy with this thread.....

I guess these he will do anything to distract from Owebama's failure to lead.
Kwanzaa was made up by a University of California Black Studies Professor back in what, 1965?

Yes. Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga invented it While he was in prison. In 1971, Karenga was sentenced to one to ten years in prison on counts of felonious assault and false imprisonment.

Just in case you think this was a nice college professor just protesting for rights, what he really did was the subject of testimony in his criminal trial for torture.

The woman described having been stripped and beaten with an electrical cord. Karenga's estranged wife, Brenda Lorraine Karenga, testified that she sat on the other woman’s stomach while another man forced water into her mouth through a hose.

"Deborah Jones, who once was given the Swahili title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Miss Davis' mouth and placed against Miss Davis' face and that one of her own big toes was tightened in a vise. Karenga, head of US, also put detergent and running hoses in their mouths, she said. They also were hit on the heads with toasters."
Jones and Brenda Karenga testified that Karenga believed the women were conspiring to poison him, which Davis has attributed to a combination of ongoing police pressure and his own drug abuse.

His own drug abuse. Imagine that. He had to have thought up Kwaanza from someplace!

He describes himself as a former political prisoner.
Maulana Karenga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nice guy who just happens to belong with other political prisoners like Charlie Manson.

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