The Vaunted "Civility in Discourse", Madison Style


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Ahhh...Seems like only yesterday that we were getting mau-mau-ed by the socialist progressives, about uncivil words and violent imagery poisoning the political discourse in America

The sanctimony is just too delicious....








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Yea pulling out the old "HITLER NAZI" Blah Blah Blah really is pretty lame. Democrats & "Civil Discourse" = Criticize Republicans but never ever criticize us Democrats. They're not fooling as many as they used to. Leftist Democrats are actually quite vicious & hateful.
Ahhh...Seems like only yesterday that we were getting mau-mau-ed by the socialist progressives about uncivil words and violent imagery, poisoning the political discourse in America

The sanctimony is just too delicious....









Another example of the dems "do as I say, not as I do" mentality.
This is why we were so apopolectic about the libs and "civility" back in January.

Either you chose only the nicer pictures, or they really are not so bad as usual.... but this kind of behavior is what makes us so irate.

The issue in Wisconsin is there is only so much money available. The unions want it all.
all the teachers i had were way overpaid for what they did. they should refuse compensation and teach just for the joy helping people to learn. how hard can it be to teach anyway. those who can do, those can't teach and those who can't do anything work for the paparazzi new york times
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they should refuse compensation and teach just for the joy helping people to learn. how hard can it be to teach anyway.

Then by all means, chimpy, let's see you turn down your next paycheck and tell your employer you just want to work for the joy of it--you can always find an eight-hour night shift job, right? And that still leaves an entire 8 hours of each day for various recreational activities. Only a lazy liberal would complain about such a lifestyle. :lol:

What a bunch of douchejuice.
What Obama Really Meant: Civility for thee, but not for me.
I will add that this is great! It is stark evidence of the Soul of Progressive Liberalism-The Big Government Class-Our Public (Employee Unions) Servants.

The more they behave in this fashion, the more fodder they provide for conservatives to use against them in the 2012 campaign. So by all means, continue (to shoot yourselves in the feet).
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Ahhh...Seems like only yesterday that we were getting mau-mau-ed by the socialist progressives about uncivil words and violent imagery, poisoning the political discourse in America

The sanctimony is just too delicious....

TUCSON, Ariz. -- Two former presidents, a Republican and a a Democrat, will chair a new national institute to promote civility in political discourse in the city where U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was severely wounded in a shooting rampage that left six dead, officials said Monday.

The National Institute for Civil Discourse will be run by the University of Arizona. Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton will serve as its honorary co-chairmen.

Mr. Clinton said the institute "can elevate the tone of dialogue in our country and, in so doing, help us to keep moving toward 'a more perfect union.' "

Read more: Bush, Clinton lead Ariz. civility institute

and in a related story...

"Back in 1995, Clinton used the tragedy to lash out at talk radio. From the New York Times via American Spectator: "I'm sure you are now seeing the reports of some things that are regularly said over the airwaves in America today. Well, people like that who want to share our freedoms must know that their bitter words can have consequences, and that freedom has endured in this country for more than two centuries because it was coupled with an enormous sense of responsibility."
theblogprof: 1995: Bill Clinton blames talk radio for Oklahoma City bombing. 2010: Tucson Sheriff blames talk radio for Arizona shooting
they should refuse compensation and teach just for the joy helping people to learn. how hard can it be to teach anyway.

Then by all means, chimpy, let's see you turn down your next paycheck and tell your employer you just want to work for the joy of it--you can always find an eight-hour night shift job, right? And that still leaves an entire 8 hours of each day for various recreational activities. Only a lazy liberal would complain about such a lifestyle. :lol:

What a bunch of douchejuice.

yeah thet's what they should do, take maybe a part time job at walmart to support their teaching efforts, that's a good idea. we could take their former salaries and "spread it around" to make life easier. i don't know of your "douchejuice", is it like the pomegranite juice i see on the telivision ?
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The morons in mainstream media aren't screaming "mean" this thime.. or "all white" or "un American" or "astro turf" or... of fuck it,, their hypocrites just like the liberals. errr. scuse me they are liberals... Kerry On.
Have they blamed dat BOOOOOSH and Palin yet? Man these protesters are clearly all out of fresh material. Now Walker is "Hitler" too? Yea,pretty lame stuff from the Dems on this one. Time for some new material.
Ahhh...Seems like only yesterday that we were getting mau-mau-ed by the socialist progressives about uncivil words and violent imagery, poisoning the political discourse in America

The sanctimony is just too delicious....

TUCSON, Ariz. -- Two former presidents, a Republican and a a Democrat, will chair a new national institute to promote civility in political discourse in the city where U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was severely wounded in a shooting rampage that left six dead, officials said Monday.

The National Institute for Civil Discourse will be run by the University of Arizona. Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton will serve as its honorary co-chairmen.

Mr. Clinton said the institute "can elevate the tone of dialogue in our country and, in so doing, help us to keep moving toward 'a more perfect union.' "

Read more: Bush, Clinton lead Ariz. civility institute

and in a related story...

"Back in 1995, Clinton used the tragedy to lash out at talk radio. From the New York Times via American Spectator: "I'm sure you are now seeing the reports of some things that are regularly said over the airwaves in America today. Well, people like that who want to share our freedoms must know that their bitter words can have consequences, and that freedom has endured in this country for more than two centuries because it was coupled with an enormous sense of responsibility."
theblogprof: 1995: Bill Clinton blames talk radio for Oklahoma City bombing. 2010: Tucson Sheriff blames talk radio for Arizona shooting

it is a bit disingenuous for you to point out the item on bill clinton lashing out at hate radio while purposely omitting WHY he lashed out at hate radio...

long before clinton "lashed out" at hate radio hate radio was demonizing and vilifying bill and hillary, all liberals and all democrats

quite regularly hate radio would refer to liberals, dems, bill and hillary as NAZIS;

bill KLinton

when clinton lashed out at hate radio he was merely doing then what he is doing now;
denouncing vile and loathsome hate speech filled with false accusations of "libs are nazis"

that type of hate speech is practically BLOOD LIBEL

the way your posted you presented an image of bill clinton being guilty of being a hypocrite while suggesting that hate radio had done nothing wrong....

a FALSE impression

bills and hillary and obama and MOST dems and MOST libs are NOT nazis
just like most conservatives and most republicans are also NOT nazis

(ok...ok...there's willow...and pale rider...and lone star...and califgirl....)
(but MOST cons and repubs and tea partiers are NOT nazis)

I have no problem with conservative radio denouncing BIG GOVERNMENT and HIGH TAXES

but they go too far when they insist that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a nazi

HONEST discourse (government is too big, taxes are too high, we need to protect our rights and freedoms) is a GOOD thing

but resorting to false accusations and extreme suggestions (beat them with clubs, leave only some liberals left alive) is something
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Ahhh...Seems like only yesterday that we were getting mau-mau-ed by the socialist progressives about uncivil words and violent imagery, poisoning the political discourse in America

The sanctimony is just too delicious....

TUCSON, Ariz. -- Two former presidents, a Republican and a a Democrat, will chair a new national institute to promote civility in political discourse in the city where U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was severely wounded in a shooting rampage that left six dead, officials said Monday.

The National Institute for Civil Discourse will be run by the University of Arizona. Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton will serve as its honorary co-chairmen.

Mr. Clinton said the institute "can elevate the tone of dialogue in our country and, in so doing, help us to keep moving toward 'a more perfect union.' "

Read more: Bush, Clinton lead Ariz. civility institute

and in a related story...

"Back in 1995, Clinton used the tragedy to lash out at talk radio. From the New York Times via American Spectator: "I'm sure you are now seeing the reports of some things that are regularly said over the airwaves in America today. Well, people like that who want to share our freedoms must know that their bitter words can have consequences, and that freedom has endured in this country for more than two centuries because it was coupled with an enormous sense of responsibility."
theblogprof: 1995: Bill Clinton blames talk radio for Oklahoma City bombing. 2010: Tucson Sheriff blames talk radio for Arizona shooting

the great thing about someone like you is that you MOSTLY do NOT resort to hate speech

you post your logical and reasonable opinions as to why you believe whatever it is you believe

where-as someone like willow or pale rider or calif girl doesn't seem to be able to do that.

their responses tend to be of the ; I HATE LIBERALS BECAUSE LIBERALS ARE STUPID variety


but most liberals are NOT scum
or nazis
they may be a little too free with our tax dollars
and they may be a little too kumbaiya (sp)
but they do NOT want to take away all of your rights
or ruin the country

they see a kinder and gentler image of America ( that will cost us all a little bit of money) and work to create it

it is my impression that for every RIGHT that the left wants to take away (the right to smoke tobacco in a public place) there is at least 1 right that the RIGHT wants to take away; the right to smoke pot legally

it's much better that we discuss the ISSUES without the hate speech

(note: I am aware of the fact that I indulge in what can be considered hate speech MUCH MORE that you ever do....and I'm sorry for it....)

Civility abounds.

Only not in Madison.

Where are all those LSM types who were harping about the Tea Partiers??

Wonder if Chrissy boy Mathews and Rachel will have anything about it on their shows tonight?? They sure had no problem villifying the Tea Partiers. I'm sure Olberdouce, if he were still on the air, would have plenty to say.

Oh wait. I forgot. These folks are union members and probably Dems.

Never mind.

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