The Usual Suspects Are At It Again


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
As I suspected, the $100 Million in 'humanitarian aid' to Gaza is nothing more than a resupply of Hamas from dims.

“From what came out of the meeting, Tony Blinken wasn’t trying to help Israel at all. What he was doing was demanding that Israel enable resupply to Gaza, the euphemism of which is ‘humanitarian aid.’” She continued to say that Blinken threatened to withhold American war materiel from Israel, such as bunker buster bombs and regular ordinance.

And Israel didn’t just decide to invite Biden. His administration demanded that Israel invite him, she said, adding, “I don’t know; ask his presidential campaign.”
As I suspected, the $100 Million in 'humanitarian aid' to Gaza is nothing more than a resupply of Hamas from dims. run with that from your alt-right source.
Meanwhile, everything I said about Palestinians paying a three to five times higher price in deaths than Israeli's did, is coming to pass.
As I suspected, the $100 Million in 'humanitarian aid' to Gaza is nothing more than a resupply of Hamas from dims.

How much of Jared’s $2B went to Hamas is what I want to know. The Saudis aren’t above including stipulations to use particular companies that are no more than money laundering entities.
As I suspected, the $100 Million in 'humanitarian aid' to Gaza is nothing more than a resupply of Hamas from dims.

Israel get's help from us monthly. Their military wouldn't exist without our help. We have already started shipping additional munitions and providing technical expertise as well.

We are indeed encouraging them not to kill civilians in Gaza, either by direct action or inaction as collateral damage.

That's what seems to be your real issue.

And I gotta say it's pretty sad.
As I suspected, the $100 Million in 'humanitarian aid' to Gaza is nothing more than a resupply of Hamas from dims.

More lies, misinformation and paranoia from the right
I honestly didn't think dimocraps could stoop any lower. I really didn't think they were capable of directly funding terrorists in this manner.

I was wrong. There is no level low enough for dims to stoop to. We're talking subterranean, depths of Hell here.

The Biden administration is skirting a law that prohibits funds going to terrorist groups. In August it was revealed in State Department documents that officials acknowledged $360M they wanted to send to Palestinians might be used to fund terror. They sent it anyway.

And you thought I was using hyperbole when I said, ''dimocraps are the scum of the Earth."

Not even run with that from your alt-right source.
Meanwhile, everything I said about Palestinians paying a three to five times higher price in deaths than Israeli's did, is coming to pass.
So? The Palestinians knew they would suffer these deaths. It is part of the plan. Attack, suffer the counter attack, use deaths as propaganda to force Israel to surrender, put out hand for humanitarian money, rebuild rocket supply, repeat...
So? The Palestinians knew they would suffer these deaths. It is part of the plan. Attack, suffer the counter attack, use deaths as propaganda to force Israel to surrender, put out hand for humanitarian money, rebuild rocket supply, repeat...
Life is cheap to them. They have so many unwanted children, so many unattached males that will never have a family unit of their own...... Death is a welcome release for many of them. It's easy for them to believe in the 72 Virgins nonsense because to deny it would mean they have to make a go of it here, on Planet Earth. And they know they have no chance of that happening.

Kinda like dims and their belief in Big Goobermint saving them. Just as stupid, just as hopeless, just as -- Whatever.
As I suspected, the $100 Million in 'humanitarian aid' to Gaza is nothing more than a resupply of Hamas from dims.

The Neo-GOP herd wants to believe every lie from the Faux not News lie machine, just like the Arabs believe every lie about Israel the coming from the terrorist propaganda machine.
As I suspected, the $100 Million in 'humanitarian aid' to Gaza is nothing more than a resupply of Hamas from dims.

You’re doing more to supply those who favor Hamas by buying gasoline. run with that from your alt-right source.
Meanwhile, everything I said about Palestinians paying a three to five times higher price in deaths than Israeli's did, is coming to pass.
Kill em all
As I suspected, the $100 Million in 'humanitarian aid' to Gaza is nothing more than a resupply of Hamas from dims.

So, what you're saying is that if the U.S. finances sending baby diapers to Gaza, Hamas will magically turn those baby diapers into machine guns, right?
What do you think they're doing? Writing them a check?

Guess again...

DO they expect them to go shopping at Walmart?
Lol, you idiots are the biggest liars. You don't know what any of them do except for what the TV feeds you. If it sounds good you swallow.
Lol, you idiots are the biggest liars. You don't know what any of them do except for what the TV feeds you. If it sounds good you swallow.

When the U.S. finances Humanitarian aid, how do you think that aid is transferred?

Please give a serious answer, if you're capable.

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