The Ultimate Sin.....Being Accused Of Racism....And How The Left Is Using It To Change America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
It seems perfectly innocent. The left brings up statements or pictures of a person from the past that are embarrassing if it were happening today. But there is too much of of a coincidence for it to be happening so often to so many people who are in important positions. The Governor of Virginia's only crime was making the mistake of accidentally exposing the reality of the left's latest abortion push. That not only will they murder viable babies but actually decide to snuff the life out of a baby after it was born and outside of the womb. So they somehow found a picture from 30 years ago of him wearing the dreaded "Blackface".

Now the list is growing everyday of people who are begging for forgiveness for wearing Blackface. When it comes to Democrats, it's easier to list the people who haven't worn Blackface than it is to list ones who have.



This is Social Justice. This is the Transformation Of America that Barack H. Obama spoke of. do you like this new America???

Here's a list of things you cannot do or say anymore....and if there is evidence of you were ever doing it in the past, immediately you become a target and need to either resign (beg for forgiveness) or turn over your NBA/NFL franchise to a Black owner:

  • Wearing Blackface
  • Talking about Blackface
  • Standing next to a person in Blackface
  • Wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Standing next to someone wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Talking about not liking Black criminals
  • Saying the "N" word (unless you're Black)
  • Having relatives who were slave owners (unless you're Black)
  • Being White
  • Being proud of being White
  • Being proud of being an American
  • Being a White male older than 39 years old
  • Talking about Illegal Immigrants in a disparaging manner
  • Supporting a wall
  • Wearing a MAGA hat in public
  • Wearing a MAGA in a photo
  • Being a Trump supporter
  • Supporting private gun ownership
  • Being a Christian (unless you're Black, Hispanic, or a Democrat )
  • Being Heterosexual
  • Being a Republican
  • Being a Conservative
  • Being a Capitalist
  • Being a Black Conservative
  • Being a Conservative Gay Male
  • Owning a Rebel Flag
  • Having a Southern accent (unless you're Black)
  • Being from the South (unless you're Black)
  • Being Anti-reparations
  • Apposing The Green New Deal
  • Accepting an invitation to the White House
  • Admitting a media hoax is fake

This is how the left is transforming America. You cannot be a white American in an important position without automatically coming under attack. This is the ultimate shakedown. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have nothing on Hope & Change and "Social Justice". And they only way you can avoid this is by making regular statements trashing Trump. If you wonder why so many people are doing this, now you know. If you say you love God and you're proud to be an American, good luck trying to get work in Hollywood. Chris Pratt is finding this out now. By the end of the year the most sought after talent in Hollywood will be begging for work because of Blacklisting by leftist radicals on the left coast.


So what makes this any different than McCarthyism? Nothing.....except this is the new reality in America. If you become a problem to the left you will become a target. If you become an effective leader in any fashion, be it on Twitter, Facebook, or in become a target. And as time goes by, more and more Americans think this kind of fascism is totally acceptable.
It seems perfectly innocent. The left brings up statements or pictures of a person from the past that are embarrassing if it were happening today. But there is too much of of a coincidence for it to be happening so often to so many people who are in important positions. The Governor of Virginia's only crime was making the mistake of accidentally exposing the reality of the left's latest abortion push. That not only will they murder viable babies but actually decide to snuff the life out of a baby after it was born and outside of the womb. So they somehow found a picture from 30 years ago of him wearing the dreaded "Blackface".

Now the list is growing everyday of people who are begging for forgiveness for wearing Blackface. When it comes to Democrats, it's easier to list the people who haven't worn Blackface than it is to list ones who have.



This is Social Justice. This is the Transformation Of America that Barack H. Obama spoke of. do you like this new America???

Here's a list of things you cannot do or say anymore....and if there is evidence of you were ever doing it in the past, immediately you become a target and need to either resign (beg for forgiveness) or turn over your NBA/NFL franchise to a Black owner:

  • Wearing Blackface
  • Talking about Blackface
  • Standing next to a person in Blackface
  • Wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Standing next to someone wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Talking about not liking Black criminals
  • Saying the "N" word (unless you're Black)
  • Having relatives who were slave owners (unless you're Black)
  • Being White
  • Being proud of being White
  • Being proud of being an American
  • Being a White male older than 39 years old
  • Talking about Illegal Immigrants in a disparaging manner
  • Supporting a wall
  • Wearing a MAGA hat in public
  • Wearing a MAGA in a photo
  • Being a Trump supporter
  • Supporting private gun ownership
  • Being a Christian (unless you're Black, Hispanic, or a Democrat )
  • Being Heterosexual
  • Being a Republican
  • Being a Conservative
  • Being a Capitalist
  • Being a Black Conservative
  • Being a Conservative Gay Male
  • Owning a Rebel Flag
  • Having a Southern accent (unless you're Black)
  • Being from the South (unless you're Black)
  • Being Anti-reparations
  • Apposing The Green New Deal
  • Accepting an invitation to the White House
  • Admitting a media hoax is fake

This is how the left is transforming America. You cannot be a white American in an important position without automatically coming under attack. This is the ultimate shakedown. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have nothing on Hope & Change and "Social Justice". And they only way you can avoid this is by making regular statements trashing Trump. If you wonder why so many people are doing this, now you know. If you say you love God and you're proud to be an American, good luck trying to get work in Hollywood. Chris Pratt is finding this out now. By the end of the year the most sought after talent in Hollywood will be begging for work because of Blacklisting by leftist radicals on the left coast.


So what makes this any different than McCarthyism? Nothing.....except this is the new reality in America. If you become a problem to the left you will become a target. If you become an effective leader in any fashion, be it on Twitter, Facebook, or in become a target. And as time goes by, more and more Americans think this kind of fascism is totally acceptable.

Great expose.......the liberals/progrssives/socialists have declared war on Conservatives.....meanwhile....we still have people like McConnell in the congress that hampers our President all most as much as the leftwingers.

So what can be done? How should we fight back?
It seems perfectly innocent. The left brings up statements or pictures of a person from the past that are embarrassing if it were happening today. But there is too much of of a coincidence for it to be happening so often to so many people who are in important positions. The Governor of Virginia's only crime was making the mistake of accidentally exposing the reality of the left's latest abortion push. That not only will they murder viable babies but actually decide to snuff the life out of a baby after it was born and outside of the womb. So they somehow found a picture from 30 years ago of him wearing the dreaded "Blackface".

Now the list is growing everyday of people who are begging for forgiveness for wearing Blackface. When it comes to Democrats, it's easier to list the people who haven't worn Blackface than it is to list ones who have.



This is Social Justice. This is the Transformation Of America that Barack H. Obama spoke of. do you like this new America???

Here's a list of things you cannot do or say anymore....and if there is evidence of you were ever doing it in the past, immediately you become a target and need to either resign (beg for forgiveness) or turn over your NBA/NFL franchise to a Black owner:

  • Wearing Blackface
  • Talking about Blackface
  • Standing next to a person in Blackface
  • Wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Standing next to someone wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Talking about not liking Black criminals
  • Saying the "N" word (unless you're Black)
  • Having relatives who were slave owners (unless you're Black)
  • Being White
  • Being proud of being White
  • Being proud of being an American
  • Being a White male older than 39 years old
  • Talking about Illegal Immigrants in a disparaging manner
  • Supporting a wall
  • Wearing a MAGA hat in public
  • Wearing a MAGA in a photo
  • Being a Trump supporter
  • Supporting private gun ownership
  • Being a Christian (unless you're Black, Hispanic, or a Democrat )
  • Being Heterosexual
  • Being a Republican
  • Being a Conservative
  • Being a Capitalist
  • Being a Black Conservative
  • Being a Conservative Gay Male
  • Owning a Rebel Flag
  • Having a Southern accent (unless you're Black)
  • Being from the South (unless you're Black)
  • Being Anti-reparations
  • Apposing The Green New Deal
  • Accepting an invitation to the White House
  • Admitting a media hoax is fake

This is how the left is transforming America. You cannot be a white American in an important position without automatically coming under attack. This is the ultimate shakedown. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have nothing on Hope & Change and "Social Justice". And they only way you can avoid this is by making regular statements trashing Trump. If you wonder why so many people are doing this, now you know. If you say you love God and you're proud to be an American, good luck trying to get work in Hollywood. Chris Pratt is finding this out now. By the end of the year the most sought after talent in Hollywood will be begging for work because of Blacklisting by leftist radicals on the left coast.


So what makes this any different than McCarthyism? Nothing.....except this is the new reality in America. If you become a problem to the left you will become a target. If you become an effective leader in any fashion, be it on Twitter, Facebook, or in become a target. And as time goes by, more and more Americans think this kind of fascism is totally acceptable.

Methinks i fit at least 1/3 of that list Muddy.

It's just so wonderful to be informed that i'm a racist here every 'effin day yanno

And there's never a way out of the cyclical debate , no level of appology or reparations matter.

So i say 'eff it, why fight it?

I'm white, and fuck all of you that aren't

~S~ >>>>EOR

(equal opportuinty racist)
It seems perfectly innocent. The left brings up statements or pictures of a person from the past that are embarrassing if it were happening today. But there is too much of of a coincidence for it to be happening so often to so many people who are in important positions. The Governor of Virginia's only crime was making the mistake of accidentally exposing the reality of the left's latest abortion push. That not only will they murder viable babies but actually decide to snuff the life out of a baby after it was born and outside of the womb. So they somehow found a picture from 30 years ago of him wearing the dreaded "Blackface".

Now the list is growing everyday of people who are begging for forgiveness for wearing Blackface. When it comes to Democrats, it's easier to list the people who haven't worn Blackface than it is to list ones who have.



This is Social Justice. This is the Transformation Of America that Barack H. Obama spoke of. do you like this new America???

Here's a list of things you cannot do or say anymore....and if there is evidence of you were ever doing it in the past, immediately you become a target and need to either resign (beg for forgiveness) or turn over your NBA/NFL franchise to a Black owner:

  • Wearing Blackface
  • Talking about Blackface
  • Standing next to a person in Blackface
  • Wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Standing next to someone wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Talking about not liking Black criminals
  • Saying the "N" word (unless you're Black)
  • Having relatives who were slave owners (unless you're Black)
  • Being White
  • Being proud of being White
  • Being proud of being an American
  • Being a White male older than 39 years old
  • Talking about Illegal Immigrants in a disparaging manner
  • Supporting a wall
  • Wearing a MAGA hat in public
  • Wearing a MAGA in a photo
  • Being a Trump supporter
  • Supporting private gun ownership
  • Being a Christian (unless you're Black, Hispanic, or a Democrat )
  • Being Heterosexual
  • Being a Republican
  • Being a Conservative
  • Being a Capitalist
  • Being a Black Conservative
  • Being a Conservative Gay Male
  • Owning a Rebel Flag
  • Having a Southern accent (unless you're Black)
  • Being from the South (unless you're Black)
  • Being Anti-reparations
  • Apposing The Green New Deal
  • Accepting an invitation to the White House
  • Admitting a media hoax is fake

This is how the left is transforming America. You cannot be a white American in an important position without automatically coming under attack. This is the ultimate shakedown. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have nothing on Hope & Change and "Social Justice". And they only way you can avoid this is by making regular statements trashing Trump. If you wonder why so many people are doing this, now you know. If you say you love God and you're proud to be an American, good luck trying to get work in Hollywood. Chris Pratt is finding this out now. By the end of the year the most sought after talent in Hollywood will be begging for work because of Blacklisting by leftist radicals on the left coast.


So what makes this any different than McCarthyism? Nothing.....except this is the new reality in America. If you become a problem to the left you will become a target. If you become an effective leader in any fashion, be it on Twitter, Facebook, or in become a target. And as time goes by, more and more Americans think this kind of fascism is totally acceptable.

Great expose.......the liberals/progrssives/socialists have declared war on Conservatives.....meanwhile....we still have people like McConnell in the congress that hampers our President all most as much as the leftwingers.

So what can be done? How should we fight back?
Turn off the news.
When I hear someone scream 'racist' it reminds me of 'shark, 'shark', 'shark'... where to, there's no there..there...

It seems perfectly innocent. The left brings up statements or pictures of a person from the past that are embarrassing if it were happening today. But there is too much of of a coincidence for it to be happening so often to so many people who are in important positions. The Governor of Virginia's only crime was making the mistake of accidentally exposing the reality of the left's latest abortion push. That not only will they murder viable babies but actually decide to snuff the life out of a baby after it was born and outside of the womb. So they somehow found a picture from 30 years ago of him wearing the dreaded "Blackface".

Now the list is growing everyday of people who are begging for forgiveness for wearing Blackface. When it comes to Democrats, it's easier to list the people who haven't worn Blackface than it is to list ones who have.



This is Social Justice. This is the Transformation Of America that Barack H. Obama spoke of. do you like this new America???

Here's a list of things you cannot do or say anymore....and if there is evidence of you were ever doing it in the past, immediately you become a target and need to either resign (beg for forgiveness) or turn over your NBA/NFL franchise to a Black owner:

  • Wearing Blackface
  • Talking about Blackface
  • Standing next to a person in Blackface
  • Wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Standing next to someone wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Talking about not liking Black criminals
  • Saying the "N" word (unless you're Black)
  • Having relatives who were slave owners (unless you're Black)
  • Being White
  • Being proud of being White
  • Being proud of being an American
  • Being a White male older than 39 years old
  • Talking about Illegal Immigrants in a disparaging manner
  • Supporting a wall
  • Wearing a MAGA hat in public
  • Wearing a MAGA in a photo
  • Being a Trump supporter
  • Supporting private gun ownership
  • Being a Christian (unless you're Black, Hispanic, or a Democrat )
  • Being Heterosexual
  • Being a Republican
  • Being a Conservative
  • Being a Capitalist
  • Being a Black Conservative
  • Being a Conservative Gay Male
  • Owning a Rebel Flag
  • Having a Southern accent (unless you're Black)
  • Being from the South (unless you're Black)
  • Being Anti-reparations
  • Apposing The Green New Deal
  • Accepting an invitation to the White House
  • Admitting a media hoax is fake

This is how the left is transforming America. You cannot be a white American in an important position without automatically coming under attack. This is the ultimate shakedown. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have nothing on Hope & Change and "Social Justice". And they only way you can avoid this is by making regular statements trashing Trump. If you wonder why so many people are doing this, now you know. If you say you love God and you're proud to be an American, good luck trying to get work in Hollywood. Chris Pratt is finding this out now. By the end of the year the most sought after talent in Hollywood will be begging for work because of Blacklisting by leftist radicals on the left coast.


So what makes this any different than McCarthyism? Nothing.....except this is the new reality in America. If you become a problem to the left you will become a target. If you become an effective leader in any fashion, be it on Twitter, Facebook, or in become a target. And as time goes by, more and more Americans think this kind of fascism is totally acceptable.

Great expose.......the liberals/progrssives/socialists have declared war on Conservatives.....meanwhile....we still have people like McConnell in the congress that hampers our President all most as much as the leftwingers.

So what can be done? How should we fight back?
Turn off the news.

The Media including Entertainment control the narrative and agenda. Turn them off
One of these three is not like the others.......


To stay in have to play the game.
Two of these women have established themselves as Leftist Icons.....but Dolly Parton hasn't.
So if you wonder why she showed up at the Grammys sounding like a liberal.....fear of retribution is the only answer.
Dolly Parton is about as staunch a conservative as you can get, but she knows that she would be toast if she doesn't sound off like one of the left's sheeple.
Fear of retribution is a major problem in Hollywood and the music industry. 11 Hollywood Conservatives Who Have Faced Discrimination
It seems perfectly innocent. The left brings up statements or pictures of a person from the past that are embarrassing if it were happening today. But there is too much of of a coincidence for it to be happening so often to so many people who are in important positions. The Governor of Virginia's only crime was making the mistake of accidentally exposing the reality of the left's latest abortion push. That not only will they murder viable babies but actually decide to snuff the life out of a baby after it was born and outside of the womb. So they somehow found a picture from 30 years ago of him wearing the dreaded "Blackface".

Now the list is growing everyday of people who are begging for forgiveness for wearing Blackface. When it comes to Democrats, it's easier to list the people who haven't worn Blackface than it is to list ones who have.



This is Social Justice. This is the Transformation Of America that Barack H. Obama spoke of. do you like this new America???

Here's a list of things you cannot do or say anymore....and if there is evidence of you were ever doing it in the past, immediately you become a target and need to either resign (beg for forgiveness) or turn over your NBA/NFL franchise to a Black owner:

  • Wearing Blackface
  • Talking about Blackface
  • Standing next to a person in Blackface
  • Wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Standing next to someone wearing a Civil War uniform
  • Talking about not liking Black criminals
  • Saying the "N" word (unless you're Black)
  • Having relatives who were slave owners (unless you're Black)
  • Being White
  • Being proud of being White
  • Being proud of being an American
  • Being a White male older than 39 years old
  • Talking about Illegal Immigrants in a disparaging manner
  • Supporting a wall
  • Wearing a MAGA hat in public
  • Wearing a MAGA in a photo
  • Being a Trump supporter
  • Supporting private gun ownership
  • Being a Christian (unless you're Black, Hispanic, or a Democrat )
  • Being Heterosexual
  • Being a Republican
  • Being a Conservative
  • Being a Capitalist
  • Being a Black Conservative
  • Being a Conservative Gay Male
  • Owning a Rebel Flag
  • Having a Southern accent (unless you're Black)
  • Being from the South (unless you're Black)
  • Being Anti-reparations
  • Apposing The Green New Deal
  • Accepting an invitation to the White House
  • Admitting a media hoax is fake

This is how the left is transforming America. You cannot be a white American in an important position without automatically coming under attack. This is the ultimate shakedown. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have nothing on Hope & Change and "Social Justice". And they only way you can avoid this is by making regular statements trashing Trump. If you wonder why so many people are doing this, now you know. If you say you love God and you're proud to be an American, good luck trying to get work in Hollywood. Chris Pratt is finding this out now. By the end of the year the most sought after talent in Hollywood will be begging for work because of Blacklisting by leftist radicals on the left coast.


So what makes this any different than McCarthyism? Nothing.....except this is the new reality in America. If you become a problem to the left you will become a target. If you become an effective leader in any fashion, be it on Twitter, Facebook, or in become a target. And as time goes by, more and more Americans think this kind of fascism is totally acceptable.
You must be expecting some sort of award: "Defender of Racist Fucks" or something.

If you don't want to be called a ravist, don't do or support racist shit.

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