The ultimate flip flop: Tonight Obama declares himself a dictator in his own words

We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes?
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?

I don't even know how to respond. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say it is not broken.

Okay, we have no immigration problem. It's all good.

I noticed you dodged that question. Whats the matter can't think of anything?


We have a few million people here illegally, taking jobs, using services, not paying income tax.

They have kids. And they have kids.

They're still coming.

If you don't consider that a problem, that's your call. I do.

Clear enough?


Who is paying them and is it under the table money? If they have Green Cards don't they pay taxes through the payroll deductions like most everyone else? Most of them work very hard. They want a better life for their children.
So do drug dealers and pimps.
The wingers wing on: that's what crazy far right wingers do.

Pass the law, John: you have it on your desk.
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?

I don't even know how to respond. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say it is not broken.

Okay, we have no immigration problem. It's all good.

I noticed you dodged that question. Whats the matter can't think of anything?


We have a few million people here illegally, taking jobs, using services, not paying income tax.

They have kids. And they have kids.

They're still coming.

If you don't consider that a problem, that's your call. I do.

Clear enough?


Who is paying them and is it under the table money? If they have Green Cards don't they pay taxes through the payroll deductions like most everyone else? Most of them work very hard. They want a better life for their children.
So do drug dealers and pimps.
Then drug dealers and pimps and thugs like Thanatos must change their ways.

Pass the law, John. Now.

We already have immigration laws, they don't need to pass another one.

That's what I have been saying for years now. This nonsense that liberal Nazis use (that it is "broken") is bullshit of the highest order. There is nothing wrong with our immigration laws. This "broken" crap is just their way of saying "Amnesty" for millions upon millions of wetbacks so they can come in - take what precious few jobs there are, and build a bigger voting block for the liberal nazis.

The fascist far right, of which Randall is a charter member, can either crap or get off the seat.

Pass the law, Congress. The thuggery of the far right is worthless.
How long before this gets put in Rubber Room,

Why didn't you just put it there yourself?

Or did you think the board really needed another bathsit crazy thread with no substance and a blatant lie for a title?

The Pinocchio Test
The president has certainly been consistent on this issue—until he saw that the path through Congress was blocked. It’s clear from the interviews that the president was not being asked about executive orders that would have provided comprehensive immigration reform, but about specific actions that ended deportations of a subset of illegal immigrants—precisely the type of action he will shortly unveil.

Previously he said that was not possible, using evocative language that he is not a “king” or “the emperor.” Apparently he’s changed his mind. The president earns an upside-down Pinocchio for his flip-flop.

An Upside-Down Pinocchio
Obama 8217 s royal flip-flop on using executive action on illegal immigration - The Washington Post

Obama comparing his actions to the release of the slaves is emperor like indeed, not to mention, a lie. Then the Reagan comparison is another joke. RR immigration was passed by congress. RR expanded it a year later to cover another 100K. I disagreed then, and I disagree now even more.

Obama is a traitor


Obama’s Immigration Decision Has Precedents, but May Set a New One

President Obama’s action to shield millions of undocumented immigrantsfrom deportation and grant them work permits opens a new front in the decades-long debate over the scope of presidential authority.

Although Mr. Obama is not breaking new ground by using executive powers to carve out a quasi-legal status for certain categories of unauthorized immigrants — the Republican Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush all did so — his decision will affect as many as five million immigrants, far more than the actions of those presidents.

Mr. Obama’s action is also a far more extensive reshaping of the nation’s immigration system.

“The magnitude and the formality of it is arguably unprecedented,” said Peter J. Spiro, a Temple University law professor. “It’s fair to say that we have never seen anything quite like this before in terms of the scale.”

The breadth of Mr. Obama’s decision is already raising serious legal and constitutional questions, fueling Republican charges of imperial overreachand worries among some Democrats of future fallout.
I guess he forgot Reagan's amnesty...

Reagan issued this EO to clarify the 1968 Immigration and Nationality Act that was passed by Democrat controlled Congress and signed into law by Lyndon Johnson.

Executive Order 12324 - Interdiction of Illegal AliensSeptember 29, 1981

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and statutes of the United States of America, including Sections 212(f) and 215(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1182(f) and 1185(a)(1)), in view of the continuing problem of migrants coming to the United States, by sea, without necessary entry documents, and in order to carry out the suspension and interdiction of such entry which have concurrently been proclaimed, it is hereby ordered as follows:

What law did Obama clarify? NONE is the correct answer, he made his own law.
The fascist far right, of which Randall is a charter member, can either crap or get off the seat.

Pass the law, Congress. The thuggery of the far right is worthless.

Yes the irony impaired far left troll who is going for drone of the month shows their disconnection from reality.

The Republican House tried to do this earlier in 2014, for the DACA program, passing a bill that would have prevented anyone new from signing up, and preventing current beneficiaries from renewing. Democrats controlled the Senate, so it didn't come to the floor there. Once Republicans take control of the Senate in the New Year, they could pass a similar bill — but Obama would almost certainly veto it.

Rather than a standalone bill, Congress could attach riders killing Obama's immigration programs to the annual appropriations bills. If Obama vetoed the bills (or if Senate Democrats filibustered them) then we'll have another government shutdown.

Then again the far left wants a bill passed now, all they need to do is ask Reid to vote on it.
The fascist far right, of which Randall is a charter member, can either crap or get off the seat.

Pass the law, Congress. The thuggery of the far right is worthless.

Why bother, Obama won't enforce the law if they pass it. He prefers to make his own laws.
And the Hope and Dope gang of the far right will lose. Again.

The House has not voted on a bill the bipartisan Senate passed: boo.

The Congress can doing nothing about the EO, except pass Senate bill. Since the program is self funding and since the president is in charge of the protection part of it, the HoR is out of the circle.

Sux to be anti immigrant and anti-American, which is what you are, far righties.
Frank, I know you are hurting, and I feel for you.

But the great majority of America will never support the white fright right world in which you live.

The EO is morally right and it is untouchable: he control the protective service portion and the program is self funding.

No federal judge is going to get involved in this. It's over.

Pass the Senate version. Monday.
This will be challenged in court and overturned. Bookmark it, take it to the bank. The POTUS, as Obama has oft explained, does not have the ability to make law. His "evolution" on the issue is a pathetic attempt to pander to gullible Hispanics who don't know better.
Book mark Zander's comment above. The president's EO is untouchable.

Pass the Senate version on the Speaker's desk. Now.
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New democrats for sure if our GOP does not pull its head out of its ass.

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