The UK adopts wind


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
Helsinki, Finland
Finally - Britain is getting serious about using 21st century energy!

Britain will produce 25% of its energy needs from wind - which is probably quite a sensible and achievable figure, and means Britain has a good mix of nuclear, wind and other forms of production. It also means Britain stays in the race economically on the production of energy products, although no great surprise that one of the lead contractors is a Norwegian company!

The BBC reports:

Successful bids for nine new offshore wind farm zone licences within UK waters have been announced.

A consortium including Npower and Norway's Statkraft won the licence for the biggest zone, in Dogger Bank, which could produce nine gigawatts of energy.

Turbines in the nine zones could generate up to 32 gigawatts of power, a quarter of the UK's electricity needs.

BBC News - New UK offshore wind farm licences are announced
Most of the other answers are half right half wrong.

Housing Benefit is administered by local councils. When they make decisions, you can usually appeal them; you have one month to do so. After that, you will have to give a good reason why you are late in appealing. Your question indicates you are out of time to appeal. You can still try; it may be allowed to proceed.
What a lie, 32 gwh, impossible. Pure bullshit. Oil companies will get rich, you cannot make wind farms without increasing oil production, where do you think windmills come from, the tooth fairy.

It takes oil and massive amounts of energy to make Wind Turbines.

It takes chemicals like Propene that only come from oil to make fiberglass, Propene is in short supply and high demand, we must increase our production of oil to increase our production of propene. So we use resources at a faster rate to produce less power than if we just burnt oil.

You read an article with little information and you think its true, that is being gullible.

Pick up any power magazine and the oil industry is advertising there windmills, why?

Obama has taken millions from General Electric, why does GE give millions to politicians. Why are all the corporations cooperating, because they get to sell much more product.

Imagine building a thousand cars and letting them sit in a field doing nothing, how great would that be for General Motors, well that is what Green Energy is to industry, product thrown away, bought by the government, mandated by the government.

Every wind farm has 100% fossil fuel back up, when the wind dont blow which is 95% of the time than the fossil fuel back up kicks in, so you get to buy expensive green energy and feel so good about how great you are for the earth while the corporation produces cheap energy from fossil fuels and sells the energy at the higher "green energy" price.

Wake up and do some real research.

Its this type of ignorance that destroyed the economy and is destroying the future.

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