The Tyranny of the Left

Wrong. First of all a false fallacy is not defined, even if you could define it.

The facts are, if someone calls themselves a Republican and posts belief with these bullet points,

  • called Republicans a RINO
  • believes the election was stolen
  • echoes TDS ad nausea
  • believes the Pandemic is a hoax
  • posts the same BIG LIES
  • posts the same conspiracy stories
  • hates the intelligentsia
  • hates minorities who they've never met
  • believes Jan 6 was a false flag event led by ANTIFA
one can be sure they are biddable fools, damn liars and Trumpanzees.
That's right they are gonna get us both houses back and Trump back in the Whitehouse. Liberal rednecks! Racist just like they used to be!
Oh, come now, folks.

Everybody should know that THIS


is the one, true Tranny of the left.
I'm not sure where you're getting that.
Read on! :)
But the left, is the democrats.
Not remotely - no more than the Jews of Germany were Nazis.

It's laziness and habit, as well as occasional Democrat pandering for votes from the left, which conflate the two.
That like the VAST popular belief.
Laziness, habit and Democrat pandering, but it couldn't be farther from the truth.

Democrats are the left in the same way that Democrats care about Blacks.

In other words, not a thing.
Even democrats will admit they're on the left.
Some may believe they are, but they are not.

Tucker Carlson gets it, but most conservatives - and many Democrats - don't.

By joining the Democrats in hatred of the tiny, powerless left, conservatives squander the opportunity to forge a crucial and valuable alliance.
Wrong. First of all a false fallacy is not defined, even if you could define it.

The facts are, if someone calls themselves a Republican and posts belief with these bullet points,

  • called Republicans a RINO
  • believes the election was stolen
  • echoes TDS ad nausea
  • believes the Pandemic is a hoax
  • posts the same BIG LIES
  • posts the same conspiracy stories
  • hates the intelligentsia
  • hates minorities who they've never met
  • believes Jan 6 was a false flag event led by ANTIFA
one can be sure they are biddable fools, damn liars and Trumpanzees.

Wrong. First of all a false fallacy is not defined, even if you could define it.

The facts are, if someone calls themselves a Republican and posts belief with these bullet points,

  • called Republicans a RINO
  • believes the election was stolen
  • echoes TDS ad nausea
  • believes the Pandemic is a hoax
  • posts the same BIG LIES
  • posts the same conspiracy stories
  • hates the intelligentsia
  • hates minorities who they've never met
  • believes Jan 6 was a false flag event led by ANTIFA
one can be sure they are biddable fools, damn liars and Trumpanzees.

No, that's not true at all because you refuse to accept factual data and glom on to mainstream propaganda. It's very telling of lower intelligence quotients since logic and critical thought is replaced by feelings and emotion.
AS the most left, progressive, liberal here, I certainly do NOT AT ALL support democrats most of the time.
In fact, LBJ and Hillary should likely have been imprisoned for war crimes.

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