The Tyranny of the Left

I'm a little bitch? I don't need to call myself a man as do you.
Because you'd be lying.

Oh, and happy birthday!

birthday commie.jpg
You ain’t a man for sure because if you were you would know when to go silent and just walk away!

I don't need to go silent or to walk away. I'm quite happy reading the crap of racists, misogynists and Trumpanzees and responding to these haters. I read their crap and see the pathology and pity them.
I don't need to go silent or to walk away. I'm quite happy reading the crap of racists, misogynists and Trumpanzees and responding to these haters. I read their crap and see the pathology and pity them.
How many boxes of tissues do you go through in a month, weeping bitter, angry tears over people not recognizing your obvious superiority?
How many boxes of tissues do you go through in a month, weeping bitter, angry tears over people not recognizing your obvious superiority?

A one eyed man is king, when blind people like you suffer pathological ignorance.
I'm a liberal Democrat, not a fascist, not a commie, not an extremist.

BTW, I have nothing to respond to yet I can make it clear that nothing I've posted is bullshit. What post did I state?

BTW, of course my family and I have all been vaccinated, only biddable fools are antivaxxers.

If you’re a liberal democrat and can’t see how far left and insane your party has become you’re just as bad as they are.
If you’re a liberal democrat and can’t see how far left and insane your party has become you’re just as bad as they are.
I am a Liberal Democrat, and the Democratic Party is not singular as is the party that is feared by trump, i.e. the party that is anti democratic and is now autocratic. The only US Party that tosses out members who are sheeple and call those RINOS' who were Eisenhower Supporters:
(See: Republican Party Platform of 1956 | The American Presidency Project)

The D Party is partly Progressive, partly Liberal, mostly fiscally responsible and supportive of Civil Rights. Progressives seek change now, Liberals work within the democratic system and conservative democrats - known as Blue Dogs - are cautious of change and raising taxes.
I am a Liberal Democrat, and the Democratic Party is not singular as is the party that is feared by trump, i.e. the party that is anti democratic and is now autocratic. The only US Party that tosses out members who are sheeple and call those RINOS' who were Eisenhower Supporters:
(See: Republican Party Platform of 1956 | The American Presidency Project)

The D Party is partly Progressive, partly Liberal, mostly fiscally responsible and supportive of Civil Rights. Progressives seek change now, Liberals work within the democratic system and conservative democrats - known as Blue Dogs - are cautious of change and raising taxes.

Sorry, you’re wrong and that’s just sad.

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