The Tyranny of the Left

False fallacy.
Wrong. First of all a false fallacy is not defined, even if you could define it.

The facts are, if someone calls themselves a Republican and posts belief with these bullet points,

  • called Republicans a RINO
  • believes the election was stolen
  • echoes TDS ad nausea
  • believes the Pandemic is a hoax
  • posts the same BIG LIES
  • posts the same conspiracy stories
  • hates the intelligentsia
  • hates minorities who they've never met
  • believes Jan 6 was a false flag event led by ANTIFA
one can be sure they are biddable fools, damn liars and Trumpanzees.
All 21st Century Republicans hate democracy and believe every lie dumb Donald has tweeted or spewed in a speech.
And of course you TDS afflicted morons can never quote the alleged lies and prove they are lies.

The fake news media tells you that he told thousands of lies and you believe the fake news media without a hint of skepticism because you have a very low IQ, which makes you very suggestible.

You're simply too stupid to think for yourself.
Wrong. First of all a false fallacy is not defined, even if you could define it.

The facts are, if someone calls themselves a Republican and posts belief with these bullet points,

  • called Republicans a RINO
  • believes the election was stolen
  • echoes TDS ad nausea
  • believes the Pandemic is a hoax
  • posts the same BIG LIES
  • posts the same conspiracy stories
  • hates the intelligentsia
  • hates minorities who they've never met
  • believes Jan 6 was a false flag event led by ANTIFA
one can be sure they are biddable fools, damn liars and Trumpanzees.
What's really funny is, despite no supporting evidence, you consider yourself one of the intelligentsia. :auiqs.jpg:

Butthurt buffoon.
What's really funny is, despite no supporting evidence, you consider yourself one of the intelligentsia. :auiqs.jpg:

Butthurt buffoon.
Nope, but I'm smart enough to conclude you're a damn liar [I never wrote or said I was part of the intelligentsia.] I do have post graduate work in a university.

I do realize I'm smarter and better educated to you.
Nope, but I'm smart enough to conclude you're a damn liar [I never wrote or said I was part of the intelligentsia.] I do have post graduate work in a university.
You have a superiority complex based on nothing at all. Your shirt is stuffed to within 5 PSI of its burst pressure. You're so full of yourself, you make Narcissus say, "Damn, dude. Stop staring at the mirror." You're so bombastic we need to call Explosive Ordnance Disposal.

And you damn sure can't comprehend why people don't take you seriously.
You have a superiority complex based on nothing at all. Your shirt is stuffed to within 5 PSI of its burst pressure. You're so full of yourself, you make Narcissus say, "Damn, dude. Stop staring at the mirror." You're so bombastic we need to call Explosive Ordnance Disposal.

And you damn sure can't comprehend why people don't take you seriously.
And you believe you are taken seriously?
And of course you TDS afflicted morons can never quote the alleged lies and prove they are lies.

The fake news media tells you that he told thousands of lies and you believe the fake news media without a hint of skepticism because you have a very low IQ, which makes you very suggestible.

You're simply too stupid to think for yourself.

During a rally in Arizona on Saturday, former President Donald Trump repeated his lie that the 2020 election was stolen and made other false claims about the pandemic and the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year. Here’s a fact check.

“The left is now rationing lifesaving therapeutics based on race, discriminating against and denigrating, just denigrating, white people to determine who lives and who dies. If you’re white, you don’t get the vaccine, or if you’re white, you don’t get therapeutics.”"
Bullshit. Your posts here state otherwise. You fully bought into the vaccine and mask mandate like the fascist that you are.
I'm a liberal Democrat, not a fascist, not a commie, not an extremist.

BTW, I have nothing to respond to yet I can make it clear that nothing I've posted is bullshit. What post did I state?

BTW, of course my family and I have all been vaccinated, only biddable fools are antivaxxers.
I'm a liberal Democrat, not a fascist, not a commie, not an extremist.

BTW, I have nothing to respond to yet I can make it clear that nothing I've posted is bullshit. What post did I state?

BTW, of course my family and I have all been vaccinated, only biddable fools are antivaxxers.
Liberal Democrat aka leftist. My family and I have been vaccinated but I do not believe mandates should be allowed as it creates a slippery slope. You also believe that men may identify as women, that we should ask people what pronouns they prefer....follow the are the epitome of evil in America and you don't even see it.

I am anti MANDATES not VACCINES you old idiot.

During a rally in Arizona on Saturday, former President Donald Trump repeated his lie that the 2020 election was stolen and made other false claims about the pandemic and the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year. Here’s a fact check.

“The left is now rationing lifesaving therapeutics based on race, discriminating against and denigrating, just denigrating, white people to determine who lives and who dies. If you’re white, you don’t get the vaccine, or if you’re white, you don’t get therapeutics.”"
Thanks for proving my point that TDS afflicted morons such as yourself simply believe anything the fake news media tells you, without a hint of skepticism. That's because your low IQ makes you very suggestible.

Suggestibility and intelligence are inversely related.
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None of this has anything to do with the left.

It's Democrats.

Democrats DESPISE the left.

Confusing Democrats with the left is like thinking the Nazis were Jews.

I'm not sure where you're getting that. But the left, is the democrats. That like the VAST popular belief. Even democrats will admit they're on the left.

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