The Truth is Unacceptable in Academe...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole - Quillette

...If the favored victim group doesn't like it.

Long article, but in brief, this Academic writes a paper documenting why men are over - represented in areas where highest intelligence prevails (Nobel laureates, chess masters, top positions in engineering and math). Basically, the dispersion of intelligence (among other things) in men is wider than women. Therefore, there are more male geniuses and more male imbeciles, while the average intelligence male/female is about the same. His research was "brutally" suppressed in Academe, because the findings might make women feel bad, or become discouraged.

Think about that. None of the critics challenged his data, or conclusions, but they threw a hissy - fit to prevent it's publication because of how it might make people FEEL!

Is the Left Fucked up or what?
Women excel at making babies. I can't make babies. Can you make babies?
Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole - Quillette

...If the favored victim group doesn't like it.

Long article, but in brief, this Academic writes a paper documenting why men are over - represented in areas where highest intelligence prevails (Nobel laureates, chess masters, top positions in engineering and math). Basically, the dispersion of intelligence (among other things) in men is wider than women. Therefore, there are more male geniuses and more male imbeciles, while the average intelligence male/female is about the same. His research was "brutally" suppressed in Academe, because the findings might make women feel bad, or become discouraged.

Think about that. None of the critics challenged his data, or conclusions, but they threw a hissy - fit to prevent it's publication because of how it might make people FEEL!

Is the Left Fucked up or what?
HIs research? That sounds objective.
Damn. No wonder they suppressed it. It would have made everyone involved look like an idiot. WTF?

"There are significantly more men than women, for example, among Nobel laureates, music composers, and chess champions—and also among homeless people, suicide victims, and federal prison inmates."

What makes this quack think that writing music or being a chess champion makes a male more intelligent than a female that is a stay at home mom?
Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole - Quillette

...If the favored victim group doesn't like it.

Long article, but in brief, this Academic writes a paper documenting why men are over - represented in areas where highest intelligence prevails (Nobel laureates, chess masters, top positions in engineering and math). Basically, the dispersion of intelligence (among other things) in men is wider than women. Therefore, there are more male geniuses and more male imbeciles, while the average intelligence male/female is about the same. His research was "brutally" suppressed in Academe, because the findings might make women feel bad, or become discouraged.

Think about that. None of the critics challenged his data, or conclusions, but they threw a hissy - fit to prevent it's publication because of how it might make people FEEL!

Is the Left Fucked up or what?

This is truly awful.

I'm a woman and I have no problem with this. What's the issue? It's true. If you look at history, it doesn't take a GENIUS to figure out that, by and large, men have mostly built everything. And they have mostly destroyed it too. Hello? Doesn't mean women can't be great at whatever too....just looking at the data.

Science sucks these days. They don't even hold to their own standards.
Damn. No wonder they suppressed it. It would have made everyone involved look like an idiot. WTF?

"There are significantly more men than women, for example, among Nobel laureates, music composers, and chess champions—and also among homeless people, suicide victims, and federal prison inmates."

What makes this quack think that writing music or being a chess champion makes a male more intelligent than a female that is a stay at home mom?

He didn't compare composers and chess champions to stay at home moms. He compared them to prisoners, homeless people and suicide victims. Do try to get it right.
Damn. No wonder they suppressed it. It would have made everyone involved look like an idiot. WTF?

"There are significantly more men than women, for example, among Nobel laureates, music composers, and chess champions—and also among homeless people, suicide victims, and federal prison inmates."

What makes this quack think that writing music or being a chess champion makes a male more intelligent than a female that is a stay at home mom?

He didn't compare composers and chess champions to stay at home moms. He compared them to prisoners, homeless people and suicide victims. Do try to get it right.
I didnt say he did compare them. I said what makes this quack think that writing music or being a chess champion makes a male more intelliget than a female thats a stay at home mom. How did you miss that?
Damn. No wonder they suppressed it. It would have made everyone involved look like an idiot. WTF?

"There are significantly more men than women, for example, among Nobel laureates, music composers, and chess champions—and also among homeless people, suicide victims, and federal prison inmates."

What makes this quack think that writing music or being a chess champion makes a male more intelligent than a female that is a stay at home mom?

He didn't compare composers and chess champions to stay at home moms. He compared them to prisoners, homeless people and suicide victims. Do try to get it right.
I didnt say he did compare them. I said what makes this quack think that writing music or being a chess champion makes a male more intelliget than a female thats a stay at home mom. How did you miss that?

Well you can stay at home with your kids and still be a chess player, or at some point compose music. You can still make it to the top of many of those fields, but many women do not. The neuroscience bears out so much of what this study says: men fall more at the top and bottom of intelligence and also have the ability to focus on one task better, which probably leads to better accomplishment in fields like chess and composition. Women are much better multitaskers. This is brain research. You know, science.
(1). There are certain careers that require truly superior intelligence, not just being "smart." Math or engineering professor. Actuary. Patent attorney. Certain IT design fields.

(2). The dispersion of male intelligence is wider than the dispersion of female intelligence. So you will find more men with IQ's over 150 than women, and you will find more men with IQ's under 60 than women. Women's variability is not as widely distributed.

(3). So you will find that men dominate in those careers where superior intelligence is required. IT IS NOT THE RESULT OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST QUALIFIED WOMEN.

Policy makers who try to craft the "rules" so that women will be represented equally at all levels of success end up making bizarre concessions and allowances to force an unnatural result.

Since women dominate the population of colleges and universities, "they" have concluded that their dearth in the aforesaid areas MUST BE THE RESULT OF DISCRIMINATION, and any research that implies that it is natural and not discrimination...well, that research must be suppressed.

And what this has to do with housewives eludes me. There are genius car mechanics (men) and there are genius housewives (women) but those people have nothing to do with this discussion.
Damn. No wonder they suppressed it. It would have made everyone involved look like an idiot. WTF?

"There are significantly more men than women, for example, among Nobel laureates, music composers, and chess champions—and also among homeless people, suicide victims, and federal prison inmates."

What makes this quack think that writing music or being a chess champion makes a male more intelligent than a female that is a stay at home mom?

He didn't compare composers and chess champions to stay at home moms. He compared them to prisoners, homeless people and suicide victims. Do try to get it right.
I didnt say he did compare them. I said what makes this quack think that writing music or being a chess champion makes a male more intelliget than a female thats a stay at home mom. How did you miss that?

Well you can stay at home with your kids and still be a chess player, or at some point compose music. You can still make it to the top of many of those fields, but many women do not. The neuroscience bears out so much of what this study says: men fall more at the top and bottom of intelligence and also have the ability to focus on one task better, which probably leads to better accomplishment in fields like chess and composition. Women are much better multitaskers. This is brain research. You know, science.
True you can but if you dont that in no way implies you are not intelligent. For starters there has to an interest in doing those things. Secondly they require training that women may not have traditionally have had access to or it was socially unacceptable. Not too long ago I remember women were expected to be nurses not doctors. Its asinine, extremely poor science to say because one group of people typically have not had the expectation, training or desire to go into a field that they are less intelligent. What kind of idiot would even subscribe to such a notion? A better premise would be to study fields where there are equal amounts of women and men that have traditionally been trained for and desire to be in those fields. Tradition, social expectations, training, and desire all count as variables in determining the field people go into. Personally its my belief that women are way more intelligent than men.
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(1). There are certain careers that require truly superior intelligence, not just being "smart." Math or engineering professor. Actuary. Patent attorney. Certain IT design fields.

(2). The dispersion of male intelligence is wider than the dispersion of female intelligence. So you will find more men with IQ's over 150 than women, and you will find more men with IQ's under 60 than women. Women's variability is not as widely distributed.

(3). So you will find that men dominate in those careers where superior intelligence is required. IT IS NOT THE RESULT OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST QUALIFIED WOMEN.

Policy makers who try to craft the "rules" so that women will be represented equally at all levels of success end up making bizarre concessions and allowances to force an unnatural result.

Since women dominate the population of colleges and universities, "they" have concluded that their dearth in the aforesaid areas MUST BE THE RESULT OF DISCRIMINATION, and any research that implies that it is natural and not discrimination...well, that research must be suppressed.

And what this has to do with housewives eludes me. There are genius car mechanics (men) and there are genius housewives (women) but those people have nothing to do with this discussion.


How long have women been encouraged, allowed, and expected to achieve a career in the fields you listed?

I work in the IT field and the discrimination the women get in my specific skill set is mind boggling.
Asclepias, allow me to give you a responsive answer.

For AT LEAST the past forty years, girls in our grade schools and high schools have been strongly encouraged to take up and pursue the "STEM" subjects. In many cases, the subject matter itself, as well as the grading, has been modified to encourage girls to continue. I saw with my own son (who attended a high-end public school) that math and science coursework was watered down and made more "verbal" and less quantitative, as was the grading, entirely so that girls would be more comfortable with it. Getting the correct answer was devalued to the same level has having a nice presentation of your answer. As if...

And as the "girls" continued in these subjects, their success in the quantitative aspects was in most cases marginal. Female engineers RARELY obtain the P.E. designation, which requires high quantitative skills and knowledge, and when they get into their careers it is almost never in design or technically demanding jobs, but rather in project management, project administration, marketing support and sales.

They are not being discriminated against, but are rather finding their level, according to aptitudes and abilities. Big companies as we find in Silicon Valley put women in technical positions due to social engineering goals, but they are protected against their own technical weaknesses by top-down management directives, and their male co-workers take up the slack.

Speaking in generalities here, of course. Among 150 million or so women in this country, I'm sure there are some technical geniuses. A smattering.
Asclepias, allow me to give you a responsive answer.

For AT LEAST the past forty years, girls in our grade schools and high schools have been strongly encouraged to take up and pursue the "STEM" subjects. In many cases, the subject matter itself, as well as the grading, has been modified to encourage girls to continue. I saw with my own son (who attended a high-end public school) that math and science coursework was watered down and made more "verbal" and less quantitative, as was the grading, entirely so that girls would be more comfortable with it. Getting the correct answer was devalued to the same level has having a nice presentation of your answer. As if...

And as the "girls" continued in these subjects, their success in the quantitative aspects was in most cases marginal. Female engineers RARELY obtain the P.E. designation, which requires high quantitative skills and knowledge, and when they get into their careers it is almost never in design or technically demanding jobs, but rather in project management, project administration, marketing support and sales.

They are not being discriminated against, but are rather finding their level, according to aptitudes and abilities. Big companies as we find in Silicon Valley put women in technical positions due to social engineering goals, but they are protected against their own technical weaknesses by top-down management directives, and their male co-workers take up the slack.

Speaking in generalities here, of course. Among 150 million or so women in this country, I'm sure there are some technical geniuses. A smattering.
So youre basing this on an admittedly short time span of at least 40 years? How many centuries where these fields were primarily the province of men? Are you starting to get my point?

40 years 50 years 60 years doesnt undo centuries of discrimination even if you are naive enough to believe it stopped 40 years ago. It doesnt undo centuries of social expectations which cause certain groups to take less interest in specific fields. Until we can get a comparable amount of time where the situation is reversed we cant say with any certainty that one group on average is more intelligent than the other. There are way to many factors and variables this clown in particular hasnt taken into account.
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Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole - Quillette

...If the favored victim group doesn't like it.

Long article, but in brief, this Academic writes a paper documenting why men are over - represented in areas where highest intelligence prevails (Nobel laureates, chess masters, top positions in engineering and math). Basically, the dispersion of intelligence (among other things) in men is wider than women. Therefore, there are more male geniuses and more male imbeciles, while the average intelligence male/female is about the same. His research was "brutally" suppressed in Academe, because the findings might make women feel bad, or become discouraged.

Think about that. None of the critics challenged his data, or conclusions, but they threw a hissy - fit to prevent it's publication because of how it might make people FEEL!

Is the Left Fucked up or what?
Your conclusions are unfair and overwrought. There is plenty of discussion in the academic world right now about this. And your attempt to characterize all of academia with your hamhanded, superstitious partisanship is absurd.

Here, I'll do it too:

Look here at how religious nuts act, the rare times they can size upon a problem in the academic world. They are abviously all lying charlatans, and only make these threads in the hopes of smearing the pursuit of knowledge that inevitably relevates their magical hoo-ha to the trash of history.
The truth (facts) are neither fair nor unfair. What one does with the truth can be fair or unfair.

If I make a list of the top musical composers in Western Civilization (Mozart, Brahms, Beethoven, Bach, etc.), one might note that none of them are women. This is a fact.

It may be that if Western culture were structured differently in the past, there would be an equal number of women in the Greatest List, but that is not the case. Reality bites. So the solution is to ensure that women are not held back or discriminated against TODAY, so that if there is a budding Mozart out there, she will be able to flower into her total potential.

The solution is NOT to pretend that various third-rate female composers from the past are on par with the greatest who ever lived. They are not.

As for the article at the top of this thread, it contains a very tenable scientific analysis of why men seem to be at the top of professions and categories where optimum intelligence prevails. It is not a matter of discrimination against women, but rather the predominance of men at the very top of the iQ scale - a phenomenon that is clearly explained and detailed. At the same time, it explains why men predominate in prisons and looney bins, a fact that women feel quite comfortable with.

If this FACT makes certain women uncomfortable, they need to get over it. Do white boys disdain playing basketball because American caucasians are rare among NBA starters? Do they deny that the demographics of the NBA are a reflection of meritocratic processes? No. They do their best and rise to the highest levels that their talent and abilities allow. Women in STEM fields need to take the same approach. Maybe they will become the "Larry Bird" of actuaries or Grand Chess Masters or musical; composers. You never know.

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