The Truth About the Nazis with Stephen Hicks

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I was raised to hate Nazis deeply. When the Army sent me to Germany in 1962, I was not happy due to my hate for the Germans. I expected to have them taunt us with goose steps and yell Heil Hitler. But they did not. Fact is, I found them willing to discuss Hitler. Maybe today they don't. But we had bombed the shit out of where I was based and really would I blame them for being angry? I do not know why I did not find any angry. This topic is about Hitler and why the Germans liked him. This is not to make Hitler look great. It might help some posters quit calling Americans by the word Nazi.

Want to know more about the Germans and why Hitler to them was good?

This Canadian professor will explain it to you.

I was raised to hate Nazis deeply. When the Army sent me to Germany in 1962, I was not happy due to my hate for the Germans. I expected to have them taunt us with goose steps and yell Heil Hitler. But they did not. Fact is, I found them willing to discuss Hitler. Maybe today they don't. But we had bombed the shit out of where I was based and really would I blame them for being angry? I do not know why I did not find any angry. This topic is about Hitler and why the Germans liked him. This is not to make Hitler look great. It might help some posters quit calling Americans by the word Nazi.

Want to know more about the Germans and why Hitler to them was good?

This Canadian professor will explain it to you.

Damn, guy, you got me all teary-eyed (sniff) . . . I got something in me eye (sniff).
Damn, guy, you got me all teary-eyed (sniff) . . . I got something in me eye (sniff).
No way am I exonerating Hitler. But one has to study the opposite side to accurately assess all claims.
I was raised to hate Nazis deeply. When the Army sent me to Germany in 1962, I was not happy due to my hate for the Germans. I expected to have them taunt us with goose steps and yell Heil Hitler. But they did not. Fact is, I found them willing to discuss Hitler. Maybe today they don't. But we had bombed the shit out of where I was based and really would I blame them for being angry? I do not know why I did not find any angry. This topic is about Hitler and why the Germans liked him. This is not to make Hitler look great. It might help some posters quit calling Americans by the word Nazi.

Want to know more about the Germans and why Hitler to them was good?

This Canadian professor will explain it to you.

Thing is with people is that they can live in a country that is evil, and get along okay.

You think of all the ordinary people who have lived their lives under bad governments over the millenia....

The West Germans had to deal with their past, they were forced to and they were willing to do so. The East Germans (and Austrians) did not confront their past and it means there's far more intolerance in those places than the former West Germany.
Thing is with people is that they can live in a country that is evil, and get along okay.

You think of all the ordinary people who have lived their lives under bad governments over the millenia....

The West Germans had to deal with their past, they were forced to and they were willing to do so. The East Germans (and Austrians) did not confront their past and it means there's far more intolerance in those places than the former West Germany.
When I have the crap done by the Democrats, shoved up my ass, I feel very bad for the former Germans under Hitler. We have folks that would love to shout Heil Biden.
When I have the crap done by the Democrats, shoved up my ass, I feel very bad for the former Germans under Hitler. We have folks that would love to shout Heil Biden.

People, in general, are easily manipulated. Reps and Dems have got it down to an art form, Hitler was one of the first modern manipulators, along with Mussolini, Stalin etc.

People will do evil things just to please their bosses, just to keep the wage coming in. It's who we are.
I was raised to hate Nazis deeply. When the Army sent me to Germany in 1962, I was not happy due to my hate for the Germans. I expected to have them taunt us with goose steps and yell Heil Hitler. But they did not. Fact is, I found them willing to discuss Hitler. Maybe today they don't. But we had bombed the shit out of where I was based and really would I blame them for being angry? I do not know why I did not find any angry. This topic is about Hitler and why the Germans liked him. This is not to make Hitler look great. It might help some posters quit calling Americans by the word Nazi.

Want to know more about the Germans and why Hitler to them was good?

This Canadian professor will explain it to you.

I don’t trust anything that purports to be the truth with the implication that we’ve been lied to. Just give me the facts and don’t make any pre-emptive assertions.
I don’t trust anything that purports to be the truth with the implication that we’ve been lied to. Just give me the facts and don’t make any pre-emptive assertions.
That my friend is precisely what I did.
Maybe Hicks wants to create a political issue out of nothing but Germans weren't hated by Americans after WW2 because of Hitler. As a matter of fact the Marshall Plan was established to rebuild Germany after the war. The Berlin Airlift fed Germans when Russians closed off the border and JFK told Germans "we are all Berliners" when Russians built the Wall.
Maybe Hicks wants to create a political issue out of nothing but Germans weren't hated by Americans after WW2 because of Hitler. As a matter of fact the Marshall Plan was established to rebuild Germany after the war. The Berlin Airlift fed Germans when Russians closed off the border and JFK told Germans "we are all Berliners" when Russians built the Wall.
That all happened due to our politicians of the day. Believe it or not, I was in Berlin and would land and take off from the same airfield our American military planes used to deliver food and important goods to the West Berliners. That airport is closed. It was the Tempelhof Flughafen. I also walked by the same podium that JFK spoke at. Can't recall why I did not walk up the steps. Probably fenced off.
Maybe Hicks wants to create a political issue out of nothing but Germans weren't hated by Americans after WW2 because of Hitler.

You had had genocided many Red Indian nations, you had been racists and general Paxton - ¿Why did he piss from a bridge into the Rhine to show to everyone that he had been a winner? - had also been an anti-Semite (not the only one, I guess) .

As a matter of fact the Marshall Plan was established to rebuild Germany after the war.

The Marshall plan was for whole Europe. Fortunatelly Germany got less than others because the Marshall plan had to be subventioned from the German government. It meant only to have the right to buy some goods from the USA. And this goods had been damned expensive. It was and is popular "only" on psychological reasons. The symbol was to reach out to an enemy the hand in a generous way and to say "You are welcome too".

The Berlin Airlift fed Germans when Russians closed off the border and JFK told Germans "we are all Berliners" when Russians built the Wall.

The Berlin Airlift was by the way British idea. Your first reaction had been "this is impossible" - but the Brits convinced you. And with this air lift - when Russia blocked all ways through the Soviet sector of Germany - the opinion about the US-Americans changed and most Germans started to see in you human beings and not only soldiers - specially also because some of your pilots threw chocolate for children out of their cockpits.

Remark: This song caused fear in Great Britain. Carnival was for them creepy. They had been shocked about the arrogance of us Germans.
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That all happened due to our politicians of the day. Believe it or not, I was in Berlin and would land and take off from the same airfield our American military planes used to deliver food and important goods to the West Berliners. That airport is closed. It was the Tempelhof Flughafen. I also walked by the same podium that JFK spoke at. Can't recall why I did not walk up the steps. Probably fenced off.

There are many people in the world who really don’t understand, or say they don’t, what is the great issue between the Free World and the Communist world. Let them come to Berlin. There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin. And there are some who say in Europe and elsewhere we can work with the Communists. Let them come to Berlin. And there are even a few who say that it is true that communism is an evil system, but it permits us to make economic progress. Lass’ sie nach Berlin kommen. Let them come to Berlin.
Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in, to prevent them from leaving us.
Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free. When all are free, then we can look forward to that day when this city will be joined as one and this country and this great Continent of Europe in a peaceful and hopeful globe. When that day finally comes, as it will, the people of West Berlin can take sober satisfaction in the fact that they were in the front lines for almost two decades.
All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words “Ich bin ein Berliner.”


John F. Kennedy June, 26th, 1963

RIAS Berlin - eine freie Stimme der freien Welt.)
= RIAS Berlin - a free voice of the free world

Ich glaube an die Unantastbarkeit und an die Würde jedes einzelnen Menschen. Ich glaube, dass allen Menschen von Gott das gleiche Recht auf Freiheit gegeben wurde. Ich verspreche, jedem Angriff auf die Freiheit und der Tyrannei Widerstand zu leisten, wo auch immer sie auftreten mögen.
🇬🇧 🇺🇸
I believe in the sacredness and dignity of the individual. I believe that all men derive the right to freedom equally from God. I pledge to resist aggression and tyranny wherever they appear on earth.
Я вірю в недоторканність і гідність кожної людини.Я вірю, що всім людям Бог дав однакове право на свободу.Я обіцяю чинити опір будь-якому нападу на свободу та тиранію, де б це не відбувалося.
Я верю в неприкосновенность и достоинство каждого человека.Я верю, что все люди получили от Бога одинаковое право на свободу.Я обещаю противостоять любым посягательствам на свободу и тиранию, где бы они ни проявлялись.
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Up to '38 , say , dear Uncle Adolf was seemingly a very successful Chancellor although he had created today's Neo Con American Fascist outlook and was rather "brisk" in his dealings with the Jewish community, but all without upsetting too many geo-political apple carts .
If he had died then he would almost certainly be now revered as a great statesman by the Germans , imho , and also by many outsiders --- though not with the Jewish people --- excluding the very wealthy who were embraced by dear Uncle and his friendly SS buddies . They took all the money American Jewish banks would give them and people like Himmler and Goering could not afford to kill off their financial mentors and saviours .
"Why the Germans loved Hitler"

My short German answer:

We Germans never loved Hitler - also not when the Nazis ruled Germany. How I know this? On a very simple reason: We Germans in this time of history often gave children names of popular nobles and famous politicians. But the name "Adolf" was not very popular - never - also not when Hitler was president and chancellor and leader (=Führer) of Germany.
Up to '38 , say , dear Uncle Adolf was seemingly a very successful Chancellor although he had created today's Neo Con American Fascist outlook and was rather "brisk" in his dealings with the Jewish community, but all without upsetting too many geo-political apple carts .
If he had died then he would almost certainly be now revered as a great statesman by the Germans , imho ,

That's true. Because in 1938 he had recreated the so called "Großdeutsche Reich" including Austria. Germany was Germany again.

and also by many outsiders --- though not with the Jewish people --- excluding the very wealthy who were embraced by dear Uncle and his friendly SS buddies .

The SS had rings with a skull. The skull was also used on uniforms and caps. Himmler- the boss of the SS and all German policemen - was convinced only two races are able to rule the world: The Germans and the Jews. That's why he liked to wipe out the superior race "Jews" darwinianly. He liked to eliminate all Jewish genes - liked to eliminate unborn Jews, babies, children, women, men - and everyone else who had any Jewish ancestor. The "problem": Jews exist in all "races" of the world because to be a Jew has nothing to do with darwinism.

They took all the money American Jewish banks would give them and people like Himmler and Goering could not afford to kill off their financial mentors and saviours .

Idiot, why do you use here a structural Nazi propaganda?
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I was raised to hate Nazis deeply. When the Army sent me to Germany in 1962, I was not happy due to my hate for the Germans. ...

As a young man, every bone in my body wanted to pick up a machine gun and kill Germans. And yet I had absolutely no reason to do so. Certainly nobody invited me to do the job. But that’s what I felt that I was trained to do. Now no part of my upbringing was militaristic.
Pete Townshend

Hitler, it was not his idea to kill the Jews. I think that is very important to state. It was not the NAZIs that thought up the idea to kill the Jews.

The idea to kill the Jews existed for over a 100 years before Hitler and the NAZIs took power.
Hitler, it was not his idea to kill the Jews. I think that is very important to state. It was not the NAZIs that thought up the idea to kill the Jews.

The idea to kill the Jews existed for over a 100 years before Hitler and the NAZIs took power.
Yeah, but he actually put it into practice! What point are you trying to make here? He gets no slack, just because anti-Semitism was endemic.

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