The Trinity Conspiracy


This is the coolest image ever! The colors are AWESOME!!!

I think the colors a little gauche, actually. He should have put it something a little more this decade.

Gauche. That's a pretty fancy word!
Okay, I will try using smaller words to describe the Trinity Conspiracy again:

Thanks, I sure do appreciate that.

Those smaller words have convinced me that you can't replace one nonsensical conspiracy theory with another one and hope to sell it off.

My experience has convinced me that God is real and has led me to worship.

That same experience has made me question whether God wrote any BOOKS and or made a pack of ancient goat herders serve as his ghost writers...
Hi LoThunder:

Okay, I will try using smaller words to describe the Trinity Conspiracy again:

Thanks, I sure do appreciate that.

Those smaller words have convinced me that you can't replace one nonsensical conspiracy theory with another one and hope to sell it off.

I am convinced that you guys have no idea of what this OP Topic is even about . . .

My experience has convinced me that God is real and has led me to worship.

Great! Are you holding to the dogma that ‘F+S+HS = The Word’ (Christ = true), OR ‘F+S+HS = God’ (false = the counterfeit) like the Roman Catholic Church?

That same experience has made me question whether God wrote any BOOKS and or made a pack of ancient goat herders serve as his ghost writers...

All Scripture is ‘inspired by God’ (2Tim. 3:16-17) and written by men through the Holy Spirit dwelling in our mortal bodies (1Cor. 3:16, 6:19). The Trinity Conspiracy is all about ‘replacing’ the “Only True God” (Jn 17:3) with His Only Begotten Son (F+S+HS = 'Bread of life' as your 'idol' (Ex. 20:4) of worship.

In Christ Jesus (F+S+HS),

Quote: Originally Posted by LoThunder
My experience has convinced me that God is real and has led me to worship.

Great! Are you holding to the dogma that ‘F+S+HS = The Word’ (Christ = true), OR ‘F+S+HS = God’ (false = the counterfeit) like the Roman Catholic Church?

Did you need me to use smaller words?

Quote: Originally Posted by LoThunder
My experience has convinced me that God is real and has led me to worship.

Great! Are you holding to the dogma that ‘F+S+HS = The Word’ (Christ = true), OR ‘F+S+HS = God’ (false = the counterfeit) like the Roman Catholic Church?

Did you need me to use smaller words?

Only if you ever intend to answer the question. Yes or no will do. Let me dumb this down a bit:

1. Are you holding to the dogma that ‘F+S+HS = The Word’ (Christ = true)?

Yes, or No.

2. OR do you believe ‘F+S+HS = God’ (false = the counterfeit) like the Roman Catholic Church?

Yes, or No.

If this format is too difficult, then you hold to either #1 (
‘F+S+HS = The Word’ :iagree:) or #2 (‘F+S+HS = God’ :disagree:).



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Well Terral,
I don't "hold to," catholic dogma any more than I hold to yours- whatever the hell THAT might be given the fact that you are so manic about all this goofiness.

By the way, do you think GOD is impressed with color charts and graphs?

So is the lion attacking the eagle? Is that what's going on?

It is written that the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb, but only the lion will get back up again...
Hi Lo:

Well Terral,
I don't "hold to," catholic dogma any more than I hold to yours- whatever the hell THAT might be given the fact that you are so manic about all this goofiness.

In other words, you guys do not know enough about this Trinity Topic to even be writing on this thread. Wonderful. Here are two charts showing you many ‘trinities’ in Scripture:



The first column lists the ‘Singularity Expressions’ broken down into three witnesses of ‘Spirit’ (golden/yellow column), ‘Blood’ (red column) and ‘Water’ (blue column). God’s Essence is Love (spirit), Light (blood) and Life (water) in His Infinite Realm ('you are gods' = far left = very top), but they appear as ‘three witnesses’ (1Jn 5:8) in this broken universe. God To Come (spirit), God Who Is (blood) and God Who Was (water) are God’s three witnesses from Revelation 1:8 ‘and’ the Father (spirit), Son (blood) and Holy Spirit (water) are the Word’s three witnesses from Matthew 28:19. Going down to the bottom of the diagram you see the “Second Veil” separating the Spirit/Blood witnesses ‘and’ a “First Veil” separating the Blood/Water witnesses (like the Temple) all testifying about the witnesses in their separate columns ‘and’ their two witnesses in the same row. In fact, knowing the testimony of each witness allows the son of God to know more about the relationships of ‘all’ these witnesses from Genesis to Revelation. Another false doctrine connected to this “Trinity Conspiracy” is that only one ‘the Trinity’ exists in Scripture (i.e. the fake one = F+S+HS = God), when in reality our Bible is filled to the gills with these mystery sets from start to finish.

By the way, do you think GOD is impressed with color charts and graphs?

Absolutely. These things are written upon the walls of the inner chambers of the “True Tabernacle” (Heb. 8:1-2) in the “Highest Heaven” (1Kings 8:27) and God Himself gave me ‘these things’ (2Peter 3:14-16) through His Living Word to fulfill such prophesies as Acts 13:41.

“Behold, you scoffers, and marvel, and PERISH; for I am accomplishing a work in ‘your days,’ a work that you will NEVER BELIEVE, though someone (like Terral) should describing it to you (even using diagrams).” Acts 13:41.
You guys scoff ‘and’ mock ‘and’ perish when ‘the truth’ about “The Light” is being presented for your benefit and ‘free of charge;’ when these things I show you are NOT from things learn from men, but things that God has given me to ‘see’ through His Living Word. The ‘many’ are on the wide road to utter destruction, which means my work is dedicated for the benefit of the ‘few.’ Matt. 7:13-14.

In Christ Jesus,

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Well Terral,
I don't "hold to," catholic dogma any more than I hold to yours- whatever the hell THAT might be given the fact that you are so manic about all this goofiness.

By the way, do you think GOD is impressed with color charts and graphs?

I'm not sure about the charts and graphs, but God certainly detests large fonts.
Greetings to All:

The Trinity Conspiracy is about how Denominationalism has transformed God’s Living Word (our Lord Jesus Christ) into God Himself through the false teaching that F+S+HS = God. Jesus Christ is the “Son of God” (John 1:34) and Lord and God raised Him from the dead (Rom. 10:9) on the third day. 1Corinthians 15:1-4. Denominationalism (Roman Catholicism, Greek Orthodoxy, Protestantism) uses the right pattern, but the Great Conspiracy is that they replace the “One God” with “The Word” (Christ). God’s three witnesses are testifying from Revelation 1:

"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, The Almighty." Revelation 1:8.

The Lord God of the “Lamb” of Revelation is “His God and Father” (Rev. 1:6) and the same “Only True God” (John 17:3) that He and John the Baptist prayed to while anointed by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:15, Matt.3:15-17). God’s spirit witness is “God To Come” with a Spirit like a roaring lion and the water witness is “God Who Was” with a disposition more like a strong bull or an ox. God’s blood witness is “God Who Is” represented by the all-seeing eagle, because He knows all things in the ‘here and now.’ The lesson to understand the differences between “God” and “My Father Who Is IN HEAVEN” (link) begins like this:

“In the beginning God created the Heaven and the EarthGenesis 1:1.

These ten English words are actually seven Hebrew terms describing a perfect and mature Heaven (Word) and Earth (Adam). You cannot see the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Heaven/Word, because They all share the same glory “before the world wasJohn 17:5. You see no heavens, heaven and earth in ‘Eth Erets (the Earth), because they also share the same singularity expression glory as three into ‘one’ thing. 1John 5:8. The perfect and mature Heaven/Word and Earth/Adam existed this way for ages and ages and ages and ages (Ecc. 1:9-11), until the day came when the Big Bang (a MYTH = my thread) saw the destruction of the perfect Earth/Adam, until he became formless and void and 'darkness' was upon the face of the deep. Genesis. 1:2. The Big Bang does not explain how anything was made, but how a previously-existing perfect universe (Earth/Adam) became triune/broken. God could not send His Word into this broken universe, because He remained in His perfect Singularity Expression Forum (Heaven/Word); which means God had to make Heaven desolate too. God sacrificed His perfect Word, so by rejoining the Father and Holy Spirit back together, the “Son” became His “Only Begotten from the FatherJohn 1:14.


Now you can see “My Father who is IN HEAVEN” (in yellow) as the ‘spirit witness’ of Christ Jesus (F+S+HS) the Heavenly Adam “man” of 1Timothy 2:5 (under red arrow). When Scripture says, “For as in Adam all die, so also ‘IN’ Christ all will be made alive,” (1Cor. 15:22), then God is talking about everything in this universe dying when the heavens and earth were formless and void; until ‘heaven’ (Adam’s blood witness/soul) was begotten by the overlapping of the spirit and physical ‘waters.’ This is the reason that David and Solomon teach saying ‘heaven’ (Gen. 1:8) and the ‘highest heaven’ (Gen. 1:1 = The Word/F+S+HS) cannot contain God (1Kings 8:27). However, all the way up top of Figure 2 in the spirit witness position (Jn. 4:24), you see the three witnesses of the ‘one God and Father’ (Eph. 4:6) of our Lord Jesus Christ (Heaven/Word) in God To Come, God Who Is and God Who Was; The Almighty.

The right formula for God’s Living Word is F+S+HS = The Word, while God’s equation is GTC+GWI+GWW = The Almighty. When Jesus Christ is praying to “My Father who is IN HEAVEN,” then the Son is praying to His Father ‘in Heaven’ having the same relationship as your soul to your very own spirit. Scripture forbids creating an idol from anything in HEAVEN to worship as God (Ex. 20:4)!! Worshipping "My Father who is IN HEAVEN" as "The Almighty" is I.D.O.L.A.T.R.Y. ! ! ! When the Son of God (from heaven) prays to the “Only True God” (John 17:3), then the F+S+HS (The Word) is praying to His God and Father (GTC, GWI, GWW); because currently everything in Heaven and Earth is very much triune/broken. In reality, these three witnesses (like all the others) are ‘three into the one’ (1Jn 5:8) like this:


A deeper lesson of Scripture is that Jesus Christ is the Man of the Heaven (F+S+HS) and John the Baptist/Elijah/David is the “Man of the EarthJohn 3:31. Jesus Christ represented the F+S+HS as the Heavenly Messiah (Isa. 66:1 = my thread) ‘and’ John the Baptist was the Earthly Messiah (this universe as a man) all along; but that is another conspiracy. :0)

In Christ Jesus,


Are you fuckin serious? What a boatload of crap!
You guys scoff ‘and’ mock ‘and’ perish when "the truth" about "the light," is being presented for your benefit and ‘free of charge;’

Well, I've seen YOU GUYS "scoffing and mocking," at the ideas of others- and so far, NONE of us have "perished."

when these things I show you are NOT from things learn from men, but things that God has given me to ‘see’ through His Living Word.

Actually, you got it all out of a book that people told you was 100% accurate- and you CHOSE to believe them.

The ‘many’ are on the wide road to utter destruction, which means my work is dedicated for the benefit of the ‘few.’

Well, unless of course your beliefs are mythological- or better yet, they SYMBOLIZE a better way to live in the here and now...

I'm not sure about the charts and graphs, but God certainly detests large fonts.


I'll ask the same question I always do to believers.

If god is so great, how come he can't get his one message across clearly? if there is only one true word of god, then why didn't he give everyone the same memo?
I'll ask the same question I always do to believers.

If god is so great, how come he can't get his one message across clearly? if there is only one true word of god, then why didn't he give everyone the same memo?

God works in mysterious ways.

Look at this thread, for example. God is communicating through Terral via some lion/eagle/badger thing.
Hi Skull Pilot:

I'll ask the same question I always do to believers.

If god is so great, how come he can't get his one message across clearly?

The Truth of God's Living Word is very clear, but His Hidden Wisdom is reserved for the 'mature.' 1Cor. 2:6-8. The 'deluding influence' (making you drunk) forces God's enemies to 'believe what is false' (2Thes. 2:11) all of their days on the earth, as the 'servants of righteousness' run around serving their 'angel of light' (2Cor. 11:14-15) only thinking they serve the Only True God (John 17:3).

if there is only one true word of god, then why didn't he give everyone the same memo?

That is simple: The majority is being prepared for utter destruction. Matt. 7:13.14, Acts 3:22-23.

GL with that too . . .

Hi Xotoxi:

Notice that no one has responded to this.

It is because no one cares.

We disagree. Nobody has responded with any kind of thoughtful reply, because the son of man is surrounded by lamebrain knuckleheads :)confused:) without a single clue . . .

Any serious 'debate' requires at least two souls with sufficient knowledge on the Topic to get the ball back across the cotton-picking net . . .



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