The tragedy of the excessive minority birth rate

we have to bring back traditional Republican culture

I'd like to see traditional Republicans be more dominant in the party.....The Yo-Yo's that have been dominating Republican politics lately are anything but traditional.

more importantly Republicans in general are far more traditonal than Democrats who have destroyed the American family with their liberal policies
Its the Baby Boomers and the hippie minority among them that really threw a wrench in our culture,

When in school I was annoyed at the rampant relativism (the notion that no ideas are better than any other ideas) of the left.

Now it's the right who goes in for rampant relativism.....The notion that creationism is a theory just as valid as evolution.....They (many of them) "think" that the Bible is a valid scientific theory.
more importantly Republicans in general are far more traditonal than Democrats

That's not true anymore.

Democrats who have destroyed the American family with their liberal policies
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You seem to be blinded by hatred for those you disagree with.
more importantly Republicans in general are far more traditonal

It's funny that you don't use punctuation and you're complaining that Democrats aren't traditional.

I don't really mind that you don't use it but it's odd that you're talking about traditional values without using it.
Vidi: No. I think thats what the baby boomers did though
Ed: you mean liberal baby boomers who lacked the IQ to appreciate Burke and culture mostly because they figured Vietnam meant all humans were stupid

Vidi: I think they rejected the culture of their parents and tried soemthing they thought was a new appoach. Some of it worked out some of it didnt. I think its up to us to decide what those things are , keep what works, toss out what doesnt and then add our own ideas to the mix and reinstate the methods from the past that worked but were rejected by our parents.

ED: yes ues same BS about kids being able to know what culture is at 5 10 or 20. Idiotic

Vidi: I think we are in the unique position where culturally we DO have to reinvent the wheel because the previous generation broke the wheel.

ED: we have to bring back traditional Republican culture

Vidi: And I think if we are going to reinvent the wheel, we ought to start with something thats round

See you think Republicans have the market cornered on real american family values. Thats simply not true man. Dont limit your thinking so. It forces you to reject good ideas just because they come from someone youll see as an advesary.

And if you want Traditional Republican culture who do you mean?

Teddy Roosevelt, the Monopoly buster and the father of American Progressivism?

Dwight D EisenHower who warned us about the rise of Corporate influence on politics?

Richard Nixon who proposed a workable national Health Care plan?

Which one of those Republicans reflected "Traditional Republican values"?

Its not about Republican or Democrat. Its about the PEOPLE of the United States taking responsibility for their lives and the lives of those they care about.
more importantly Republicans in general are far more traditonal than Democrats[/quote]

That's not true anymore.

dear, it is Republicans who want to cut the welfdare programs not Democrats. Are you slow?

Democrats who have destroyed the American family with their liberal policies

You seem to be blinded by hatred for those you disagree with.

if blinded then easily defeated in debate. Show us how you defeat a blind man
See you think Republicans have the market cornered on real american family values. Thats simply not true man. Dont limit your thinking so. It forces you to reject good ideas just because they come from someone youll see as an advesary.

so then why be so afraid to give us a good non Republican family idea?? What does your fear tell you.

And if you want Traditional Republican culture who do you mean?

Teddy Roosevelt, the Monopoly buster and the father of American Progressivism?

Dwight D EisenHower who warned us about the rise of Corporate influence on politics?

Richard Nixon who proposed a workable national Health Care plan?

Which one of those Republicans reflected "Traditional Republican values"?

too stupid!!! why would it be dervived from just 4 oddballs you choose???

Its not about Republican or Democrat. Its about the PEOPLE of the United States taking responsibility for their lives and the lives of those they care about.

all issues get reduced to Republican Democrat. Thats your choice in the voting booth and its a good one accurately reflecting the major issues of human history and the one the determines the direction of current history. Look at a vote in Congress on social issues and tell us if there is a huge and obvious difference!
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more importantly Republicans in general are far more traditonal than Democrats

That's not true anymore.

dear, it is Republicans who want to cut the welfdare programs not Democrats. Are you slow?

Democrats who have destroyed the American family with their liberal policies

You seem to be blinded by hatred for those you disagree with.

if blinded then easily defeated in debate. Show us how you defeat a blind man[/QUOTE]

dear, it is the republicans that want to KEEP the BIG welfare programs going...subsidies and tax breaks for the multinational corporations that extrenalize their costs onto the American Taxpayer.

If you REALLY want to end entitlement programs, you would oppose the externalization of costs...for example, Wal MArt with Health Care...
it is Republicans who want to cut the welfdare programs not Democrats.

Some Republicans give it lip service and that's about it. Few in either party are talking seriously about eliminating welfare these days.

That's getting away from the topic you had raised. Republicans are no longer far more traditional than Democrats. Palin, Bachmann, Perrry, and Cain aren't traditional sorts of folks.....They are wackos.
more importantly Republicans in general are far more traditonal than Democrats

That's not true anymore.

dear, it is Republicans who want to cut the welfdare programs not Democrats. Are you slow?

Democrats who have destroyed the American family with their liberal policies

You seem to be blinded by hatred for those you disagree with.

if blinded then easily defeated in debate. Show us how you defeat a blind man

dear, it is the republicans that want to KEEP the BIG welfare programs going...subsidies and tax breaks for the multinational corporations that extrenalize their costs onto the American Taxpayer.

If you REALLY want to end entitlement programs, you would oppose the externalization of costs...for example, Wal MArt with Health Care...[/QUOTE]

dear, today our subject is personal welfare, not corporate welfare. Do you really not know that?
See you think Republicans have the market cornered on real american family values. Thats simply not true man. Dont limit your thinking so. It forces you to reject good ideas just because they come from someone youll see as an advesary.

so then why be so afraid to give us a good non Republican family idea?? What does your fear tell you.

And if you want Traditional Republican culture who do you mean?

Teddy Roosevelt, the Monopoly buster and the father of American Progressivism?

Dwight D EisenHower who warned us about the rise of Corporate influence on politics?

Richard Nixon who proposed a workable national Health Care plan?

Which one of those Republicans reflected "Traditional Republican values"?

too stupid!!! why would it be dervived from just 4 oddballs you choose???

all issues get reduced to Republican Democrat. Thats your choice in the voting booth and its a good one accurately reflecting the major issues of human history and the one the determine the direction of current history. Look at a vote in Congress on social issues and tell us if there is a huge and obvious issue!!!

ummm I named 3.

I named three because they were the three Republican presidents PRIOR to the 70's when the family began to disenigrate ( I left out Hoover because...well, great depression.. and I left out Taft because well to be honest i dont know much about him. Ive been trying to read a biography on every US president and I havent got around to him yet. ) And they were the three starting with Teddy that really held onto Traditional Republican values.

EDIT: I forgot Coolidge. But as he is famous for doing nothing, it should be understandable.
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good night liberal children I hope we can continue your lesson tomorrow. I like to way you are so willing to step forward to be crushed under the intellectual weight of conservatism!!!!! :)
more importantly Republicans in general are far more traditonal

It's funny that you don't use punctuation and you're complaining that Democrats aren't traditional.

I don't really mind that you don't use it but it's odd that you're talking about traditional values without using it.

Its only traditional if it can be used as a club.
What happened to the recent rightwing lament that abortion was perpetrating a 'black genocide' in America?

I guess that concern expired, and has been replaced with a more believable conservative lament,

that colored people are having too many babies.

would you say they are having too few when 74% are born without a father into poverty? You support destruction but you lack the IQ to see it because you have to tow the party line. Feel good to be a stupid puppet supporting poverty and prison??

It was your dimwit conservative buddies who were saying not that long ago that abortion was lowering the birth rate among African-Americans to the point where it constituted a 'genocide'.

Are you agreeing with me that your conservative pals are imbeciles?
women got welfare, men wern't needed and went to the street corner and then to jail.

Welfare has had a bad effect on many of the families on it.

you mean liberal welfare since liberals wanted it most

There isn't a causal relationship between welfare and Bristol Palin having a child out of wedlock though.

who can say exactly. What we do know is that it far more likely today in all groups when the liberal has produced a war on the family

Right-wingers reversed evolution and are destroying civilization.

dear you clean forgot to say why you think that? Are you slow??

Your ignorance of history is sadly comical.

Single black mothers and absentee black fathers was an established cultural phenomenon long before welfare came along.
women got welfare, men wern't needed and went to the street corner and then to jail.

Welfare has had a bad effect on many of the families on it.

you mean liberal welfare since liberals wanted it most

who can say exactly. What we do know is that it far more likely today in all groups when the liberal has produced a war on the family

Right-wingers reversed evolution and are destroying civilization.

dear you clean forgot to say why you think that? Are you slow??

Your ignorance of history is sadly comical.

Single black mothers and absentee black fathers was an established cultural phenomenon long before welfare came along.

according to Thomas Sowell who has studied it in depth more than anyone the black marriage rate was higher than the white rate at many times after the civil war. Want to bet $10,000.

"we could survive slavery, we could survive Jim Crow, but we could not survive liberalism"- Prof. Walter Williams
What happened to the recent rightwing lament that abortion was perpetrating a 'black genocide' in America?

nothing so far as I know, why do you ask??????

I guess that concern expired, and has been replaced with a more believable conservative lament,

that colored people are having too many babies.

conservatives have always been opposed to abortions and out of wedlock births. Is that really over your head?

would you say they are having too few when 74% are born without a father into poverty?

conservatives have always been opposed to abortions and out of wedlock births. Is that really over your head?

You support destruction but you lack the IQ to see it because you have to tow the party line. Feel good to be a stupid puppet supporting poverty and prison??

It was your dimwit conservative buddies who were saying not that long ago that abortion was lowering the birth rate among African-Americans to the point where it constituted a 'genocide'.

conservatives have always been against abortion, and???????

Are you agreeing with me that your conservative pals are imbeciles?

why on earth would you think I'm agreeing with you, and about what?
Why not ask your parents to look at what you write before you post it?
good night liberal children; I hope we can continue your lesson tomorrow. I like the way you are so willing to step forward and be crushed under the intellectual weight of conservatism!!!!! :)

LOL ok now THATS funny. You seem to think youve expressed something?

I have, the logic of conservatism with which as you can see liberals are wholly unfamiliar. There is disagreement in this country only because liberals lack to the IQ to know and understand the conservative philosophy of conservatives intellectuals, like those who founded our country.

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