The Third Jihad

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This documentary is presented by a devout Muslim American Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser. He states that the film which he narrates is not about Islam but about the threat of radical Islam. Those are his words. The film is called Obsession and is a documentary about radical Islam in America and examines the ways in which this threat is infiltrating our society here through the guise of religion.

The Third Jihad - Watch Free Documentary Online

The Third Jihad, the newest offering from the producers of the captivating documentary film, Obsession, explores the existence of radical Islam in America and the emerging risk that this homegrown jihad poses to national security, western liberties and the American way of life.

The film, which is narrated by devout Muslim American Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, opens with the following statement: This is not a film about Islam. It is about the threat of radical Islam. Only a small percentage of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims are radical. This film is about them.

In 72 minutes, the film reveals that radical Islamists driven by a religiously motivated rejection of western values cultures and religion are engaging in a multifaceted strategy to overcome the western world.

In contrast to the use of violent jihad and terror to instill fear in non-believers, The Third Jihad introduces the concept of cultural jihad as a means to infiltrate and undermine our society from within.
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What led to my deciding to do a thread about the religion of Islam and how the radical element is posing a serious threat to America? Three things. First the latest news about Isis taking place in Iraq - the extremist views of this group who believe this is the pure religion of Islam yet other Muslims disagree - still ISIS is attempting to take over a nation with it and other Muslim sects are in fear of them - second - the disconnect in America with people saying that ISIS is over in the middle east - it could never happen here at home - third - a thread I visited which clearly revealed a misunderstanding of a certain political organization some believed to be a serious threat to American politics ( and is not ) while being completely oblivious to the real threat before us all.

So this is to bring balance to the subject and let us examine how one devout Muslim is responding with his own narrating of the documentary entitled, The Third Jihad.
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This second film is called Obsession and was made in 2007. It was made before the documentary, The Third Jihad - which is posted in the OP. It is also addressing a radical form of Islam and you can watch this while I pull up the story on it. Some scenes in documentary are graphic which are clips from television news reports from years ago so be forewarned. Video does give prior warning also of depicting graphic scenes.

Link to the story about this video:

Obsession Radical Islam s War Against the West - Watch Free Documentary Online
In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Islamic fundamentalism has, in the minds of many, taken the place once held by communism as the leading threat to the safety and security of the industrialized West. Filmmakers Wayne Kopping and Raphael Shore explore what they regard as the most dangerous force since the rise of Nazism in this documentary.

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West features footage from Arab television outlets with interviews which are compared with newsreel images of terrorist actions staged by the PLO and other groups in an effort to show parallels between hate-based groups of the past and the current mood among Islamic extremists. Obsession also includes interviews with guerilla fighters, former Hitler Youth members, and terrorist operatives as they discuss the role and function of extremist political and religious groups.

Obsession is a film about the threat of Radical Islam to Western civilization. Using unique footage from Arab television, it reveals an 'insider's view' of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. The film also traces the parallels between the Nazi movement of World War II, the Radicals of today, and the Western world's response to both threats. Featuring interviews with Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Alan Dershowitz, a former PLO terrorist, and a former Hitler Youth Commander.
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The only thing necessary for evil to triumph........
is for good men to do nothing.

-Edmund Burke
Note the teaching from the Jordanian / Palestinian school books in 1998 the second video? It is printed right there in bold print,
"This religion [Islam] will destroy all other religions through the Islamic Jihad fighters."

- Jordanian / Palestinian school book 1998

Who authorizes the publishing of such school books?
Why are children being taught to do such things in the name of religion? What are the names of the publishers of these school books? Why did these schools permit them and why are the teachers teaching from them? Is this an aberation of Islam or the truth about Islam? Is there one truth or many? If there are many then how can one claim to know the truth / and or follow the truth?
I briefly considered reading all of that, but then I realized... no radical Islamist can force me to believe anything.

Call me when they start bombing stuff. I'm in it for the entertainment value.
What does the word "jihad" mean? I looked it up and here is what I found:
  1. (among Muslims) a war or struggle against unbelievers.
    • ISLAM
      the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin.
      noun: jehad; plural noun: jehads
I'm a bit trollish, btw... the post you used to lure me in here should have been a solid indicator of that fact.
I read this little story from a guy named Joshua who made the following comments concerning the Qur'an and the book, Mein Kampf. I found his ideas interesting so here it is:

Mein Kampf- States that Germans are the superior race of mankind and that Germany is destined to rule the world , and dominate all other races and nations.

The Q'uran-States that Islam and Muslims are the superiors of mankind and that Islam is divinely mandated to rule the world and dominate all other races, creeds and nations....Mein Kampf-Says that the German State is to have control over every aspect of life. Says all individuals must submit to the State.

The Q'uran-Says that Islam and Sharia is to have control over every aspect of life. Says all individuals must submit to Islam....
Mein Kampf-Says that Germans have the duty to claim their divinely appointed place in the world by whatever means necessary. Puts loyalty to the Volk (the race) above all other ethical considerations.

The Q'uran-Says that Muslims have a duty to wage Jihad and to advance Islam's domination over the world (Dar Islam and Dar Harb) by any means necessary. Places loyalty to fellow Muslims (Umma) and Islam above all other ethical considerations.
Mein Kampf-Mandates that men are superior to women and that women's place should be limited to procreation, the kitchen and the home.

The Q'uran-Mandates that men are superior to women and that women's place should be limited to procreation, the kitchen and the home. (Admittedly, the Q'uran goes quite a bit farther than Mein Kampf on this topic)
Mein Kampf-Says that homosexuals are 'race traitors' and should be condemned to death. (Many, in fact were murdered in the concentration camps).

The Q'uran-Says homosexuals are unholy to Allah and should be condemned to death
Mein Kampf-Sets out a detailed model for world conquest, including rules for how conquered peoples are to be suppressed and dominated by the German race. States that the wealth, resources and property of subject peoples belongs to Germans by right and the right to life for subject peoples is dependent on Germans. States that non-Germans have no legal or civil rights.

The Q'uran-Sets out a detailed model for world conquest, including rules for how conquered peoples are to be suppressed and dominated by Muslims. States that the wealth, resources and property of subject peoples belongs to Muslims by right and the right to life for subject peoples is dependent on Muslims. States that non-Muslims have no legal or civil rights. (in truth, a lot of this has its basis in the Hadith and the Sunna, but both derive essentially from what's in the Q'uran, along with all the other aspects of Sharia).
...Mein Kampf-Divides the world into 'German land' and enemy territory. States that land with Germans living in it or land that once had Germans ruling it rightfully belongs to Germany, and Germany is entitled to get it back by any means necessary.

The Q'uran-Divides the world into 'Dar al Islam' (Muslim ruled land) and enemy territory (Dar al Harb). States that land with Muslims living in it or land that once had Muslims ruling it rightfully belongs to Dar al Islam, and Muslims are entitled to get it back by any means necessary....
Mein Kampf-Blames the Jews for society's ills and says that they will be exterminated.

The Q'uran-Blames the Jews for society's ills and says that they will be exterminated. ("On the day of Judgement the rocks and trees will call out 'O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me! Come and slay him!")

So here is my question to Joshua's ideas and I'm still thinking this over - mind you - Did Hitler read the Qur'an and design Mein Kampf with the teachings of the Qu'ran in mind? Is it possible that Hitler then writes Mein Kampf and the Grand Mufti of Islam is so impressed by Hitler and his book that in latter times Mein Kampf becomes the no. 1 best seller of the Arab World after the Qu'ran? How about ISIS? Is it possible ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hizobollah are birthed after Hitlers Mein Kampf because he invokes / revives something into Islam ( radical element) without realizing it - with his own book? What say you? Possible? Coincidental? No connection between the two?
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Thank you but you'll have to tell me about Godwins law as I am not familiar with it. Does it have anything to do with God winning? I'm sure He does!
Thank you but you'll have to tell me about Godwins law as I am not familiar with it. Does it have anything to do with God winning? I'm sure He does!

Google is your friend.

Godwin s law - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But you were so much closer! Thank you for the link, House! You are a very nice guy. If it had been me behind that hamburger counter I would have been happy to throw your receipt away for you! I had no idea about Godwins law. This world is very complicated! I like the simple life!

About Godwins law. Isn't it amazing how someone named Godwin comes up with the idea that all internet dialogue will eventually lead to a discussion on Hitler and he ends up getting the law named after himself? Talk about a shortcut to fame! Incredible! I thought your hamburger story had far more meaning than his theory about online discussions! We'll have to fix that for you! When an employee is asked to toss out a piece of paper they do not put up a fuss. We can call it the "House Rule"! House that?
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Thank you but you'll have to tell me about Godwins law as I am not familiar with it. Does it have anything to do with God winning? I'm sure He does!

Google is your friend.

Godwin s law - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But you were so much closer! Thank you for the link, House! You are a very nice guy. If it had been me behind that hamburger counter I would have been happy to throw your receipt away for you! I had no idea about Godwins law. This world is very complicated! I like the simple life!

Oh wow... mad props.

You got me, dude. Kudos on remembering that silly incident.
I have a memory like a glue trap and I'm a dudette. ( woman )

If they don't outlaw glue traps for mice I'm going to have to write a little book for them, entitled, "My Struggle"! Everyone needs an advocate. Even mice.
I have a memory like a glue trap and I'm a dudette. ( woman )

If they don't outlaw glue traps for mice I'm going to have to write a little book for them, entitled, "My Struggle"! Everyone needs an advocate. Even mice.

Misleading name, then.

You are a liar!

Sooo... wanna go out? I know this cozy little burger joint inside a truck stop. Great service!
I'm married and I'm old enough to be your mother. As for misleading name, no.
It is a screen name - Jeremiah was the weeping prophet that all the false ones hated. Remember? I like him and can relate to the message he was giving as America is in similar circumstances right now.

So you gave up on Burger King, eh? Just as well. I think you ought to give Steak n Shake a try. They make great hamburgers! Who knows? You may even meet a nice Christian girl! I'll be praying for it! Go inside and sit down. You'll never meet anyone going through a drive thru!
Thank you but you'll have to tell me about Godwins law as I am not familiar with it. Does it have anything to do with God winning? I'm sure He does!

Google is your friend.

Godwin s law - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But you were so much closer! Thank you for the link, House! You are a very nice guy. If it had been me behind that hamburger counter I would have been happy to throw your receipt away for you! I had no idea about Godwins law. This world is very complicated! I like the simple life!

About Godwins law. Isn't it amazing how someone named Godwin comes up with the idea that all internet dialogue will eventually lead to a discussion on Hitler and he ends up getting the law named after himself? Talk about a shortcut to fame! Incredible! I thought your hamburger story had far more meaning than his theory about online discussions! We'll have to fix that for you! When an employee is asked to toss out a piece of paper they do not put up a fuss. We can call it the "House Rule"! House that?

Lol... I love it!

I'm married and I'm old enough to be your mother. As for misleading name, no.
It is a screen name - Jeremiah was the weeping prophet that all the false ones hated. Remember? I like him and can relate to the message he was giving as America is in similar circumstances right now.

So you gave up on Burger King, eh? Just as well. I think you ought to give Steak n Shake a try. They make great hamburgers! Who knows? You may even meet a nice Christian girl! I'll be praying for it! Go inside and sit down. You'll never meet anyone going through a drive through!

I love Steak & Shake.

Biscuits & gravy for breakfast, Frisco melt for lunch. Chocolate shakes 24/7!

And lol @ old enough to be my mother.

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