The Tea Party still does not get it????


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
GOP needs more civil liberty minded libertarians if they want a chance at 2016.

Just look at the people on this board.

Neocons MOCK libertarians.

The dems successfully removed the radical "San Fran" liberal element back in the early/mid '90s and have since then became a better party because.

The GOP needs to do the same with the ultra conservative elements in their ranks and embrace other aspects within their demographics (Libertarians being one). The problem is that the Neo Conservatives are dogmatic religious nuts, they irrationally think that because people are are saying the need to take it down a notch that they are being suppressed so they must be right and double down on dumb.

The GOP has a nasty fight ahead of them.
GOP needs more civil liberty minded libertarians if they want a chance at 2016.

Just look at the people on this board.

Neocons MOCK libertarians.

The dems successfully removed the radical "San Fran" liberal element back in the early/mid '90s and have since then became a better party because.

The GOP needs to do the same with the ultra conservative elements in their ranks and embrace other aspects within their demographics (Libertarians being one). The problem is that the Neo Conservatives are dogmatic religious nuts, they irrationally think that because people are are saying the need to take it down a notch that they are being suppressed so they must be right.

The GOP has a nasty fight ahead of them.

I agree. The neoconservative ideology, although rampant in politics, is absolutely not popular in any sense within the bulk of voters. Yet, all signs point to libertarians as on the rise. If the GOP wants to survive they have to drop the warhawk religious anti-civil liberty shit they have been preaching.
Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.
Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.


You folks have lost it. So how do you determine which of your employees "look" like they voted for Obama? Black? Hispanic? Female? Young?

Fire someone simply because of who they voted for? Thats the kind of shit they do in China and Russia.
Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.

:badgrin: The Perfect example of why the GOP will be gone in a few years, if it does not change to address it's "Old White Man" image.
Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.


You folks have lost it. So how do you determine which of your employees "look" like they voted for Obama? Black? Hispanic? Female? Young?

Fire someone simply because of who they voted for? Thats the kind of shit they do in China and Russia.

or Mississippi or Alabama...
Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.


You folks have lost it. So how do you determine which of your employees "look" like they voted for Obama? Black? Hispanic? Female? Young?

Fire someone simply because of who they voted for? Thats the kind of shit they do in China and Russia.

Not really that hard.

Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.


You folks have lost it. So how do you determine which of your employees "look" like they voted for Obama? Black? Hispanic? Female? Young?

Fire someone simply because of who they voted for? Thats the kind of shit they do in China and Russia.

Stop playing the word game, bro.
Ok, it's time to abandon the "If he'd embraced Conservative ideology" crap.

We heard multiple times here that Conservatives would drag themselves over hot glass and through barbed wire to come out and vote against Obama. And they did. The problem is, the Democrats formed a coalition that is just as fired up and out numbers the Conservatives.

The GOP absolutely MUST reach out to the minorities that the Democrats have been reaching out to or they are toast. There are several in roads there, but the GOP right now is bound and determined to alienate everyone based on Conservative ideology they barely understand, much less explain well enough to folks not of their mindset.

The future does not belong to those that take the same tone dealing with opponents as Rush, Sean, Ann. That shit sells books and ad time, but loses elections.

Until the GOP figures this out they're done in the Presidential elections.
Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.

Do you have any employees? Because I'm looking forward to hearing about the lawsuits you're about to face due to discriminatory practices.
Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.


You folks have lost it. So how do you determine which of your employees "look" like they voted for Obama? Black? Hispanic? Female? Young?

Fire someone simply because of who they voted for? Thats the kind of shit they do in China and Russia.

Now it is, but under communism no one would dare fire someone who was a party loyalist. The government tells you who to hire and fire. Like the US is becoming.
Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.

Do you have any employees? Because I'm looking forward to hearing about the lawsuits you're about to face due to discriminatory practices.

That's why these kinds of employers need to leave the country.

Tax free Honduras.
Tax Free Zone Honduras - Zona Libre y Franca de Honduras

China has built entire empty cities just waiting to be populated.
Photos Of Kangbashi, A Ghost City In China - Business Insider

It's a big world out there.
Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.

Do you have any employees? Because I'm looking forward to hearing about the lawsuits you're about to face due to discriminatory practices.

That's why these kinds of employers need to leave the country.

Tax free Honduras.
Tax Free Zone Honduras - Zona Libre y Franca de Honduras

China has built entire empty cities just waiting to be populated.
Photos Of Kangbashi, A Ghost City In China - Business Insider

It's a big world out there.

Then get busy filling it.
what the hell is the Tea party suppose to get?

they act like because a INCUMBENT President won his re-election we are all suppose to get something or other..

they sure as hell didn't get it when Bush won his SECOND fact they became more obnoxious

good grief....funny as heck
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Time to purge all employees who even look like they may have voted for Obama.

That still gives us about half the Nation of positive-thinking people to choose from.

Look first to red states then because they take in way more federal money than blue states

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