Are all people in the Tea Party stupid are just the ones they put on TV

taichi, I'm no supporter of ANY political party (D, R, or Tea) but I have to say that those 17 individuals have done exactly what I would expect them to do.... Turn down a plan that they disagree with. The fact that they have the ability to get medical coverage from other places is exactly what Conservatives like me want EVERYONE to do.... Get it through your EMPLOYER (not the government) or PAY FOR IT YOURSELF. If you can't do either.... TOO BAD, SO SAD, SO SORRY. There are VERY FEW legitimate exceptions to that philosophy so far as I'm concerned.
taichi, I'm no supporter of ANY political party (D, R, or Tea) but I have to say that those 17 individuals have done exactly what I would expect them to do.... Turn down a plan that they disagree with. The fact that they have the ability to get medical coverage from other places is exactly what Conservatives like me want EVERYONE to do.... Get it through your EMPLOYER (not the government) or PAY FOR IT YOURSELF. If you can't do either.... TOO BAD, SO SAD, SO SORRY. There are VERY FEW legitimate exceptions to that philosophy so far as I'm concerned.
he's an idiot that doesnt even know what a neocon is and he calls anyone that disagrees with his bullshit one
so 17 Congressmen turn down their health package and it's a bad thing?

If only more Congressmen were more focused on public service than the financial compensation they recieve for it, this nation would be a much better place!
So, they accept the benefits and they're hypocrites, yet if they refuse them it's an empty gesture.

Like we needed more evidence that no matter what you do, it'll never be enough to please the spoiled little brat children of the American left.

Ignore it. It's just the 'oh fuck, what can we whine about now' brigade. Sad bastards.

Let me dumb it down for you, you mentally challenged California Girl.....Walsh turning down the health care benefits given to congressmen IS AN EMPTY GESTURE ON HIS PART, AS HIS FINANCIAL SITUATION VIA HIS ADVISOR STATUS AT HIS OLD JOB MORE THAN COMPENSATES FOR THE LACK OF INSURANCE THAT WOULD COVER HIS WIFE'S PRE-EXISTING CONDITION. And the other teabagger friendly GOP'ers all have private insurance that they can afford that meets their needs.

The average working family, middle, lower, and working poor, DO NOT HAVE FINANCIAL OPTIONS TO COMPENSATE FOR THE DENIALS OF PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS UNDER THE OLD INSURANCE COMPANIES...which is what the teabagger/neocon GOP so desperately want to maintain.

Don't get pissed at me,'s YOUR teabagger/neocon leadership that are playing YOU for suckers.

No need to dumb your posts down for me.... you achieve your own unique level of stupidity that I find remarkably easy to interpret. Each and every one confirms that you have the intellectual capacity of a house plant.

But, it's always entertaining to see someone who is so desperate to make some imaginary point that they resort to CAPITAL LETTERS. :lol::lol:
If a person, Congressman or not has a better medical plan than is offered him in his congressional capacity, he is suppose to drop it and take one of lesser value and benifits? A person who is responsible for their family will naturally obtain the best healthcare they can afford for their family.

The reason that Obamacare is not wanted is because it is unconstitutional. The federal government can not force a citizen to purchase anything, plain and simple.

Get over it and go change the sheets on your bed.
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so 17 Congressmen turn down their health package and it's a bad thing?

If only more Congressmen were more focused on public service than the financial compensation they recieve for it, this nation would be a much better place!

17 Congressmen turn down Federally Paid Health insurance Saving the Government how much? TiChewLisp spins it into being a bad thing??? Fuck Him/Her and the Horse He/She rode in on. What a Piece of work. :evil:
taichi, I'm no supporter of ANY political party (D, R, or Tea) but I have to say that those 17 individuals have done exactly what I would expect them to do.... Turn down a plan that they disagree with. The fact that they have the ability to get medical coverage from other places is exactly what Conservatives like me want EVERYONE to do.... Get it through your EMPLOYER (not the government) or PAY FOR IT YOURSELF. If you can't do either.... TOO BAD, SO SAD, SO SORRY. There are VERY FEW legitimate exceptions to that philosophy so far as I'm concerned.

Let me clarify a few things for you:

1. People who were paying for their own health insurance WERE GETTING SCREWED BY THE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Don't take my word for it, go research the testimonies of Wendell Potter and Dr. Peeno for starters. THAT is the main part of the Healthcare Reform that the insurance companies are fighting so hard against. The ONLY thing "conservatives like" YOU are "conserving are the insurance companies ability to screw you whenever/however they want without rhyme or reason (i.e., accountability) to anyone. So far, it hasn't happened to you, but it has to others.....but it WON'T happen to Walsh or his cronies, as THEY are part of a system that financially guarantees their healthcare.

2. The financial institutions like Walsh belongs to GREATLY BENEFITTED from the public dole from gov't deregualtion and subsequent bailouts (remember, the latter was started under Bush)....that means the "survival of the fittest" fantasy you've adhered to DOES NOT EXIST for Walsh and his buddies.

3. I'm always fascinated by Americans who have deluded themselves to believe that they are living some version of early pioneer/settler life where they live solely by their own mettle and by their own "bootstraps". WAKE UP, Anachronism! YOU are a product of a federally gov't assistance and unions that have given you the opportunities and lifestyle that you are accustomed to today. Think not? Then leave your working hours and salary to the whims of your employer, DON'T get your kids vaccinated, rate the sanitary conditions of your food on your own, as with your water, etc. Forget set rates for market competiton will leave you to pay whatever someone decides, so yo-yo prices will abound. Don't like it....well TOO BAD, according to your philosophy.

Think, Anachronism, the last 30 years we've seen massive layoffs, downsizing, etc., by corporations and businesses (while suddenly claiming profits year end) according to you, those people should just wonder off and die rather than have a gov't assistance programs. I seriously doubt that if YOU were laid off and/or your insurance company denied your wife and/or kids healthcare, YOU would just say "too bad" and watch them die or starve to death....and if you would, then I pity you.
so 17 Congressmen turn down their health package and it's a bad thing?

It's an EMPTY GESTURE.....they can AFFORD to do it. The people who would benefit from the Healthcare Reform law they want to overturn CAN'T. THEY ARE NOT SACRIFICING ANYTHING!
If only more Congressmen were more focused on public service than the financial compensation they recieve for it, this nation would be a much better place!

A moot point with regards to the topic at hand....these teabagger congressmen want to return to a status quo that was doing a disservice to the hard working people that faithfully paid into the health insurance industry. Walsh is a hypocrit and a I've pointed out in the opening post.
Ignore it. It's just the 'oh fuck, what can we whine about now' brigade. Sad bastards.

Let me dumb it down for you, you mentally challenged California Girl.....Walsh turning down the health care benefits given to congressmen IS AN EMPTY GESTURE ON HIS PART, AS HIS FINANCIAL SITUATION VIA HIS ADVISOR STATUS AT HIS OLD JOB MORE THAN COMPENSATES FOR THE LACK OF INSURANCE THAT WOULD COVER HIS WIFE'S PRE-EXISTING CONDITION. And the other teabagger friendly GOP'ers all have private insurance that they can afford that meets their needs.

The average working family, middle, lower, and working poor, DO NOT HAVE FINANCIAL OPTIONS TO COMPENSATE FOR THE DENIALS OF PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS UNDER THE OLD INSURANCE COMPANIES...which is what the teabagger/neocon GOP so desperately want to maintain.

Don't get pissed at me,'s YOUR teabagger/neocon leadership that are playing YOU for suckers.

No need to dumb your posts down for me.... you achieve your own unique level of stupidity that I find remarkably easy to interpret. Each and every one confirms that you have the intellectual capacity of a house plant.

If you can't take it, don't dish it out, my mentally challenged California Girl. As the thread shows, it was YOU who entered an ignorant and childish assessment of what I posted....and you did so insultingly. Next, act like you have some sense and I'll won't treat you like a petulant child.

But, it's always entertaining to see someone who is so desperate to make some imaginary point that they resort to CAPITAL LETTERS. :lol::lol:

As you can see folks, our dim California Girl can't logically or factually refute the FACTS that I put forth in the opening post she just tries to hide her ignorance with sour grapes a faux condescending attitude.

Walsh knows his audience.....willfully ignorant neocon parrots like our California girl. :doubt:
If a person, Congressman or not has a better medical plan than is offered him in his congressional capacity, he is suppose to drop it and take one of lesser value and benifits?

Ahhh, but that is NOT what Walsh has stated or implied......he has said that by denying the Congressional healthcare options, he is DENYING his wife an insurance option for her "pre-condition". I don't know about you, but that's fucking stupid....if my wife is sick, and I (allegedly) couldn't get healthcare insurance or afford to pay for it previously, I jolly well would jump onto a plan that would help her. Only a fanatic wouldn't....and as I pointed out, Walsh is just a bullshit artist, not a fanatic.
A person who is responsible for their family will naturally obtain the best healthcare they can afford for their family.

See above.

The reason that Obamacare is not wanted is because it is unconstitutional. A to date no one has logically or factually proven so in a court case......a judge has STATED such but has NOT made a formal case ruling. The federal government can not force a citizen to purchase anything, plain and simple.

Really? Then don't purchase a car and forgo auto insurance, don't go anywhere that may require a specific type of ID (driver or non-driver)...I could go on, but hopefully you've gotten the point as to the error of your assertion.

Get over it and go change the sheets on your bed.

Hey, I'm over the insipidly stubborness and willful ignorance of folk like you when it comes to the FACTS I've pointed out. Evidently, YOU'RE not.
so 17 Congressmen turn down their health package and it's a bad thing?

If only more Congressmen were more focused on public service than the financial compensation they recieve for it, this nation would be a much better place!

17 Congressmen turn down Federally Paid Health insurance Saving the Government how much? TiChewLisp spins it into being a bad thing??? Fuck Him/Her and the Horse He/She rode in on. What a Piece of work. :evil:

As you can see folks, our Intensely stupid teabagger/neocon clown here, has to educated:

1) The Congressmen are just turning down the HEALTHCARE aspects of their gov't benefits one said they were rejecting the OTHER aspects of that package.

2) They announced that they are doing so NOT to save money by as an example of their commitment to reject/repeal the recently passed Healthcare Reform law.

3) This is an empty gesture, as these congressmen were in a financial bracket that gave them access to BETTER healthcare packages than their constituents.

4) This gesture does not address the fact that these congressmen want to remove the stipulations that would prevent health insurance companies from denying pre-condition patients or dropping customers for questionable reasons....something that there less wealthier constituents are prone to.

But, it does seem that Walsh and company know that there's a sucker born every minute. Did our Intense-ly dumb friend here THINK that Walsh, a venture capitalist with a successful firm, was letting his wife "suffer"? Or that with his dual income (advisory board member) that he would opt to let her continue suffering for some teabagger ideology? Personally, I'd be scared of such a fanatic.







The charge of "racism" is one that the Tea Party movement would like to shake. In the past, it has dismissed the label as only representing a few of its members on the fringe. However, the issue surfaced again on Wednesday when the NAACP -- which made news in July when it asked the Tea Party to repudiate racist elements within its ranks – issued a report that details associations between Tea Party organizations and hate groups in this country.

In a conference call with journalists, NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said that while there are policy disagreements, the civil rights group has "no problem with the Tea Party expressing their views in their great debate in our great democracy." The majority of Tea Party members "are sincere," and some are also in the NAACP, he said.
"We do however have a problem when prominent Tea Party members" use Tea Party events to recruit people for white supremacist groups, Jealous said. The NAACP is urging leadership and members of the Tea Party movement to take additional steps to distance themselves from those Tea Party leaders "who espouse racist ideas, advocate violence, or are formally affiliated with white supremacist organizations."

He said the expulsion of Mark Williams of Tea Party Express was a step in the right direction, but said that Williams had been making controversial statements long before he was ousted for writing a mocking letter suggesting that blacks preferred life under slavery.

Some Tea Party leaders condemned the report, accusing the NAACP of abandoning its civil rights mission and of becoming a mouthpiece of the liberal left.
In a statement before the report's release, Jealous said, "These groups and individuals are out there, and we ignore them at our own peril. They are speaking at Tea Party events, recruiting at rallies and in some cases remain in the Tea Party leadership itself. The danger is not that the majority of Tea Party members share their views, but that left unchecked, these extremists might indirectly influence the direction of the Tea Party and therefore the direction of our country: moving it backward and not forward."
The report, co-authored by Devin Burghart and Leonard Zeskind of the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, examines six Tea Party groups: FreedomWorks Tea Party, 1776 Tea Party, Tea Party Nation, Tea Party Patriots, ResistNet, and Tea Party Express.
Zeskind, who was also on the conference call, said they began research a year ago when they noticed that the white supremacist group had "started a thread to move into the Tea Party." Burghart explained the report's methodology and data-gathering techniques, which included investigating campaign finance reports, printed and online literature, Tea Party membership, government documents and databases (including court cases) finance reports and corporate filings. They also interviewed activists.
A document, "The Tea Party: The Racism Within," lists six "Profiles of Troubling Tea Partiers" with current or one-time ties to white nationalist organizations. It singles out Roan Garcia-Quintana, "advisor and media spokesman" for the 2010 Tax Day Tea Party in South Carolina. A member of ResistNet, he also serves on the National Board of Directors of the Council of Conservative Citizens, whose statement of principles opposes "all efforts to mix the races of mankind."

The NAACP said the decentralized nature of the Tea Party movement makes it difficult to police disparate groups for members who cross the line, but Jealous specifically called on Dick Armey of FreedomWorks and Sarah Palin, who "is out there with Tea Party Express," to take a more aggressive stand against intolerance.
"Here we go again," Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, told the Kansas City Star. "This is typical of this liberal group's smear tactics." Phillips was an organizer of the Tea Party national conference in February.

Sal Russo, a California political consultant and chief strategist for the Tea Party Express, told the Star, "To attack a grassroots movement of this magnitude with sundry isolated incidents only goes to show the NAACP has abandoned the cause of civil rights for the advancement of liberal Democrat politics."

In addition to the report, the NAACP has been running Tea Party Tracker, a Web site in partnership with ThinkProgress, Media Matters and New Left Media set up to monitor "extremism in the Tea Party movement."

NAACP Issues Report That Links Tea Party Leaders to 'Hate Groups'
Oh my! This changes my perspective completely! I've just realized that the US isn't spending itself into oblivion and that Obama and the Liberal Democrats are our saviors!

That settles it, I'm voting Democrat in 2012!
Oh my! This changes my perspective completely! I've just realized that the US isn't spending itself into oblivion and that Obama and the Liberal Democrats are our saviors!

That settles it, I'm voting Democrat in 2012!

Meh, I was bored so I decided to stir the pot.

I am looking at being backed into a corner: either I agree we should spend ourselves into oblivion or I sign on for hate.

I cannot agree to either one. Where's MY party? Where's MY candidate?
Don't hate us cuz we're beautiful, Maddie!

The things you despise about the tea party are thes same things I like. I like straight talk, and every one of those signs I see (I didn't look at the clip or follow any links) I agree with.

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