Are all people in the Tea Party stupid are just the ones they put on TV

I'm sorry. What are the left wing ideals? Frankly, the left wing is rarely represented on this message board.
Support for equal rights for all people is not 'left wing'; supporting a progressive income tax is not left wing, and supporting social security is not left wing. Support for Medicare is not left wing and support for expanding Medicare with a public option is not left wing either. Supporting reasonable controls on who can own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm is not left wing, nor is support for labor unions, clean air, clean water and a respect for our environment.

Today is not opposite day.

Everything you described above involves larger government, more expensive government, more CONTROL over the people, and all to be done only with more money taken from private citizens to fund it all. Those are left wing ideals. It's a simple scheme. Left wing is bigger government, more control, right wing is less government, more freedom. We're constantly in a battle to move either way. Neither DEM or GOP is exclusive to either side, as some sway both ways. But thats the general scope of ideology, along with the middle who share both views.

Very little of what I described involves larger government, all of what I posted already exists, even a public option. Those who are not insured get treated when ill or injured, don't they?
I'm not for expanding the size of the Federal Government; I am for making the government more efficient and effective.

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid do not involve or require a big government?

Gun control requires enforcement, which means big, armed government.

In order to SUSTAIN what is already in place (because it's going broke and taking us with it) is going to require taking more money from the citizens, which will require obviously more IRS agents(which we just hired a lot of), more gov't offices, etc, etc.

And yes, those who are hurt or ill do get treated. Which is why we did not need Obamacare. But the left wing wants single payer. Meaning the government is the sole payer of healthcare costs for all citizens. One stop healthcare shopping. The government. Obviously a massive undertaking by the gov't, similar to European models. Which, btw, are also going bankrupt.

Sad truth is government is rarely efficient OR effective. Partly because government has no competition. Locals can't make a competitive choice of who they want to be governed by. They have their city, state, and federal government. It's not like they can choose Kmart or Wal-Mart. Vote, yes. But politicians don't make government run. Line level government employees do. Clerks. Office employees. The "boots on the ground". And those folks are not elected, and can almost never be fired. Without competition, those folks don't have to be effective or efficient, but simply do the minimum to get by. Which is why government is never efficient. DMV, public schools, etc, etc, all government is run down by waste, inefficiency, fraud, corruption. Which is why we need to give the gov't less, not more, power.
Are all people in the Tea Party stupid are just the ones they put on TV

Whenever a crowd is on a likeminded mission it tends to bring out the stupid in some people.

Mob behavior is the worse example of that. That's when the stupid ends up infecting pretty much everybody in the crowd

And people acting out to extremes when they imagine that those surrrounding them will approve, is another, abeit a lesser example of that behavior.

This happens regardless of what the crowd is all about politically...I saw plenty of that kind of stupid acting out behavior in the anti-war demonstrations of the 60s and 70s'.
Palin started the trend of unprepared inept wannabe politicians jumping in front of a TV camera only to make a total ass of themselves and destroying any chance they ever had of gaining any office with the power to make real change. Then came the lovable and laughable Christine O’Donnell, and now Michele Bachmann. Tea Partiers, What’s up with that?
I'm sure Christine, Sarah and Michelle have bright futures. Just look how far "Slow Joe" Biden has come with his limited intelligence value.

come on now you can do better than that they are just as bad as we are stuff.
I think Joe is a moron, now he's Veep. You think Christine, Sarah and Michelle are morons.
Obama is shaping up to be Jimmy Carter II. Anything could happen in 2012.
Palin started the trend of unprepared inept wannabe politicians jumping in front of a TV camera only to make a total ass of themselves and destroying any chance they ever had of gaining any office with the power to make real change. Then came the lovable and laughable Christine O’Donnell, and now Michele Bachmann. Tea Partiers, What’s up with that?

Compared to who Obama? Who like most liberals wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass.
It is always fun to watch lefties make threads about how dumb Tea Party members are, and that thread being full of spelling and grammatical errors.

Yet the message is clear; TP members seek simple solutions to complex issues. TP 'leaders' such as Palin, Bachmann and Angle rarely offer reasoned arguments, they appeal to the emotions - greed, hate, fear - of the flock.
"Hope." "Change." "Yes We Can!"
It is always fun to watch lefties make threads about how dumb Tea Party members are, and that thread being full of spelling and grammatical errors.

Yet the message is clear; TP members seek simple solutions to complex issues. TP 'leaders' such as Palin, Bachmann and Angle rarely offer reasoned arguments, they appeal to the emotions - greed, hate, fear - of the flock.
"Hope." "Change." "Yes We Can!"

Hope and change are not solutions, dave. "Take our country back" "Second Amendment remedies" are not solutions either, but they do suggest something more, something violent which hope and change do not.
It is always fun to watch lefties make threads about how dumb Tea Party members are, and that thread being full of spelling and grammatical errors.

Yet the message is clear; TP members seek simple solutions to complex issues. TP 'leaders' such as Palin, Bachmann and Angle rarely offer reasoned arguments, they appeal to the emotions - greed, hate, fear - of the flock.

What exactly is complex about overspending, too much debt, and taxes being too high?
I'm sorry. What are the left wing ideals? Frankly, the left wing is rarely represented on this message board.
Support for equal rights for all people is not 'left wing'; supporting a progressive income tax is not left wing, and supporting social security is not left wing. Support for Medicare is not left wing and support for expanding Medicare with a public option is not left wing either. Supporting reasonable controls on who can own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm is not left wing, nor is support for labor unions, clean air, clean water and a respect for our environment.

Today is not opposite day.

Everything you described above involves larger government, more expensive government, more CONTROL over the people, and all to be done only with more money taken from private citizens to fund it all. Those are left wing ideals. It's a simple scheme. Left wing is bigger government, more control, right wing is less government, more freedom. We're constantly in a battle to move either way. Neither DEM or GOP is exclusive to either side, as some sway both ways. But thats the general scope of ideology, along with the middle who share both views.

Very little of what I described involves larger government, all of what I posted already exists, even a public option. Those who are not insured get treated when ill or injured, don't they?
I'm not for expanding the size of the Federal Government; I am for making the government more efficient and effective.

Name a single issue you've supported less government intrusion on.
It is always fun to watch lefties make threads about how dumb Tea Party members are, and that thread being full of spelling and grammatical errors.

Yet the message is clear; TP members seek simple solutions to complex issues. TP 'leaders' such as Palin, Bachmann and Angle rarely offer reasoned arguments, they appeal to the emotions - greed, hate, fear - of the flock.

"My first move will be to close GITMO".....(simple solution to complex issues)

"I will start pulling out of Iraq in 6 months"....(simple solutions to complex issues)

"we will try the terorrists as civilians in a NYC court...(simple solutions to complex issues)

"The worst economy since the great depression"....(appeal to the emotion of fear)

"I will give 95% of you more money in your paycheck"...(appeal to emotion of greed)

"The GOP is the party of No and they only care about the rich"...(appeal to the emotion of hate)

"The police acted stupidly"....(appeal to the emotion of hate)

"a doctor may prefer to take out your childs tonsils for the better reimbursement...(appeal to the emotion of hate AND fear)

Seems Obama is a built in the tea party image according to your assessment.
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Yet the message is clear; TP members seek simple solutions to complex issues. TP 'leaders' such as Palin, Bachmann and Angle rarely offer reasoned arguments, they appeal to the emotions - greed, hate, fear - of the flock.
"Hope." "Change." "Yes We Can!"

Hope and change are not solutions, dave. "Take our country back" "Second Amendment remedies" are not solutions either, but they do suggest something more, something violent which hope and change do not.

Hope and change are vacuous emotional appeals. And that's all Obama offered. True story.
Palin started the trend of unprepared inept wannabe politicians jumping in front of a TV camera only to make a total ass of themselves and destroying any chance they ever had of gaining any office with the power to make real change. Then came the lovable and laughable Christine O’Donnell, and now Michele Bachmann. Tea Partiers, What’s up with that?

Palin backed 18 candidates, 16 got elected.

so that means you're talking out your ass.
It is always fun to watch lefties make threads about how dumb Tea Party members are, and that thread being full of spelling and grammatical errors.

Yet the message is clear; TP members seek simple solutions to complex issues. TP 'leaders' such as Palin, Bachmann and Angle rarely offer reasoned arguments, they appeal to the emotions - greed, hate, fear - of the flock.

What exactly is complex about overspending, too much debt, and taxes being too high?

Nothing other than the simplicity of your post. How much debt is too much? How high should taxes be, and what should those taxes provide?
What are the consequences of laying off tens of thousands of government employees? How many more homes will go to foreclosure? How many more Americans will become homeless? How many small businesses will fail as a result of more Americans becoming unemployed?
Simple solutions to complex problems and an inability or unwillingness to consider the consequences intended and otherwise is the bane of TPers.

Ignore the human cost and really think about this one point.
Providing medicare to all Americans paid by taxes, providing preventative health care, health care education and treatment for Alcohol/Drug/Tobacco makes sense. Prevention is cost effective, early detection is cost effective, and a healtier work force is more productive.
It is always fun to watch lefties make threads about how dumb Tea Party members are, and that thread being full of spelling and grammatical errors.

Yet the message is clear; TP members seek simple solutions to complex issues. TP 'leaders' such as Palin, Bachmann and Angle rarely offer reasoned arguments, they appeal to the emotions - greed, hate, fear - of the flock.

We do not seek simple solutions, we have simple solutions, big difference. Further, the issues are not complex, at least not to us. What appears to Liberal's as complex, is rather simple to those of us with common sense.

Of course the Liberal policy of Global Warming and Energy does not rely on fear, how is that. The Liberal is using fear, I do not think I see many posts or opinions coming from the Liberals that are not using fear.

Here for instance, you use fear, Michelle Bachmann who is an actual elected leader vs. Palin you fear will be elected, you offer not a reasoned argument, but an agument that instills fear, I mean my God, imagine the type of people who only do things out of hate, fear, and greed, we must elect the Liberals to protect us from such people.

Seems real simple to me that you are doing what you accuse Palin and Bachmann of doing, using fear. Of course its much more complex than that, correct.

Energy is complex right.

Reducing the size of government is complex.

I say we quit electing Democrats or Republicans that find these problems too complex to fix. We have had the same Liberals in Washington for 40 years, what complex problem have they solved in that time.
The Tea Party is way too right wing to be to the point of being extreme. And Palin, Bachmann just don't present themselves as being on top of history, facts and the issues. They'd be better off having Jim DeMint, Ron or Rand Paul do their talking for them. It's not that I'm a sexist, it's just that Palin and Bachmann don't do the job of attracting an over all positive image of the Tea Party. Plus I agree with Rand Paul regarding aid to Israel.

Time to end foreign aid to Israel: ‘We just can’t do it anymore,’ Sen. Paul warns

Time to end foreign aid to Israel: ‘We just can’t do it anymore,’ Sen. Paul warns | Raw Story
Palin started the trend of unprepared inept wannabe politicians jumping in front of a TV camera only to make a total ass of themselves and destroying any chance they ever had of gaining any office with the power to make real change. Then came the lovable and laughable Christine O’Donnell, and now Michele Bachmann. Tea Partiers, What’s up with that?

Are all people in the Tea Party stupid are just the ones they put on TV

When it comes to stupid it applies to all of society, a certain percentage of which are stupid regardless of affiliations they might have. Some are likely in the Tea Party just as some start threads in this forum.

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