The Solution for Preventing Illegal Immigration


May 30, 2014
Every presidential candidate who claims that they want to prevent illegal immigration should adopt these policies as part of their campaign promises. They are executive orders in harmony with the current existing laws:



============[ SUGGESTED LIST OF POLICIES ]============

* The federal government through the presidential office will give authority to any state, county, or local government that wants to help enforce immigration law. The states and local governments will act as "agents" of the federal government through the President Office. States and local governments can assist the federal government just like they do with murder, drugs, theft, and other crimes. They will be allowed to create their own enforcement policies, but will be required to use the United State Congress’ standards for who are legal residents and who are deportable aliens. The enforcement can be handled like any other unlawful trespassing law. They can decide to give jail time, fines, and even deport anyone trespassing in the United States.

* The military and coast guard will assist the Border Patrol in protecting and securing the United States borders. Much of this can be training exercise for new recruits and the practice of how to use drone aircrafts.

* Every person booked into jail by law enforcement will have their fingerprints run against federal immigration databases whenever reasonably possible to determine if they are in the United States illegally. (Similar to "Secure Communities" programs)

* ICE will be allowed to raid businesses that are suspected of employing illegal immigrants. This practice started in the latter term of Pres. Bush and ended under Pres. Obama. They can coordinator with local police to aid them in locking down the businesses.

* Public schools, colleges, and universities will be required to submit the personal information of students who do not offer proof that they are legally in the United States into an ICE database. This action by itself will not prevent students from being able to attend school, but rather determine how much resources are drained by illegal immigrants.

* No local program can give social or financial aid to anyone who is in the United States illegally other than emergency medical care. Every service has to verify legal residence. Every government agency has the right to refuse their services to anyone who cannot prove that they are legal residents.

* No federal agencies is allowed to prioritize one group of deportable illegal immigrants over another group of deportable illegal immigrants. All deportable illegal immigrants must be equal in reference to removal priority.

* Any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency can deny bail to anyone in the United States illegally if they choose to.

* Setup an entry/exit system. All new foreign visitors will have their fingerprints added into a federal database.

* Hospitals have to right to refer patients who fit certain predetermined profiles to immigration authorities without fear of being sued.

* The federal government will complete the border fence mandated by previously passed congressional laws.

* Cameras will be placed along the border in locations where Internet communications is available. The cameras images will be viewable to Internet users within the United States. This will allow Americans to help Border Patrol agents monitor the border. The software will allow citizens to forward picture frames that they believe might contain illegal immigrants sneaking across the border. Border Patrol will be able to focus more on wilderness areas while American citizens monitor the camera sectors. There are a lot of Americans who would love to help protect the United States border from their own homes. To prevent the cameras from being used by smugglers, the software will not tell the viewers the origin of the camera images.

* Increase the fines businesses have to pay for hiring illegal immigrants.

* If anyone proves that a business is knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, that person will receive 5% of any monetary judgment that the business must pay for committing the illegal hirings. Businesses will not hire illegal immigrants if they know the illegal immigrants they hire will squeal on them.

* English is the official language of the United States. All federal business with the federal government must be done in English unless congressional passed law preempts it. No government agency will be required or compelled to provide translators except when the person is suspected of a crime. No government agency other than educational teachers, law enforcement, the military, or foreign relations services is allowed to require or specify knowledge of a foreign language as part of its job requirement, preference, or description.

* Enforce section 243(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act which charges the State Department with the responsibility of denying visas to countries that refuse to repatriate their citizens who are being deported.

* Immigration judges are allowed to take only 2 issues into account when deciding if a defendant should be deported. 1) Is the defendant in the United States illegally based upon the United States congressional passed immigration law? 2) Is the defendant a refugee or likely to obtain refugee status? No other factors matter. If anyone is in the United States illegally and is unlikely to be given refugee status, then that person should be deported. This should greatly speed up immigration trials.

* The maximum number of people who can be given refugee status will be 10,000 a year.

* The FBI is required to investigate every candidate for President of the United States to verify that they meet the requirements of the Constitution to be President of the United States. Idealistically, the investigations will begin at least 180 days before Election Day unless the candidate request for it to be done earlier.

* No government agency or organization that is partly supported by federal, state, county, or local money can withhold information in their possession from any immigration enforcement government agency that can be used to identify or deport illegal immigrants unless congressional laws prevent it.

* Create a policy that require the 14th Amendment's wording of "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" to be understood to mean the allegiance and citizenship of the child's biological parents at the time of birth and not the physical geographical location. Then stop issuing citizenship certificates to babies if neither parent is an American citizen. This will go to court and the Supreme Court will ultimately determine its meaning.


Philip Brown
This nation was founded on *illegal* immigrants. The pilgrims didn't ask the Indians if we could come here.
This nation was founded on *illegal* immigrants. The pilgrims didn't ask the Indians if we could come here.
they're not indians and the first people here didnt ask anyone if they could come here either. why do people mention pilgrims no one came here as an act of religious devotion
Damn, stop hiring illegal aliens and empowering illegal immigration (because they Hispanics), that would be a major step in the right direction.
This nation was founded on *illegal* immigrants. The pilgrims didn't ask the Indians if we could come here.

No, it wasn't you damned fool! This country was formed by legal immigrants and citizens. The pilgrims didn't have to ask the Indians to come here. Subsequent immigrants came here under the permission of the U.S. government. The indians had no more right to this land than the Europeans did. There was no land ownership or immigration laws back then. All of our ancestors migrated here from somewhere else including the Indian's ancestors. There were no natives here. So sick of hearing this BS I could puke!
This nation was founded on *illegal* immigrants. The pilgrims didn't ask the Indians if we could come here.

No, it wasn't you damned fool! This country was formed by legal immigrants and citizens. The pilgrims didn't have to ask the Indians to come here. Subsequent immigrants came here under the permission of the U.S. government. The indians had no more right to this land than the Europeans did. There was no land ownership or immigration laws back then. All of our ancestors migrated here from somewhere else including the Indian's ancestors. There were no natives here. So sick of hearing this BS I could puke!

So, that's why the politically correct term for Indians is now Native Americans. This didn't come about randomly, I would guess, as much haggling and hammering out it takes to get any kind of change through the legal system. So, after well over two hundred years the powers that be finally arrived at the term Native Americans. That would indicate they were the first peoples known to be here. After the pilgrims settled in here our government was formed, and as you stated, only then did "subsequent immigrates" need permission. Also, there was no other reason that the U.S. Government settled up with Native Americans after overtaking their land and relegating them to shit hole pieces of land nobody else would want including them. If you choose to believe in the fairytale you subscribe to, and if that makes you somehow feel superior and thankful, so be it, go right ahead and continue to be deceived rather than enlightened. Prejudice is an ugly thing. You can feel free to "puke" your fool head off now.
This nation was founded on *illegal* immigrants. The pilgrims didn't ask the Indians if we could come here.

No, it wasn't you damned fool! This country was formed by legal immigrants and citizens. The pilgrims didn't have to ask the Indians to come here. Subsequent immigrants came here under the permission of the U.S. government. The indians had no more right to this land than the Europeans did. There was no land ownership or immigration laws back then. All of our ancestors migrated here from somewhere else including the Indian's ancestors. There were no natives here. So sick of hearing this BS I could puke!

So, that's why the politically correct term for Indians is now Native Americans. This didn't come about randomly, I would guess, as much haggling and hammering out it takes to get any kind of change through the legal system. So, after well over two hundred years the powers that be finally arrived at the term Native Americans. That would indicate they were the first peoples known to be here. After the pilgrims settled in here our government was formed, and as you stated, only then did "subsequent immigrates" need permission. Also, there was no other reason that the U.S. Government settled up with Native Americans after overtaking their land and relegating them to shit hole pieces of land nobody else would want including them. If you choose to believe in the fairytale you subscribe to, and if that makes you somehow feel superior and thankful, so be it, go right ahead and continue to be deceived rather than enlightened. Prejudice is an ugly thing. You can feel free to "puke" your fool head off now.

First does not mean native. Since the so-called natives migrated here from somewhere else they weren't "natives". It was never correct to call them native verbally or within our laws. I guess there was even a little PC going on with that issue as so many of our issues do anymore.
This nation was founded on *illegal* immigrants. The pilgrims didn't ask the Indians if we could come here.

No, it wasn't you damned fool! This country was formed by legal immigrants and citizens. The pilgrims didn't have to ask the Indians to come here. Subsequent immigrants came here under the permission of the U.S. government. The indians had no more right to this land than the Europeans did. There was no land ownership or immigration laws back then. All of our ancestors migrated here from somewhere else including the Indian's ancestors. There were no natives here. So sick of hearing this BS I could puke!

So, that's why the politically correct term for Indians is now Native Americans. This didn't come about randomly, I would guess, as much haggling and hammering out it takes to get any kind of change through the legal system. So, after well over two hundred years the powers that be finally arrived at the term Native Americans. That would indicate they were the first peoples known to be here. After the pilgrims settled in here our government was formed, and as you stated, only then did "subsequent immigrates" need permission. Also, there was no other reason that the U.S. Government settled up with Native Americans after overtaking their land and relegating them to shit hole pieces of land nobody else would want including them. If you choose to believe in the fairytale you subscribe to, and if that makes you somehow feel superior and thankful, so be it, go right ahead and continue to be deceived rather than enlightened. Prejudice is an ugly thing. You can feel free to "puke" your fool head off now.

First does not mean native. Since the so-called natives migrated here from somewhere else they weren't "natives". It was never correct to call them native verbally or within our laws. I guess there was even a little PC going on with that issue as so many of our issues do anymore.

Pissy semantic nonsense.^^^^^^^
I think that the Indians are quite happy and thankful that the white man showed up. Look at all the toys that they get to play with, not to forget not to have to live in a tent anymore in 20 below zero temperatures. Now they can sit back and relax in their lazy boy chairs in their home and sit by the fire and watch TV. They could not do that a few hundred years ago. The Caucasian people never get appreciated for anything, just have to constantly take abuse. Aw well. :eusa_wall:
With Sen. Rubio dropping out of the presidential race, it appears that the two top republican candidates are both strongly pro-enforcement on the issue of illegal immigration. It may be possible that much of the 20-pont policies that I proposed might be implemented through executive orders. Each of the points are actions that any President can implement on his own and does not require an act of Congress.

Philip Brown
This nation was founded on *illegal* immigrants. The pilgrims didn't ask the Indians if we could come here.

No, it wasn't you damned fool! This country was formed by legal immigrants and citizens. The pilgrims didn't have to ask the Indians to come here. Subsequent immigrants came here under the permission of the U.S. government. The indians had no more right to this land than the Europeans did. There was no land ownership or immigration laws back then. All of our ancestors migrated here from somewhere else including the Indian's ancestors. There were no natives here. So sick of hearing this BS I could puke!

People who say the pilgrims were illegals can't show one law in place at that time saying they couldn't come here. Perhaps someone should explain to them that for something to be illegal there has to be something in place saying you can't do it.
I could not agree with your more Conservative 65. If the American Indians would have required sensible policies that limited how many travelers could move to the Americas and required the travelers to assimilate to their culture, they would not have been conquered by the immigrants from Europe. Uncontrolled immigration destroyed the Indian culture and freedom. I hope we learn from their mistake.

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