The smell of Democracy in the morning ...


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
In the wake of Trump's election, I've heard a lot of grumbling from Democrats about the fact that Hillary got more votes than Trump overall. They're suggesting the Trump presidency is illegitimate because he didn't win a majority, or even a plurality, of the votes cast. I have a couple of questions for these people:

1. Does it really matter to you? If some counting error were discovered and it was proven that Trump actually won the popular vote, would you breathe a sigh of relief and accept Trump as your president? Would all of the asinine things he does be acceptable if they truly were the will of 'the people'?

2. If it would matter, why?

3. How is "the majority is always right" differ from "might makes right"?
Reading these forums, and seeing the actions of Democrats in it not crystal clear that we are considerably past the point of calm reasoning with these radicals from hell? Time to DO something....but what?

Here's a list of things you can do that will actually MEAN something and have an effect towards nipping radical Leftism.

1). STOP supporting all the things that are cash cows to the left.
MAN UP (or woman up)! Drop the cable TV (supports Hollywood and the elitist liberal globalist agenda). Stop going to movies. Discontinue subscriptions to entertainment that supports the left. It's YOUR life too. Do your own research. Find out. That includes SPORTS channels.
2). Cut back ALL luxury entertainment expenses to a BARE minimum (including Netflix which is hard core left owned).
3). Come out of the I'm with Jesus closet and raise your voice. Being a believer doesn't mean God will do your fighting for you.
4). Attend rallies. Get involved. Stop being passive and waiting for the Rapture or Apocalypse. Both may never occur in your lifetime. Make a difference.
5). Stop being afraid to speak up. They NEED you afraid and silenced to destroy you and the nation. That's the entire purpose of all the Politically correct horseshit they spew.
6). Get up and VOTE for God's sake while elections still matter!!!! ( I can't emphasize this enough). If you are against the liberal communist takeover of America and do not vote, you are essentially one of them.
Not voting is 100% inexcusable. PERIOD!!!!!
7). Pay attention to companies that advertise on the hard left media such as TV and radio. Do NOT do business with those companies. Vote with your wallet. Kill the cash cows!
8). Support efforts to give the right an equal voice. Use conservative health care and search engines. Do everything in your power to lend your voice and your weight to anti-communist, anti-American (left) forces.
9). Spread the word...share this list......enough is ENOUGH!!
Reading these forums, and seeing the actions of Democrats in it not crystal clear that we are considerably past the point of calm reasoning with these radicals from hell? Time to DO something....but what?

Here's a list of things you can do that will actually MEAN something and have an effect towards nipping radical Leftism.

1). STOP supporting all the things that are cash cows to the left.
MAN UP (or woman up)! Drop the cable TV (supports Hollywood and the elitist liberal globalist agenda). Stop going to movies. Discontinue subscriptions to entertainment that supports the left. It's YOUR life too. Do your own research. Find out. That includes SPORTS channels.
2). Cut back ALL luxury entertainment expenses to a BARE minimum (including Netflix which is hard core left owned).
3). Come out of the I'm with Jesus closet and raise your voice. Being a believer doesn't mean God will do your fighting for you.
4). Attend rallies. Get involved. Stop being passive and waiting for the Rapture or Apocalypse. Both may never occur in your lifetime. Make a difference.
5). Stop being afraid to speak up. They NEED you afraid and silenced to destroy you and the nation. That's the entire purpose of all the Politically correct horseshit they spew.
6). Get up and VOTE for God's sake while elections still matter!!!! ( I can't emphasize this enough). If you are against the liberal communist takeover of America and do not vote, you are essentially one of them.
Not voting is 100% inexcusable. PERIOD!!!!!
7). Pay attention to companies that advertise on the hard left media such as TV and radio. Do NOT do business with those companies. Vote with your wallet. Kill the cash cows!
8). Support efforts to give the right an equal voice. Use conservative health care and search engines. Do everything in your power to lend your voice and your weight to anti-communist, anti-American (left) forces.
9). Spread the word...share this list......enough is ENOUGH!!
Look at that, a very fast typist.
In the wake of Trump's election, I've heard a lot of grumbling from Democrats about the fact that Hillary got more votes than Trump overall. They're suggesting the Trump presidency is illegitimate because he didn't win a majority, or even a plurality, of the votes cast. I have a couple of questions for these people:

1. Does it really matter to you? If some counting error were discovered and it was proven that Trump actually won the popular vote, would you breathe a sigh of relief and accept Trump as your president? Would all of the asinine things he does be acceptable if they truly were the will of 'the people'?

2. If it would matter, why?

3. How is "the majority is always right" differ from "might makes right"?
1. No.
2. Yes. If you claim to be a Democratic Republic then you just might want the majority to - actually win. The EC is unnecessary and undemocratic.
3. The majority is not always right but it is the majority. Might does not make right but that doesn't seem to bother the most powerful nation on earth much.
Reading these forums, and seeing the actions of Democrats in it not crystal clear that we are considerably past the point of calm reasoning with these radicals from hell? Time to DO something....but what?

Here's a list of things you can do that will actually MEAN something and have an effect towards nipping radical Leftism.

1). STOP supporting all the things that are cash cows to the left.
MAN UP (or woman up)! Drop the cable TV (supports Hollywood and the elitist liberal globalist agenda). Stop going to movies. Discontinue subscriptions to entertainment that supports the left. It's YOUR life too. Do your own research. Find out. That includes SPORTS channels.
2). Cut back ALL luxury entertainment expenses to a BARE minimum (including Netflix which is hard core left owned).
3). Come out of the I'm with Jesus closet and raise your voice. Being a believer doesn't mean God will do your fighting for you.
4). Attend rallies. Get involved. Stop being passive and waiting for the Rapture or Apocalypse. Both may never occur in your lifetime. Make a difference.
5). Stop being afraid to speak up. They NEED you afraid and silenced to destroy you and the nation. That's the entire purpose of all the Politically correct horseshit they spew.
6). Get up and VOTE for God's sake while elections still matter!!!! ( I can't emphasize this enough). If you are against the liberal communist takeover of America and do not vote, you are essentially one of them.
Not voting is 100% inexcusable. PERIOD!!!!!
7). Pay attention to companies that advertise on the hard left media such as TV and radio. Do NOT do business with those companies. Vote with your wallet. Kill the cash cows!
8). Support efforts to give the right an equal voice. Use conservative health care and search engines. Do everything in your power to lend your voice and your weight to anti-communist, anti-American (left) forces.
9). Spread the word...share this list......enough is ENOUGH!!
Look at that, a very fast typist.

Spam bots can do almost 200 words a minute!
Reading these forums, and seeing the actions of Democrats in it not crystal clear that we are considerably past the point of calm reasoning with these radicals from hell? Time to DO something....but what?

Here's a list of things you can do that will actually MEAN something and have an effect towards nipping radical Leftism.

1). STOP supporting all the things that are cash cows to the left.
MAN UP (or woman up)! Drop the cable TV (supports Hollywood and the elitist liberal globalist agenda). Stop going to movies. Discontinue subscriptions to entertainment that supports the left. It's YOUR life too. Do your own research. Find out. That includes SPORTS channels.
2). Cut back ALL luxury entertainment expenses to a BARE minimum (including Netflix which is hard core left owned).
3). Come out of the I'm with Jesus closet and raise your voice. Being a believer doesn't mean God will do your fighting for you.
4). Attend rallies. Get involved. Stop being passive and waiting for the Rapture or Apocalypse. Both may never occur in your lifetime. Make a difference.
5). Stop being afraid to speak up. They NEED you afraid and silenced to destroy you and the nation. That's the entire purpose of all the Politically correct horseshit they spew.
6). Get up and VOTE for God's sake while elections still matter!!!! ( I can't emphasize this enough). If you are against the liberal communist takeover of America and do not vote, you are essentially one of them.
Not voting is 100% inexcusable. PERIOD!!!!!
7). Pay attention to companies that advertise on the hard left media such as TV and radio. Do NOT do business with those companies. Vote with your wallet. Kill the cash cows!
8). Support efforts to give the right an equal voice. Use conservative health care and search engines. Do everything in your power to lend your voice and your weight to anti-communist, anti-American (left) forces.
9). Spread the word...share this list......enough is ENOUGH!!
Look at that, a very fast typist.

Spam bots can do almost 200 words a minute!
I gotta get me one of those.
1. Does it really matter to you?
2. If it would matter, why?
3. How is "the majority is always right" differ from "might makes right"?
1. No.
2. Yes. If you claim to be a Democratic Republic then you just might want the majority to - actually win. The EC is unnecessary and undemocratic.

These two answers seem to contradict each other. Can you explain?
3. The majority is not always right but it is the majority. Might does not make right but that doesn't seem to bother the most powerful nation on earth much.

Huh? How is having a bigger gang morally superior to have more muscle?
Reading these forums, and seeing the actions of Democrats in it not crystal clear that we are considerably past the point of calm reasoning with these radicals from hell? Time to DO something....but what?

Here's a list of things you can do that will actually MEAN something and have an effect towards nipping radical Leftism.

1). STOP supporting all the things that are cash cows to the left.
MAN UP (or woman up)! Drop the cable TV (supports Hollywood and the elitist liberal globalist agenda). Stop going to movies. Discontinue subscriptions to entertainment that supports the left. It's YOUR life too. Do your own research. Find out. That includes SPORTS channels.
2). Cut back ALL luxury entertainment expenses to a BARE minimum (including Netflix which is hard core left owned).
3). Come out of the I'm with Jesus closet and raise your voice. Being a believer doesn't mean God will do your fighting for you.
4). Attend rallies. Get involved. Stop being passive and waiting for the Rapture or Apocalypse. Both may never occur in your lifetime. Make a difference.
5). Stop being afraid to speak up. They NEED you afraid and silenced to destroy you and the nation. That's the entire purpose of all the Politically correct horseshit they spew.
6). Get up and VOTE for God's sake while elections still matter!!!! ( I can't emphasize this enough). If you are against the liberal communist takeover of America and do not vote, you are essentially one of them.
Not voting is 100% inexcusable. PERIOD!!!!!
7). Pay attention to companies that advertise on the hard left media such as TV and radio. Do NOT do business with those companies. Vote with your wallet. Kill the cash cows!
8). Support efforts to give the right an equal voice. Use conservative health care and search engines. Do everything in your power to lend your voice and your weight to anti-communist, anti-American (left) forces.
9). Spread the word...share this list......enough is ENOUGH!!
Look at that, a very fast typist.

Spam bots can do almost 200 words a minute!
/---- I kan type 45 mustakes a minutee
1. Does it really matter to you?
2. If it would matter, why?
3. How is "the majority is always right" differ from "might makes right"?
1. No.
2. Yes. If you claim to be a Democratic Republic then you just might want the majority to - actually win. The EC is unnecessary and undemocratic.

These two answers seem to contradict each other. Can you explain?
3. The majority is not always right but it is the majority. Might does not make right but that doesn't seem to bother the most powerful nation on earth much.

Huh? How is having a bigger gang morally superior to have more muscle?
GOP rules - Trump will never be my president.

Might doesn't make right (but it usually gets its way). Clear?
In the wake of Trump's election, I've heard a lot of grumbling from Democrats about the fact that Hillary got more votes than Trump overall. They're suggesting the Trump presidency is illegitimate because he didn't win a majority, or even a plurality, of the votes cast. I have a couple of questions for these people:

1. Does it really matter to you? If some counting error were discovered and it was proven that Trump actually won the popular vote, would you breathe a sigh of relief and accept Trump as your president? Would all of the asinine things he does be acceptable if they truly were the will of 'the people'?

2. If it would matter, why?

3. How is "the majority is always right" differ from "might makes right"?

You didn't hear them correctly. Trump's presidency is illegitimate because he's not the candidate they supported. You see, they are democrats and put democracy above all else.
In the wake of Trump's election, I've heard a lot of grumbling from Democrats about the fact that Hillary got more votes than Trump overall. They're suggesting the Trump presidency is illegitimate because he didn't win a majority, or even a plurality, of the votes cast. I have a couple of questions for these people:

1. Does it really matter to you? If some counting error were discovered and it was proven that Trump actually won the popular vote, would you breathe a sigh of relief and accept Trump as your president? Would all of the asinine things he does be acceptable if they truly were the will of 'the people'?

2. If it would matter, why?

3. How is "the majority is always right" differ from "might makes right"?
Answering doesn't.
Answering #1 and doesn't.

The left's entire deal is based off of chaos and harassment. They aren't in Washington to fix things. Anyone who tries becomes public enemy #1....or better known as Covfefe....
1. Does it really matter to you?
2. If it would matter, why?
3. How is "the majority is always right" differ from "might makes right"?
1. No.
2. Yes. If you claim to be a Democratic Republic then you just might want the majority to - actually win. The EC is unnecessary and undemocratic.

These two answers seem to contradict each other. Can you explain?
3. The majority is not always right but it is the majority. Might does not make right but that doesn't seem to bother the most powerful nation on earth much.

Huh? How is having a bigger gang morally superior to have more muscle?
GOP rules - Trump will never be my president.

Might doesn't make right (but it usually gets its way). Clear?
As mud!
1. Does it really matter to you?
2. If it would matter, why?
3. How is "the majority is always right" differ from "might makes right"?
1. No.
2. Yes. If you claim to be a Democratic Republic then you just might want the majority to - actually win. The EC is unnecessary and undemocratic.

These two answers seem to contradict each other. Can you explain?
3. The majority is not always right but it is the majority. Might does not make right but that doesn't seem to bother the most powerful nation on earth much.

Huh? How is having a bigger gang morally superior to have more muscle?
GOP rules - Trump will never be my president.

Might doesn't make right (but it usually gets its way). Clear?
As mud!
Then I can't help you. You have to be able to keep more than one thought in your head at the same time.
They're suggesting the Trump presidency is illegitimate because he didn't win a majority,

Who? Doesn't matter, he won the EC.

Democrats have every right to try and block his anti-American agenda. IMO his lies and his abusive nature towards every other candidate including all other GOP candidates, makes him illegitimate because any other politician would have been held over the fire if they had said some of the things the Grabby One said.
In the wake of Trump's election, I've heard a lot of grumbling from Democrats about the fact that Hillary got more votes than Trump overall. They're suggesting the Trump presidency is illegitimate because he didn't win a majority, or even a plurality, of the votes cast. I have a couple of questions for these people:

1. Does it really matter to you? If some counting error were discovered and it was proven that Trump actually won the popular vote, would you breathe a sigh of relief and accept Trump as your president? Would all of the asinine things he does be acceptable if they truly were the will of 'the people'?

2. If it would matter, why?

3. How is "the majority is always right" differ from "might makes right"?
1. No.
2. Yes. If you claim to be a Democratic Republic then you just might want the majority to - actually win. The EC is unnecessary and undemocratic.
3. The majority is not always right but it is the majority. Might does not make right but that doesn't seem to bother the most powerful nation on earth much.
The left keep reminding us how much they have dragged down the education system.

America is a Republic, dufus. Go educate yourself.
In the wake of Trump's election, I've heard a lot of grumbling from Democrats about the fact that Hillary got more votes than Trump overall. They're suggesting the Trump presidency is illegitimate because he didn't win a majority, or even a plurality, of the votes cast. I have a couple of questions for these people:

1. Does it really matter to you? If some counting error were discovered and it was proven that Trump actually won the popular vote, would you breathe a sigh of relief and accept Trump as your president? Would all of the asinine things he does be acceptable if they truly were the will of 'the people'?

2. If it would matter, why?

3. How is "the majority is always right" differ from "might makes right"?
1. No.
2. Yes. If you claim to be a Democratic Republic then you just might want the majority to - actually win. The EC is unnecessary and undemocratic.
3. The majority is not always right but it is the majority. Might does not make right but that doesn't seem to bother the most powerful nation on earth much.
The left keep reminding us how much they have dragged down the education system.

America is a Republic, dufus. Go educate yourself.
I know what it is. I also know that the electoral college is - undemocratic. Clear now, moron?
I also know that the electoral college is - undemocratic.

No, you don't know, you think it's undemocratic.

You don't know that we are a Representative Republic where we elect/appoint representatives to do our bidding. Hence the EC. (Clinton won 487 counties nationwide, compared with 2,626 for President-elect Donald Trump.)

As much as you hate it, the EC was set up to help ensure that EVERYONE'S voice was heard. Without it a few high population states would lord over the entire country. As it stands today, approx.12 state would perpetually elect our President, leaving voting in the remaining 38 states pointless.

You don't like it that the EC didn't elect Hilary, thereby earning your wrath. Whereas you should focus your hate on Hilary for only campaigning in high Democrat population areas. She ASSUMED that areas that usually voted Democrat would just fall in line and anoint her President without hearing what she had to offer. Well, guess what?
Reading these forums, and seeing the actions of Democrats in it not crystal clear that we are considerably past the point of calm reasoning with these radicals from hell? Time to DO something....but what?

Here's a list of things you can do that will actually MEAN something and have an effect towards nipping radical Leftism.

1). STOP supporting all the things that are cash cows to the left.
MAN UP (or woman up)! Drop the cable TV (supports Hollywood and the elitist liberal globalist agenda). Stop going to movies. Discontinue subscriptions to entertainment that supports the left. It's YOUR life too. Do your own research. Find out. That includes SPORTS channels.
2). Cut back ALL luxury entertainment expenses to a BARE minimum (including Netflix which is hard core left owned).
3). Come out of the I'm with Jesus closet and raise your voice. Being a believer doesn't mean God will do your fighting for you.
4). Attend rallies. Get involved. Stop being passive and waiting for the Rapture or Apocalypse. Both may never occur in your lifetime. Make a difference.
5). Stop being afraid to speak up. They NEED you afraid and silenced to destroy you and the nation. That's the entire purpose of all the Politically correct horseshit they spew.
6). Get up and VOTE for God's sake while elections still matter!!!! ( I can't emphasize this enough). If you are against the liberal communist takeover of America and do not vote, you are essentially one of them.
Not voting is 100% inexcusable. PERIOD!!!!!
7). Pay attention to companies that advertise on the hard left media such as TV and radio. Do NOT do business with those companies. Vote with your wallet. Kill the cash cows!
8). Support efforts to give the right an equal voice. Use conservative health care and search engines. Do everything in your power to lend your voice and your weight to anti-communist, anti-American (left) forces.
9). Spread the word...share this list......enough is ENOUGH!!
I've been saying most of this for years.
It seems to Me this board is more interested in the conflict than the solution.
The righties in this board bitch to no end about the media and in the very same breath supply a link to their site to make their point. Doing so if course gives that site more traffic which increases their revenue! I've explained this time after time but these idiots never learn. They are financially supporting the very thing they are condemning.

So as I stated earlier, I think mostly the outrage by most on here is FAKE AS FUCK. All they seem to be interested in is the argument.

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