The Significance Of Adam Schiff's “Parody"


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Significance Of Adam Schiff's “Parody"

The Significance of Adam Schiff’s “Parody” | Power Line
26 Sep 19 ~ By John Hinderaker
Schiff simply lied. Not a word of his tirade came from the transcript of the president’s conversation with Zelensky. Schiff made it all up, and it didn’t resemble the actual transcript in any respect. Apart from the fact that it shows once again what a disgusting liar Adam Schiff is, why is his “parody” important? Because it shows the baselessness of the Democrats’ case against Trump. If Trump had actually said anything objectionable–let alone impeachable!–in his conversation with Zelenskiy, Schiff would have quoted it. But because the conversation was entirely innocent, Schiff couldn’t quote a line of it. He had to make schift up, and that’s what he did.
Adam Schiff’s absurd tirade of lies demonstrates, as well as anything, that the Democrats’ Ukraine hysteria is just another hoax.

The biased press will play it like it is real. We knew this was another hoax even before the Trump-Zelenskiy transcript. What Schiff demonstrated today is that there is nothing they won’t do or say to in their failed attempts to remove and ruin Trump or anyone who supports him.
As Rush said on his program today, when this hoax collapses, there will be another and another. There'll be a lot more right up to and including after the election next year.
The smart Conservative's response to everything Schiff says should be a single question: What services could Joe Biden's son possibly provide to the Ukrainian gas company that agreed to pay him $85,000 a month for five years?
The lies are getting bolder and more ridiculous yet the media, with few exceptions, continue to perpetrate the phony narrative.
Yeah, the problem is many bots will actually believe this is what Trump actually said on the phone call because this is what many left-ing media outlets will run, without proper commentary putting it into context. Much like Trump's comment from Charlottesville that was taken out of context, many will not go to the trouble of actually looking it up. Just look at how many on hear still parrott the Charlottesville "good people on both sides" narrative. Schiff knows many of those in his camp will do the same with this nonsense.

As someone pointed out yesterday on the news, why didn't Schiff just quote directly from the transcript instead of using this parody? Obviously because it wasn't damning enough for him. He had to spice it up.
The Significance Of Adam Schiff's “Parody"

The Significance of Adam Schiff’s “Parody” | Power Line
26 Sep 19 ~ By John Hinderaker
Schiff simply lied. Not a word of his tirade came from the transcript of the president’s conversation with Zelensky. Schiff made it all up, and it didn’t resemble the actual transcript in any respect. Apart from the fact that it shows once again what a disgusting liar Adam Schiff is, why is his “parody” important? Because it shows the baselessness of the Democrats’ case against Trump. If Trump had actually said anything objectionable–let alone impeachable!–in his conversation with Zelenskiy, Schiff would have quoted it. But because the conversation was entirely innocent, Schiff couldn’t quote a line of it. He had to make schift up, and that’s what he did.
Adam Schiff’s absurd tirade of lies demonstrates, as well as anything, that the Democrats’ Ukraine hysteria is just another hoax.

The biased press will play it like it is real. We knew this was another hoax even before the Trump-Zelenskiy transcript. What Schiff demonstrated today is that there is nothing they won’t do or say to in their failed attempts to remove and ruin Trump or anyone who supports him.
As Rush said on his program today, when this hoax collapses, there will be another and another. There'll be a lot more right up to and including after the election next year.
The smart Conservative's response to everything Schiff says should be a single question: What services could Joe Biden's son possibly provide to the Ukrainian gas company that agreed to pay him $85,000 a month for five years?
The lies are getting bolder and more ridiculous yet the media, with few exceptions, continue to perpetrate the phony narrative.

Yes....he knows that the press will repeat what he said and it will get out to the public, the uninformed public who will hear his lies and think they are an accurate recital of what was said in the conversation.....the democrat controlled press will do their job with glee...
so now we're going to just bypass actual events and make them up. we don't even try to twist what others say anymore, we just say it for them and let it fly.

people in power such as this have far too great a responsibility to be honest in their dealings with us and if they can't do that, or even ACT LIKE THEY are doing it, they need to be removed from office. hell even spiderman knows with great power comes great responsibility.

to say "this is what trump meant" is 100% bullshit and each and every one of us should be furious at the direction this takes us as a country. if you think this is nothing, wait til someone else does it.

wait til AI videos compound the issue.

but hey - orange man bad and shit.

we are so far beyond trump at this point it's frightening.
so now we're going to just bypass actual events and make them up. we don't even try to twist what others say anymore, we just say it for them and let it fly.

people in power such as this have far too great a responsibility to be honest in their dealings with us and if they can't do that, or even ACT LIKE THEY are doing it, they need to be removed from office. hell even spiderman knows with great power comes great responsibility.

to say "this is what trump meant" is 100% bullshit and each and every one of us should be furious at the direction this takes us as a country. if you think this is nothing, wait til someone else does it.

wait til AI videos compound the issue.

but hey - orange man bad and shit.

we are so far beyond trump at this point it's frightening.

In a real world, not this mirror world we live in, that asshat would have been removed from that committee before the end of the day.....
so now we're going to just bypass actual events and make them up. we don't even try to twist what others say anymore, we just say it for them and let it fly.

people in power such as this have far too great a responsibility to be honest in their dealings with us and if they can't do that, or even ACT LIKE THEY are doing it, they need to be removed from office. hell even spiderman knows with great power comes great responsibility.

to say "this is what trump meant" is 100% bullshit and each and every one of us should be furious at the direction this takes us as a country. if you think this is nothing, wait til someone else does it.

wait til AI videos compound the issue.

but hey - orange man bad and shit.

we are so far beyond trump at this point it's frightening.

In a real world, not this mirror world we live in, that asshat would have been removed from that committee before the end of the day.....

committee removal should be the first of many things he gets removed from. while we beat the shit out of the lines of common decency these days, this is too far. i would be furious if someone on the right did this to obama and i'm furious now. we cannot continue to allow ourselves to de-evolve simply cause we hate.

we need to get over ourselves and petty insecurities and fast.
to say "this is what trump meant" is 100% bullshit and each and every one of us should be furious at the direction this takes us as a country. if you think this is nothing, wait til someone else does it.

It's called "spin" (aka 100% pure, industrial grade propaganda) and politicians and their vast hordes of sycophants have been doing it as a full time job for many decades.

You know why they do it? Because it works, most people don't pay attention to the details and perform thoughtful, unbiased analysis, they just take the first thing they hear coming out of the mouth of what they perceive as an "authority figure" as fact and then move on.

This particular instance is nothing unusual, in fact it's the norm for what happens in the circles of power in this Country, if you're going to start getting "furious" over bullshit like this then you're going to spend all of your time angry and probably shouldn't be paying attention to politics.
to say "this is what trump meant" is 100% bullshit and each and every one of us should be furious at the direction this takes us as a country. if you think this is nothing, wait til someone else does it.

It's called "spin" (aka 100% pure, industrial grade propaganda) and politicians and their vast hordes of sycophants have been doing it as a full time job for many decades.

You know why they do it? Because it works, most people don't pay attention to the details and perform thoughtful, unbiased analysis, they just take the first thing they hear coming out of the mouth of what they perceive as an "authority figure" as fact and then move on.

This particular instance is nothing unusual, in fact it's the norm for what happens in the circles of power in this Country, if you're going to start getting "furious" over bullshit like this then you're going to spend all of your time angry and probably shouldn't be paying attention to politics.
i don't recall them taking it this far. it's one thing to spin what someone says, it's another to rewrite it all and say "this is what trump said".

we let a lot of shit slide cause we've let it go on for far too long. when do we say "enough"? hey, i found my line.

maybe we *should* get more furious about this and demand more from our gov. the apathetic approach is getting us where?
to say "this is what trump meant" is 100% bullshit and each and every one of us should be furious at the direction this takes us as a country. if you think this is nothing, wait til someone else does it.

It's called "spin" (aka 100% pure, industrial grade propaganda) and politicians and their vast hordes of sycophants have been doing it as a full time job for many decades.

You know why they do it? Because it works, most people don't pay attention to the details and perform thoughtful, unbiased analysis, they just take the first thing they hear coming out of the mouth of what they perceive as an "authority figure" as fact and then move on.

This particular instance is nothing unusual, in fact it's the norm for what happens in the circles of power in this Country, if you're going to start getting "furious" over bullshit like this then you're going to spend all of your time angry and probably shouldn't be paying attention to politics.
i don't recall them taking it this far. it's one thing to spin what someone says, it's another to rewrite it all and say "this is what trump said".
"Them" does it all the time, in fact CONSTANTLY, just pay closer attention to what is actually being said or written and less attention to how the premise makes you feel.

The techniques these dickweeds use to manipulate opinion are quite fascinating once you start paying attention to how they go about it and ignore the constant stream of half-truths and outright lies coming out of their mouths.

we let a lot of shit slide cause we've let it go on for far too long. when do we say "enough"? hey, i found my line.

maybe we *should* get more furious about this and demand more from our gov. the apathetic approach is getting us where?

"We let a lot of shit slide" because the general public doesn't know any better, the average dunkin doughnuts chugging Joe doesn't care about what's being said, he cares about whether or not it reinforces his strongly held beliefs, in other words; does what <Fillin the Scumbag Politician/Pundit Name Here> is saying make me feel good about myself and my decisions?
to say "this is what trump meant" is 100% bullshit and each and every one of us should be furious at the direction this takes us as a country. if you think this is nothing, wait til someone else does it.

It's called "spin" (aka 100% pure, industrial grade propaganda) and politicians and their vast hordes of sycophants have been doing it as a full time job for many decades.

You know why they do it? Because it works, most people don't pay attention to the details and perform thoughtful, unbiased analysis, they just take the first thing they hear coming out of the mouth of what they perceive as an "authority figure" as fact and then move on.

This particular instance is nothing unusual, in fact it's the norm for what happens in the circles of power in this Country, if you're going to start getting "furious" over bullshit like this then you're going to spend all of your time angry and probably shouldn't be paying attention to politics.
i don't recall them taking it this far. it's one thing to spin what someone says, it's another to rewrite it all and say "this is what trump said".
"Them" does it all the time, in fact CONSTANTLY, just pay closer attention to what is actually being said or written and less attention to how the premise makes you feel.

The techniques these dickweeds use to manipulate opinion are quite fascinating once you start paying attention to how they go about it and ignore the constant stream of half-truths and outright lies coming out of their mouths.

we let a lot of shit slide cause we've let it go on for far too long. when do we say "enough"? hey, i found my line.

maybe we *should* get more furious about this and demand more from our gov. the apathetic approach is getting us where?

"We let a lot of shit slide" because the general public doesn't know any better, the average dunkin doughnuts chugging Joe doesn't care about what's being said, he cares about whether or not it reinforces his strongly held beliefs, in other words; does what <Fillin the Scumbag Politician/Pundit Name Here> is saying make me feel good about myself and my decisions?
i fully agree they twist things around. spin it baby spin it. been done since the dawn of time. but i can't recall another situation where a high level ranking official made up a totally bogus (wow, i said bogus) story and tried to pass it off as a real interpretation of what was said. that's way beyond spin in my eyes.

can you think of another example of someone taking it this far?
meanwhile .....
to say "this is what trump meant" is 100% bullshit and each and every one of us should be furious at the direction this takes us as a country. if you think this is nothing, wait til someone else does it.

It's called "spin" (aka 100% pure, industrial grade propaganda) and politicians and their vast hordes of sycophants have been doing it as a full time job for many decades.

You know why they do it? Because it works, most people don't pay attention to the details and perform thoughtful, unbiased analysis, they just take the first thing they hear coming out of the mouth of what they perceive as an "authority figure" as fact and then move on.

This particular instance is nothing unusual, in fact it's the norm for what happens in the circles of power in this Country, if you're going to start getting "furious" over bullshit like this then you're going to spend all of your time angry and probably shouldn't be paying attention to politics.
i don't recall them taking it this far. it's one thing to spin what someone says, it's another to rewrite it all and say "this is what trump said".
"Them" does it all the time, in fact CONSTANTLY, just pay closer attention to what is actually being said or written and less attention to how the premise makes you feel.

The techniques these dickweeds use to manipulate opinion are quite fascinating once you start paying attention to how they go about it and ignore the constant stream of half-truths and outright lies coming out of their mouths.

we let a lot of shit slide cause we've let it go on for far too long. when do we say "enough"? hey, i found my line.

maybe we *should* get more furious about this and demand more from our gov. the apathetic approach is getting us where?

"We let a lot of shit slide" because the general public doesn't know any better, the average dunkin doughnuts chugging Joe doesn't care about what's being said, he cares about whether or not it reinforces his strongly held beliefs, in other words; does what <Fillin the Scumbag Politician/Pundit Name Here> is saying make me feel good about myself and my decisions?
i fully agree they twist things around. spin it baby spin it. been done since the dawn of time. but i can't recall another situation where a high level ranking official made up a totally bogus (wow, i said bogus) story and tried to pass it off as a real interpretation of what was said. that's way beyond spin in my eyes.

can you think of another example of someone taking it this far?

Yeah, for example both McCain and Santorum (just to name a couple) mis-characterizing the "hot microphone" conversation that Obama had with Medvedev regarding his "flexibility", they totally parsed that conversation and made it sound like something it wasn't; exactly like Schiff is trying to do to Donny.
to say "this is what trump meant" is 100% bullshit and each and every one of us should be furious at the direction this takes us as a country. if you think this is nothing, wait til someone else does it.

It's called "spin" (aka 100% pure, industrial grade propaganda) and politicians and their vast hordes of sycophants have been doing it as a full time job for many decades.

You know why they do it? Because it works, most people don't pay attention to the details and perform thoughtful, unbiased analysis, they just take the first thing they hear coming out of the mouth of what they perceive as an "authority figure" as fact and then move on.

This particular instance is nothing unusual, in fact it's the norm for what happens in the circles of power in this Country, if you're going to start getting "furious" over bullshit like this then you're going to spend all of your time angry and probably shouldn't be paying attention to politics.
i don't recall them taking it this far. it's one thing to spin what someone says, it's another to rewrite it all and say "this is what trump said".
"Them" does it all the time, in fact CONSTANTLY, just pay closer attention to what is actually being said or written and less attention to how the premise makes you feel.

The techniques these dickweeds use to manipulate opinion are quite fascinating once you start paying attention to how they go about it and ignore the constant stream of half-truths and outright lies coming out of their mouths.

we let a lot of shit slide cause we've let it go on for far too long. when do we say "enough"? hey, i found my line.

maybe we *should* get more furious about this and demand more from our gov. the apathetic approach is getting us where?

"We let a lot of shit slide" because the general public doesn't know any better, the average dunkin doughnuts chugging Joe doesn't care about what's being said, he cares about whether or not it reinforces his strongly held beliefs, in other words; does what <Fillin the Scumbag Politician/Pundit Name Here> is saying make me feel good about myself and my decisions?
i fully agree they twist things around. spin it baby spin it. been done since the dawn of time. but i can't recall another situation where a high level ranking official made up a totally bogus (wow, i said bogus) story and tried to pass it off as a real interpretation of what was said. that's way beyond spin in my eyes.

can you think of another example of someone taking it this far?

Yeah, for example both McCain and Santorum (just to name a couple) mis-characterizing the "hot microphone" conversation that Obama had with Medvedev regarding his "flexibility", they totally parsed that conversation and made it sound like something it wasn't; exactly like Schiff is trying to do to Donny.
i query on that to look for what was said and there simply isn't much out there. what i do find is spin yes but not to the depths schiff took it.
It's called "spin" (aka 100% pure, industrial grade propaganda) and politicians and their vast hordes of sycophants have been doing it as a full time job for many decades.

You know why they do it? Because it works, most people don't pay attention to the details and perform thoughtful, unbiased analysis, they just take the first thing they hear coming out of the mouth of what they perceive as an "authority figure" as fact and then move on.

This particular instance is nothing unusual, in fact it's the norm for what happens in the circles of power in this Country, if you're going to start getting "furious" over bullshit like this then you're going to spend all of your time angry and probably shouldn't be paying attention to politics.
i don't recall them taking it this far. it's one thing to spin what someone says, it's another to rewrite it all and say "this is what trump said".
"Them" does it all the time, in fact CONSTANTLY, just pay closer attention to what is actually being said or written and less attention to how the premise makes you feel.

The techniques these dickweeds use to manipulate opinion are quite fascinating once you start paying attention to how they go about it and ignore the constant stream of half-truths and outright lies coming out of their mouths.

we let a lot of shit slide cause we've let it go on for far too long. when do we say "enough"? hey, i found my line.

maybe we *should* get more furious about this and demand more from our gov. the apathetic approach is getting us where?

"We let a lot of shit slide" because the general public doesn't know any better, the average dunkin doughnuts chugging Joe doesn't care about what's being said, he cares about whether or not it reinforces his strongly held beliefs, in other words; does what <Fillin the Scumbag Politician/Pundit Name Here> is saying make me feel good about myself and my decisions?
i fully agree they twist things around. spin it baby spin it. been done since the dawn of time. but i can't recall another situation where a high level ranking official made up a totally bogus (wow, i said bogus) story and tried to pass it off as a real interpretation of what was said. that's way beyond spin in my eyes.

can you think of another example of someone taking it this far?

Yeah, for example both McCain and Santorum (just to name a couple) mis-characterizing the "hot microphone" conversation that Obama had with Medvedev regarding his "flexibility", they totally parsed that conversation and made it sound like something it wasn't; exactly like Schiff is trying to do to Donny.
i query on that to look for what was said and there simply isn't much out there. what i do find is spin yes but not to the depths schiff took it.

Fair enough, although the degree of "depth" is subjective.;)

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