The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

"An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran."

wow. the troubling part is people will still come out and defend obama. why do we care so much if iran has nuclear power one way or another? their issue, their problem but the hezbollah has been OUR problem for awhile.

sending billions to them on pallets
crap like this

trump can't even talk to the postman without a conspiracy theory coming up on his so i know damn good and well if he were to pull this crap the liberals would spontaneously combust in a trump fit of rage.

very long and detailed story. gonna take some time for this one to sink in to many.
wow. the troubling part is people will still come out and defend obama. why do we care so much if iran has nuclear power one way or another? their issue, their problem but the hezbollah has been OUR problem for awhile.

why is Hezbollah our problem?

I mean, I know it's the problem of the Zionist Entity, and they kind of run things in this country, but Hezbollah never bothered me, not even a little bit.

sending billions to them on pallets

Yes, how dare we send them money that we owed them that the courts have ruled they were entitled to for 30 years!!!

trump can't even talk to the postman without a conspiracy theory coming up on his so i know damn good and well if he were to pull this crap the liberals would spontaneously combust in a trump fit of rage.

Um,not really. Frankly, that bridge was kind of crossed when Ronnie Ray-gun traded weapons for hostages in the 80's and Hezbollah just took more hostages.

Here's the real ugly truth... we fund people today who end up being our enemies tomorrow. We've been doing this since at least the 1970's.

Our Middle East Policy is to stick our dick in a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung. that's when we aren't nuturing bigger and nastier hornets (Saddam, Bin Laden, those assholes in Libya).

The depressing thing about Obama is that he just did the same shit all his predecessors had done. The same thing Trump is doing, really. Kowtowing to the Zionists while keeping the oil flowing.
sigh. now that the forum jester has gotten his shots in, hopefully some better conversationalists are on their way.

Sigh... the pompous never enjoy it when sensible people mock their fake outrage.

When you sign up for the military to go fight Hezbollah for the greater glory of your Zionists masters, I'll take you seriously.
sigh. now that the forum jester has gotten his shots in, hopefully some better conversationalists are on their way.

Sigh... the pompous never enjoy it when sensible people mock their fake outrage.

When you sign up for the military to go fight Hezbollah for the greater glory of your Zionists masters, I'll take you seriously.
not at all. but when you do it 24x7 regardless of what someone says, it's just continued diarrhea from the usual ass.
not at all. but when you do it 24x7 regardless of what someone says, it's just continued diarrhea from the usual ass.

ooooh, is the poor baby hurt someone disputed his fake outrage?

Hezbollah. Not our fucking problem.

The Iran Deal has its flaws, the main one being the only country to ever use nukes on people telling ANY other country that they can't have them. But it was probably teh best deal we were going to get.
bin laden wasn't clintons problem either - ie, point i've been making. glad you missed that in an effort to show off your new vagina hat.
bin laden wasn't clintons problem either - ie, point i've been making. glad you missed that in an effort to show off your new vagina hat.

Okay, let's look at that one.

Bin Laden. He was just an angry young Saudi whose daddy didn't hug him enough until Ronnie Ray-gun decided to recruit him a lot of other young Arabs to go fight the Commies in Afghanistan. You see, those dirty stinking Commies were teaching girls how to read, and they couldn't have that! And since the CIA had very few people who spoke Uzbek or Pushtan, it was much easier to just recruit angry Arabs to do the wetwork.

Well, after dragging out the Afghan War for miserable decades and finally getting the Russians to go home, these Angry Young Arabs formed Al Qaeda... and what do you know, they didn't hate just Commies, they hated Capitalists and modernity and Jews, too! so big surprise when they turned on us. Well, no, it shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone.

Again, sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest, and then complaining about getting stung.
it's the problem of the Zionist Entity,

You hate Jews so much you can’t even say the name of their country.

That’s an arse-load of hate.

The fact that ANY religion thinks it deserves a COUNTRY is sort of offensive. Much less, a country other people already lived on and were there first.

I see you know less about Israel than you do about Jews.

Weapons-grade ignorance.
I see you know less about Israel than you do about Jews.

Weapons-grade ignorance.

Guy we've been over this.. European Jews (who shared nothing with the people who lived there 2000 years ago other than a religion) stole the land from the people who lived there for centuries, and then they wonder why those people want to kill them.
I see you know less about Israel than you do about Jews.

Weapons-grade ignorance.

Guy we've been over this.. European Jews (who shared nothing with the people who lived there 2000 years ago other than a religion) stole the land from the people who lived there for centuries, and then they wonder why those people want to kill them.

It’s amazing that you can know so little about a people and their history and you can still pretend to be an expert.

It’s an inspiration to idiots everywhere.
one of the weird things about the the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is they hate each other
I see you know less about Israel than you do about Jews.

Weapons-grade ignorance.

Guy we've been over this.. European Jews (who shared nothing with the people who lived there 2000 years ago other than a religion) stole the land from the people who lived there for centuries, and then they wonder why those people want to kill them.
so tell me - how did the name palestine come to be and why? and at who's expense?
so tell me - how did the name palestine come to be and why? and at who's expense?

If you want to go that far, "Palestine" is a Latinization of "Philistine", you know, the people who were there first before he Hebrews were.

But there are no 'Hebrews" or "Moabites" or "Philistines" or "Aramites" anymore.

Even when the Romans ruled Palestine, the people there spoke Aramaic, a Syrian language spoken by many peoples.

So we have a lot of arguments over whose land that is... but certainly not a bunch of interlopers from Europe.

my understanding is the romans named it palestine to jab at the jews.

if that is the case, then they must have been around pre-1948.

going away from you now.
my understanding is the romans named it palestine to jab at the jews.

if that is the case, then they must have been around pre-1948.

going away from you now.

well, your understanding is wrong, so no problem.

The Romans and Byzantines reorganized those provinces many times before losing them to the Muslims.

But do go away..


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