The science behind gender ideology is bunk


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
The science behind gender ideology is bunk
Kaylee McGhee White - Yesterday 12:19 PM

Like so many toxic movements, gender ideology relies on fear to control people. Its activists have convinced our institutions that anything but full-blown acceptance of transgenderism will lead to a number of adverse effects, including increased suicide rates among children and young adults who weren’t 'affirmed.'​
This is how they’re able to justify giving puberty blockers to children and performing irreversible “gender reassignment” procedures on adolescents who are too young to know any better. They claim such experimental treatments are the only way to save a gender-confused teenager’s life, and they can cite several scientific studies that seemingly support their case.​
A closer look at these studies, however, reveals that they don’t even come close to supporting the medical interventions that everyone from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the American Psychiatric Association has endorsed.​
Independent journalist Jesse Singal took a deep dive into each of the six studies most frequently cited by gender ideologues. For example, one of these studies, conducted by Ph.D. student Diana Torduff and her colleagues and published in February, claims that gender-confused children who were given access to puberty blockers or hormones finished the study with dramatically decreased rates of depression and suicidal thoughts. The problem with this research, as Singal explains, is straightforward: Not one of the children involved actually experienced statistically significant mental health improvement, as the authors claimed. . . .​
. . . The same can be said for almost every single one of the other studies Singal looked at. Far from offering concrete evidence in support of the experimental medical interventions that gender ideologues claim are necessary, these studies offer data that is unreliable at best and outright dishonest at worst. From Singal:​
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that, upon actually examining these studies rather than skimming abstracts or headlines, it’s impossible to reach the conclusion that there’s “no controversy” here. Whenever professional researchers — folks who are much smarter and better resourced than I am — have taken more ambitious, comprehensive looks at the evidence for youth gender medicine, they’ve found exactly the same thing I found in this mini-exercise: methodologically weak studies with mixed findings.​
In fact, the best studies on this topic actually prove the exact opposite of what gender ideologues claim. An extensive study from Sweden, for example, followed hundreds of gender-confused persons over the course of 30 years and found that those who underwent a medical transition were 20 times more likely to commit suicide than those who didn’t.​
Another review, conducted in Britain, of more than 100 follow-up studies of those who medically transitioned found that “none of the studies provides conclusive evidence that gender reassignment is beneficial for patients.”​
So why is it that the most prestigious academic and medical institutions in the world are advocating invasive medical treatments and procedures, the long-term effects of which are still being determined, and for which there is little to no evidence? The answer is simple: They care much more about the politics behind gender ideology than they do about the science. And they don’t care at all what it will cost the children, young adults, and parents who get caught up in gender ideology’s lies.​



Also see the essentials of the real science that has been debunking the junk science of transgenerism transfascism over the last several years, which has been generally suppressed by the cowardly American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychiatric Association.

Aside from the insanity of butchering and suppressing the normal development of children, especially when mental therapy is the most obvious solution, activists routinely go so far as to claim that the effects of experimental puberty blockers or hormones are reversible for those whose sense of gender dysphoria may fade in later years. These claims are baseless. On the contrary, the long-term medical effects are still largely unknown, and a growing body of evidence strongly indicates that those who do undergo treatments to artificially suppress normal development suffer statistically higher rates of cancer and osteopetrosis.

The leftist political, academic, medical, and cultural establishment is literally brainwashing our children into the despair of gender dysphoria and then drugging and butchering them to death. This is pure evil and must be stopped. We must oppose the homofascist-transfascist movement's grooming of our children in the state schools. The state schools have absolutely no earthly or constitutional business teaching anything beyond the scientific fundamentals of sexual reproduction, let alone imposing the sexual ideology of rank degenerates and statist thugs in violation of inalienable rights:

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Chu acknowledges that the surgery won’t actually “reassign” sex: “My body will regard the vagina as a wound."
Chu acknowledges that “transitioning” may not make things better and could even make things worse.
We need to find better, more humane and effective, responses to people who experience dysphoria.
The science behind gender ideology is bunk

WTF do you care?

Live and let live
You disingenuous cretin. Go gaslight someone else. You homofascist and transfascist thugs want me to care. You want me to care very much . . . as long as I don't resist and shove your tyrannical filth back down your throats.

What part of the following didn't you understand?

The leftist political, academic, medical, and cultural establishment is literally brainwashing our children into the despair of gender dysphoria and then drugging and butchering them to death. This is pure evil and must be stopped. We must oppose the homofascist-transfascist movement's grooming of our children in the state schools. The state schools have absolutely no earthly or constitutional business teaching anything beyond the scientific fundamentals of sexual reproduction, let alone imposing the sexual ideology of rank degenerates and statist thugs in violation of inalienable rights.

Live and let live?

You don't believe or practice that for a moment. You're a liar. I, on the over hand, have no problem with live and let live. I'm the classical liberal here; you're the statist thug.

If you want to teach your children the sexual degeneracy and pseudoscience of transfascism and homofascism, have at it. You are free to do so at home, at a private school of your choice, or in your church. You have absolutely no right to impose your filth on my kids in the public schools. When you drag your filth into the state schools, when you put your filth on the public byways, you make it my business.
It is when teachers are putting dresses on boys and parading them on stage....

That kid has a good head on his shoulders! Although, I must say, given the cross on the wall, it would seem that the child was probably wearing a robe for a biblical play.
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The science behind gender ideology is bunk
Kaylee McGhee White - Yesterday 12:19 PM

Like so many toxic movements, gender ideology relies on fear to control people. Its activists have convinced our institutions that anything but full-blown acceptance of transgenderism will lead to a number of adverse effects, including increased suicide rates among children and young adults who weren’t 'affirmed.'​
This is how they’re able to justify giving puberty blockers to children and performing irreversible “gender reassignment” procedures on adolescents who are too young to know any better. They claim such experimental treatments are the only way to save a gender-confused teenager’s life, and they can cite several scientific studies that seemingly support their case.​
A closer look at these studies, however, reveals that they don’t even come close to supporting the medical interventions that everyone from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the American Psychiatric Association has endorsed.​
Independent journalist Jesse Singal took a deep dive into each of the six studies most frequently cited by gender ideologues. For example, one of these studies, conducted by Ph.D. student Diana Torduff and her colleagues and published in February, claims that gender-confused children who were given access to puberty blockers or hormones finished the study with dramatically decreased rates of depression and suicidal thoughts. The problem with this research, as Singal explains, is straightforward: Not one of the children involved actually experienced statistically significant mental health improvement, as the authors claimed. . . .​
. . . The same can be said for almost every single one of the other studies Singal looked at. Far from offering concrete evidence in support of the experimental medical interventions that gender ideologues claim are necessary, these studies offer data that is unreliable at best and outright dishonest at worst. From Singal:​
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that, upon actually examining these studies rather than skimming abstracts or headlines, it’s impossible to reach the conclusion that there’s “no controversy” here. Whenever professional researchers — folks who are much smarter and better resourced than I am — have taken more ambitious, comprehensive looks at the evidence for youth gender medicine, they’ve found exactly the same thing I found in this mini-exercise: methodologically weak studies with mixed findings.​
In fact, the best studies on this topic actually prove the exact opposite of what gender ideologues claim. An extensive study from Sweden, for example, followed hundreds of gender-confused persons over the course of 30 years and found that those who underwent a medical transition were 20 times more likely to commit suicide than those who didn’t.​
Another review, conducted in Britain, of more than 100 follow-up studies of those who medically transitioned found that “none of the studies provides conclusive evidence that gender reassignment is beneficial for patients.”​
So why is it that the most prestigious academic and medical institutions in the world are advocating invasive medical treatments and procedures, the long-term effects of which are still being determined, and for which there is little to no evidence? The answer is simple: They care much more about the politics behind gender ideology than they do about the science. And they don’t care at all what it will cost the children, young adults, and parents who get caught up in gender ideology’s lies.​



Also see the essentials of the real science that has been debunking the junk science of transgenerism transfascism over the last several years, which has been generally suppressed by the cowardly American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychiatric Association.

Aside from the insanity of butchering and suppressing the normal development of children, especially when mental therapy is the most obvious solution, activists routinely go so far as to claim that the effects of experimental puberty blockers or hormones are reversible for those whose sense of gender dysphoria may fade in later years. These claims are baseless. On the contrary, the long-term medical effects are still largely unknown, and a growing body of evidence strongly indicates that those who do undergo treatments to artificially suppress normal development suffer statistically higher rates of cancer and osteopetrosis.

The leftist political, academic, medical, and cultural establishment is literally brainwashing our children into the despair of gender dysphoria and then drugging and butchering them to death. This is pure evil and must be stopped. We must oppose the homofascist-transfascist movement's grooming of our children in the state schools. The state schools have absolutely no earthly or constitutional business teaching anything beyond the scientific fundamentals of sexual reproduction, let alone imposing the sexual ideology of rank degenerates and statist thugs in violation of inalienable rights:

You're feeding into a fad. Give it more press.. You can help radicalize these attention seekers. Is it more dramatic than tattoos and piercings?
The science behind gender ideology is bunk
Kaylee McGhee White - Yesterday 12:19 PM

Like so many toxic movements, gender ideology relies on fear to control people. Its activists have convinced our institutions that anything but full-blown acceptance of transgenderism will lead to a number of adverse effects, including increased suicide rates among children and young adults who weren’t 'affirmed.'​
This is how they’re able to justify giving puberty blockers to children and performing irreversible “gender reassignment” procedures on adolescents who are too young to know any better. They claim such experimental treatments are the only way to save a gender-confused teenager’s life, and they can cite several scientific studies that seemingly support their case.​
A closer look at these studies, however, reveals that they don’t even come close to supporting the medical interventions that everyone from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the American Psychiatric Association has endorsed.​
Independent journalist Jesse Singal took a deep dive into each of the six studies most frequently cited by gender ideologues. For example, one of these studies, conducted by Ph.D. student Diana Torduff and her colleagues and published in February, claims that gender-confused children who were given access to puberty blockers or hormones finished the study with dramatically decreased rates of depression and suicidal thoughts. The problem with this research, as Singal explains, is straightforward: Not one of the children involved actually experienced statistically significant mental health improvement, as the authors claimed. . . .​
. . . The same can be said for almost every single one of the other studies Singal looked at. Far from offering concrete evidence in support of the experimental medical interventions that gender ideologues claim are necessary, these studies offer data that is unreliable at best and outright dishonest at worst. From Singal:​
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that, upon actually examining these studies rather than skimming abstracts or headlines, it’s impossible to reach the conclusion that there’s “no controversy” here. Whenever professional researchers — folks who are much smarter and better resourced than I am — have taken more ambitious, comprehensive looks at the evidence for youth gender medicine, they’ve found exactly the same thing I found in this mini-exercise: methodologically weak studies with mixed findings.​
In fact, the best studies on this topic actually prove the exact opposite of what gender ideologues claim. An extensive study from Sweden, for example, followed hundreds of gender-confused persons over the course of 30 years and found that those who underwent a medical transition were 20 times more likely to commit suicide than those who didn’t.​
Another review, conducted in Britain, of more than 100 follow-up studies of those who medically transitioned found that “none of the studies provides conclusive evidence that gender reassignment is beneficial for patients.”​
So why is it that the most prestigious academic and medical institutions in the world are advocating invasive medical treatments and procedures, the long-term effects of which are still being determined, and for which there is little to no evidence? The answer is simple: They care much more about the politics behind gender ideology than they do about the science. And they don’t care at all what it will cost the children, young adults, and parents who get caught up in gender ideology’s lies.​



Also see the essentials of the real science that has been debunking the junk science of transgenerism transfascism over the last several years, which has been generally suppressed by the cowardly American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychiatric Association.

Aside from the insanity of butchering and suppressing the normal development of children, especially when mental therapy is the most obvious solution, activists routinely go so far as to claim that the effects of experimental puberty blockers or hormones are reversible for those whose sense of gender dysphoria may fade in later years. These claims are baseless. On the contrary, the long-term medical effects are still largely unknown, and a growing body of evidence strongly indicates that those who do undergo treatments to artificially suppress normal development suffer statistically higher rates of cancer and osteopetrosis.

The leftist political, academic, medical, and cultural establishment is literally brainwashing our children into the despair of gender dysphoria and then drugging and butchering them to death. This is pure evil and must be stopped. We must oppose the homofascist-transfascist movement's grooming of our children in the state schools. The state schools have absolutely no earthly or constitutional business teaching anything beyond the scientific fundamentals of sexual reproduction, let alone imposing the sexual ideology of rank degenerates and statist thugs in violation of inalienable rights:

Of course the "science" is bunk.

The point of it all is to bully people to living lies.

There are many ways you can handicap a child...

The mother can drink or take drugs during pregnancy.

The child can be raised in an atmosphere of abuse and neglect.

The child can, either through apathy or socio-economic consequences, be given a sub-standard education.

Those are parental decisions, and not subject to legislation or government interference.

Parents who make bad decisions actually provide the economy with the base tier workforce and remove competition from the parents of children who make better decisions.

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