‘Border moms’ helping close Trump’s gender gap


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Leah Aldridge, a conservative voter in Georgia, supported Nikki Haley in the Republican presidential primary and is tired of the political circus that surrounds former President Donald Trump.

Ms. Aldridge says Mr. Trump probably will earn her vote a third time in November because she is worried about what President Biden has done with the border.

“In the end, I do feel that the southern border is the issue which will determine my vote,” she told The Washington Times. “That is such a bright line difference between the two candidates.”

Ms. Aldridge is part of an emerging bloc of “border moms” — some call them “safety moms” — whose rising fears of crime and an uncontrolled border are roiling the presidential race and pushing them into Mr. Trump’s camp.

The key demographic for Mr. Trump has long suffered from a gender gap, though he narrowed the gap in his 2020 matchup with Mr. Biden. Further gains for Mr. Trump among female voters make reelection more challenging for Mr. Biden.

The border moms’ fears came together this year with the killing of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student at the University of Georgia. The slaying on campus was blamed on an illegal immigrant whom the Biden administration caught and released at the border.

The mob beating of police officers in New York City, rapes in Louisiana and Massachusetts, the shooting death of a 2-year-old in Maryland, and the slaying of a woman in Michigan all were blamed on illegal immigrants who were beneficiaries of relaxed immigration policies under Mr. Biden.

BJ -

Not even sure how this would be in dispute, even Pro-Choice moms restrict the choice to themselves - not criminals who have broken into our country.
The key demographic for Mr. Trump has long suffered from a gender gap, though he narrowed the gap in his 2020 match
up with Mr. Biden. Further gains for Mr. Trump among female voters make reelection more challenging for Mr. Biden.
Biden makes Reelection a challenge for biden.
Other demographics hurting Biden are black men and Hispanics.
There's going to be a lot more of these women.

It will all be revealed on Guy Fawkes day.

I mean....Election Day.

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