The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Yesterday the left was busy on Fox trying to minimize the revelations that have come to light in the news. If you listen to them they all agree that we can't prove Hillary had anything to do with this Russian scandal. We can't prove Hillary had anything to do with the Russians getting 20% of our uranium supplies. We can't prove that Hillary sold our country out to our enemies. The proof is all over the place, but they're busy trying to cover it up right in front of our eyes. Video | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Hillary won't spend a day in prison, even though she's guilty as shit. She'll weasel out of this one just like she's weaseled out of every other crime she's been caught committing.


October 28, 2017
The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future
By John Dietrich
Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding. There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco. As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explosive documents in modern political history.” This “dossier” was an obvious fraud and no one in the intelligence community believed otherwise. People who claimed it might possibly have value were deceiving the public. They did this because it was the only thing they had to justify an investigation of the Donald Trump campaign. According to the Wall Street Journal, the dossier “became a factor in Obama administration decisions to launch an FBI counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.”

This batch of memos had circulated through the media and intel community for months when BuzzFeed published the full document in January 2017. As long as it was not public, it could be vaguely referred to in order to support the charge that Trump was owned by the Russians. Once it was published, it became obvious that it was a fraud. This is revealed on the first page. No experienced intelligence officer would classify a Sensitive Source as Confidential. If he did he would be looking for a new job or possibly be behind bars.

The other implausible claim in the document concerns the “golden shower” allegations. 4Chan, an imageboard website, has claimed responsibility for this hoax. Under the circumstances, 4Chan has as much or more credibility than the former heads of three of the major intel agencies. They have not perjured themselves in front of the U.S. Congress. Their claim is that they mailed this “fanfiction” to Rick Wilson, a noted Never Trumper. They claim that Wilson then gave it to the CIA. In October 2016, Wilson on the Jamie Weinstein Show claimed: “there are some things out there that I think would cause even his most passionate supporters to go, ‘Whoa, wait a minute.'” It appears that he was hinting that he had some privileged information.

This would all be a very humorous incident except for the fact that the “dossier” was used for such a nefarious purpose. Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, stated “It’s so ridiculous on so many levels. Clearly, the person who created this did so from their imagination or did so hoping that the liberal media would run with this fake story for whatever rationale they might have.” C. Mitchell Shaw claimed, “the dossier does not read like the product of ‘a former British intelligence operative.’” He continued, “With its bad grammar, poor spelling, and lousy format, the dossier reads much more like what the anonymous 4Chan user claims: a prank that wound up being wildly successful beyond anything its perpetrators could have hoped.” Even Piers Morgan commented, “The moment I heard about it, my gut reaction was that it was utter nonsense.”

Eventually, the details about these memos will be revealed. We live in a new age. Dan Rather found this out when he attempted to pass off a computer generated memo he claimed was created in the 1970s. San Francisco area professor Eric Clanton discover that wearing a mask would not prevent him from being identified when he used a bike lock to assault a man. All of the electronic communications dealing with these memos are available. The chain of acquisition is on the Internet. The only thing lacking is the willingness to find them. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke claims that one third of the Interior Department’s employees are disloyal to the president. The intel community may contain an even higher percentage of employees who do not want to see the president succeed. They will not be enthusiastic about uncovering information they feel would benefit the president. Perhaps they need a new team to discover the origins of these memos.

Crackas with Attitude” appears to have the aptitude to do the research. This is a British group, and not Russian. They were able to hack into the email accounts of CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. When they hacked CIA director Brennan's AOL account, they discovered a number of classified documents which were later published on WikiLeaks as well as the Social Security numbers of more than a dozen top American intelligence officials. The British eventually arrested the 16 year-old youth.

It has now been revealed that the DNC paid Steele for his efforts. The Washington Post reported that, “After the election, the FBI agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia.” It is only a matter of time before all the details of the “dossier” affair are revealed to the public.

The heat is being turned up, so Robert Mueller has remarkably leaked to CNN notice of his first indictments to cool down all of this silly talk about Hillary paying for a faked dossier which was used to spy on Trump and his associates.

What excellent timing.........
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Yesterday the left was busy on Fox trying to minimize the revelations that have come to light in the news. If you listen to them they all agree that we can't prove Hillary had anything to do with this Russian scandal. We can't prove Hillary had anything to do with the Russian getting 20% of our uranium supplies. We can't prove that Hillary sold our country out America to our enemies. The proof is all over the place, but they're busy trying to cover it up right in front of our eyes. Video | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Hillary won't spend a day in prison, even though she's guilty as shit. She'll weasel out of this one just like she's weaseled out of every other crime she's been caught committing.


October 28, 2017
The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future
By John Dietrich
Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding. There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco. As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explosive documents in modern political history.” This “dossier” was an obvious fraud and no one in the intelligence community believed otherwise. People who claimed it might possibly have value were deceiving the public. They did this because it was the only thing they had to justify an investigation of the Donald Trump campaign. According to the Wall Street Journal, the dossier “became a factor in Obama administration decisions to launch an FBI counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.”

This batch of memos had circulated through the media and intel community for months when BuzzFeed published the full document in January 2017. As long as it was not public, it could be vaguely referred to in order to support the charge that Trump was owned by the Russians. Once it was published, it became obvious that it was a fraud. This is revealed on the first page. No experienced intelligence officer would classify a Sensitive Source as Confidential. If he did he would be looking for a new job or possibly be behind bars.

The other implausible claim in the document concerns the “golden shower” allegations. 4Chan, an imageboard website, has claimed responsibility for this hoax. Under the circumstances, 4Chan has as much or more credibility than the former heads of three of the major intel agencies. They have not perjured themselves in front of the U.S. Congress. Their claim is that they mailed this “fanfiction” to Rick Wilson, a noted Never Trumper. They claim that Wilson then gave it to the CIA. In October 2016, Wilson on the Jamie Weinstein Show claimed: “there are some things out there that I think would cause even his most passionate supporters to go, ‘Whoa, wait a minute.'” It appears that he was hinting that he had some privileged information.

This would all be a very humorous incident except for the fact that the “dossier” was used for such a nefarious purpose. Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, stated “It’s so ridiculous on so many levels. Clearly, the person who created this did so from their imagination or did so hoping that the liberal media would run with this fake story for whatever rationale they might have.” C. Mitchell Shaw claimed, “the dossier does not read like the product of ‘a former British intelligence operative.’” He continued, “With its bad grammar, poor spelling, and lousy format, the dossier reads much more like what the anonymous 4Chan user claims: a prank that wound up being wildly successful beyond anything its perpetrators could have hoped.” Even Piers Morgan commented, “The moment I heard about it, my gut reaction was that it was utter nonsense.”

Eventually, the details about these memos will be revealed. We live in a new age. Dan Rather found this out when he attempted to pass off a computer generated memo he claimed was created in the 1970s. San Francisco area professor Eric Clanton discover that wearing a mask would not prevent him from being identified when he used a bike lock to assault a man. All of the electronic communications dealing with these memos are available. The chain of acquisition is on the Internet. The only thing lacking is the willingness to find them. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke claims that one third of the Interior Department’s employees are disloyal to the president. The intel community may contain an even higher percentage of employees who do not want to see the president succeed. They will not be enthusiastic about uncovering information they feel would benefit the president. Perhaps they need a new team to discover the origins of these memos.

Crackas with Attitude” appears to have the aptitude to do the research. This is a British group, and not Russian. They were able to hack into the email accounts of CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. When they hacked CIA director Brennan's AOL account, they discovered a number of classified documents which were later published on WikiLeaks as well as the Social Security numbers of more than a dozen top American intelligence officials. The British eventually arrested the 16 year-old youth.

It has now been revealed that the DNC paid Steele for his efforts. The Washington Post reported that, “After the election, the FBI agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia.” It is only a matter of time before all the details of the “dossier” affair are revealed to the public.

The heat is being turned up, so Robert Mueller has remarkably leaked to CNN notice of his first indictments to cool down all of this silly talk about Hillary paying for a faked dossier which was used to spy on Trump and his associates.

What excellent timing.........
“Falling apart.” You rubes have been saying that in desparation for a year.
Yesterday the left was busy on Fox trying to minimize the revelations that have come to light in the news. If you listen to them they all agree that we can't prove Hillary had anything to do with this Russian scandal. We can't prove Hillary had anything to do with the Russian getting 20% of our uranium supplies. We can't prove that Hillary sold our country out America to our enemies. The proof is all over the place, but they're busy trying to cover it up right in front of our eyes. Video | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Hillary won't spend a day in prison, even though she's guilty as shit. She'll weasel out of this one just like she's weaseled out of every other crime she's been caught committing.


October 28, 2017
The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future
By John Dietrich
Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding. There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco. As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explosive documents in modern political history.” This “dossier” was an obvious fraud and no one in the intelligence community believed otherwise. People who claimed it might possibly have value were deceiving the public. They did this because it was the only thing they had to justify an investigation of the Donald Trump campaign. According to the Wall Street Journal, the dossier “became a factor in Obama administration decisions to launch an FBI counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.”

This batch of memos had circulated through the media and intel community for months when BuzzFeed published the full document in January 2017. As long as it was not public, it could be vaguely referred to in order to support the charge that Trump was owned by the Russians. Once it was published, it became obvious that it was a fraud. This is revealed on the first page. No experienced intelligence officer would classify a Sensitive Source as Confidential. If he did he would be looking for a new job or possibly be behind bars.

The other implausible claim in the document concerns the “golden shower” allegations. 4Chan, an imageboard website, has claimed responsibility for this hoax. Under the circumstances, 4Chan has as much or more credibility than the former heads of three of the major intel agencies. They have not perjured themselves in front of the U.S. Congress. Their claim is that they mailed this “fanfiction” to Rick Wilson, a noted Never Trumper. They claim that Wilson then gave it to the CIA. In October 2016, Wilson on the Jamie Weinstein Show claimed: “there are some things out there that I think would cause even his most passionate supporters to go, ‘Whoa, wait a minute.'” It appears that he was hinting that he had some privileged information.

This would all be a very humorous incident except for the fact that the “dossier” was used for such a nefarious purpose. Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, stated “It’s so ridiculous on so many levels. Clearly, the person who created this did so from their imagination or did so hoping that the liberal media would run with this fake story for whatever rationale they might have.” C. Mitchell Shaw claimed, “the dossier does not read like the product of ‘a former British intelligence operative.’” He continued, “With its bad grammar, poor spelling, and lousy format, the dossier reads much more like what the anonymous 4Chan user claims: a prank that wound up being wildly successful beyond anything its perpetrators could have hoped.” Even Piers Morgan commented, “The moment I heard about it, my gut reaction was that it was utter nonsense.”

Eventually, the details about these memos will be revealed. We live in a new age. Dan Rather found this out when he attempted to pass off a computer generated memo he claimed was created in the 1970s. San Francisco area professor Eric Clanton discover that wearing a mask would not prevent him from being identified when he used a bike lock to assault a man. All of the electronic communications dealing with these memos are available. The chain of acquisition is on the Internet. The only thing lacking is the willingness to find them. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke claims that one third of the Interior Department’s employees are disloyal to the president. The intel community may contain an even higher percentage of employees who do not want to see the president succeed. They will not be enthusiastic about uncovering information they feel would benefit the president. Perhaps they need a new team to discover the origins of these memos.

Crackas with Attitude” appears to have the aptitude to do the research. This is a British group, and not Russian. They were able to hack into the email accounts of CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. When they hacked CIA director Brennan's AOL account, they discovered a number of classified documents which were later published on WikiLeaks as well as the Social Security numbers of more than a dozen top American intelligence officials. The British eventually arrested the 16 year-old youth.

It has now been revealed that the DNC paid Steele for his efforts. The Washington Post reported that, “After the election, the FBI agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia.” It is only a matter of time before all the details of the “dossier” affair are revealed to the public.

The heat is being turned up, so Robert Mueller has remarkably leaked to CNN notice of his first indictments to cool down all of this silly talk about Hillary paying for a faked dossier which was used to spy on Trump and his associates.

What excellent timing.........
“Falling apart.” You rubes have been saying that in desparation for a year.
You piss drinkers have been saying that Trump colluded with Russia since a few days after he won the election.

You're nothing but a bunch of piss-drinking rubes.
Yesterday the left was busy on Fox trying to minimize the revelations that have come to light in the news. If you listen to them they all agree that we can't prove Hillary had anything to do with this Russian scandal. We can't prove Hillary had anything to do with the Russian getting 20% of our uranium supplies. We can't prove that Hillary sold our country out America to our enemies. The proof is all over the place, but they're busy trying to cover it up right in front of our eyes. Video | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Hillary won't spend a day in prison, even though she's guilty as shit. She'll weasel out of this one just like she's weaseled out of every other crime she's been caught committing.


October 28, 2017
The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future
By John Dietrich
Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding. There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco. As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explosive documents in modern political history.” This “dossier” was an obvious fraud and no one in the intelligence community believed otherwise. People who claimed it might possibly have value were deceiving the public. They did this because it was the only thing they had to justify an investigation of the Donald Trump campaign. According to the Wall Street Journal, the dossier “became a factor in Obama administration decisions to launch an FBI counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.”

This batch of memos had circulated through the media and intel community for months when BuzzFeed published the full document in January 2017. As long as it was not public, it could be vaguely referred to in order to support the charge that Trump was owned by the Russians. Once it was published, it became obvious that it was a fraud. This is revealed on the first page. No experienced intelligence officer would classify a Sensitive Source as Confidential. If he did he would be looking for a new job or possibly be behind bars.

The other implausible claim in the document concerns the “golden shower” allegations. 4Chan, an imageboard website, has claimed responsibility for this hoax. Under the circumstances, 4Chan has as much or more credibility than the former heads of three of the major intel agencies. They have not perjured themselves in front of the U.S. Congress. Their claim is that they mailed this “fanfiction” to Rick Wilson, a noted Never Trumper. They claim that Wilson then gave it to the CIA. In October 2016, Wilson on the Jamie Weinstein Show claimed: “there are some things out there that I think would cause even his most passionate supporters to go, ‘Whoa, wait a minute.'” It appears that he was hinting that he had some privileged information.

This would all be a very humorous incident except for the fact that the “dossier” was used for such a nefarious purpose. Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, stated “It’s so ridiculous on so many levels. Clearly, the person who created this did so from their imagination or did so hoping that the liberal media would run with this fake story for whatever rationale they might have.” C. Mitchell Shaw claimed, “the dossier does not read like the product of ‘a former British intelligence operative.’” He continued, “With its bad grammar, poor spelling, and lousy format, the dossier reads much more like what the anonymous 4Chan user claims: a prank that wound up being wildly successful beyond anything its perpetrators could have hoped.” Even Piers Morgan commented, “The moment I heard about it, my gut reaction was that it was utter nonsense.”

Eventually, the details about these memos will be revealed. We live in a new age. Dan Rather found this out when he attempted to pass off a computer generated memo he claimed was created in the 1970s. San Francisco area professor Eric Clanton discover that wearing a mask would not prevent him from being identified when he used a bike lock to assault a man. All of the electronic communications dealing with these memos are available. The chain of acquisition is on the Internet. The only thing lacking is the willingness to find them. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke claims that one third of the Interior Department’s employees are disloyal to the president. The intel community may contain an even higher percentage of employees who do not want to see the president succeed. They will not be enthusiastic about uncovering information they feel would benefit the president. Perhaps they need a new team to discover the origins of these memos.

Crackas with Attitude” appears to have the aptitude to do the research. This is a British group, and not Russian. They were able to hack into the email accounts of CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. When they hacked CIA director Brennan's AOL account, they discovered a number of classified documents which were later published on WikiLeaks as well as the Social Security numbers of more than a dozen top American intelligence officials. The British eventually arrested the 16 year-old youth.

It has now been revealed that the DNC paid Steele for his efforts. The Washington Post reported that, “After the election, the FBI agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia.” It is only a matter of time before all the details of the “dossier” affair are revealed to the public.

The heat is being turned up, so Robert Mueller has remarkably leaked to CNN notice of his first indictments to cool down all of this silly talk about Hillary paying for a faked dossier which was used to spy on Trump and his associates.

What excellent timing.........
“Falling apart.” You rubes have been saying that in desparation for a year.
You piss drinkers have been saying that Trump colluded with Russia since a few days after he won the election.

You're nothing but a bunch of piss-drinking rubes.

Still a silly RWNJ, aren't you?
Yesterday the left was busy on Fox trying to minimize the revelations that have come to light in the news. If you listen to them they all agree that we can't prove Hillary had anything to do with this Russian scandal. We can't prove Hillary had anything to do with the Russian getting 20% of our uranium supplies. We can't prove that Hillary sold our country out America to our enemies. The proof is all over the place, but they're busy trying to cover it up right in front of our eyes. Video | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Hillary won't spend a day in prison, even though she's guilty as shit. She'll weasel out of this one just like she's weaseled out of every other crime she's been caught committing.


October 28, 2017
The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future
By John Dietrich
Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding. There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco. As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explosive documents in modern political history.” This “dossier” was an obvious fraud and no one in the intelligence community believed otherwise. People who claimed it might possibly have value were deceiving the public. They did this because it was the only thing they had to justify an investigation of the Donald Trump campaign. According to the Wall Street Journal, the dossier “became a factor in Obama administration decisions to launch an FBI counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.”

This batch of memos had circulated through the media and intel community for months when BuzzFeed published the full document in January 2017. As long as it was not public, it could be vaguely referred to in order to support the charge that Trump was owned by the Russians. Once it was published, it became obvious that it was a fraud. This is revealed on the first page. No experienced intelligence officer would classify a Sensitive Source as Confidential. If he did he would be looking for a new job or possibly be behind bars.

The other implausible claim in the document concerns the “golden shower” allegations. 4Chan, an imageboard website, has claimed responsibility for this hoax. Under the circumstances, 4Chan has as much or more credibility than the former heads of three of the major intel agencies. They have not perjured themselves in front of the U.S. Congress. Their claim is that they mailed this “fanfiction” to Rick Wilson, a noted Never Trumper. They claim that Wilson then gave it to the CIA. In October 2016, Wilson on the Jamie Weinstein Show claimed: “there are some things out there that I think would cause even his most passionate supporters to go, ‘Whoa, wait a minute.'” It appears that he was hinting that he had some privileged information.

This would all be a very humorous incident except for the fact that the “dossier” was used for such a nefarious purpose. Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, stated “It’s so ridiculous on so many levels. Clearly, the person who created this did so from their imagination or did so hoping that the liberal media would run with this fake story for whatever rationale they might have.” C. Mitchell Shaw claimed, “the dossier does not read like the product of ‘a former British intelligence operative.’” He continued, “With its bad grammar, poor spelling, and lousy format, the dossier reads much more like what the anonymous 4Chan user claims: a prank that wound up being wildly successful beyond anything its perpetrators could have hoped.” Even Piers Morgan commented, “The moment I heard about it, my gut reaction was that it was utter nonsense.”

Eventually, the details about these memos will be revealed. We live in a new age. Dan Rather found this out when he attempted to pass off a computer generated memo he claimed was created in the 1970s. San Francisco area professor Eric Clanton discover that wearing a mask would not prevent him from being identified when he used a bike lock to assault a man. All of the electronic communications dealing with these memos are available. The chain of acquisition is on the Internet. The only thing lacking is the willingness to find them. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke claims that one third of the Interior Department’s employees are disloyal to the president. The intel community may contain an even higher percentage of employees who do not want to see the president succeed. They will not be enthusiastic about uncovering information they feel would benefit the president. Perhaps they need a new team to discover the origins of these memos.

Crackas with Attitude” appears to have the aptitude to do the research. This is a British group, and not Russian. They were able to hack into the email accounts of CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. When they hacked CIA director Brennan's AOL account, they discovered a number of classified documents which were later published on WikiLeaks as well as the Social Security numbers of more than a dozen top American intelligence officials. The British eventually arrested the 16 year-old youth.

It has now been revealed that the DNC paid Steele for his efforts. The Washington Post reported that, “After the election, the FBI agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia.” It is only a matter of time before all the details of the “dossier” affair are revealed to the public.

The heat is being turned up, so Robert Mueller has remarkably leaked to CNN notice of his first indictments to cool down all of this silly talk about Hillary paying for a faked dossier which was used to spy on Trump and his associates.

What excellent timing.........
“Falling apart.” You rubes have been saying that in desparation for a year.
You piss drinkers have been saying that Trump colluded with Russia since a few days after he won the election.

You're nothing but a bunch of piss-drinking rubes.

Still a silly RWNJ, aren't you?
I'm just repeating something one of you liberals has said to me often on USMB.
So what do we have so far?

Manafort, Flynn are facing indictments

Will they tell all they know for lesser punishment or will Trump dangle a pardon in front of them?
Yesterday the left was busy on Fox trying to minimize the revelations that have come to light in the news. If you listen to them they all agree that we can't prove Hillary had anything to do with this Russian scandal. We can't prove Hillary had anything to do with the Russian getting 20% of our uranium supplies. We can't prove that Hillary sold our country out America to our enemies. The proof is all over the place, but they're busy trying to cover it up right in front of our eyes. Video | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Hillary won't spend a day in prison, even though she's guilty as shit. She'll weasel out of this one just like she's weaseled out of every other crime she's been caught committing.


October 28, 2017
The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future
By John Dietrich
Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding. There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco. As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explosive documents in modern political history.” This “dossier” was an obvious fraud and no one in the intelligence community believed otherwise. People who claimed it might possibly have value were deceiving the public. They did this because it was the only thing they had to justify an investigation of the Donald Trump campaign. According to the Wall Street Journal, the dossier “became a factor in Obama administration decisions to launch an FBI counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.”

This batch of memos had circulated through the media and intel community for months when BuzzFeed published the full document in January 2017. As long as it was not public, it could be vaguely referred to in order to support the charge that Trump was owned by the Russians. Once it was published, it became obvious that it was a fraud. This is revealed on the first page. No experienced intelligence officer would classify a Sensitive Source as Confidential. If he did he would be looking for a new job or possibly be behind bars.

The other implausible claim in the document concerns the “golden shower” allegations. 4Chan, an imageboard website, has claimed responsibility for this hoax. Under the circumstances, 4Chan has as much or more credibility than the former heads of three of the major intel agencies. They have not perjured themselves in front of the U.S. Congress. Their claim is that they mailed this “fanfiction” to Rick Wilson, a noted Never Trumper. They claim that Wilson then gave it to the CIA. In October 2016, Wilson on the Jamie Weinstein Show claimed: “there are some things out there that I think would cause even his most passionate supporters to go, ‘Whoa, wait a minute.'” It appears that he was hinting that he had some privileged information.

This would all be a very humorous incident except for the fact that the “dossier” was used for such a nefarious purpose. Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, stated “It’s so ridiculous on so many levels. Clearly, the person who created this did so from their imagination or did so hoping that the liberal media would run with this fake story for whatever rationale they might have.” C. Mitchell Shaw claimed, “the dossier does not read like the product of ‘a former British intelligence operative.’” He continued, “With its bad grammar, poor spelling, and lousy format, the dossier reads much more like what the anonymous 4Chan user claims: a prank that wound up being wildly successful beyond anything its perpetrators could have hoped.” Even Piers Morgan commented, “The moment I heard about it, my gut reaction was that it was utter nonsense.”

Eventually, the details about these memos will be revealed. We live in a new age. Dan Rather found this out when he attempted to pass off a computer generated memo he claimed was created in the 1970s. San Francisco area professor Eric Clanton discover that wearing a mask would not prevent him from being identified when he used a bike lock to assault a man. All of the electronic communications dealing with these memos are available. The chain of acquisition is on the Internet. The only thing lacking is the willingness to find them. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke claims that one third of the Interior Department’s employees are disloyal to the president. The intel community may contain an even higher percentage of employees who do not want to see the president succeed. They will not be enthusiastic about uncovering information they feel would benefit the president. Perhaps they need a new team to discover the origins of these memos.

Crackas with Attitude” appears to have the aptitude to do the research. This is a British group, and not Russian. They were able to hack into the email accounts of CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. When they hacked CIA director Brennan's AOL account, they discovered a number of classified documents which were later published on WikiLeaks as well as the Social Security numbers of more than a dozen top American intelligence officials. The British eventually arrested the 16 year-old youth.

It has now been revealed that the DNC paid Steele for his efforts. The Washington Post reported that, “After the election, the FBI agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia.” It is only a matter of time before all the details of the “dossier” affair are revealed to the public.

The heat is being turned up, so Robert Mueller has remarkably leaked to CNN notice of his first indictments to cool down all of this silly talk about Hillary paying for a faked dossier which was used to spy on Trump and his associates.

What excellent timing.........
“Falling apart.” You rubes have been saying that in desparation for a year.
You piss drinkers have been saying that Trump colluded with Russia since a few days after he won the election.

You're nothing but a bunch of piss-drinking rubes.
Are you Russian?
I think you are.
You're Russian aren't you?
Where do you live? Moscow? Leningrad? Siberia?
Why do you want our government to be like yours? If the government there changes, they could go after you. You should think about your own safety. In power today in Russia doesn't mean in power tomorrow.
Yesterday the left was busy on Fox trying to minimize the revelations that have come to light in the news. If you listen to them they all agree that we can't prove Hillary had anything to do with this Russian scandal. We can't prove Hillary had anything to do with the Russian getting 20% of our uranium supplies. We can't prove that Hillary sold our country out America to our enemies. The proof is all over the place, but they're busy trying to cover it up right in front of our eyes. Video | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Hillary won't spend a day in prison, even though she's guilty as shit. She'll weasel out of this one just like she's weaseled out of every other crime she's been caught committing.


October 28, 2017
The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future
By John Dietrich
Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding. There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco. As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explosive documents in modern political history.” This “dossier” was an obvious fraud and no one in the intelligence community believed otherwise. People who claimed it might possibly have value were deceiving the public. They did this because it was the only thing they had to justify an investigation of the Donald Trump campaign. According to the Wall Street Journal, the dossier “became a factor in Obama administration decisions to launch an FBI counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.”

This batch of memos had circulated through the media and intel community for months when BuzzFeed published the full document in January 2017. As long as it was not public, it could be vaguely referred to in order to support the charge that Trump was owned by the Russians. Once it was published, it became obvious that it was a fraud. This is revealed on the first page. No experienced intelligence officer would classify a Sensitive Source as Confidential. If he did he would be looking for a new job or possibly be behind bars.

The other implausible claim in the document concerns the “golden shower” allegations. 4Chan, an imageboard website, has claimed responsibility for this hoax. Under the circumstances, 4Chan has as much or more credibility than the former heads of three of the major intel agencies. They have not perjured themselves in front of the U.S. Congress. Their claim is that they mailed this “fanfiction” to Rick Wilson, a noted Never Trumper. They claim that Wilson then gave it to the CIA. In October 2016, Wilson on the Jamie Weinstein Show claimed: “there are some things out there that I think would cause even his most passionate supporters to go, ‘Whoa, wait a minute.'” It appears that he was hinting that he had some privileged information.

This would all be a very humorous incident except for the fact that the “dossier” was used for such a nefarious purpose. Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, stated “It’s so ridiculous on so many levels. Clearly, the person who created this did so from their imagination or did so hoping that the liberal media would run with this fake story for whatever rationale they might have.” C. Mitchell Shaw claimed, “the dossier does not read like the product of ‘a former British intelligence operative.’” He continued, “With its bad grammar, poor spelling, and lousy format, the dossier reads much more like what the anonymous 4Chan user claims: a prank that wound up being wildly successful beyond anything its perpetrators could have hoped.” Even Piers Morgan commented, “The moment I heard about it, my gut reaction was that it was utter nonsense.”

Eventually, the details about these memos will be revealed. We live in a new age. Dan Rather found this out when he attempted to pass off a computer generated memo he claimed was created in the 1970s. San Francisco area professor Eric Clanton discover that wearing a mask would not prevent him from being identified when he used a bike lock to assault a man. All of the electronic communications dealing with these memos are available. The chain of acquisition is on the Internet. The only thing lacking is the willingness to find them. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke claims that one third of the Interior Department’s employees are disloyal to the president. The intel community may contain an even higher percentage of employees who do not want to see the president succeed. They will not be enthusiastic about uncovering information they feel would benefit the president. Perhaps they need a new team to discover the origins of these memos.

Crackas with Attitude” appears to have the aptitude to do the research. This is a British group, and not Russian. They were able to hack into the email accounts of CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. When they hacked CIA director Brennan's AOL account, they discovered a number of classified documents which were later published on WikiLeaks as well as the Social Security numbers of more than a dozen top American intelligence officials. The British eventually arrested the 16 year-old youth.

It has now been revealed that the DNC paid Steele for his efforts. The Washington Post reported that, “After the election, the FBI agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia.” It is only a matter of time before all the details of the “dossier” affair are revealed to the public.

The heat is being turned up, so Robert Mueller has remarkably leaked to CNN notice of his first indictments to cool down all of this silly talk about Hillary paying for a faked dossier which was used to spy on Trump and his associates.

What excellent timing.........
“Falling apart.” You rubes have been saying that in desparation for a year.
You piss drinkers have been saying that Trump colluded with Russia since a few days after he won the election.

You're nothing but a bunch of piss-drinking rubes.
Are you Russian?
I think you are.
You're Russian aren't you?
Where do you live? Moscow? Leningrad? Siberia?
Why do you want our government to be like yours? If the government there changes, they could go after you. You should think about your own safety. In power today in Russia doesn't mean in power tomorrow.
Put down the tube of glue and re-read my post, dipshit.

They don't like to face facts about the criminal they wanted as President and still the leftist lunatics will over look any CRIMES , denying them all the way just like when their Stockholm Syndrome kicked in over Bill Clinton nad his rape missions, Hillary who defended a child rapist and later laughed about it, all the Soldiers she had killed to cover up Benghazi and the plan to have Ambassador Stevens murdered because he knew to much....

These leftist loons don't care what their criminal heroes do because they're just as sick in the head as those they vote for.
What's really bad is the MSM is totally ignoring the fact that it was discovered the entire "dossier" about Trump was faked by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Fox is talking about it nonstop, CNN is totally ignoring it.
Yesterday the left was busy on Fox trying to minimize the revelations that have come to light in the news. If you listen to them they all agree that we can't prove Hillary had anything to do with this Russian scandal. We can't prove Hillary had anything to do with the Russians getting 20% of our uranium supplies. We can't prove that Hillary sold our country out to our enemies. The proof is all over the place, but they're busy trying to cover it up right in front of our eyes. Video | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Hillary won't spend a day in prison, even though she's guilty as shit. She'll weasel out of this one just like she's weaseled out of every other crime she's been caught committing.


October 28, 2017
The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future
By John Dietrich
Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding. There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco. As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explosive documents in modern political history.” This “dossier” was an obvious fraud and no one in the intelligence community believed otherwise. People who claimed it might possibly have value were deceiving the public. They did this because it was the only thing they had to justify an investigation of the Donald Trump campaign. According to the Wall Street Journal, the dossier “became a factor in Obama administration decisions to launch an FBI counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.”

This batch of memos had circulated through the media and intel community for months when BuzzFeed published the full document in January 2017. As long as it was not public, it could be vaguely referred to in order to support the charge that Trump was owned by the Russians. Once it was published, it became obvious that it was a fraud. This is revealed on the first page. No experienced intelligence officer would classify a Sensitive Source as Confidential. If he did he would be looking for a new job or possibly be behind bars.

The other implausible claim in the document concerns the “golden shower” allegations. 4Chan, an imageboard website, has claimed responsibility for this hoax. Under the circumstances, 4Chan has as much or more credibility than the former heads of three of the major intel agencies. They have not perjured themselves in front of the U.S. Congress. Their claim is that they mailed this “fanfiction” to Rick Wilson, a noted Never Trumper. They claim that Wilson then gave it to the CIA. In October 2016, Wilson on the Jamie Weinstein Show claimed: “there are some things out there that I think would cause even his most passionate supporters to go, ‘Whoa, wait a minute.'” It appears that he was hinting that he had some privileged information.

This would all be a very humorous incident except for the fact that the “dossier” was used for such a nefarious purpose. Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, stated “It’s so ridiculous on so many levels. Clearly, the person who created this did so from their imagination or did so hoping that the liberal media would run with this fake story for whatever rationale they might have.” C. Mitchell Shaw claimed, “the dossier does not read like the product of ‘a former British intelligence operative.’” He continued, “With its bad grammar, poor spelling, and lousy format, the dossier reads much more like what the anonymous 4Chan user claims: a prank that wound up being wildly successful beyond anything its perpetrators could have hoped.” Even Piers Morgan commented, “The moment I heard about it, my gut reaction was that it was utter nonsense.”

Eventually, the details about these memos will be revealed. We live in a new age. Dan Rather found this out when he attempted to pass off a computer generated memo he claimed was created in the 1970s. San Francisco area professor Eric Clanton discover that wearing a mask would not prevent him from being identified when he used a bike lock to assault a man. All of the electronic communications dealing with these memos are available. The chain of acquisition is on the Internet. The only thing lacking is the willingness to find them. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke claims that one third of the Interior Department’s employees are disloyal to the president. The intel community may contain an even higher percentage of employees who do not want to see the president succeed. They will not be enthusiastic about uncovering information they feel would benefit the president. Perhaps they need a new team to discover the origins of these memos.

Crackas with Attitude” appears to have the aptitude to do the research. This is a British group, and not Russian. They were able to hack into the email accounts of CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. When they hacked CIA director Brennan's AOL account, they discovered a number of classified documents which were later published on WikiLeaks as well as the Social Security numbers of more than a dozen top American intelligence officials. The British eventually arrested the 16 year-old youth.

It has now been revealed that the DNC paid Steele for his efforts. The Washington Post reported that, “After the election, the FBI agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia.” It is only a matter of time before all the details of the “dossier” affair are revealed to the public.

The heat is being turned up, so Robert Mueller has remarkably leaked to CNN notice of his first indictments to cool down all of this silly talk about Hillary paying for a faked dossier which was used to spy on Trump and his associates.

What excellent timing.........
A shrill, desperate OP.
What's really bad is the MSM is totally ignoring the fact that it was discovered the entire "dossier" about Trump was faked by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Fox is talking about it nonstop, CNN is totally ignoring it.
CNN is concentrating on what Jeff SnowFlake and Little Bobby Corker said about Trump.
Yea it doesn't fit their narrative to report the truth, that the entire dossier against Trump was faked by the Clinton campaign. And an FBI investigation based on that report ensued.

Clinton should be in prison.

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