The Right to Believe What One Wants

Proselytizing? You mean stating fact, and reason. Yes, your right. I thought I did state the case rather well. Thank you.
Call it what you want but by definition it's still proselytizing...... :thup:
Is it, now? As the term proselytising is the act converting or attempting to convert (someone) from one religion, to another, do tell, to what religion am I attempting to convert anyone?
we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.
If you don't see it you're willfully blind.
Not at all. I just wanted to see if you were stupid enough to call atheism a religion. You clearly are not. Toddle on back into your corner. You are dismissed.
If only you had that kind of power over yourself........ You certainly don't have it over me.......... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Watch me. You seem to be confused over what "You are dismissed means". It means you can twaddle on to your little dishonest heart desires. But, I can choose not to respond, as you have been dismissed by me.
Who do you think you are fooling to pretend you "defer to science" on this matter? No, you reject this not because of any scientific basis, but because of your own superstitious beliefs and neuroses. Stop wasting everyone's time.

Science is what it is. And science backs me up, and refutes you.

Who do you think you are fooling by trying to characterize objective, observable, proven scientific facts as “superstitious beliefs and neuroses”?
“Many Christians, and Muslims think that atheists want to deny them the right to believe what they they wish, and to have personal opinion. This is absolutely not true.”


Following the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate is not to ‘deny’ theists their right to religious expression.

Following settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence likewise does not ‘deny’ theists their right to religious expression.

For example, state sanctioned prayer in public schools violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

However, teachers and students are at liberty to engage in religious expression in schools provided it is not mandated by the state.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence places limits and restrictions on government endorsing religious expression, it does not place limits or restrictions on the religious expression of individuals.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however irrational it may be.

Yours are just as irrational to me as mine are to you.
That is because you do not understand the basis for rationality, reason, and logic. You have my sympathies. I am certain it is not your fault. You were likely the victim of your own parents' indoctrination. That is how the irrationality of mythology, and superstition continues; generation, after generation of indoctrinating impressionable children.
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As someone who also went to public schools, I rate your comments nonsensical, and I am proud to have my children in a public school. I am proud to be a part of the support structure surrounding these schools and the students in them.

If that works for you, fine. Just give me the same respect for choosing a very different path forany children I may have.

Don't worry, I'm fairly certain they won't cross paths with your kids anywhere.
I would not deny your right to pay extra for your kids to go to a private school. And the last part of your post is kind of goofy.
Who do you think you are fooling to pretend you "defer to science" on this matter? No, you reject this not because of any scientific basis, but because of your own superstitious beliefs and neuroses. Stop wasting everyone's time.

Science is what it is. And science backs me up, and refutes you.

Who do you think you are fooling by trying to characterize objective, observable, proven scientific facts as “superstitious beliefs and neuroses”?
Science doesn't refute me, nor does anything you have said. I clearly said that nobody, transgender or otherwise, thinks the genetics are changed. I clearly said that a moral and ethical choice is made to place their well being above the force of scientific labels. You are one odd get responses, ignore them, invent thoughts for others instead, and then respond to those thoughts. That's an indication that you know how stupid, weak, and dishonest your argument is.
Of course, anyone who isn't blind can see the larger agenda behind this. Pedophilia is clearly on the queue of immoral perversions that the LBGpbiWTF bunch seek to normalize and legitimize, and teaching children perverted crap like this is an important step in grooming them to accept further abuses.
I'm going go assume that you meant paedophilia. Ignoring you irrational fear of paedophiles, even your argument betrays your concern. Normalising a behaviour is not "forcing it on" anyone. Teaching a child to accept the differences in other children is, in no way, forcing them to participate in those differences.

This almost appears to be an admission that I am right. In speaking of my “irrational fear of paedophiles”, you seem to be characterizing opposition to pedophilia itself as irrational. It certainly does not come across as any attempt to deny or refute my statement that pedophilia is on the LGBpbiWTF movement's agenda as something to try to get society to accept as normal and legitimate.
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Gender isn't about genetics. Male, and female is quite different from "man" and "woman". The former is genetically determined, while the former is a matter of social construct. That is what all of you who are so offended by transgenderism, ad gender fluidity don't seem to comprehend. No one is suggesting that a person can alter their genetics, only the way in which they are perceived in society.

That statement is a complete rejection of any rational concept of “facts, science, and critical thinking” such as that to which you paid meaningless lip service earlier in this thread
No, it's not. It is evidence of an understanding of science. Not only medical science, but also anthropology, and social science.

Male is not, and will never be, female. Female is not, and never will be male. That is hard science.
Where did I say otherwise?

Your rejection of it is madness and perversion, nothing more. And your defense of those who would teach this crap to children is overt evil.
I reject nothing, and your personal attack on me is unnecessary.
I would not deny your right to pay extra for your kids to go to a private school. And the last part of your post is kind of goofy.

My children will be homeschooled by me and my wife. Not by any institution whose morals and values cannot be guaranteed.

As for the last line... I find most public zchool parents don't like their kids hanging around with homeschool kids.
Who do you think you are fooling to pretend you "defer to science" on this matter? No, you reject this not because of any scientific basis, but because of your own superstitious beliefs and neuroses. Stop wasting everyone's time.

Science is what it is. And science backs me up, and refutes you.

Who do you think you are fooling by trying to characterize objective, observable, proven scientific facts as “superstitious beliefs and neuroses”?
It really doesn't. But, it's adorable that you think it does.
I would not deny your right to pay extra for your kids to go to a private school. And the last part of your post is kind of goofy.

My children will be homeschooled by me and my wife. Not by any institution whose morals and values cannot be guaranteed.

As for the last line... I find most public zchool parents don't like their kids hanging around with homeschool kids.
Ha, okay, sure. I hope you are an expert in a variety of topics, else....yes, you are quite correct... Your kids will not be crossing paths with mine at any university, as my children excel in a variety of subjects and take accelerated pathways to their degrees.
Ha, okay, sure. I hope you are an expert in a variety of topics, else....yes, you are quite correct... Your kids will not be crossing paths with mine at any university, as my children excel in a variety of subjects and take accelerated pathways to their degrees.

No child if mine would ever be wasting their time or my money going to college.

The girls would be finding husbands and the boys would be going into trades or possibly the military or law enforcement.
That is because you do not understand the basis for rationality, reason, and logic.

J understand the only two philosophical concepts necessary - Right and Wrong. Two things almost no school teaches anymore. In fact, they teach the exact opposite, thst nithibg is either Right or Wrong.
In what universe do you live? My kids' schools have never taught anything even resembling that. And I taught my own kids right and wrong. For you to imply or state that a kid has to be home schooled to learn this only demonstrates how poorly you have done to teach your kids right and wrong, if you think their sense of this would be undermined by attending a public school.
Nice proselytizing........... :eusa_whistle:
Proselytizing? You mean stating fact, and reason. Yes, your right. I thought I did state the case rather well. Thank you.
Call it what you want but by definition it's still proselytizing...... :thup:
Is it, now? As the term proselytising is the act converting or attempting to convert (someone) from one religion, to another, do tell, to what religion am I attempting to convert anyone?
we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.
If you don't see it you're willfully blind.
Not at all. I just wanted to see if you were stupid enough to call atheism a religion. You clearly are not. Toddle on back into your corner. You are dismissed.
The notion that being free from faith is a ‘religion’ is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong, and fails as a straw man fallacy.

To acknowledge the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists is not a ‘belief’ – and is clearly not ‘religion.’
In what universe do you live? My kids' schools have never taught anything even resembling that. And I taught my own kids right and wrong. For you to imply or state that a kid has to be home schooled to learn this only demonstrates how poorly you have done to teach your kids right and wrong, if you think their sense of this would be undermined by attending a public school.

Your kids school allows girls in science classes, teaches that the right side won the Civil War and requires at least some level of foreign language and sex ed for graduation, right? If so, then it is not a school which i believe teaches any form of Right and Wrong.
Of course, anyone who isn't blind can see the larger agenda behind this. Pedophilia is clearly on the queue of immoral perversions that the LBGpbiWTF bunch seek to normalize and legitimize, and teaching children perverted crap like this is an important step in grooming them to accept further abuses.
I'm going go assume that you meant paedophilia. Ignoring you irrational fear of paedophiles, even your argument betrays your concern. Normalising a behaviour is not "forcing it on" anyone. Teaching a child to accept the differences in other children is, in no way, forcing them to participate in those differences.

This almost appears to be an admission that I am right. In speaking of my “irrational fear of paedophiles”, you seem to be characterizing opposition to pedophilia itself as irrational. It certainly does not come across as any attempt to deny or refute my statement that pedophilia is on the LGBpbiWTF movement's agenda as something to try to get society to accept as normal and legitimate.
Not at all. I am characterising your fear that teaching sexual, and gender identification tolerance will increase the occurrence of paedophilia as irrational. As there is absolutely no evidence of such, that is, by definition, an irrational fear. Interestingly enough there is a study that finds a full 95% of paedophiles define themselves as "religious". Thus, it could be argued that there is some evidence that religion increases the likelihood of paedophilia. Now, I'm not saying that I would make that argument; only that the argument could be made.
That is because you do not understand the basis for rationality, reason, and logic.

I understand the only two philosophical concepts necessary - Right and Wrong. Two things almost no school teaches anymore. In fact, they teach the exact opposite, that nothing is either Right or Wrong.
With good reason. "Right and Wrong" are completely subjective, entirely personal, and have no business in an objective education.
In what universe do you live? My kids' schools have never taught anything even resembling that. And I taught my own kids right and wrong. For you to imply or state that a kid has to be home schooled to learn this only demonstrates how poorly you have done to teach your kids right and wrong, if you think their sense of this would be undermined by attending a public school.

Your kids school allows girls in science classes, teaches that the right side won the Civil War and requires at least some level of foreign language and sex ed for graduation, right? If so, then it is not a school which i believe teaches any form of Right and Wrong. the best way to make you seem stupid and wrong is to just let you talk. No, my daughter and your little property you call "a daughter" will likely not be crossing paths.

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