The right and "choice"


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Okay, I've come across the word "choice" quite a lot. The Republicans seem to like talking about choice. Personally I think it's more along the lines of what a guy on the far right in the UK said: which was basically that you say stuff that people can't attack you for, rather than actually believing in what you're talking about.

School vouchers are one area where conservatives talk about choice. Now, personally I think this is a load of rubbish because in the UK they have choice for which school they want to send their kid to, they can choose any school if they can get their kid into that school, and there's no a school voucher to be seen.

But here's some examples:

"Of the 27 states with some form of private school choice, "

How Dare Betsy DeVos Give American Families an Educational Choice

"How Dare Betsy DeVos Give American Families an Educational Choice"

But then when it comes to choice when electing people, they don't want much choice. When asked about Proportional Representation which would offer more choice of political parties, I think the lowest number of parties in a parliament with Proportional Representation if something like 5 or 6. Whereas in the US, the WHOLE of the US, it's two. That's not choice. FPTP is known as negative voting, in Germany they vote FPTP and PR on the same day and 10% of people switch their vote in positive voting PR to smaller parties and stick with the bigger parties in FPTP.

Private Manning Get's an Honorable Discharge and a Parade

The reason I brought this up is because Bush92 and Mindwars were having a go at Bradley/Chelsea Manning. They insulted her way of dressing. Which would be strange if they were pro-choice, but if they are pro-conformity, then it would make sense.

When it comes to drugs, the right aren't exactly pro-choice either.
Choice, as if choosing whether you purchase insurance and deciding based on what you want in a policy and which doctor you want to see.

Choice, as in not having your child bussed to another school so the libs can feel better about being diverse? That was done against the will of the students and parents.

Choice, as in having any input into your own child's education, is frowned upon by the left. They wish to make parents irrelevant when it comes to teaching children. And they focus more on social issues these days instead of basic skills that will actually be beneficial someday. No need to read well, write cursive or do math. Only important thing to know is how to march in the streets and make demands for free shit. And filling out a welfare form is all that they need in the way of language skills. They also take away the parents ability to make medical decisions for their children. They don't want parents to know when young girls get abortions.

Choice, as in not wanting to ruin your older car with ethanol gas. Libs tell people to just buy a newer car, as if everyone can afford it. But then they didn't give a shit that many people couldn't afford the expensive healthcare plans, either.

Choice, as in following your own religious beliefs regarding what events you want to participate in? Muslims have never been criticized by the left for their blatant discrimination of many groups.

Choice, as in wishing to express yourself when it comes to something the left dislikes? Conservative speakers have been shut down because the left cannot tolerate opposing speech. Colleges shut down free speech unless the speech is supportive of the left's views. Anything else, even something as minor as writing Trump's name on the sidewalk with chalk, is treated like a hate crime.

Choice, as in those people who donated money to the DNC only to have their candidate eliminated by the very people they trusted.

Choice, as in having union membership forced on you. Many have been pushed into joining a union when they didn't even know there was a vote. Daycare workers found that out the hard way. Caregivers also got screwed.

The left only talks about choice when it comes to abortion. And they seem to be saying that not paying for something is the same as denying it to people. The vagina costume-clad loudmouths demand free abortion, as if it's a war on women if anyone expects them to pay for their own choices.
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The only times republicans give a shit about "choice" is when theyre trying to cut services to the poor, and fighting "the socialists"... public schools medical insurance, your "choice to eat or not" today. However when it comes to ":your choice" to do drugs, have an abortion, get drafted and go to war, have sex, they couldn't care less about your "choices"
The only times republicans give a shit about "choice" is when theyre trying to cut services to the poor, and fighting "the socialists"... public schools medical insurance, your "choice to eat or not" today. However when it comes to ":your choice" to do drugs, have an abortion, get drafted and go to war, have sex, they couldn't care less about your "choices"

Republicans make choices every day.

We simply don't think it's right to use the power of the government to take from those who have.... waste 80% of what's taken and give the remaining 20% to those who didn't earn it and then pretend that it's actually working to solve anything.
Choice, as if choosing whether you purchase insurance and deciding based on what you want in a policy and which doctor you want to see.

Choice, as in not having your child bussed to another school so the libs can feel better about being diverse? That was done against the will of the students and parents.

Choice, as in having any input into your own child's education, is frowned upon by the left. They wish to make parents irrelevant when it comes to teaching children. And they focus more on social issues these days instead of basic skills that will actually be beneficial someday. No need to read well, write cursive or do math. Only important thing to know is how to march in the streets and make demands for free shit. And filling out a welfare form is all that they need in the way of language skills. They also take away the parents ability to make medical decisions for their children. They don't want parents to know when young girls get abortions.

Choice, as in not wanting to ruin your older car with ethanol gas. Libs tell people to just buy a newer car, as if everyone can afford it. But then they didn't give a shit that many people couldn't afford the expensive healthcare plans, either.

Choice, as in following your own religious beliefs regarding what events you want to participate in? Muslims have never been criticized by the left for their blatant discrimination of many groups.

Choice, as in wishing to express yourself when it comes to something the left dislikes? Conservative speakers have been shut down because the left cannot tolerate opposing speech. Colleges shut down free speech unless the speech is supportive of the left's views. Anything else, even something as minor as writing Trump's name on the sidewalk with chalk, is treated like a hate crime.

Choice, as in those people who donated money to the DNC only to have their candidate eliminated by the very people they trusted.

Choice, as in having union membership forced on you. Many have been pushed into joining a union when they didn't even know there was a vote. Daycare workers found that out the hard way. Caregivers also got screwed.

The left only talks about choice when it comes to abortion. And they seem to be saying that not paying for something is the same as denying it to people. The vagina costume-clad loudmouths demand free abortion, as if it's a war on women if anyone expects them to pay for their own choices.

Well, I'm not "the left" and I'm not talking about choice as in only in terms of abortion here. Again, the OP is about the right and choice, not the left. It's not difficult, is it?

The first part you brought up was about choice and insurance. Surely there should be a matter of choice of whether you get a socialized healthcare system too. I'm not pro-Obamacare, or Trumpcare, or any other kind of right wing private healthcare nonsense.

What I want is to be covered all the time, regardless of whether I'm working or not. I want to be covered without having to worry whether an insurance company is going to decide my cancer is the wrong type of cancer, I want to know that I'll get treated whether I have a pre-existing condition or not. I want the choice to get healthcare, not to fucked around by people who think they rule over me simply because they run a fucking insurance company. Where is this choice?

Yes, I agree that kids shouldn't be bused around. Parents should have the choice of the school they want to go to, and kids who live closer should have priority of acceptance for state schools.

I do also agree that parents should have input when it comes to education. In the UK the schools there have a parent teacher association, so schools are actually run by parents in the first place. However I think there need to be limits for schools. Such as no religion in schools unless it's an impartial learning about different religions. I think there need to be aims for schools that the whole country sets out.

Choice when it comes to being able to breathe clean air... hmm... some cars produce too much pollution. But then again some industries do too. China is a funny place, whenever they want to blame something for the pollution they blame the cars and the BBQs. Yet when the leader arrives in town they shut down the heavy industry for a week and pollution levels go down massively. Go figure.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with events you want to participate in.

When it comes to free speech, you have to understand what free speech is. Universities, if private, can shut down free speech as much as they like, and they can be criticized for it.

The DNC are free to set up their rules. If you read the OP you'd see that I'm pushing Proportional Representation which would mean political parties are free to do as they wish, but other parties are free to do it better, and take voters away from the other party.

Union membership should not be forced on anyone.
The only times republicans give a shit about "choice" is when theyre trying to cut services to the poor, and fighting "the socialists"... public schools medical insurance, your "choice to eat or not" today. However when it comes to ":your choice" to do drugs, have an abortion, get drafted and go to war, have sex, they couldn't care less about your "choices"

Republicans make choices every day.

We simply don't think it's right to use the power of the government to take from those who have.... waste 80% of what's taken and give the remaining 20% to those who didn't earn it and then pretend that it's actually working to solve anything.
how did you earn it? by owning a slave plantation? feeding the poor is not wasteful spending millions on gold plated helicopters, and 100 acre golf courses is wasteful
The only times republicans give a shit about "choice" is when theyre trying to cut services to the poor, and fighting "the socialists"... public schools medical insurance, your "choice to eat or not" today. However when it comes to ":your choice" to do drugs, have an abortion, get drafted and go to war, have sex, they couldn't care less about your "choices"

You're hysterical, settle down. Republicans are doing no such thing. We don't really believe poor lil ole lady's should eat cat food, that's just another turd from the left, thrown out there to slander those they disagree with. We actually believe in a lot of the same things. We just differ on who pays for it and how much.
When it comes to doing drugs, of course we have a difference of opinion. I don,'t personally care if someone wishes to gobble enough drugs to pop their eyes out and explode their liver. Have at it, it's your idiot body. But it's currently against the law. So I don't agree with anyone currently having the choice to take drugs.
There isn't currently a draft and hasn't been for decades. You can join the military and you may well go to war. But it's your choice, not the gubbmints.
Have sex? I don't know what's up with that. Maybe your hysteria? We conservatives are all in favor of having sex. The majority don't care if you're gay. We just get a little pissed when we're taking lil Tiffany to get ice cream and traffic is stopped by imbeciles blocking traffic with a gay parade with grown mostly naked painted men hunching one another, bike mufflers and anything else that comes in close proximity to their penis.
A lot of us disagree with you on abortion. It seems like placing value on the life of an unborn child and objecting to their murder ought to be a no brained, but here you people are, roaring about the right of women to do just that.
The only times republicans give a shit about "choice" is when theyre trying to cut services to the poor, and fighting "the socialists"... public schools medical insurance, your "choice to eat or not" today. However when it comes to ":your choice" to do drugs, have an abortion, get drafted and go to war, have sex, they couldn't care less about your "choices"

Republicans make choices every day.

We simply don't think it's right to use the power of the government to take from those who have.... waste 80% of what's taken and give the remaining 20% to those who didn't earn it and then pretend that it's actually working to solve anything.
how did you earn it? by owning a slave plantation? feeding the poor is not wasteful spending millions on gold plated helicopters, and 100 acre golf courses is wasteful

Speaking of choice, it's you on the left that feel you are the authority on how much is enough for people to have, how much they should be allowed to earn, and how much should be taken away from them.

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