USA#1: US oil production on pace to take over #1 Saudi and Russia in 2018...GO TRUMP

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Clogged oil arteries slow U.S. shale rush to record output

Obstacles to pipeline construction are coming into sharp focus as resurgent shale firms, after a two-year downturn, are now on pace to take domestic crude oil output to a record in 2018, surpassing 10 million barrels per day (bpd), according to the U.S. Energy Department.

That would top the previous peak in the early 1970s and challenge Russia and Saudi Arabia for the title of top global producer.

The real interesting part of this article is why we are still dependent on foreign oil on the left coasts, its because of the stupid green weenes and AGW cult they won't let any new pipe lines to be built and once again poor liberals are voting against their own interest ...

Pipeline construction often lags production booms by years - if proposed lines are built at all - because of opposition from environmentalists and landowners, topographic obstacles, and permitting and construction challenges. That forces drillers to limit output or ship oil domestically, usually by rail - which is more costly and arguably less safe.

The crimped production, in turn, costs the economy jobs, keeps prices higher for consumers and stymies the nation's long-held geopolitical goal of reducing dependence on foreign oil.


The challenges to building new pipelines are likely to keep the East and West Coast markets - where most Americans live - dependent on imported oil, said Doug Johnson, vice president at Tallgrass Energy Partners (TEP.N), which operates pipelines and storage facilities in the central and western United States.

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Get 'er done! Don't rely on communist Canada or radical M.E for your oil, you have it all within your borders.

There are many RCMP and their surrogates covertly working in the oil industry in Canada, they aren't there to support American interests you can be sure (or our democracy for that matter).
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That's right! Funny how the wells stopped pumping in Texas during Carter's administration, then all of a sudden gas was $1.40 (Up from $0.85) and lines around the block. :eek:
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This thread reminds me what ever did happen ?

Court rules Dakota Access Pipeline approval violated the law

Further hearings to determine whether pipeline operations should be shut off will begin June 21.

“Whether Dakota Access must cease pipeline operations presents a separate question of the appropriate remedy, which will be the subject of further briefing,” Boasberg said in his ruling.


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