The Regressives are going after masculinity bigly

And by the way, notice how they're deploying their "isolation" tactic, trying to isolate the Boy Scouts story only instead of addressing the big picture, which I did.

They do this to minimize the point. The Boy Scout story is just one of many, MANY examples of the point. I even brought up others in the OP.

These people just have to lie to cover for what they're doing.

I don't even know what to say. I mean I AGREE with you,

but what more is there TO say?

The harm is trying to marginalize normal healthy behavior is obvious, and those supporting it won't even defend it, they move to attack, deflect, distract.

From your first link:

"To clarify, “masculinity” in this context refers not to men’s innate traits, but to the cultural construction of manhood. When we talk about the harmful effects of toxic masculinity, we are not criticizing men, but are calling out the unfair standards imposed upon them."

They claim they are not criticizing men.


"This form of masculinity has nothing to do with being a man, and everything to do with being an emotionless robot with alarming social opinions including:

  • Loving sex, but not really liking women.
  • Violence is the way “men” solve problems.
  • Dominance over women.
  • Believing that they are entitled to success due to their gender.
  • Labeling men who don’t subscribe to this mindset as “Beta.”"

What a load of crap.

In my adult life, I have never met a man who thinks that violence is the way to solve problems.

Nor thought that men were dominate over women.

not believed that they were entitled to success due to their gender,

nor labeled any men they disagreed with as "Beta" (other than some lib assholes on this site)
Much of this has just been conflict invented in the minds of you-know-who.

They haven't exactly made a secret of their hatred of masculinity, and now they're manifesting it culturally.

You really should explain how a girl or two in a scout troop is emasculating to the boys. Female leaders have been in scouting for a long while. I'm approaching 50 and was in scouting through high school. There were women involved on many levels without complaint. If I had a daughter that was into it, I would support her 100% and be grateful that I could share something I found very fulfilling with her.

This is just coming off as just another grouchy, old guy, "hell in a handbasket" thread.
Grouchy old busy body is exactly what it is.

Blame blame blame

they they they

blame blame blame

they them they

Same type to talk about lyrics in music
violence in video games
what teachers are teaching about
women wearing skimpy clothes
inner city wearing baggy clothes
violence in movies

wahh wahhing about what every institution is doing, meanwhile missing the bigger point that the beauty of America - is that you can raise your own and act the way you want to act in front of them. Its called freedom, and personal responsibility.

But, its definitely easier to busy body about what everyone else is doing like a little angry old man...than it is to set examples

I find it especially irritating when it comes to scouting. The sole mission of scouting is to teach the importance of values and good character to young men. Expanding access to young women as well can only be a good thing for society.
invest in a mirror, mac.
Its better to sit on the internet and blame people that go outside and spine up for their beliefs...

for society changing...

than it is to one of them
They just REFUSE to take these issues head on. Understandable. It gets tougher when I provide proof.
Yup, it looks like the lefties are pushing you out of the BIG Tent....:laugh:
Yeah, I've been persona non grata in that tent since I started skewering their religion.


.. and look at you .. all happy and stuff... :beer:
It really is amazing to me. First, I never have to name names. I just make an observation and they jump right in to illustrate it for me. They're perfectly willing to self-identify. And even after I point out their behaviors, they just keep doing them - like trying to make everything about me, their "isolation" tactic, on and on. It's like they're robots who only know how to attack and behave in a certain way.

Yup on predictability, personal insults, highly strained logic and worn out PC threats if you don't agree.... :iagree:
They just REFUSE to take these issues head on. Understandable. It gets tougher when I provide proof.
Yup, it looks like the lefties are pushing you out of the BIG Tent....:laugh:
Yeah, I've been persona non grata in that tent since I started skewering their religion.


.. and look at you .. all happy and stuff... :beer:
It really is amazing to me. First, I never have to name names. I just make an observation and they jump right in to illustrate it for me. They're perfectly willing to self-identify. And even after I point out their behaviors, they just keep doing them - like trying to make everything about me, their "isolation" tactic, on and on. It's like they're robots who only know how to attack and behave in a certain way.

Yup on predictability, personal insults, highly strained logic and worn out PC threats if you don't agree.... :iagree:
I'm used to it at this point. It's just noise. Let 'em flail.
And by the way, notice how they're deploying their "isolation" tactic, trying to isolate the Boy Scouts story only instead of addressing the big picture, which I did.

They do this to minimize the point. The Boy Scout story is just one of many, MANY examples of the point. I even brought up others in the OP.

These people just have to lie to cover for what they're doing.

I don't even know what to say. I mean I AGREE with you,

but what more is there TO say?

The harm is trying to marginalize normal healthy behavior is obvious, and those supporting it won't even defend it, they move to attack, deflect, distract.

From your first link:

"To clarify, “masculinity” in this context refers not to men’s innate traits, but to the cultural construction of manhood. When we talk about the harmful effects of toxic masculinity, we are not criticizing men, but are calling out the unfair standards imposed upon them."

They claim they are not criticizing men.


"This form of masculinity has nothing to do with being a man, and everything to do with being an emotionless robot with alarming social opinions including:

  • Loving sex, but not really liking women.
  • Violence is the way “men” solve problems.
  • Dominance over women.
  • Believing that they are entitled to success due to their gender.
  • Labeling men who don’t subscribe to this mindset as “Beta.”"

What a load of crap.

In my adult life, I have never met a man who thinks that violence is the way to solve problems.

Nor thought that men were dominate over women.

not believed that they were entitled to success due to their gender,

nor labeled any men they disagreed with as "Beta" (other than some lib assholes on this site)
Much of this has just been conflict invented in the minds of you-know-who.

They haven't exactly made a secret of their hatred of masculinity, and now they're manifesting it culturally.

You really should explain how a girl or two in a scout troop is emasculating to the boys. Female leaders have been in scouting for a long while. I'm approaching 50 and was in scouting through high school. There were women involved on many levels without complaint. If I had a daughter that was into it, I would support her 100% and be grateful that I could share something I found very fulfilling with her.

This is just coming off as just another grouchy, old guy, "hell in a handbasket" thread.
Grouchy old busy body is exactly what it is.

Blame blame blame

they they they

blame blame blame

they them they

Same type to talk about lyrics in music
violence in video games
what teachers are teaching about
women wearing skimpy clothes
inner city wearing baggy clothes
violence in movies

wahh wahhing about what every institution is doing, meanwhile missing the bigger point that the beauty of America - is that you can raise your own and act the way you want to act in front of them. Its called freedom, and personal responsibility.

But, its definitely easier to busy body about what everyone else is doing like a little angry old man...than it is to set examples

I find it especially irritating when it comes to scouting. The sole mission of scouting is to teach the importance of values and good character to young men. Expanding access to young women as well can only be a good thing for society.
Im not an anti change curmudgeon type, so I can see the merit of both sides of this story. They should def. change the name to not misrepresent that "boy" = "girl" in some awkward sense. Its not the same sex, just a biological fact.

And Im always free to not patron their organization if I have a problem with its values. Thats America.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

The Boy Scouts are not run by leftists. Jesus.
In other news, MMA's legality and Popularity has increased exponentially since the early 2000s, and so has the number of people in the united states training in hand to hand combat.

Not sure how that relates to this thread
Seems like theres a push and pull for everything. Microcosms in a Nation of 320million people do not imply some great epidemic.

When Mac loses the ability to raise his own boys how he sees fuckin fit, then I give him permission to whine like he does daily without rolling my eyes and going :itsok:

Plus, if we are talking about the regressives attacking maculinity, lets look at an who sits on the internet every day whining about whats trendy.
Show me on the doll where Mac touched you...

Good grief
I dont like whiney men gramps. Its all mac ever does, so I hollar back like your stereo does when youre drunk and on a Metallica binge and posting in the FZ :)
I read a lot of Macs posts. He doesn't strike me as whiney. In fact I can't really name anyone in this site that I would "honestly" give that label to.

He strikes me as an old school Democrat that doesn't like the changes he's seen in his party and their push to strip everyone of their uniqueness. I tend to agree despite thinking he's a tool for voting for Hillary

He labels Hillary a 'regressive', professes to hate so-called regressives,

and then confesses to voting for Hillary.

That's how self-hatred works.
And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.
I don't even know what to say. I mean I AGREE with you,

but what more is there TO say?

The harm is trying to marginalize normal healthy behavior is obvious, and those supporting it won't even defend it, they move to attack, deflect, distract.

From your first link:

"To clarify, “masculinity” in this context refers not to men’s innate traits, but to the cultural construction of manhood. When we talk about the harmful effects of toxic masculinity, we are not criticizing men, but are calling out the unfair standards imposed upon them."

They claim they are not criticizing men.


"This form of masculinity has nothing to do with being a man, and everything to do with being an emotionless robot with alarming social opinions including:

  • Loving sex, but not really liking women.
  • Violence is the way “men” solve problems.
  • Dominance over women.
  • Believing that they are entitled to success due to their gender.
  • Labeling men who don’t subscribe to this mindset as “Beta.”"

What a load of crap.

In my adult life, I have never met a man who thinks that violence is the way to solve problems.

Nor thought that men were dominate over women.

not believed that they were entitled to success due to their gender,

nor labeled any men they disagreed with as "Beta" (other than some lib assholes on this site)
Much of this has just been conflict invented in the minds of you-know-who.

They haven't exactly made a secret of their hatred of masculinity, and now they're manifesting it culturally.

You really should explain how a girl or two in a scout troop is emasculating to the boys. Female leaders have been in scouting for a long while. I'm approaching 50 and was in scouting through high school. There were women involved on many levels without complaint. If I had a daughter that was into it, I would support her 100% and be grateful that I could share something I found very fulfilling with her.

This is just coming off as just another grouchy, old guy, "hell in a handbasket" thread.
Grouchy old busy body is exactly what it is.

Blame blame blame

they they they

blame blame blame

they them they

Same type to talk about lyrics in music
violence in video games
what teachers are teaching about
women wearing skimpy clothes
inner city wearing baggy clothes
violence in movies

wahh wahhing about what every institution is doing, meanwhile missing the bigger point that the beauty of America - is that you can raise your own and act the way you want to act in front of them. Its called freedom, and personal responsibility.

But, its definitely easier to busy body about what everyone else is doing like a little angry old man...than it is to set examples

I find it especially irritating when it comes to scouting. The sole mission of scouting is to teach the importance of values and good character to young men. Expanding access to young women as well can only be a good thing for society.
Im not an anti change curmudgeon type, so I can see the merit of both sides of this story. They should def. change the name to not misrepresent that "boy" = "girl" in some awkward sense. Its not the same sex, just a biological fact.

And Im always free to not patron their organization if I have a problem with its values. Thats America.

Absolutely true.

They definitely will have to retool.

Not sure how that relates to this thread
Seems like theres a push and pull for everything. Microcosms in a Nation of 320million people do not imply some great epidemic.

When Mac loses the ability to raise his own boys how he sees fuckin fit, then I give him permission to whine like he does daily without rolling my eyes and going :itsok:

Plus, if we are talking about the regressives attacking maculinity, lets look at an who sits on the internet every day whining about whats trendy.
Show me on the doll where Mac touched you...

Good grief
I dont like whiney men gramps. Its all mac ever does, so I hollar back like your stereo does when youre drunk and on a Metallica binge and posting in the FZ :)
I read a lot of Macs posts. He doesn't strike me as whiney. In fact I can't really name anyone in this site that I would "honestly" give that label to.

He strikes me as an old school Democrat that doesn't like the changes he's seen in his party and their push to strip everyone of their uniqueness. I tend to agree despite thinking he's a tool for voting for Hillary

He labels Hillary a 'regressive', professes to hate so-called regressives,

and then confesses to voting for Hillary.

That's how self-hatred works.
Yes, everyone who has an opinion has to go into a neat little label.

pc police

And then when we want to be a hypocrite, we dont like judgments. Dont personally attack me and judge me when im logically lumping people into categories and attacking and judging them!
Now, a question for you: Speaking of "respectful conduct", look at the responses in this thread that avoid the point and go after me personally instead. How would you characterize them?

I think it would help if you explained things in greater detail. Just what exactly offends you? Of what are you being deprived? Of what are other people being deprived that they are legitimately entitled to? You are being very coy and I think that this is what ticks people off.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
There a very appriecable upside to this growing movement of feminizing of men. Regardless of any social initiative; biology trumps all. Women still prefer to breed with dominant alpha males, regardless of what they choose to natter on about. That means more pussy, and more babies for "real" men. And that's as it should be. Its how nature intended the pecking order to work itself out. There's never been a better time, to be a man, amongst males...
This is why I find the term "gender is a social construct" - I saw that quite a bit as I was putting the OP together - so telling. They want to completely ignore biology in order to attain their goal of diluting and minimizing masculinity.

That's a standard behavior of ideologues: Denying the obvious if it doesn't fit the agenda.
And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.
lol i called him biff, he reminds me of biff and also francis from pee wee's big adventure
Now, a question for you: Speaking of "respectful conduct", look at the responses in this thread that avoid the point and go after me personally instead. How would you characterize them?

I think it would help if you explained things in greater detail. Just what exactly offends you? Of what are you being deprived? Of what are other people being deprived that they are legitimately entitled to? You are being very coy and I think that this is what ticks people off.
I'm not offended by anything. I'm not being deprived of anything. It's not about me. I just made an observation.

Now, please answer my question.
And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.
Well, I voted for Hillary.

But thanks for the zillionth example of my point - you folks just gotta make it about me.
And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President
. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.

Where did he admit to that, I recall a private NBC video from 15 years ago used in the election by BJ Bill's wife...?
i heard of a guy with a toxic masculinity. all kinds of people, including a lot of trumptards, who mansplained trump's statements describing and encouraging said toxic masculinity as "just locker room talk", are now going bigly after him.
And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.
Well, I voted for Hillary.

But thanks for the zillionth example of my point - you folks just gotta make it about me.

youre the guy who said the regressives caused america to vote for trump

but....voted for hillary

cuz your logic is as solid as a baby whining for a lolly pop whose got an ice cream cone in its hand

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