
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
As with most problems in the world - the solution is information. Utah put technology into the hands of students and leveraged it to proactively address warning signs before they became a problem.

But here is the problem. What do facists hate? Information. What do facists love? Control. And that is why progressives are going after the guns like rabid dogs.

Utah Attorney General Credits School Safety App for Intercepting 86 ‘Credible’ Threats
Really? A phone app? You know what? Phone apps have never solved a problem for me in my life.

People need to step away from the phones and think for themselves more. Or do you people want to let Apple and Google dictate the narrative by which you live?

By and large, they already are, as is Facebook and Amazon, too.

They're already controlling the information you have access to, what other powers do you want to grant them? Are you okay with them doing that? Because they are.
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As with most problems in the world - the solution is information. Utah put technology into the hands of students and leveraged it to proactively address warning signs before they became a problem.

But here is the problem. What do facists hate? Information. What do facists love? Control. And that is why progressives are going after the guns like rabid dogs.

Utah Attorney General Credits School Safety App for Intercepting 86 ‘Credible’ Threats
Interesting how progressives call conservatives "facists".. But facism is a thing that is defined by CONTROL over others - and it's those progressives who are for big govt, regulating business and everything else, and controlling everybody by limiting their gun ownership.
Really? A phone app? You know what? Phone apps have never solved a problem for me in my life.
Well that clearly indicates your inability to use and leverage technology. There is a reason that apps are built - because solving problems is exactly what they do. I’ve literally had hundreds of them “solve problems for me in my life”.

If you want to live like it’s 1842 - have at it sparky. The rest of us though - we are going to leverage technology to solve problems. This story here is a prime example. Utah didn’t have a Parkland situation because they used a phone app to solve a problem.
Until Dem's stop politicizing these shootings nothing will get solved and since Dem's will not stop doing that, well there you go.
People need to step away from the phones and think for themselves more.
The phone wasn’t thinking for the students. It was a tool for the students. You sound as idiotic as the anti-gun nuts right now. You’re attempting to blame an inanimate object. The phone and the app are just a tool. You can pick the tool up and leverage them or you can continue to live like a primate. Most of us choose to pick up the tools (guns, phones, etc.) and leverage them.

Let me guess - you are over the age of 60? Textbook. :eusa_doh:
Until Dem's stop politicizing these shootings nothing will get solved and since Dem's will not stop doing that, well there you go.
Nah...that’s not true. Look at how many schools already allow teachers to carry firearms. And look what Utah did in the article linked for this thread. It’s already getting solved. It’s just a slow process due to the ignorance of progressives.
Or do you people want to let Apple and Google dictate the narrative by which you live? By and large, they already are, as is Facebook and Amazon, too.
Clearly you don’t understand what a phone app is. It’s not a news feed, sparky. The app is just there for students to report. To share information. In other words, it simply cannot “dictate the narrative by which you live”. :eusa_doh:
Until Dem's stop politicizing these shootings nothing will get solved and since Dem's will not stop doing that, well there you go.
Nah...that’s not true. Look at how many schools already allow teachers to carry firearms. And look what Utah did in the article linked for this thread. It’s already getting solved. It’s just a slow process due to the ignorance of progressives.

Bat shit crazy nut jobs have discovered shooting up a school is a great way to go out in a blaze of glory, we are shooting spit wads at this problem.
Really? A phone app? You know what? Phone apps have never solved a problem for me in my life.
Well that clearly indicates your inability to use and leverage technology. There is a reason that apps are built - because solving problems is exactly what they do. I’ve literally had hundreds of them “solve problems for me in my life”.

If you want to live like it’s 1842 - have at it sparky. The rest of us though - we are going to leverage technology to solve problems. This story here is a prime example. Utah didn’t have a Parkland situation because they used a phone app to solve a problem.

Yeah, ok, bro.
Until Dem's stop politicizing these shootings nothing will get solved and since Dem's will not stop doing that, well there you go.
Nah...that’s not true. Look at how many schools already allow teachers to carry firearms. And look what Utah did in the article linked for this thread. It’s already getting solved. It’s just a slow process due to the ignorance of progressives.

Bat shit crazy nut jobs have discovered shooting up a school is a great way to go out in a blaze of glory, we are shooting spit wads at this problem.
I think we should immediately place armed staff in schools.
Until Dem's stop politicizing these shootings nothing will get solved and since Dem's will not stop doing that, well there you go.
Nah...that’s not true. Look at how many schools already allow teachers to carry firearms. And look what Utah did in the article linked for this thread. It’s already getting solved. It’s just a slow process due to the ignorance of progressives.

Bat shit crazy nut jobs have discovered shooting up a school is a great way to go out in a blaze of glory, we are shooting spit wads at this problem.
I think we should immediately place armed staff in schools.

Its clear school security needs an entire redesign, Parkland demonstrated that relying on idiot government workers is a plan for failure. Red flags going off dozens of times and they did nothing. Then after the freak started shooting the police were too cowardly to go inside and save the kids?

I would start by establishing a security parameter to keep these freaks from getting close to the school building.
Until Dem's stop politicizing these shootings nothing will get solved and since Dem's will not stop doing that, well there you go.
Nah...that’s not true. Look at how many schools already allow teachers to carry firearms. And look what Utah did in the article linked for this thread. It’s already getting solved. It’s just a slow process due to the ignorance of progressives.

Bat shit crazy nut jobs have discovered shooting up a school is a great way to go out in a blaze of glory, we are shooting spit wads at this problem.
I think we should immediately place armed staff in schools.

Its clear school security needs an entire redesign, Parkland demonstrated that relying on idiot government workers is a plan for failure. Red flags going off dozens of times and they did nothing. Then after the freak started shooting the police were too cowardly to go inside and save the kids?

I would start by establishing a security parameter to keep these freaks from getting close to the school building.
Notice how none of these filthy lying scum have much to say about the school shooter that was shot dead the other day?
Until Dem's stop politicizing these shootings nothing will get solved and since Dem's will not stop doing that, well there you go.
Nah...that’s not true. Look at how many schools already allow teachers to carry firearms. And look what Utah did in the article linked for this thread. It’s already getting solved. It’s just a slow process due to the ignorance of progressives.

Bat shit crazy nut jobs have discovered shooting up a school is a great way to go out in a blaze of glory, we are shooting spit wads at this problem.
I think we should immediately place armed staff in schools.

Its clear school security needs an entire redesign, Parkland demonstrated that relying on idiot government workers is a plan for failure. Red flags going off dozens of times and they did nothing. Then after the freak started shooting the police were too cowardly to go inside and save the kids?

I would start by establishing a security parameter to keep these freaks from getting close to the school building.
Notice how none of these filthy lying scum have much to say about the school shooter that was shot dead the other day?

Of course not, because they don't give a shit about school shootings its just something they can politicize to push gun control. If they could politicize it to push global warming or any of their other liberal causes they would.
Until Dem's stop politicizing these shootings nothing will get solved and since Dem's will not stop doing that, well there you go.
Nah...that’s not true. Look at how many schools already allow teachers to carry firearms. And look what Utah did in the article linked for this thread. It’s already getting solved. It’s just a slow process due to the ignorance of progressives.

Bat shit crazy nut jobs have discovered shooting up a school is a great way to go out in a blaze of glory, we are shooting spit wads at this problem.
Dude...I agree. Like I said, it’s a slow process because progressives are ignorant. But it is getting solved.

The biggest problem is the media sensationalizing them for their anti-gun agenda. That just gives lonely, pathetic teens who are desperate for fame a platform that they desire.
Until Dem's stop politicizing these shootings nothing will get solved and since Dem's will not stop doing that, well there you go.
Nah...that’s not true. Look at how many schools already allow teachers to carry firearms. And look what Utah did in the article linked for this thread. It’s already getting solved. It’s just a slow process due to the ignorance of progressives.

Bat shit crazy nut jobs have discovered shooting up a school is a great way to go out in a blaze of glory, we are shooting spit wads at this problem.
Here is another example of how this problem is being addressed without violating the U.S. Constitution.
Broward County public schools superintendent Robert Runcie announced this week his district was implementing a “solution” to thwart future gun violence. He said that following students’ spring break, only clear backpacks would be permitted at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Anti-gun David Hogg complains clear backpacks at school infringe on students’ constitutional rights

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