The psychology that explains how people become liberals

How about summarizing the main point(s) that you think are valid. We can discuss it one by one. Being specific would help credibility.
OP does not know enough about psychology to have any sort of conversation about it. The article is filled with concepts that have been discredited and outdated longer than most people have been alive. It is useful to fascist types to have a means of pigeon-holing the people they hate into simplistic types though. They don't want to hear that human personality traits exist on a spectrum. They don't want to hear that people are too complex to really ever figure out.
Many of us have long understood how liberalism is a disease.

The following explains how it all works.

About the author:

Jon Anthony is a world renowned dating coach and the founder of Masculine Development, a blog for masculine men. He enjoys writing about workout supplements like SARMs (such as Ostarine and RAD 140), powerful nootropics (such as Modafinil) and is known for his triggering article on How to Fuck A Girl Properly. You can follow him on Twitter.

Ah. After reading the OP link, I see now that the author drops a lot acid.


What an authoritative expert!

and just like that you ignore the message and attack the messenger,,,
That is always to be expected from the liberals....if your source is not CNN they will always attack it....well if it is from the N.Y.T. they might accept it....but who would even want to read the N.Y.T.?

Irregardless the truth is where you find it and it can be found in various and sundry places.

That is why there was a rule on most message boards at one time that one should attack the message not the messenger....and it is a good rule.....though I do not think it has ever been a rule on here...too logical to be on here.

More truth..........
Liberalism is intimately associated with mental illness.

Studies of the mentally ill have found that they tend to vote less conservative and more liberal (Howard and Anthony, 1977; Kelly, 2014) . One paper, for example, found that 78 percent of mental illness outpatients in Germany preferred liberal political candidates, compared to just 56 percent of the general public. More recently, Kirkegaard (2020) analyzed the General Social Survey data and found that extreme liberals had a 150 percent increase in the rate of mental illness compared to moderates. Conservatives — even extreme conservatives — were 17 percent and 24 percent less likely than moderates, respectively, to have been diagnosed with mental illness. Meanwhile, Pew Research Center’s March 2020 American Trends Panel Survey similarly showed that 38 percent of ‘very liberal’ whites have been told by a doctor that they have a mental health condition (compared to 20 percent of moderates and 15 percent of the ‘very conservative’).

That is always to be expected from the liberals....if your source is not CNN they will always attack it....well if it is from the N.Y.T. they might accept it....but who would even want to read the N.Y.T.?

Irregardless the truth is where you find it and it can be found in various and sundry places.

That is why there was a rule on most message boards at one time that one should attack the message not the messenger....and it is a good rule.....though I do not think it has ever been a rule on here...too logical to be on here.

More truth..........
Liberalism is intimately associated with mental illness.

Studies of the mentally ill have found that they tend to vote less conservative and more liberal (Howard and Anthony, 1977; Kelly, 2014) . One paper, for example, found that 78 percent of mental illness outpatients in Germany preferred liberal political candidates, compared to just 56 percent of the general public. More recently, Kirkegaard (2020) analyzed the General Social Survey data and found that extreme liberals had a 150 percent increase in the rate of mental illness compared to moderates. Conservatives — even extreme conservatives — were 17 percent and 24 percent less likely than moderates, respectively, to have been diagnosed with mental illness. Meanwhile, Pew Research Center’s March 2020 American Trends Panel Survey similarly showed that 38 percent of ‘very liberal’ whites have been told by a doctor that they have a mental health condition (compared to 20 percent of moderates and 15 percent of the ‘very conservative’).

Hey whatever helps dealing with your own delusional thoughts.
Written by a dating coach on a site supposedly for "masculine men"?

Roosh Vorek wrote his fair share of offensive stuff. He is guilty of Aggravated Political Incorrectness.

But he wrote many articles about real discrimination against men in Modern Western World. Men are discriminated in Divorce. Male victims of Domestic Violence are arrested rather then helped. Men get 61% more time for the same crime. Misandry is very common on Social Media and MSM.

Importantly -- Roosh V has red-pilled tens of thousands of people. I doubt I have red-pilled even ten people.

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