...The Proud Boys Jury Got it right.....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
One would need to be in a media blackout to have not heard or seen reports on the latest convictions on the 'Seditious Conspiracy' trial.
This jury like two others before them also considering the 'Seditious' charges.....found the defendants guilty. This time members of the 'Proud Boys'.

Eugene Robinson in a column today offers one of the most trenchant observations I've seen.
Let me offer a taster of quotes by him:

"That means three different sets of jurors have concluded that Jan. 6 was no spontaneous riot.
It was planned, organized, incited and led by individuals and groups in a conspiracy against our democratically elected government.

"We are still trying to process what happened on that shocking and unprecedented day. The wheels of U.S. justice are designed to grind slowly, and it has been frustrating to see accountability parceled out in dribs and drabs over two long years. The Proud Boys verdict ends the last remaining case involving charges of seditious conspiracy — so far. We do not know what charges, if any, Smith might bring against Trump and members of his inner circle."

"About 140 U.S. Capitol Police and D.C. police officers were injured, some to the point of disability. Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick, who was horrifically assaulted by the mob, died the following day after a series of strokes. Four other police officers who had defended the Capitol died by suicide in the weeks and months after the insurrection. One rioter — Ashli Babbitt — was shot dead as she and other rioters tried to smash their way into the House chamber. Three other rioters died during the chaotic melee.

Trump now lionizes Babbitt as some kind of heroic martyr. He complains that the Justice Department is persecuting patriotic Americans who were doing nothing more than exercising their right to peacefully protest.
That is an outrageous, disgusting lie, and it is unconscionable that so many Republicans — including members of Congress whose lives were threatened that day — let him get away with it.
Jurors are getting it right. Leaders of the insurrection should face the most serious charges and suffer the most severe punishments. Now we wait to see whether the man without whose incitement Jan. 6 never would have happened — Donald Trump — is made to face his day in court as well."

One would need to be in a media blackout to have not heard or seen reports on the latest convictions on the 'Seditious Conspiracy' trial.
This jury like two others before them also considering the 'Seditious' charges.....found the defendants guilty. This time members of the 'Proud Boys'.

Eugene Robinson in a column today offers one of the most trenchant observations I've seen.
Let me offer a taster of quotes by him:

"That means three different sets of jurors have concluded that Jan. 6 was no spontaneous riot.
It was planned, organized, incited and led by individuals and groups in a conspiracy against our democratically elected government.

"We are still trying to process what happened on that shocking and unprecedented day. The wheels of U.S. justice are designed to grind slowly, and it has been frustrating to see accountability parceled out in dribs and drabs over two long years. The Proud Boys verdict ends the last remaining case involving charges of seditious conspiracy — so far. We do not know what charges, if any, Smith might bring against Trump and members of his inner circle."

"About 140 U.S. Capitol Police and D.C. police officers were injured, some to the point of disability. Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick, who was horrifically assaulted by the mob, died the following day after a series of strokes. Four other police officers who had defended the Capitol died by suicide in the weeks and months after the insurrection. One rioter — Ashli Babbitt — was shot dead as she and other rioters tried to smash their way into the House chamber. Three other rioters died during the chaotic melee.

Trump now lionizes Babbitt as some kind of heroic martyr. He complains that the Justice Department is persecuting patriotic Americans who were doing nothing more than exercising their right to peacefully protest.
That is an outrageous, disgusting lie, and it is unconscionable that so many Republicans — including members of Congress whose lives were threatened that day — let him get away with it.
Jurors are getting it right. Leaders of the insurrection should face the most serious charges and suffer the most severe punishments. Now we wait to see whether the man without whose incitement Jan. 6 never would have happened — Donald Trump — is made to face his day in court as well."

And yet pretty much nothing of consequence happened on that Jan 6th, other than an unarmed white woman who was no threat to anyone being murdered and her killer getting off scott free. If she had been black and the officer white, all hell would have broken loose.

...The Proud Boys Jury Got it right.....​

Save the bloviation.
  1. These decisions will be overturned on appeal.
  2. Everyone knows now that it has been leaked how the whole J6 thing was a set up trying to frame Trump. They infiltrated the PB and likely instigated and directed their actions using them as pawns when, if they had really been up to no good, they could have reported it and stopped it but they didn't, they WANTED J6 to happen.
  3. Now the fed is bending every law to make their case of sedition hoping to then leverage their created crime against Trump in their 126th attempt to keep him from cleaning up DC.
It is all slowly blowing up in the Left's faces just as that whole J6 show trial fell flat.
It is all slowly blowing up in the Left's faces just as that whole J6 show trial fell flat.
You've been saying that kind of nonsense for years, and it's delusional. It hasn't happened, and it won't happen. Your propaganda has a perfect record of failure.

When are you going to admit that it's all BS, and that listening to stupid lies caused you to turn traitor? It's not like you're fooling anyone. And it's not like your whining will get your fascist shit-human pals out of prison. They're going to rot there for years, as they deserve, and traitor Ashli will keep on freezing in Hell.
Your propaganda has a perfect record of failure.
Meantime in the real world, my track record is near perfect. Just as several years ago when the whole "gay marriage" thing was shoved down our throats because gay unions just wasn't good enough and fags just had to establish their debauchery as just another ordinary life "choice," I warned people that this was heading towards the eventual effort of trying to get pedophiles accepted or even protected by the fed as the next "normal protected life choice and person's "right" to be" and here it is beginning to happen--- First Step, the whole child sex dysphoria, gender modification, transgender thing.

When are you going to admit that it's all BS, and that listening to stupid lies caused you to turn traitor?
Drop dead and get your fat head stuck in a drag queen's zipper. J6 was a staged event to detract from a stolen election and to try to frame the only real president of the people from regaining his office. There is only one traitor America must deal with now and the shit is starting to hit the fan hard, very soon.

And yet pretty much nothing of consequence happened on that Jan 6th, other than an unarmed white woman who was no threat to anyone being murdered and her killer getting off scott free. If she had been black and the officer white, all hell would have broken loose.
Well also if the people who were riding with her that day actually gave a shit about her life. All hell breaks loose because we do and we respond to whatever we feel is police misconduct in kind. Are you really trying to blame us for you and yours being pussies? 😄
You've been saying that kind of nonsense for years, and it's delusional. It hasn't happened, and it won't happen.

Here Ace--- FACT: the FBI infiltrated the PB and knew everything going on, so likely also had a hand as they and the CIA have done hundreds of times over the years of setting people up, directing them then framing them, yet, if the PB were really planning something big and dangerous, then the FBI knew it all well in advance yet did nothing to stop it!

Only possible conclusion, Capt. Zero, is that is because they WANTED it to happen. Without a conviction of sedition, they had a very weak case against Trump. Now that they've engineered the event and case they need, they will now use it to try to claim that Trump was the "mastermind" behind J6 intending to try to overthrow the US gov with a bunch of unorganized people carrying flags and taking selfies while ther Cap. Police in many cases held the doors open for them.
Here Ace--- FACT: the FBI infiltrated the PB and knew everything going on, so likely also had a hand as they and the CIA have done hundreds of times over the years of setting people up, directing them then framing them, yet, if the PB were really planning something big and dangerous, then the FBI knew it all well in advance yet did nothing to stop it!

Only possible conclusion, Capt. Zero, is that is because they WANTED it to happen. Without a conviction of sedition, they had a very weak case against Trump. Now that they've engineered the event and case they need, they will now use it to try to claim that Trump was the "mastermind" behind J6 intending to try to overthrow the US gov with a bunch of unorganized people carrying flags and taking selfies while ther Cap. Police in many cases held the doors open for them.
evidence not allowed in. It's almost like they ran with this to have it be appealed and lose under appeal..
And yet pretty much nothing of consequence happened on that Jan 6th, other than an unarmed white woman who was no threat to anyone being murdered and her killer getting off scott free. If she had been black and the officer white, all hell would have broken loose.

Ashlee was caught up in Trump's violent rhetoric and that of the Proud Boys. Weak-minded vigilantes are especially vulnerable.
Save the bloviation.
  1. These decisions will be overturned on appeal.
  2. Everyone knows now that it has been leaked how the whole J6 thing was a set up trying to frame Trump. They infiltrated the PB and likely instigated and directed their actions using them as pawns when, if they had really been up to no good, they could have reported it and stopped it but they didn't, they WANTED J6 to happen.
  3. Now the fed is bending every law to make their case of sedition hoping to then leverage their created crime against Trump in their 126th attempt to keep him from cleaning up DC.
It is all slowly blowing up in the Left's faces just as that whole J6 show trial fell flat.
Next up the ladder to the one truly responsible.
Next up the ladder to the one truly responsible.

You can always tell when things ain't going the Left's way and they are getting very nervous when every half-baked lamb chop out there starts coming out of the woodwork to either declare there is nothing there or to start telling everyone how stupid, brainwashed and mislead they are by Fox News. :laughing0301:

First they covered up Hunter's lap top as "russian propaganda" to save Biden from losing the election, then we find out they knew all along it was real, had the thing, and were sitting on the story protecting Hunter.

Now we know what was in the laptop and now Hunter is before a judge who is about to force him to reveal everything about every nickel of secret income he has been getting for his "art" paid for by foreign investors getting "favors" done them by "The Big Guy."

The Big Guy who can't remember his week long trip to Ireland just a few days after coming back who needs cue cards written for him to answer preselected rehearsed questions from selected, friendly press.
View attachment 782499You can always tell when things ain't going the Left's way and they are getting very nervous when every half-baked lamb chop out there starts coming out of the woodwork to either declare there is nothing there or to start telling everyone how stupid, brainwashed and mislead they are by Fox News. :laughing0301:

First they covered up Hunter's lap top as "russian propaganda" to save Biden from losing the election, then we find out they knew all along it was real, had the thing, and were sitting on the story protecting Hunter.

Now we know what was in the laptop and now Hunter is before a judge who is about to force him to reveal everything about every nickel of secret income he has been getting for his "art" paid for by foreign investors getting "favors" done them by "The Big Guy."

The Big Guy who can't remember his week long trip to Ireland just a few days after coming back who needs cue cards written for him to answer preselected rehearsed questions from selected, friendly press.
It is unique how demofks are all in on chink rule by xiden
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Ashlee was caught up in Trump's violent rhetoric and that of the Proud Boys. Weak-minded vigilantes are especially vulnerable.
Exactly. Trump found the perfect marks to feed his brittle ego. Ashlee died for it. Many others are going to jail for it. Others sold their soul for it. Still others have wrecked their careers for it. The rest STILL somehow believe.

There are just no adjectives for this.
One would need to be in a media blackout to have not heard or seen reports on the latest convictions on the 'Seditious Conspiracy' trial.
This jury like two others before them also considering the 'Seditious' charges.....found the defendants guilty. This time members of the 'Proud Boys'.

Eugene Robinson in a column today offers one of the most trenchant observations I've seen.
Let me offer a taster of quotes by him:

"That means three different sets of jurors have concluded that Jan. 6 was no spontaneous riot.
It was planned, organized, incited and led by individuals and groups in a conspiracy against our democratically elected government.

"We are still trying to process what happened on that shocking and unprecedented day. The wheels of U.S. justice are designed to grind slowly, and it has been frustrating to see accountability parceled out in dribs and drabs over two long years. The Proud Boys verdict ends the last remaining case involving charges of seditious conspiracy — so far. We do not know what charges, if any, Smith might bring against Trump and members of his inner circle."

"About 140 U.S. Capitol Police and D.C. police officers were injured, some to the point of disability. Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick, who was horrifically assaulted by the mob, died the following day after a series of strokes. Four other police officers who had defended the Capitol died by suicide in the weeks and months after the insurrection. One rioter — Ashli Babbitt — was shot dead as she and other rioters tried to smash their way into the House chamber. Three other rioters died during the chaotic melee.

Trump now lionizes Babbitt as some kind of heroic martyr. He complains that the Justice Department is persecuting patriotic Americans who were doing nothing more than exercising their right to peacefully protest.
That is an outrageous, disgusting lie, and it is unconscionable that so many Republicans — including members of Congress whose lives were threatened that day — let him get away with it.
Jurors are getting it right. Leaders of the insurrection should face the most serious charges and suffer the most severe punishments. Now we wait to see whether the man without whose incitement Jan. 6 never would have happened — Donald Trump — is made to face his day in court as well."

Another great day for real Americans.
Exactly. Trump found the perfect marks to feed his brittle ego. Ashlee died for it. Many others are going to jail for it. Still others have wrecked their careers for it. The rest STILL somehow believe.

There are just no adjectives for this.
These people are stooges for the authoritarian government we have. They are used as examples to not challenge it. And most people do not. Rules for thee and not for me. If you trust those empowered and you get screwed over, then to keep trusting them is on you. Doing something about it is suicide. You just saw Pelosi's husband have two very questionable events and come out of it unscathed. Yeah, trust is decreasing the more we get messed with. And the affects will be felt if there is ever some chaos in our nation for some reason.
There are just no adjectives for this.

SURE there is! Every company that goes woke is going BROKE, yet you stupid fucks just keep lining up to try again and again, just as democrats keep shooting each other in crime ridden blue democrat cities over failed democrat policies, yet still keep going out to vote for more democrats!

There are just no adjectives for this.
Exactly. Trump found the perfect marks to feed his brittle ego. Ashlee died for it. Many others are going to jail for it. Others sold their soul for it. Still others have wrecked their careers for it. The rest STILL somehow believe.

There are just no adjectives for this.

Thank you, Mac. It's heartbreaking, isn't it?
These people are stooges for the authoritarian government we have. They are used as examples to not challenge it. And most people do not. Rules for thee and not for me. If you trust those empowered and you get screwed over, then to keep trusting them is on you. Doing something about it is suicide. You just saw Pelosi's husband have two very questionable events and come out of it unscathed. Yeah, trust is decreasing the more we get messed with. And the affects will be felt if there is ever some chaos in our nation for some reason.

A hammer attack by an intruder and skull fracture requiring surgery is not "unscathed".

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