The pillars of criminality that the US Federal government is based upon


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The modern day US federal government has had it's foundation laid by what I refer to as "pillars" which are nothing short of criminal.

Pillar #1. Abortion. While BLM protests about a few blacks being treated unfairly by the police, they ignore the fact that 86% of abortion clinics in the US are strategically located in Black neighborhoods

Planned Parenthood Puts 86% of Its Abortion Facilities in Minority Neighborhoods |

They also ignore the fact that in democrat controlled NYC, there have been more black abortions than births.

Tragic report: More Black babies are aborted in New York City than are born (

That is not to mention that abortion in and of itself, is bigoted. It is akin to ageism. Discriminating against someone based only upon their stage of development is unethical. But the focus of abortion, other than Margaret Sangers vision of eliminating an undesirable gene pool made up of mostly black people, is to depopulate the earth because Globalists think we need to do so to "save" the planet. That is why the US federal government is promoting abortion all across the globe, and probably any legislation passed has some earmark in it that gives US taxpayer money to various countries around the world to help depopulate themselves.

Pillar #2 Unrestricted illegal immigration. Globalists want to rid ourselves of borders and convert to as big of a world wide government as they can obtain. Again, this is so Globalists can implement world wide agendas verses struggling to manipulate a wide range of governments around the world to do their bidding, like promote climate change legislation. Again, they think it necessary to "save" the planet. But these folks are illegal, and voters should have the right to restrict immigration any way they choose. But so long as the borders are not secured, voters will never have a say, which makes Globalists as pleased as punch!

Pillar #3 Unrestricted spending. To establish some sort of one world government, a crisis needs to be created. As Herbert Hoover stated

“Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.”

Simply put, people don't like change. People just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace. So the only alternative is to either manufacture a crisis, or take full advantage of one that arises naturally. This is at the heart and soul of politics in the US, as Rahm Emmanuel once said about shoving through legislation during the credit crisis, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." So the goal will be to spend across the globe until governments start to go belly up and require a massive intervention to "save" the planet once again. This will be the engine to lower borders and national sovereignty around the globe. So in the interim, the focus is spending money on anything and everything, so long as it does not restrict the other pillars mentioned such as abortion and illegal immigration. It is criminal however, because to accomplish this task, taxes will be raised, and inflation will eat at what money are are allowed to keep. At the end of the day, every year you will be worth less and less, which equates to having less and less freedom and power until you are forced onto the globalist plantation of what they decide to give us. In short, it is slavery.

Pillar #4. Promoting sexual deviancy. This really goes hand in hand with abortion, in that the goal is population control. So getting as many people to turn gay or convince them they are the other sex, will help accomplish the same goal driven agendas of population control. In fact, the more gay and sexually confused people who choose not to reproduce the better. In the interim, gender confusion in schools is at epidemic proportions and up some 4,000%. And children as young as 13 are having double mastectomies.

4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs Perform Double Mastectomies on Healthy Teen Girls | CBN News

Think of it, children who are not even allowed to have sex, are choosing their own sex. Globalists who are promoting this in the US and around the world, once again courtesy of the US taxpayer, are no different than the town pervert who are seducing children to corrupt them for their own use. And once again, it is criminal.

And the sad truth is, both parties have and are contributing to this and have contributed to these pillars.. The GOP does give lip service to fighting some of these pillars, but by in large it is just that. Nothing of substance is ever done to go against these pillars. And this is why I think Trump is being treated the way he is. He was the only person in the GOP willing to try and secure the border wall, so they destroyed him. In fact, they may deem it necessary to destroy the entire GOP because of it, and they may just do that. What is also unacceptable are Supreme Court justices that may go against one of these pillars, which is why many in the DNC had talked about stacking the courts like FDR wanted. However, seeing how the new appointees like Kav have already voted, it looks as though they have nothing really to fear from them, so they more than likely won't have to do that.
The modern day US federal government has had it's foundation laid by what I refer to as "pillars" which are nothing short of criminal.

Pillar #1. Abortion. While BLM protests about a few blacks being treated unfairly by the police, they ignore the fact that 86% of abortion clinics in the US are strategically located in Black neighborhoods

Planned Parenthood Puts 86% of Its Abortion Facilities in Minority Neighborhoods |

They also ignore the fact that in democrat controlled NYC, there have been more black abortions than births.

Tragic report: More Black babies are aborted in New York City than are born (

That is not to mention that abortion in and of itself, is bigoted. It is akin to ageism. Discriminating against someone based only upon their stage of development is unethical. But the focus of abortion, other than Margaret Sangers vision of eliminating an undesirable gene pool made up of mostly black people, is to depopulate the earth because Globalists think we need to do so to "save" the planet. That is why the US federal government is promoting abortion all across the globe, and probably any legislation passed has some earmark in it that gives US taxpayer money to various countries around the world to help depopulate themselves.

Pillar #2 Unrestricted illegal immigration. Globalists want to rid ourselves of borders and convert to as big of a world wide government as they can obtain. Again, this is so Globalists can implement world wide agendas verses struggling to manipulate a wide range of governments around the world to do their bidding, like promote climate change legislation. Again, they think it necessary to "save" the planet. But these folks are illegal, and voters should have the right to restrict immigration any way they choose. But so long as the borders are not secured, voters will never have a say, which makes Globalists as pleased as punch!

Pillar #3 Unrestricted spending. To establish some sort of one world government, a crisis needs to be created. As Herbert Hoover stated

“Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.”

Simply put, people don't like change. People just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace. So the only alternative is to either manufacture a crisis, or take full advantage of one that arises naturally. This is at the heart and soul of politics in the US, as Rahm Emmanuel once said about shoving through legislation during the credit crisis, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." So the goal will be to spend across the globe until governments start to go belly up and require a massive intervention to "save" the planet once again. This will be the engine to lower borders and national sovereignty around the globe. So in the interim, the focus is spending money on anything and everything, so long as it does not restrict the other pillars mentioned such as abortion and illegal immigration. It is criminal however, because to accomplish this task, taxes will be raised, and inflation will eat at what money are are allowed to keep. At the end of the day, every year you will be worth less and less, which equates to having less and less freedom and power until you are forced onto the globalist plantation of what they decide to give us. In short, it is slavery.

Pillar #4. Promoting sexual deviancy. This really goes hand in hand with abortion, in that the goal is population control. So getting as many people to turn gay or convince them they are the other sex, will help accomplish the same goal driven agendas of population control. In fact, the more gay and sexually confused people who choose not to reproduce the better. In the interim, gender confusion in schools is at epidemic proportions and up some 4,000%. And children as young as 13 are having double mastectomies.

4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs Perform Double Mastectomies on Healthy Teen Girls | CBN News

Think of it, children who are not even allowed to have sex, are choosing their own sex. Globalists who are promoting this in the US and around the world, once again courtesy of the US taxpayer, are no different than the town pervert who are seducing children to corrupt them for their own use. And once again, it is criminal.

And the sad truth is, both parties have and are contributing to this and have contributed to these pillars.. The GOP does give lip service to fighting some of these pillars, but by in large it is just that. Nothing of substance is ever done to go against these pillars. And this is why I think Trump is being treated the way he is. He was the only person in the GOP willing to try and secure the border wall, so they destroyed him. In fact, they may deem it necessary to destroy the entire GOP because of it, and they may just do that. What is also unacceptable are Supreme Court justices that may go against one of these pillars, which is why many in the DNC had talked about stacking the courts like FDR wanted. However, seeing how the new appointees like Kav have already voted, it looks as though they have nothing really to fear from them, so they more than likely won't have to do that.
notice that this went over the head of the junior high kid newbie? lol kiddies like him and demorat apologists cannot deal with reality that both parties are corrupt and one in the same except for trump,that he is not part of the corrupt two party system bush,obama and biden are and thats why so many in the GOP hate him,they are too stupid to understand that is why people like Bush hates trump.:uhoh3:
The modern day US federal government has had it's foundation laid by what I refer to as "pillars" which are nothing short of criminal.

Pillar #1. Abortion. While BLM protests about a few blacks being treated unfairly by the police, they ignore the fact that 86% of abortion clinics in the US are strategically located in Black neighborhoods

Planned Parenthood Puts 86% of Its Abortion Facilities in Minority Neighborhoods |

They also ignore the fact that in democrat controlled NYC, there have been more black abortions than births.

Tragic report: More Black babies are aborted in New York City than are born (

That is not to mention that abortion in and of itself, is bigoted. It is akin to ageism. Discriminating against someone based only upon their stage of development is unethical. But the focus of abortion, other than Margaret Sangers vision of eliminating an undesirable gene pool made up of mostly black people, is to depopulate the earth because Globalists think we need to do so to "save" the planet. That is why the US federal government is promoting abortion all across the globe, and probably any legislation passed has some earmark in it that gives US taxpayer money to various countries around the world to help depopulate themselves.

Pillar #2 Unrestricted illegal immigration. Globalists want to rid ourselves of borders and convert to as big of a world wide government as they can obtain. Again, this is so Globalists can implement world wide agendas verses struggling to manipulate a wide range of governments around the world to do their bidding, like promote climate change legislation. Again, they think it necessary to "save" the planet. But these folks are illegal, and voters should have the right to restrict immigration any way they choose. But so long as the borders are not secured, voters will never have a say, which makes Globalists as pleased as punch!

Pillar #3 Unrestricted spending. To establish some sort of one world government, a crisis needs to be created. As Herbert Hoover stated

“Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.”

Simply put, people don't like change. People just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace. So the only alternative is to either manufacture a crisis, or take full advantage of one that arises naturally. This is at the heart and soul of politics in the US, as Rahm Emmanuel once said about shoving through legislation during the credit crisis, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." So the goal will be to spend across the globe until governments start to go belly up and require a massive intervention to "save" the planet once again. This will be the engine to lower borders and national sovereignty around the globe. So in the interim, the focus is spending money on anything and everything, so long as it does not restrict the other pillars mentioned such as abortion and illegal immigration. It is criminal however, because to accomplish this task, taxes will be raised, and inflation will eat at what money are are allowed to keep. At the end of the day, every year you will be worth less and less, which equates to having less and less freedom and power until you are forced onto the globalist plantation of what they decide to give us. In short, it is slavery.

Pillar #4. Promoting sexual deviancy. This really goes hand in hand with abortion, in that the goal is population control. So getting as many people to turn gay or convince them they are the other sex, will help accomplish the same goal driven agendas of population control. In fact, the more gay and sexually confused people who choose not to reproduce the better. In the interim, gender confusion in schools is at epidemic proportions and up some 4,000%. And children as young as 13 are having double mastectomies.

4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs Perform Double Mastectomies on Healthy Teen Girls | CBN News

Think of it, children who are not even allowed to have sex, are choosing their own sex. Globalists who are promoting this in the US and around the world, once again courtesy of the US taxpayer, are no different than the town pervert who are seducing children to corrupt them for their own use. And once again, it is criminal.

And the sad truth is, both parties have and are contributing to this and have contributed to these pillars.. The GOP does give lip service to fighting some of these pillars, but by in large it is just that. Nothing of substance is ever done to go against these pillars. And this is why I think Trump is being treated the way he is. He was the only person in the GOP willing to try and secure the border wall, so they destroyed him. In fact, they may deem it necessary to destroy the entire GOP because of it, and they may just do that. What is also unacceptable are Supreme Court justices that may go against one of these pillars, which is why many in the DNC had talked about stacking the courts like FDR wanted. However, seeing how the new appointees like Kav have already voted, it looks as though they have nothing really to fear from them, so they more than likely won't have to do that.

This goes much deeper than simple criminality and is an issue not of justice in the legal sense, but one of both the meteoric rise and spread of Satanism and anti-humanism in America. Drastic and violent measures, not courtroom fucking about, must be resorted to to sort it out. Transgenderism IS anti-human, as is the illusion of homosexuality; both ideologies are weapons intended to suicide the human race over time—over many generations. There's the human malevolence facet of the issue and then there's the ancient other-natural non-human evil aspect as well. Neither facet is being countered or resisted at any level of our government and any man or woman who sincerely stands against these evils is immediately canceled and their voices and efforts drowned by the background noise of legions of disbelievers and denialists. The people behind the spread of this psycho madness know exactly what they are doing to the human race; they know they're killing it.
The modern day US federal government has had it's foundation laid by what I refer to as "pillars" which are nothing short of criminal.

Pillar #1. Abortion. While BLM protests about a few blacks being treated unfairly by the police, they ignore the fact that 86% of abortion clinics in the US are strategically located in Black neighborhoods

Planned Parenthood Puts 86% of Its Abortion Facilities in Minority Neighborhoods |

They also ignore the fact that in democrat controlled NYC, there have been more black abortions than births.

Tragic report: More Black babies are aborted in New York City than are born (

That is not to mention that abortion in and of itself, is bigoted. It is akin to ageism. Discriminating against someone based only upon their stage of development is unethical. But the focus of abortion, other than Margaret Sangers vision of eliminating an undesirable gene pool made up of mostly black people, is to depopulate the earth because Globalists think we need to do so to "save" the planet. That is why the US federal government is promoting abortion all across the globe, and probably any legislation passed has some earmark in it that gives US taxpayer money to various countries around the world to help depopulate themselves.

Pillar #2 Unrestricted illegal immigration. Globalists want to rid ourselves of borders and convert to as big of a world wide government as they can obtain. Again, this is so Globalists can implement world wide agendas verses struggling to manipulate a wide range of governments around the world to do their bidding, like promote climate change legislation. Again, they think it necessary to "save" the planet. But these folks are illegal, and voters should have the right to restrict immigration any way they choose. But so long as the borders are not secured, voters will never have a say, which makes Globalists as pleased as punch!

Pillar #3 Unrestricted spending. To establish some sort of one world government, a crisis needs to be created. As Herbert Hoover stated

“Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.”

Simply put, people don't like change. People just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace. So the only alternative is to either manufacture a crisis, or take full advantage of one that arises naturally. This is at the heart and soul of politics in the US, as Rahm Emmanuel once said about shoving through legislation during the credit crisis, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." So the goal will be to spend across the globe until governments start to go belly up and require a massive intervention to "save" the planet once again. This will be the engine to lower borders and national sovereignty around the globe. So in the interim, the focus is spending money on anything and everything, so long as it does not restrict the other pillars mentioned such as abortion and illegal immigration. It is criminal however, because to accomplish this task, taxes will be raised, and inflation will eat at what money are are allowed to keep. At the end of the day, every year you will be worth less and less, which equates to having less and less freedom and power until you are forced onto the globalist plantation of what they decide to give us. In short, it is slavery.

Pillar #4. Promoting sexual deviancy. This really goes hand in hand with abortion, in that the goal is population control. So getting as many people to turn gay or convince them they are the other sex, will help accomplish the same goal driven agendas of population control. In fact, the more gay and sexually confused people who choose not to reproduce the better. In the interim, gender confusion in schools is at epidemic proportions and up some 4,000%. And children as young as 13 are having double mastectomies.

4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs Perform Double Mastectomies on Healthy Teen Girls | CBN News

Think of it, children who are not even allowed to have sex, are choosing their own sex. Globalists who are promoting this in the US and around the world, once again courtesy of the US taxpayer, are no different than the town pervert who are seducing children to corrupt them for their own use. And once again, it is criminal.

And the sad truth is, both parties have and are contributing to this and have contributed to these pillars.. The GOP does give lip service to fighting some of these pillars, but by in large it is just that. Nothing of substance is ever done to go against these pillars. And this is why I think Trump is being treated the way he is. He was the only person in the GOP willing to try and secure the border wall, so they destroyed him. In fact, they may deem it necessary to destroy the entire GOP because of it, and they may just do that. What is also unacceptable are Supreme Court justices that may go against one of these pillars, which is why many in the DNC had talked about stacking the courts like FDR wanted. However, seeing how the new appointees like Kav have already voted, it looks as though they have nothing really to fear from them, so they more than likely won't have to do that.

Where would you put Planned Parenthood Clinics? Surely, NOT on Park Avenue.

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