The Ones Who Made "The One"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Communist Frank Marshall Davis…simply ‘Frank’ in Obama’s autobiography Dreams from My Father,’ ‘…seems to be the explanation for President Obama’s insult to the Brits, sending back a bust of Winston Churchill that sat in the Oval Office. Davis blasted Churchill for seeking a postwar alliance between Britain and the United States, characterizing it as an attempt to continue British colonialism, aided by the wealth and power of America. Davis: “The postwar world envisioned by Prime Minister Churchill is obviously Anglo-American imperialism and global control.” Davis and John Edgar Tidwell, “The Writings of Frank Marshall Davis: A Voice of the Black Press,” p. 96.

a. But Davis praised Communist China and the Soviet Union. “…I considered Red Russia [my] friend....As George Kennan described American communists, they "obeyed" the "master's voice" in the Kremlin.” The American Spectator : Obama's Surrogate Anti-Colonial Father

2. Another Obama mentor’s views decipher the President’s attitude toward Israel. At Columbia, Palestinian scholar, Edward Said, hammered away at the anti-colonial theme. In fact, Said was the leading anti-colonialism thinker in the United States. In “Culture and Imperialism,” Said includes a detailed critique of Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness.” True to form, Obama writes “It’s a racist book…the book is not really about Africa. Or black people. It’s about the man who wrote it. The European. A particular way of looking at the world.” Obama, “Dreams From My Father,” p. 103.

3. Then there is the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, an intellectual with a fully developed political theology. He didn’t hide his beliefs…and it had an impact on Barack Obama. Of course, Obama betrayed his long time friend for purposes of election, but the point to remember was that Wright’s this that ended with “God damn America” was about foreign policy…America’s role in colonialism, with America as the bad guy of the world. D'Souza, "Obama's America," p. 81.

a. Wright: “We confuse Government and God. Let me tell you something; we believe in this country, and we teach our children that God sent us to this “Promised Land”. He sent us to take this country from the Arrowak, the Susquehanna, the Apache, the Comanche, the Cherokee, the Seminole, the Choctaw, the Hopi and the Arapaho. We confuse Government and God. We believe God sanctioned the rape and robbery of an entire continent. We believe God ordained African slavery. We believe God makes Europeans superior to Africans and superior to everybody else too.

We confuse God and Government. We said in our founding document as a Government, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” – created, that means God – “and endowed with a certain inalienable right” – that means given by God, and then we define Africans in those same documents as three-fifths of a person. We believe God approved of African slavery.

We believe God approved segregation. We believe God approved Apartheid, and a document says “all men are created more equal than other men” – and we’re talking about White men. We confuse God and Government. We believe that God approves of 6% of the people on the face of this Earth controlling all of the resources on the face of this Earth while the other 94% live in poverty and squalor, while we give trillions of dollars of tax breaks to the White rich. We believe God was a founding member of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Look at the lily-whiteness of the G-7 nations the next time you see a picture and you tell me if you see anything wrong with that picture.”
(2003) Rev. Jeremiah Wright,

b. Powerful stuff. No wonder it had the effect on Obama. Folks would have seen that….and, probably not elected Obama. That’s why ‘one of Barack’s closest friends’ was sent to offer $150,000 in exchange for Wright’s agreement “not to preach at all until the November presidential election.”

c. Wright’s office is currently at the Kwame Nkrumah Academy.

4. Now, one can understand exactly what Barack Obama meant by "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."
Well, now folks know the whole ball of wax. And he may very well be re-elected.
Scary shit.

I '08 I thought a lot of people were fooled, or at least entranced by the positives so willing to ignore the negatives. Now I believe a lot of those same people simply see things from the same perspective, and that's not something so easily overcome. Socialism is no longer a dirty word in many circles.

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