The Obama you don't know


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
The Obama You Don't Know | Washington Examiner

This part is in chapter 1..

First lady Michelle Obama told the Democratic National Convention that "Barack and I were both raised by families who didn't have much in the way of money or material possessions."

It is a claim the president has repeated in his books, on the speech-making circuit and in countless media interviews. By his account, he grew up in a broken home with a single mom, struggled for years as a child in an impoverished Third World country and then was raised by his grandparents in difficult circumstances.

But was this true>>> it goes on

Obama's mother met her second husband, an Indonesian named Lolo Soetoro, while working at the East-West Center in Hawaii.

In Indonesia, the family's circumstances improved dramatically. According to Obama in his autobiography "Dreams from My Father," Lolo's brother-in-law was "making millions as a high official in the national oil company." It was through this brother-in-law that Obama's stepfather got a coveted job as a government relations officer with the Union Oil Co.

In 1971, his mother sent young Obama back to Hawaii, where his grandmother, Madelyn, known as Toots, would become one of the first female vice presidents of a Honolulu bank. His grandfather was in sales.

Obama's grandparents moved the same year into Punahou Circle Apartments, a sleek new 10-story apartment building just five blocks from the private Punahou School, which Obama would attend from 1971 to 1979.

Obama explains in "Dreams from My Father" that his admission to Punahou began "the start of something grand, an elevation in the family status that they took great pains to let everyone know."

Edward Shanahan, a retired newspaper journalist who now edits and makes no effort to conceal his admiration for Obama, retraced his Hawaii years shortly after the president was elected.

Shanahan wrote that Obama lived in a "well-off neighborhood near the University of Hawaii where Barry, as he was known, resided in a comfortable home with his mother and her parents before she took him to Indonesia."

So just in the first chapter there are lies saying Obama grew up poor when in reality he had a very good life growing up . Other then the father he idolized abandoned him .. Why would anyone idolize a person who clearly did not want anything to do with him.
2 out of 3 of his students would not recommend his classes to others. :eek

it is also apparent that unlike Romney he has made millions in politics as well as valerie jarrett.
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Great thread..I was reading a blogger today about all of the Obama lies as we see the truth about the attack on our own sovereignty come to light now..and he asked the question.."Is there anything this President won't lie about?" It struck me that this President has cheapened the Oval Office with all the lies, corruption... The editorial ended with, "No one can believe a word this President utters." Shamefully, that's the truth.

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