The November Referendum on the Liberal Media


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

The November Referendum on the Liberal Media

By Lee Cary

The old media is dialing-up its defense of a failed Presidency. It will cost them.

As the Obama Doctrine, that ill-defined foreign policy born during the conflagration that brought an end to the dictator Gaddafi not unlike that recently delivered upon U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, dissolves in failure, media shills for the regime focus their criticism on Mitt Romney.

It won't hurt him. But it will hurt them, because Americans are watching.

While this media misdirection doesn't surprise us, what is noteworthy is the strident tone of anti-Romney desperation bleeding through outlets and pundits like the website, and TIME magazine's columnist Joe Klein.

It's serves little purpose, though, to harp on the bias among the old media illuminati. Those who discern its existence need no persuasion. Those who do not are generally not subject to being persuaded, anyway.

So, perhaps we might try to understand, in an historical context, the phenomenon that is today's sycophantic, Obama-adoring, liberal "professional" journalists -- for our own edification.


Consequently, the November election will, also, be a referendum on the liberal media.

History does not bid well for their long-term success.

"Totalitarian propaganda fails for inherent reasons that over the long term (which may take generations) make it unable to achieve the goals its makers set. It fails because it is untruthful, because it encourages hypocrisy, and because it is in the biblical sense idolatrous, placing a human absolute in place of a divine absolute. The last is the worse. With the conviction that the Fuhrer or the party is infallible, the way to evil is open." (p. 161, Bytwerk)

You will not see the legacy media on the ballot in November. But it will, most assuredly, be there.

And so will we.

Read more: Articles: The November Referendum on the Liberal Media
Money Boo Boo is self-destructing all by himself. Our nutty conservative media has tried to cover for him, but even they can't put a shine on the Romney turd.
No question in my mind part of the Dims defeat in November will be due to some voters' backlash at the media for being so in the tank for the liberal scumbags. And deservedly so IMO.

Can't wait to watch MSNBC the morning after the election. Two words come to mind: group suicide.
No question in my mind part of the Dims defeat in November will be due to some voters' backlash at the media for being so in the tank for the liberal scumbags. And deservedly so IMO.

Can't wait to watch MSNBC the morning after the election. Two words come to mind: group suicide.

He might get Carterized...lmao


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