The mugshot heard ‘round the world: Eight truths that the mugshot reveals

Trump missed the opportunity to make his call to violence. The courts have shut his mouth down!

I tried to create a favourable scenario for him yesterday but nobody was buying.

In any case, Trump's on his way to the presidency unless the other party solves their problem with Biden.
Welcome your NEW President Donald Trump! :)
Early polling looks like the indictments are hurting His Hugeness with independents.
by December Biden will announce he isnt running for health reasons .. but the real reasons will be more info about his corrupt business dealings being revealed to the public .. House republicans have a ton of docs, witnesses, and whistle blowers lined up and ready ... also the impeachment inquiry will begin shortly after they return from recess giving them enormous powers to subpoena docs, bank records, phone calls, texts, emails ect... that they have been denied access to . Biden is about to tank even lower than his already historic low numbers .. the question for the left is are they willing to violate their self imposed identity politics and paint themselves as racists when they shove aside the 1st black female VP who is one of the most unpopular VPs in history to nominate a rich white elitist male like possibly the soy boy disaster governor Newsom .
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An alternate reality..

You morons are falling for recycled hoaxes now. Your propagandists don't even have to try hard any more. Which is good for them since they have run out of material.

Trump and his mugshot are a stain on the country. An embarrassment
You morons are falling for recycled hoaxes now. Your propagandists don't even have to try hard any more. Which is good for them since they have run out of material.



Like Trump was a Russian spy.

And the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

How do you mentally block that shit and still pretend you have a shred of credibility?
by December Biden will announce he isnt running for health reasons .. but the real reasons will be more info about his corrupt business dealings being revealed to the public .. House republicans have a ton of docs and witnesses and whistle blowers lined up and ready ... also the impeachment inquiry will begin shortly after they return from recess giving them enormous powers to to subpoena docs and bank records phone calls texts emails ect . Biden is about to tank even lower than his already historic low numbers .. the question for the left is are they willing to violate there self imposed identity politics and paint themselves as racists when they step aside the 1st black female VP to nominate a rich white elitist male like possibly the soy boy disaster governor Newsom .
the dems started the political war being waged in DC .. the question is are they ready for the other side to start using the same tactics .. dems win elections because of their tactics more so than their strategies or policies . the right is starting to learn from that basic fact . so congrats dems ! the impeachment inquiry is about to begin in a few weeks .
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