The most devastating political ad I've ever seen.

Derpo doesn't know what a devastating political ad is.... this comes close!

It's one thing to run a political ad. Another to use the government to go after political foes. Like Bush did with the IRS. Republicans accuse Obama of doing the same, but the facts tell a different story. Especially since the head of the IRS at the time was a Bush appointee.

Hillary never attacked a Gold Star Family and then said she made many sacrifices. What sacrifices has Trump made? Didn't stay in a five star hotel? Out of caviar? Had to (gasp) wipe his own ass?

Does the name LOIS LERNER and the IRS case where she refused to answer questions pleading the 5th a few DOZEN TIMES riing a bell in your hollow head?


And the fucking Hildebeast did WHAT?????

  1. Hillary Once Again Attacks Mother of Benghazi...</...
    Clinton once again has accused the mother of a Benghazi ... Hillary Once Again Attacks Mother of...

In 2008, Bush appointed Douglas Shulman to lead the IRS. The GOP wouldn't confirm Obama's pick so it was Shulman who was in charge during the time of the so called scandal.

Lois came later.

Do keep up.
Derpo doesn't know what a devastating political ad is.... this comes close!

It's one thing to run a political ad. Another to use the government to go after political foes. Like Bush did with the IRS. Republicans accuse Obama of doing the same, but the facts tell a different story. Especially since the head of the IRS at the time was a Bush appointee.

Hillary never attacked a Gold Star Family and then said she made many sacrifices. What sacrifices has Trump made? Didn't stay in a five star hotel? Out of caviar? Had to (gasp) wipe his own ass?

Does the name LOIS LERNER and the IRS case where she refused to answer questions pleading the 5th a few DOZEN TIMES riing a bell in your hollow head?


And the fucking Hildebeast did WHAT?????

  1. Hillary Once Again Attacks Mother of Benghazi...</...
    Clinton once again has accused the mother of a Benghazi ... Hillary Once Again Attacks Mother of...

In 2008, Bush appointed Douglas Shulman to lead the IRS. The GOP wouldn't confirm Obama's pick so it was Shulman who was in charge during the time of the so called scandal.

Lois came later.

Do keep up.

Is that why she took the 5th a few dozen times..
God you are a dumb fucker!

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