The Midterm Blue Wave May Not Be Coming


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
In spite of everything the media is trying to report, especially their frenzy over Speaker Ryan not running for re-election, the GOP may not lose control of the House and Senate.


First and foremost, the DimocRATs do not have a unifying, positive message. They can only spew Hate Trump rhetoric.

And then -

Approximately 46 percent of Democrats say Trump is responsible for today’s economy, beating out the 43 percent who say it is due to Obama, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. Overall, only 34 percent of those surveyed gave credit for the economy to Obama, while 54 percent credited Trump.

The numbers are notable since most economists agree the economy is booming, and Democrats are not usually eager to give credit to Trump. The stock market has risen over the past year and unemployment has been slashed to 4.1 percent, its lowest level since December 2000.

From htpps:// w/links
While no blue wave in the senate is realistically possible with 3 Ds up for every 1 R the House is more of a problem. The outmigration from the Blue Wall is getting worse fast, so a lot of safe Red districts will turn Blue due to migrants but the reverse is less likely.

This is the only blue wave coming....

This is the only blue wave coming....

Spoken like a true Dimocrat. Independent voters usually don't take politics seriously until the last two weeks before an election. At that point, all the self-deluding BS that has been coming out of the MSM is forgotten and these voters answer a simple question: Are we better off now than we were? The answer is obvious.
The negative majority against Trump with the absolute disorganization of the WH cannot be saved by Mission Accomplished distractions.

Seven months is a very long time, and it is quite possible (inevitable?) that Trump will screw up even more, that Mueller will release blockbuster reports, and that the Dems may get organized.
From Blue Wave to Blue Trickle to Blue Gurgle


Another one of those headlines ya gotta love. Puts it right into perspective.

Something funny is happening with the much-hyped “blue wave” on the way to the fall midterms. That wave of Democratic candidates that is supposed to sweep away the Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives? The one that the press and pundits have been predicting for months? One would almost think the steady narrative of a blue wave is an attempt at psychological warfare by the mainstream media and the Left in hopes of depressing Republican donors and voters into thinking the outcome is a foregone conclusion.

But that narrative is completely detached from reality. The numbers now tell a different story.

The article then includes a lot of surmise and possibilities ending up with this:

My prediction: I don’t believe the Democrats will take back the House. Could they gain 15-20 seats? Possibly, though I think even that number might be too high. It’s not beyond reason that Republicans once again could defy history, as they did in the 2002 midterms when they actually picked up eight seats. And with the Senate map being a brutal one for Democrats, they’ll likely lose seats in the Senate.

That last sentence is the most important part of all. For President Trump to complete the fulfillment of his campaign promises and to change the judiciary and executive brancfhes, he’s going to need more GOP Senators.

More of this @ From Blue Wave to Blue Trickle to Blue Gurgle - American Greatness
The Midterm Blue Wave May Not Be Coming

What a crock.

In 2016 I was promised a tour of the fabled "blue wall", turned out to be a lie....

And now just when I get my taste buds all worked up over a "blue wave" coming in 2018 you tell me that's bullshit too. :mad:

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