The media doesn’t seem to care about anything but creating conflict.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
I just get so sick of the media giving half the story and stopping there

For instance, the way they handle abortion. Instead of just calling it people that are pro women’s rights and antiabortion they have to say we ask questions like are you pro life? Everybody is pro life. Because everybody wants to live except people who commit suicide.

And if they’re going to report on Alabama or Georgia’s abortion laws, tell the whole story. Point out that the children these states are in the bottom when it comes to raising children or helping mothers. They don’t support preschool for children or healthcare for children or prenatal for women. Point out that with an influx of new unwanted babies, someone’s going to have to pay for that. And that’ll be taxpayers who are striving to pay for their own kids already. Now that would be good reporting.

The media doesn’t seem to care about anything but conflict. Instead of going on and on with are you going to impeach Trump again and again, talk about policy. Things that actually affect Americans.

What is going on with farmers that are being hurt by the Chinese trade war?

What is going on with red states where they refuse to give healthcare to their own people?

How come the high school dropout rate is so high?

Why don’t they talk more about things that actually impact Americans?

Instead they go and ask Pete Buttigieg about the name that Donald Trump called him. Fuk that. I don’t want to hear that.

It seems like the media does nothing these days but create conflict. Shouldn’t they work more towards providing information to create conversation?
I just get so sick of the media giving half the story and stopping there

For instance, the way they handle abortion. Instead of just calling it people that are pro women’s rights and antiabortion they have to say we ask questions like are you pro life? Everybody is pro life. Because everybody wants to live except people who commit suicide.

And if they’re going to report on Alabama or Georgia’s abortion laws, tell the whole story. Point out that the children these states are in the bottom when it comes to raising children or helping mothers. They don’t support preschool for children or healthcare for children or prenatal for women. Point out that with an influx of new unwanted babies, someone’s going to have to pay for that. And that’ll be taxpayers who are striving to pay for their own kids already. Now that would be good reporting.

The media doesn’t seem to care about anything but conflict. Instead of going on and on with are you going to impeach Trump again and again, talk about policy. Things that actually affect Americans.

What is going on with farmers that are being hurt by the Chinese trade war?

What is going on with red states where they refuse to give healthcare to their own people?

How come the high school dropout rate is so high?

Why don’t they talk more about things that actually impact Americans?

Instead they go and ask Pete Buttigieg about the name that Donald Trump called him. Fuk that. I don’t want to hear that.

It seems like the media does nothing these days but create conflict. Shouldn’t they work more towards providing information to create conversation?

YOU complaining about the media spinning half-baked stories is like the Fox going to the Farmer complaining that someone keeps shaking up the chickens.
I just get so sick of the media giving half the story and stopping there

For instance, the way they handle abortion. Instead of just calling it people that are pro women’s rights and antiabortion they have to say we ask questions like are you pro life? Everybody is pro life. Because everybody wants to live except people who commit suicide.

And if they’re going to report on Alabama or Georgia’s abortion laws, tell the whole story. Point out that the children these states are in the bottom when it comes to raising children or helping mothers. They don’t support preschool for children or healthcare for children or prenatal for women. Point out that with an influx of new unwanted babies, someone’s going to have to pay for that. And that’ll be taxpayers who are striving to pay for their own kids already. Now that would be good reporting.

The media doesn’t seem to care about anything but conflict. Instead of going on and on with are you going to impeach Trump again and again, talk about policy. Things that actually affect Americans.

What is going on with farmers that are being hurt by the Chinese trade war?

What is going on with red states where they refuse to give healthcare to their own people?

How come the high school dropout rate is so high?

Why don’t they talk more about things that actually impact Americans?

Instead they go and ask Pete Buttigieg about the name that Donald Trump called him. Fuk that. I don’t want to hear that.

It seems like the media does nothing these days but create conflict. Shouldn’t they work more towards providing information to create conversation?

It . . . all of it is very simple. Allow me to break it down for you. The positions of your ideology are not only untenable, but medieval. Your ideologically born rants are senseless, insane and heartless. Further, they only bring to mind visions of a man sticking yet another foot in his mouth. Tell us, Dean how many feet can your mouth hold? The modern American Left seeks only to classify broad swaths of our population into groups. Take your fascination with murdering infants for example. Do you hear your own words as you speak, do you read them as you type? According to your party's ideology, all women must be classified into one group of beings. That group, the American women group, all belong to some kind of collective hive mind, with all their personalities going about basic thought and principals of living their lives in the exact same way. According to your ideology, there are no individuals among the nation's adult female population, only a single queen bee sentience, and your ideology assumes it can address and solve the problems of that mass collective mind group all at once, and with the same bullshit panacea. Talk about having absolutely zero respect for the opposite sex.

Furthermore, in your own words, you along with millions of other American Assholes would rather our government advocate for and coax women (all women in that hive mind of adult females) into fucking murdering their unborn children (whenever it is convenient for them to do so) rather than give those potential millions of unborn children you want them to abort, a goddamn chance to be born and live. Somehow your ilk thinks it kinder and more compassionate to dismember a baby in her mother's womb, rather than said child be born to some mass fairytale group of hive mind women who will abandon them at birth. You're fucking insane. Can't you see that? How insane it is to champion the mass murder of children rather than advocate for their opportunity to live?

I am sick and tired of assholes such as yourself who hide behind fake statistics when advocating genocide in the form of mass child murder. Kill the child you say, kill the child before they have a chance to live, and encourage women to snuff out the life growing inside of them, because so many of these hive mind women will all just abandon their children at birth and the lives of those innocent newborns will burden our economy. Again, are you fucking insane? Who gave you the chance to live after birth? Who nurtured and cared for and protected you as you grew into adulthood? Do you hate that person for allowing you to live? For not aborting you? Do you consider yourself a burden on society because you survived being born?

Your rage at babies not being slaughtered in those two states is fucking sickening to me and tens of millions of other Americans. Remember that. Bank on that. Let's see how many more feet you can stuff in that mouth of yours.
I just get so sick of the media giving half the story and stopping there

For instance, the way they handle abortion. Instead of just calling it people that are pro women’s rights and antiabortion they have to say we ask questions like are you pro life? Everybody is pro life. Because everybody wants to live except people who commit suicide.

And if they’re going to report on Alabama or Georgia’s abortion laws, tell the whole story. Point out that the children these states are in the bottom when it comes to raising children or helping mothers. They don’t support preschool for children or healthcare for children or prenatal for women. Point out that with an influx of new unwanted babies, someone’s going to have to pay for that. And that’ll be taxpayers who are striving to pay for their own kids already. Now that would be good reporting.

The media doesn’t seem to care about anything but conflict. Instead of going on and on with are you going to impeach Trump again and again, talk about policy. Things that actually affect Americans.

What is going on with farmers that are being hurt by the Chinese trade war?

What is going on with red states where they refuse to give healthcare to their own people?

How come the high school dropout rate is so high?

Why don’t they talk more about things that actually impact Americans?

Instead they go and ask Pete Buttigieg about the name that Donald Trump called him. Fuk that. I don’t want to hear that.

It seems like the media does nothing these days but create conflict. Shouldn’t they work more towards providing information to create conversation?

Holy fuck the king of posting half truths is now complaining about it?

God damn Rderp you really take the fucking cake asshole

Derp you are such a jack ass , I had to keep correcting you for a month we knew about the FBI investigation into Trump October 2016 before the election and you kept posting it was not until 2017.

Fuck you Rderp and the donkey you rode in on.
I just get so sick of the media giving half the story and stopping there

For instance, the way they handle abortion. Instead of just calling it people that are pro women’s rights and antiabortion they have to say we ask questions like are you pro life? Everybody is pro life. Because everybody wants to live except people who commit suicide.

And if they’re going to report on Alabama or Georgia’s abortion laws, tell the whole story. Point out that the children these states are in the bottom when it comes to raising children or helping mothers. They don’t support preschool for children or healthcare for children or prenatal for women. Point out that with an influx of new unwanted babies, someone’s going to have to pay for that. And that’ll be taxpayers who are striving to pay for their own kids already. Now that would be good reporting.

The media doesn’t seem to care about anything but conflict. Instead of going on and on with are you going to impeach Trump again and again, talk about policy. Things that actually affect Americans.

What is going on with farmers that are being hurt by the Chinese trade war?

What is going on with red states where they refuse to give healthcare to their own people?

How come the high school dropout rate is so high?

Why don’t they talk more about things that actually impact Americans?

Instead they go and ask Pete Buttigieg about the name that Donald Trump called him. Fuk that. I don’t want to hear that.

It seems like the media does nothing these days but create conflict. Shouldn’t they work more towards providing information to create conversation?

Thanks Deanrd a little Honesty would certainly go a long when it comes to the stories that come out through MSM. Like Pro-life activism is hurting women and their ability to get an abortion. Common sense tells me that greatly reducing or even eliminating "Unwanted Pregnancy" should be the goal"! This would serve a dual goal It would put the responsibility for a woman's reproductive health squarely on the women who say their rights are being infringed, and it would save the lives of 10s of thousands . Would it be wrong to believe that not every woman who undergoes an abortion lives through it, Would it be wrong to believe women who undergo an abortion are at higher risk for depression , drug and alcohol abuse, suicide and other psychological disorders. How does that further women's health. How does it affect the men involved? The leftist women's abortion argument is shallow and their approach to a "Cure for Unwanted Pregnancy" is annihilation. Great Plan!!!:clap::clap:
What happened to rdean!?!

I think he woke up to the "Horrors of Socialism" and the complicit press that supports the lies they pander. Nah! He's just frustrated they didn't lie enough to get Trump, and that Georgia voted to stop the slaughter of Unborn Americans! :cul2:

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