The LIBERAL Denver Post Endorses A Republican!


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
Who would have thunk it? One of the most liberal Newspapers in the USA, The Denver Post, is endorsing Cory Gardner (R) over the incumbent, Mark Udall (D), for Senator from Colorado. This has GOT to be a first for the Post but I'm glad to see it. Gardner is still a bit too middle-of-the-road for my tastes but Udall voted with Obama 99% of the time and pushed a very unpopular "Obamacare" on an unsuspecting public. Udall's entire campaign surrounds a single issue: "a woman's right to choose." Unfortunately, this tactic is backfiring because Colorado women feel insulted that Udall believes he can win ALL women's votes when there are so many other, unaddressed issues facing Colorado women and families. More than 300,000 Coloradans had their insurance policies cancelled (thanks to Obama and Udall) resulting in a lot of angry citizens (Liberals and Conservatives alike).

Denver Post endorses Rep. Gardner over Sen. Mark Udall
Washington (CNN) -- The Denver Post Editorial Board endorsed Republican House Rep. Cory Gardner on Friday, just six years after it backed Gardner's opponent Democratic Sen. Mark Udall for the position.

"Congress is hardly functioning these days. It can't pass legislation that is controversial and it often can't even pass legislation on which there is broad agreement. Its reputation is abysmal, and even its members rarely dispute the popular indictment," the editorial board said in a statement.

"It needs fresh leadership, energy and ideas, and Cory Gardner can help provide them in the U.S. Senate."
"Gardner has sound ideas on tax reform that could help the economy take off and has expressed willingness to compromise on immigration despite a fairly hard line over the years. And his stance on defense spending appears closer to those of Rep. Mike Coffman, who favors restraint, than to those in the GOP who view the military as sacrosanct," the statement said.
Denver Post endorses Rep. Gardner over Sen. Mark Udall -

I've already sent my ballot in and cast a vote for Gardner over the brain-dead, Udall.
The rats are jumping ship.

True. Udall is a boot-licker. He talks "strong" but is blatantly Party-line all the way. The last time he ran he promised that he was going to "change D.C." but just the opposite happened. D.C. changed him. The "rat" has never had an original thought. His brain is found on the pages of the Democrat Instruction Guide.
Interesting from what I have heard Udall much like Wendy Davis here is a one issue candidate.

95% of his campaign adds have to do with Gardner's stance on abortion. I happen to agree with Gardner on that issue but having an opinion isn't going to change the law. Women have the same right to "free choice" today that they've had for years and Gardner's opinion won't change that. But Udall thinks that the issue of abortion is the ONLY thing that ALL Colorado women care about. What a shallow conclusion to reach. Colorado women are struggling to make ends meet and with the Obamacare "sledge hammer" hanging over their heads they don't know how they can afford the higher cost of medical care under this really, really bad legislation. Jobs are an issue with women. Energy costs is an issue with them. Safety and security are also issues. Yet Udall can't muster the intellectual fortitude to address even one of these other issues. The dope has to go.
Interesting from what I have heard Udall much like Wendy Davis here is a one issue candidate.

95% of his campaign adds have to do with Gardner's stance on abortion. I happen to agree with Gardner on that issue but having an opinion isn't going to change the law. Women have the same right to "free choice" today that they've had for years and Gardner's opinion won't change that. But Udall thinks that the issue of abortion is the ONLY thing that ALL Colorado women care about. What a shallow conclusion to reach. Colorado women are struggling to make ends meet and with the Obamacare "sledge hammer" hanging over their heads they don't know how they can afford the higher cost of medical care under this really, really bad legislation. Jobs are an issue with women. Energy costs is an issue with them. Safety and security are also issues. Yet Udall can't muster the intellectual fortitude to address even one of these other issues. The dope has to go.

Personally I'm all for liberal women having abortions. I would pay to have them all sterilized.
More people that don't know what the term "Liberal" means.

Does this magazine stand for a Liberal Amount of Freedom? A Liberal Amount of Government? A Liberal Amount of what?
I've been following this race with great interest because Gardner has been running from all I've read an absolutely flawless campaign.

He hasn't fallen into a defensive position. Stayed on message.. Refused to engage from what I can see in the bullshit "war on women".

And you know Udall's campaign has insulted the crap out of Colorado women when they're calling him "Senator Uterus".

Interesting from what I have heard Udall much like Wendy Davis here is a one issue candidate.

Wendy Davis is not a one issue candidate.............that must be what Faux News claims. It's too bad that too many libs stay home instead of voting, or Abbot would not have a chance.
More people that don't know what the term "Liberal" means.

Does this magazine stand for a Liberal Amount of Freedom? A Liberal Amount of Government? A Liberal Amount of what?

"Liberalism," in the realm of politics, is an ideology that promotes shifting from our current form of government to a more Marxist or Socialist form of government. Liberalism believes in giving government greater power over a free people thus stifling that freedom.
Interesting from what I have heard Udall much like Wendy Davis here is a one issue candidate.

Wendy Davis is not a one issue candidate.............that must be what Faux News claims. It's too bad that too many libs stay home instead of voting, or Abbot would not have a chance.
Yes she is her whole campaign is based on her objection to abortion restrictions.
Interesting from what I have heard Udall much like Wendy Davis here is a one issue candidate.

95% of his campaign adds have to do with Gardner's stance on abortion. I happen to agree with Gardner on that issue but having an opinion isn't going to change the law. Women have the same right to "free choice" today that they've had for years and Gardner's opinion won't change that. But Udall thinks that the issue of abortion is the ONLY thing that ALL Colorado women care about. What a shallow conclusion to reach. Colorado women are struggling to make ends meet and with the Obamacare "sledge hammer" hanging over their heads they don't know how they can afford the higher cost of medical care under this really, really bad legislation. Jobs are an issue with women. Energy costs is an issue with them. Safety and security are also issues. Yet Udall can't muster the intellectual fortitude to address even one of these other issues. The dope has to go.

Personally I'm all for liberal women having abortions. I would pay to have them all sterilized.

The abortion part? No, because I don't believe in punishing an innocent for the crimes of the guilty. Now sterilization is another matter entirely. You may be on to something.

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