3 Reasons The Left Doesn't Understand The President.

1.) Domestic Cultural Differences. It's my opinion that much of The Left's Outrage is based in Ignorance of Cultural Differences between Nations & people even within our own borders. They are not accustomed to BLUNT Words, followed with Sharp Actions. A Whiney "You Better Cut It Out" is about as far as they are willing to go with any sort of confrontation. WORDS DO NOT MATTER if they do not have THE WEIGHT OF ACTION behind them.

President Trump speaks The Language of The Blue Collar man. The Regular American who pays his taxes, obeys the law, and salutes The Flag. The 53%. Obama conversely spoke to the 47% of Americans who pay NO TAXES. He spoke to Illegals who he told "Don't worry about it, the big ole bad law won't apply to you."
The Left living their whole lives based upon comfort, entitlement, and insulation from ever being challenged, or offended in their bubbles and safe zones, simply do not understand a more DIRECT RESULTS ORIENTED APPROACH and EXPECTATIONS for one to RISE above Mediocrity, and attempts to RAISE THE BAR, not LOWER it to allow for Minimal, or No Effort. Participation Trophies are now, a thing of the past. The Lazy and Slothful are being asked to get up off of their couches and do something....and they would rather waste their energy on fighting the directive and complaining about taking out the trash, than just doing their job and getting it over with.

2.) Another reason for their outrage is based soley from experiencing one of the weakest presidents in modern history, who did nothing but retreat from every situation where he was asked to hold firm. Such an Impotent President who was "In Touch With His Feelings' but never in touch with his courage, set a VERY LOW BAR for THE LEFT. The kind of bar which they are accustomed to, in their life of Comfort and Entitlement Mentality.

He was the Coddler in Chief. He was a Matronly President. He was the permissive Mother at War with a Demanding Father who wanted his son to be a man. Obama was the epitome of the Modern Effeminate Male who was politically and sexually confused....with a WHATEVER attitude about everything. He was that Obese Relative you know, who always offered you and her children comfort food rather than bother to ask them to challenge themselves, solve their own problems, and help them become responsible adults.

3.) International Cultural Differences. Lastly, similar to reason 1.) there are simply cultural differences which The Left does not understand between America and The Rest of The World. Other Cultures respect and revere 'Strong Men' and this is why Obama was never respected Internationally.

Russia, China, North Korea, Mexico and just about everyone and anyone in The Middle East and Europe walked all over Obama. He's the kind of guy you'd invite to a Caviar and Champagne party because you know he'd be charming and never offensive, but he's NEVER the guy you'd ask to go "talk to someone" who owed you money to get it for you. As evidence of this, you see Obama's mountains of Foreign Policy Disasters and Failures, but see The Left Praise him as Presidential. Exactly how Presidential is getting Blanked and Disrespected on The International Foreign Policy Playing Field for 8 straight years? Obama's Foreign Policy, was his personal version of THE BAD NEWS BEARS with a MEH ending. Rotten Tomatoes refused to even rate it, IT was that bad.

Conversely, we see The LEFT criticize President TRUMP as not being Presidential, Gruff, Coarse, Blunt. Yet, Internationally he is respected. Is he offensive? Yes, sometimes, but it's intentional. He's the bully, that bullies the bullies. NATO is now paying their fair share. THE UN has stepped back in line. Russia, China, Mexico, North Korea know not to dick with The President. ISIS is ACTUALLY ON THE RUN! President Trump is the epitome of REAL ACTION....VS. FAKE WORDS! He is Putin's worst nightmare. He is The Orange Menace....a fitting name...given to him by THE LEFT who hates his STOIC NATURE..... It's more reminiscent of a Super Hero or Anti Hero if you will...only he's on OUR SIDE.

President Trump is not without charm and influence. He still has his own brand of charm, but it's more like a Charming Old Time Irish Cop you know might just whack you with his Billy Club if you step out of line. He's a modern Teddy Roosevelt for whom THE BULLY PULPIT WAS NAMED FOR! He's the right kind of no nonsense President for a Very Perilous and Dangerous time.

This is not a time for SOFT WORDS and EVEN SOFTER resolve that we saw with THE OBAMA REGIME. It is not a time for a PERMISSIVE ATMOSPHERE which leads to personal and professional corruption that we have seen for the past 8 years. It's a time for HARD WORDS, HARSH ACTIONS and even HARSHER RESOLVE...and RESULTS. To Clean up a MESS, you have to GET DIRTY YOURSELF. He's willing to do that, and to get down in the dirt with anyone. You might hate the guy. You might be spitting angry that he offends your sensibilities....but he's the guy that is going to get your lunch money back if you just give him a little encouragement. He's the kind of guy you can get in to a knock down drag out fight with, and when the dust settles, if you are honest with him and yourself, would still shake your hand and give you a fresh start with him. And if not, he'll show you the door with NO REMORSE. He doesn't need your friendship if you don't want his.

My only advice and caution to The Left is this....Don't Sell This Guy Short. He is taking on your enemies on The Right, as well as The Con Men who are defrauding you on THE LEFT. You can choose to side with those hucksters that are taking you for a ride, or you can at the very least do yourself a favor and take a step back and observe if what I am telling you is true. The President is not your enemy. In fact, though you do not know it, many of you are already benefiting from his friendship, despite the fact, he's, according to you, "NOT MY PRESIDENT!"

My advice to you then, is quit playing THE FOOL. Quit letting those with political aspirations, pull your strings and ask you to dance like a monkey for them.

Cut the strings....be your own man.....be self realizing, self actuating, and think for yourselves.

Realize that The WORLD IS PUSHING AMERICA...and if AMERICA DOESN'T PUSH BACK, We'll get pushed over.

Then ask yourself.....DO YOU WANT A PUSHOVER of a MAN as your President, or do you Want THE IRISH COP with a Billy Club to have your back?
Europe LAUGHED at him.


did you catch him saying its the owners of this country ...what you are a moron ...view your own Video genius LOL

This is what your Video says [except the term rube]

"Rubes continue to elect big fat Rich fuckers who do not give a shit about you ...did you catch that one ...he keeps saying "THE OWNERS"...forget the Politician .

Now they are coming for your social security they will get it all the owners not the FUCKING GOVERNMENT
Trump is a phony evil flimflam man...there is no vestige of honesty , Integrity or Morals in this Orange Freak
Nice to see that you are lying again, TS, just like you lied about my signature. Must really piss you off, that you are called out on your lying once again.
Trump had to pay $25 million bucks he stole from folks with a Flimflam University ..get real...as to your signature its phony..its a cheap ass knock off bit of bull shit from the Heartland Institute .,..you are a consumer of Bovine excrement
And there you go lying again, don't you have any morals at all? Don't answer that, I already know you don't. Here is George, saying exactly what is quoted in my signature. You are worthless and everyone knows it.

I have watched the video and you must be stupid to have posted it as it "BELIES YOUR QUOTE"...he is saying the Owners and does not say the Government as your FAKE quote claims
3 Reasons The Left Doesn't Understand The President.

1.) Domestic Cultural Differences. It's my opinion that much of The Left's Outrage is based in Ignorance of Cultural Differences between Nations & people even within our own borders. They are not accustomed to BLUNT Words, followed with Sharp Actions. A Whiney "You Better Cut It Out" is about as far as they are willing to go with any sort of confrontation. WORDS DO NOT MATTER if they do not have THE WEIGHT OF ACTION behind them.

President Trump speaks The Language of The Blue Collar man. The Regular American who pays his taxes, obeys the law, and salutes The Flag. The 53%. Obama conversely spoke to the 47% of Americans who pay NO TAXES. He spoke to Illegals who he told "Don't worry about it, the big ole bad law won't apply to you."
The Left living their whole lives based upon comfort, entitlement, and insulation from ever being challenged, or offended in their bubbles and safe zones, simply do not understand a more DIRECT RESULTS ORIENTED APPROACH and EXPECTATIONS for one to RISE above Mediocrity, and attempts to RAISE THE BAR, not LOWER it to allow for Minimal, or No Effort. Participation Trophies are now, a thing of the past. The Lazy and Slothful are being asked to get up off of their couches and do something....and they would rather waste their energy on fighting the directive and complaining about taking out the trash, than just doing their job and getting it over with.

2.) Another reason for their outrage is based soley from experiencing one of the weakest presidents in modern history, who did nothing but retreat from every situation where he was asked to hold firm. Such an Impotent President who was "In Touch With His Feelings' but never in touch with his courage, set a VERY LOW BAR for THE LEFT. The kind of bar which they are accustomed to, in their life of Comfort and Entitlement Mentality.

He was the Coddler in Chief. He was a Matronly President. He was the permissive Mother at War with a Demanding Father who wanted his son to be a man. Obama was the epitome of the Modern Effeminate Male who was politically and sexually confused....with a WHATEVER attitude about everything. He was that Obese Relative you know, who always offered you and her children comfort food rather than bother to ask them to challenge themselves, solve their own problems, and help them become responsible adults.

3.) International Cultural Differences. Lastly, similar to reason 1.) there are simply cultural differences which The Left does not understand between America and The Rest of The World. Other Cultures respect and revere 'Strong Men' and this is why Obama was never respected Internationally.

Russia, China, North Korea, Mexico and just about everyone and anyone in The Middle East and Europe walked all over Obama. He's the kind of guy you'd invite to a Caviar and Champagne party because you know he'd be charming and never offensive, but he's NEVER the guy you'd ask to go "talk to someone" who owed you money to get it for you. As evidence of this, you see Obama's mountains of Foreign Policy Disasters and Failures, but see The Left Praise him as Presidential. Exactly how Presidential is getting Blanked and Disrespected on The International Foreign Policy Playing Field for 8 straight years? Obama's Foreign Policy, was his personal version of THE BAD NEWS BEARS with a MEH ending. Rotten Tomatoes refused to even rate it, IT was that bad.

Conversely, we see The LEFT criticize President TRUMP as not being Presidential, Gruff, Coarse, Blunt. Yet, Internationally he is respected. Is he offensive? Yes, sometimes, but it's intentional. He's the bully, that bullies the bullies. NATO is now paying their fair share. THE UN has stepped back in line. Russia, China, Mexico, North Korea know not to dick with The President. ISIS is ACTUALLY ON THE RUN! President Trump is the epitome of REAL ACTION....VS. FAKE WORDS! He is Putin's worst nightmare. He is The Orange Menace....a fitting name...given to him by THE LEFT who hates his STOIC NATURE..... It's more reminiscent of a Super Hero or Anti Hero if you will...only he's on OUR SIDE.

President Trump is not without charm and influence. He still has his own brand of charm, but it's more like a Charming Old Time Irish Cop you know might just whack you with his Billy Club if you step out of line. He's a modern Teddy Roosevelt for whom THE BULLY PULPIT WAS NAMED FOR! He's the right kind of no nonsense President for a Very Perilous and Dangerous time.

This is not a time for SOFT WORDS and EVEN SOFTER resolve that we saw with THE OBAMA REGIME. It is not a time for a PERMISSIVE ATMOSPHERE which leads to personal and professional corruption that we have seen for the past 8 years. It's a time for HARD WORDS, HARSH ACTIONS and even HARSHER RESOLVE...and RESULTS. To Clean up a MESS, you have to GET DIRTY YOURSELF. He's willing to do that, and to get down in the dirt with anyone. You might hate the guy. You might be spitting angry that he offends your sensibilities....but he's the guy that is going to get your lunch money back if you just give him a little encouragement. He's the kind of guy you can get in to a knock down drag out fight with, and when the dust settles, if you are honest with him and yourself, would still shake your hand and give you a fresh start with him. And if not, he'll show you the door with NO REMORSE. He doesn't need your friendship if you don't want his.

My only advice and caution to The Left is this....Don't Sell This Guy Short. He is taking on your enemies on The Right, as well as The Con Men who are defrauding you on THE LEFT. You can choose to side with those hucksters that are taking you for a ride, or you can at the very least do yourself a favor and take a step back and observe if what I am telling you is true. The President is not your enemy. In fact, though you do not know it, many of you are already benefiting from his friendship, despite the fact, he's, according to you, "NOT MY PRESIDENT!"

My advice to you then, is quit playing THE FOOL. Quit letting those with political aspirations, pull your strings and ask you to dance like a monkey for them.

Cut the strings....be your own man.....be self realizing, self actuating, and think for yourselves.

Realize that The WORLD IS PUSHING AMERICA...and if AMERICA DOESN'T PUSH BACK, We'll get pushed over.

Then ask yourself.....DO YOU WANT A PUSHOVER of a MAN as your President, or do you Want THE IRISH COP with a Billy Club to have your back?
Europe LAUGHED at him.

The people seem to LOVE him. Seems like they want to make America great even more than some Americans... yourself in specific.

The elites are dead afraid of him. Just imagine if he manages to get the truth out, that a genocide in favor of Islam isn't a good idea.
3 Reasons The Left Doesn't Understand The President.

1.) Domestic Cultural Differences. It's my opinion that much of The Left's Outrage is based in Ignorance of Cultural Differences between Nations & people even within our own borders. They are not accustomed to BLUNT Words, followed with Sharp Actions. A Whiney "You Better Cut It Out" is about as far as they are willing to go with any sort of confrontation. WORDS DO NOT MATTER if they do not have THE WEIGHT OF ACTION behind them.

President Trump speaks The Language of The Blue Collar man. The Regular American who pays his taxes, obeys the law, and salutes The Flag. The 53%. Obama conversely spoke to the 47% of Americans who pay NO TAXES. He spoke to Illegals who he told "Don't worry about it, the big ole bad law won't apply to you."
The Left living their whole lives based upon comfort, entitlement, and insulation from ever being challenged, or offended in their bubbles and safe zones, simply do not understand a more DIRECT RESULTS ORIENTED APPROACH and EXPECTATIONS for one to RISE above Mediocrity, and attempts to RAISE THE BAR, not LOWER it to allow for Minimal, or No Effort. Participation Trophies are now, a thing of the past. The Lazy and Slothful are being asked to get up off of their couches and do something....and they would rather waste their energy on fighting the directive and complaining about taking out the trash, than just doing their job and getting it over with.

2.) Another reason for their outrage is based soley from experiencing one of the weakest presidents in modern history, who did nothing but retreat from every situation where he was asked to hold firm. Such an Impotent President who was "In Touch With His Feelings' but never in touch with his courage, set a VERY LOW BAR for THE LEFT. The kind of bar which they are accustomed to, in their life of Comfort and Entitlement Mentality.

He was the Coddler in Chief. He was a Matronly President. He was the permissive Mother at War with a Demanding Father who wanted his son to be a man. Obama was the epitome of the Modern Effeminate Male who was politically and sexually confused....with a WHATEVER attitude about everything. He was that Obese Relative you know, who always offered you and her children comfort food rather than bother to ask them to challenge themselves, solve their own problems, and help them become responsible adults.

3.) International Cultural Differences. Lastly, similar to reason 1.) there are simply cultural differences which The Left does not understand between America and The Rest of The World. Other Cultures respect and revere 'Strong Men' and this is why Obama was never respected Internationally.

Russia, China, North Korea, Mexico and just about everyone and anyone in The Middle East and Europe walked all over Obama. He's the kind of guy you'd invite to a Caviar and Champagne party because you know he'd be charming and never offensive, but he's NEVER the guy you'd ask to go "talk to someone" who owed you money to get it for you. As evidence of this, you see Obama's mountains of Foreign Policy Disasters and Failures, but see The Left Praise him as Presidential. Exactly how Presidential is getting Blanked and Disrespected on The International Foreign Policy Playing Field for 8 straight years? Obama's Foreign Policy, was his personal version of THE BAD NEWS BEARS with a MEH ending. Rotten Tomatoes refused to even rate it, IT was that bad.

Conversely, we see The LEFT criticize President TRUMP as not being Presidential, Gruff, Coarse, Blunt. Yet, Internationally he is respected. Is he offensive? Yes, sometimes, but it's intentional. He's the bully, that bullies the bullies. NATO is now paying their fair share. THE UN has stepped back in line. Russia, China, Mexico, North Korea know not to dick with The President. ISIS is ACTUALLY ON THE RUN! President Trump is the epitome of REAL ACTION....VS. FAKE WORDS! He is Putin's worst nightmare. He is The Orange Menace....a fitting name...given to him by THE LEFT who hates his STOIC NATURE..... It's more reminiscent of a Super Hero or Anti Hero if you will...only he's on OUR SIDE.

President Trump is not without charm and influence. He still has his own brand of charm, but it's more like a Charming Old Time Irish Cop you know might just whack you with his Billy Club if you step out of line. He's a modern Teddy Roosevelt for whom THE BULLY PULPIT WAS NAMED FOR! He's the right kind of no nonsense President for a Very Perilous and Dangerous time.

This is not a time for SOFT WORDS and EVEN SOFTER resolve that we saw with THE OBAMA REGIME. It is not a time for a PERMISSIVE ATMOSPHERE which leads to personal and professional corruption that we have seen for the past 8 years. It's a time for HARD WORDS, HARSH ACTIONS and even HARSHER RESOLVE...and RESULTS. To Clean up a MESS, you have to GET DIRTY YOURSELF. He's willing to do that, and to get down in the dirt with anyone. You might hate the guy. You might be spitting angry that he offends your sensibilities....but he's the guy that is going to get your lunch money back if you just give him a little encouragement. He's the kind of guy you can get in to a knock down drag out fight with, and when the dust settles, if you are honest with him and yourself, would still shake your hand and give you a fresh start with him. And if not, he'll show you the door with NO REMORSE. He doesn't need your friendship if you don't want his.

My only advice and caution to The Left is this....Don't Sell This Guy Short. He is taking on your enemies on The Right, as well as The Con Men who are defrauding you on THE LEFT. You can choose to side with those hucksters that are taking you for a ride, or you can at the very least do yourself a favor and take a step back and observe if what I am telling you is true. The President is not your enemy. In fact, though you do not know it, many of you are already benefiting from his friendship, despite the fact, he's, according to you, "NOT MY PRESIDENT!"

My advice to you then, is quit playing THE FOOL. Quit letting those with political aspirations, pull your strings and ask you to dance like a monkey for them.

Cut the strings....be your own man.....be self realizing, self actuating, and think for yourselves.

Realize that The WORLD IS PUSHING AMERICA...and if AMERICA DOESN'T PUSH BACK, We'll get pushed over.

Then ask yourself.....DO YOU WANT A PUSHOVER of a MAN as your President, or do you Want THE IRISH COP with a Billy Club to have your back?
Europe LAUGHED at him.
Don't understand?

Make America great is their worst nightmare.
Make America Gag Again is what the freakish Orange Galoot is doing ...
Trump's Base of Support Is Collapsing | The Nation

Trump's Presidency Has Already Collapsed | RealClearPolitics

Nope, you read it wrong, GREAT again. Everything that you, and your fake news sources aren't.

Not tired of winning yet.

Podunk Rube worshiper this is who is sodomizing you

Cultural differences? If that were true, then the imaginary 53% are, in fact, professional wrestlers, carnival barkers, con artists, schoolyard bullies, intellectually lazy and petulant. The other 43% learned manners.
Kind of like a DOG on a LEASH, who's only hope of being fed, is from the hand of his master.
Sit, Lay down, Roll Over. This is THE LEFT'S vision of what Americans should be like.
The Neville Chamberlain Vision for an Obedient, Subservient, Docile and Dependent Populous.

You mean like The Clinton Campaign and Required Obedience?

as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry.

Read More: BREAKING: Wikileaks Emails Prove Clinton Insiders "Conspired to Produce an Unaware and Compliant Citizenry"

You mean learning manners.....like that?
Trump is a phony evil flimflam man...there is no vestige of honesty , Integrity or Morals in this Orange Freak
Nice to see that you are lying again, TS, just like you lied about my signature. Must really piss you off, that you are called out on your lying once again.
Trump had to pay $25 million bucks he stole from folks with a Flimflam University ..get real...as to your signature its phony..its a cheap ass knock off bit of bull shit from the Heartland Institute .,..you are a consumer of Bovine excrement

He chose to pay some losers to get them off his back.
Don't understand?

Make America great is their worst nightmare.
Make America Gag Again is what the freakish Orange Galoot is doing ...
Trump's Base of Support Is Collapsing | The Nation

Trump's Presidency Has Already Collapsed | RealClearPolitics

Nope, you read it wrong, GREAT again. Everything that you, and your fake news sources aren't.

Not tired of winning yet.

Podunk Rube worshiper this is who is sodomizing you


Your solution?

Bring in more democrat voters to replace the jobs of the poor, and make the rich richer!




did you catch him saying its the owners of this country ...what you are a moron ...view your own Video genius LOL

This is what your Video says [except the term rube]

"Rubes continue to elect big fat Rich fuckers who do not give a shit about you ...did you catch that one ...he keeps saying "THE OWNERS"...forget the Politician .

Now they are coming for your social security they will get it all the owners not the FUCKING GOVERNMENT

Who the fuck are the owners of this country, you ****, you or me? Fuck no, it is the liberal elite billionaires who own the politicians of the governments, and stupid fucks like you continue to vote for those same people, because you are an ignorant fuck. The government fucks you ,but you attack me, go figure.
Don't understand?

Make America great is their worst nightmare.
Make America Gag Again is what the freakish Orange Galoot is doing ...
Trump's Base of Support Is Collapsing | The Nation

Trump's Presidency Has Already Collapsed | RealClearPolitics

Nope, you read it wrong, GREAT again. Everything that you, and your fake news sources aren't.

Not tired of winning yet.

Podunk Rube worshiper this is who is sodomizing you

Your solution?

Bring in more democrat voters to replace the jobs of the poor, and make the rich richer!


Hey for all I care you can suck off Trump every day...I am going resist every day in any way I can Rube ...I am a man I am not a Trump toy
Don't understand?

Make America great is their worst nightmare.
Make America Gag Again is what the freakish Orange Galoot is doing ...
Trump's Base of Support Is Collapsing | The Nation

Trump's Presidency Has Already Collapsed | RealClearPolitics

Nope, you read it wrong, GREAT again. Everything that you, and your fake news sources aren't.

Not tired of winning yet.

Podunk Rube worshiper this is who is sodomizing you

Your solution?

Bring in more democrat voters to replace the jobs of the poor, and make the rich richer!


Hey for all I care you can suck off Trump every day...I am going resist every day in any way I can Rube ...I am a man I am not a Trump toy

A man?

You are a worthless beta bitch. Please do resist... it's going to be great 8 years for you. You have barely survived 6 months. #MAGA
3 Reasons The Left Doesn't Understand The President.

1.) Domestic Cultural Differences. It's my opinion that much of The Left's Outrage is based in Ignorance of Cultural Differences between Nations & people even within our own borders. They are not accustomed to BLUNT Words, followed with Sharp Actions. A Whiney "You Better Cut It Out" is about as far as they are willing to go with any sort of confrontation. WORDS DO NOT MATTER if they do not have THE WEIGHT OF ACTION behind them.

President Trump speaks The Language of The Blue Collar man. The Regular American who pays his taxes, obeys the law, and salutes The Flag. The 53%. Obama conversely spoke to the 47% of Americans who pay NO TAXES. He spoke to Illegals who he told "Don't worry about it, the big ole bad law won't apply to you."
The Left living their whole lives based upon comfort, entitlement, and insulation from ever being challenged, or offended in their bubbles and safe zones, simply do not understand a more DIRECT RESULTS ORIENTED APPROACH and EXPECTATIONS for one to RISE above Mediocrity, and attempts to RAISE THE BAR, not LOWER it to allow for Minimal, or No Effort. Participation Trophies are now, a thing of the past. The Lazy and Slothful are being asked to get up off of their couches and do something....and they would rather waste their energy on fighting the directive and complaining about taking out the trash, than just doing their job and getting it over with.

2.) Another reason for their outrage is based soley from experiencing one of the weakest presidents in modern history, who did nothing but retreat from every situation where he was asked to hold firm. Such an Impotent President who was "In Touch With His Feelings' but never in touch with his courage, set a VERY LOW BAR for THE LEFT. The kind of bar which they are accustomed to, in their life of Comfort and Entitlement Mentality.

He was the Coddler in Chief. He was a Matronly President. He was the permissive Mother at War with a Demanding Father who wanted his son to be a man. Obama was the epitome of the Modern Effeminate Male who was politically and sexually confused....with a WHATEVER attitude about everything. He was that Obese Relative you know, who always offered you and her children comfort food rather than bother to ask them to challenge themselves, solve their own problems, and help them become responsible adults.

3.) International Cultural Differences. Lastly, similar to reason 1.) there are simply cultural differences which The Left does not understand between America and The Rest of The World. Other Cultures respect and revere 'Strong Men' and this is why Obama was never respected Internationally.

Russia, China, North Korea, Mexico and just about everyone and anyone in The Middle East and Europe walked all over Obama. He's the kind of guy you'd invite to a Caviar and Champagne party because you know he'd be charming and never offensive, but he's NEVER the guy you'd ask to go "talk to someone" who owed you money to get it for you. As evidence of this, you see Obama's mountains of Foreign Policy Disasters and Failures, but see The Left Praise him as Presidential. Exactly how Presidential is getting Blanked and Disrespected on The International Foreign Policy Playing Field for 8 straight years? Obama's Foreign Policy, was his personal version of THE BAD NEWS BEARS with a MEH ending. Rotten Tomatoes refused to even rate it, IT was that bad.

Conversely, we see The LEFT criticize President TRUMP as not being Presidential, Gruff, Coarse, Blunt. Yet, Internationally he is respected. Is he offensive? Yes, sometimes, but it's intentional. He's the bully, that bullies the bullies. NATO is now paying their fair share. THE UN has stepped back in line. Russia, China, Mexico, North Korea know not to dick with The President. ISIS is ACTUALLY ON THE RUN! President Trump is the epitome of REAL ACTION....VS. FAKE WORDS! He is Putin's worst nightmare. He is The Orange Menace....a fitting name...given to him by THE LEFT who hates his STOIC NATURE..... It's more reminiscent of a Super Hero or Anti Hero if you will...only he's on OUR SIDE.

President Trump is not without charm and influence. He still has his own brand of charm, but it's more like a Charming Old Time Irish Cop you know might just whack you with his Billy Club if you step out of line. He's a modern Teddy Roosevelt for whom THE BULLY PULPIT WAS NAMED FOR! He's the right kind of no nonsense President for a Very Perilous and Dangerous time.

This is not a time for SOFT WORDS and EVEN SOFTER resolve that we saw with THE OBAMA REGIME. It is not a time for a PERMISSIVE ATMOSPHERE which leads to personal and professional corruption that we have seen for the past 8 years. It's a time for HARD WORDS, HARSH ACTIONS and even HARSHER RESOLVE...and RESULTS. To Clean up a MESS, you have to GET DIRTY YOURSELF. He's willing to do that, and to get down in the dirt with anyone. You might hate the guy. You might be spitting angry that he offends your sensibilities....but he's the guy that is going to get your lunch money back if you just give him a little encouragement. He's the kind of guy you can get in to a knock down drag out fight with, and when the dust settles, if you are honest with him and yourself, would still shake your hand and give you a fresh start with him. And if not, he'll show you the door with NO REMORSE. He doesn't need your friendship if you don't want his.

My only advice and caution to The Left is this....Don't Sell This Guy Short. He is taking on your enemies on The Right, as well as The Con Men who are defrauding you on THE LEFT. You can choose to side with those hucksters that are taking you for a ride, or you can at the very least do yourself a favor and take a step back and observe if what I am telling you is true. The President is not your enemy. In fact, though you do not know it, many of you are already benefiting from his friendship, despite the fact, he's, according to you, "NOT MY PRESIDENT!"

My advice to you then, is quit playing THE FOOL. Quit letting those with political aspirations, pull your strings and ask you to dance like a monkey for them.

Cut the strings....be your own man.....be self realizing, self actuating, and think for yourselves.

Realize that The WORLD IS PUSHING AMERICA...and if AMERICA DOESN'T PUSH BACK, We'll get pushed over.

Then ask yourself.....DO YOU WANT A PUSHOVER of a MAN as your President, or do you Want THE IRISH COP with a Billy Club to have your back?

Trump said many times during the primaries that we don't need "nice;" that this country was in such bad shape that it would take a firm hand rather than a glad hand.

"He's a modern Teddy Roosevelt"

Maybe the best descriptor of him I have heard yet.

As to the Left, what do they know? They live in a false bubble of hypocritical ideology. They only see the INSIDE of that bubble, a reflection of themselves, then project it onto the whole world.
Don't understand?

Make America great is their worst nightmare.
Make America Gag Again is what the freakish Orange Galoot is doing ...
Trump's Base of Support Is Collapsing | The Nation

Trump's Presidency Has Already Collapsed | RealClearPolitics

Nope, you read it wrong, GREAT again. Everything that you, and your fake news sources aren't.

Not tired of winning yet.

Podunk Rube worshiper this is who is sodomizing you

Your solution?

Bring in more democrat voters to replace the jobs of the poor, and make the rich richer!


Hey for all I care you can suck off Trump every day...I am going resist every day in any way I can Rube ...I am a man I am not a Trump toy
...I am a man
Doesnt that make you an enemy of your party? I bet you hate yourself every day you look in a mirror. You just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Regardless of who you voted for......tell me this SHIT ISN'T Funny, even if you don't agree with any of it.

Who the fuck are the owners of this country, you ****, you or me? Fuck no, it is the liberal elite billionaires who own the politicians of the governments, and stupid fucks like you continue to vote for those same people, because you are an ignorant fuck. The government fucks you ,but you attack me, go figure.

The video proves that Carlin was talking of RICH ELITES LIKE TRUMP AND THE GOP not the Government per se ..

Again ...Carlin is condemning Trump for owning the Government ...Trump is an Elite rich man who co-opted the Government to make money

Trump is an elite Rich man who has gone on record to say "he has bought off Government official" now when that Government officials does something that Fucks you over ...;it was really Trump who Fucked you using the politician he bought ...what are you totally Moron ?
3 Reasons The Left Doesn't Understand The President.

1.) Domestic Cultural Differences. It's my opinion that much of The Left's Outrage is based in Ignorance of Cultural Differences between Nations & people even within our own borders. They are not accustomed to BLUNT Words, followed with Sharp Actions. A Whiney "You Better Cut It Out" is about as far as they are willing to go with any sort of confrontation. WORDS DO NOT MATTER if they do not have THE WEIGHT OF ACTION behind them.

President Trump speaks The Language of The Blue Collar man. The Regular American who pays his taxes, obeys the law, and salutes The Flag. The 53%. Obama conversely spoke to the 47% of Americans who pay NO TAXES. He spoke to Illegals who he told "Don't worry about it, the big ole bad law won't apply to you."
The Left living their whole lives based upon comfort, entitlement, and insulation from ever being challenged, or offended in their bubbles and safe zones, simply do not understand a more DIRECT RESULTS ORIENTED APPROACH and EXPECTATIONS for one to RISE above Mediocrity, and attempts to RAISE THE BAR, not LOWER it to allow for Minimal, or No Effort. Participation Trophies are now, a thing of the past. The Lazy and Slothful are being asked to get up off of their couches and do something....and they would rather waste their energy on fighting the directive and complaining about taking out the trash, than just doing their job and getting it over with.

2.) Another reason for their outrage is based soley from experiencing one of the weakest presidents in modern history, who did nothing but retreat from every situation where he was asked to hold firm. Such an Impotent President who was "In Touch With His Feelings' but never in touch with his courage, set a VERY LOW BAR for THE LEFT. The kind of bar which they are accustomed to, in their life of Comfort and Entitlement Mentality.

He was the Coddler in Chief. He was a Matronly President. He was the permissive Mother at War with a Demanding Father who wanted his son to be a man. Obama was the epitome of the Modern Effeminate Male who was politically and sexually confused....with a WHATEVER attitude about everything. He was that Obese Relative you know, who always offered you and her children comfort food rather than bother to ask them to challenge themselves, solve their own problems, and help them become responsible adults.

3.) International Cultural Differences. Lastly, similar to reason 1.) there are simply cultural differences which The Left does not understand between America and The Rest of The World. Other Cultures respect and revere 'Strong Men' and this is why Obama was never respected Internationally.

Russia, China, North Korea, Mexico and just about everyone and anyone in The Middle East and Europe walked all over Obama. He's the kind of guy you'd invite to a Caviar and Champagne party because you know he'd be charming and never offensive, but he's NEVER the guy you'd ask to go "talk to someone" who owed you money to get it for you. As evidence of this, you see Obama's mountains of Foreign Policy Disasters and Failures, but see The Left Praise him as Presidential. Exactly how Presidential is getting Blanked and Disrespected on The International Foreign Policy Playing Field for 8 straight years? Obama's Foreign Policy, was his personal version of THE BAD NEWS BEARS with a MEH ending. Rotten Tomatoes refused to even rate it, IT was that bad.

Conversely, we see The LEFT criticize President TRUMP as not being Presidential, Gruff, Coarse, Blunt. Yet, Internationally he is respected. Is he offensive? Yes, sometimes, but it's intentional. He's the bully, that bullies the bullies. NATO is now paying their fair share. THE UN has stepped back in line. Russia, China, Mexico, North Korea know not to dick with The President. ISIS is ACTUALLY ON THE RUN! President Trump is the epitome of REAL ACTION....VS. FAKE WORDS! He is Putin's worst nightmare. He is The Orange Menace....a fitting name...given to him by THE LEFT who hates his STOIC NATURE..... It's more reminiscent of a Super Hero or Anti Hero if you will...only he's on OUR SIDE.

President Trump is not without charm and influence. He still has his own brand of charm, but it's more like a Charming Old Time Irish Cop you know might just whack you with his Billy Club if you step out of line. He's a modern Teddy Roosevelt for whom THE BULLY PULPIT WAS NAMED FOR! He's the right kind of no nonsense President for a Very Perilous and Dangerous time.

This is not a time for SOFT WORDS and EVEN SOFTER resolve that we saw with THE OBAMA REGIME. It is not a time for a PERMISSIVE ATMOSPHERE which leads to personal and professional corruption that we have seen for the past 8 years. It's a time for HARD WORDS, HARSH ACTIONS and even HARSHER RESOLVE...and RESULTS. To Clean up a MESS, you have to GET DIRTY YOURSELF. He's willing to do that, and to get down in the dirt with anyone. You might hate the guy. You might be spitting angry that he offends your sensibilities....but he's the guy that is going to get your lunch money back if you just give him a little encouragement. He's the kind of guy you can get in to a knock down drag out fight with, and when the dust settles, if you are honest with him and yourself, would still shake your hand and give you a fresh start with him. And if not, he'll show you the door with NO REMORSE. He doesn't need your friendship if you don't want his.

My only advice and caution to The Left is this....Don't Sell This Guy Short. He is taking on your enemies on The Right, as well as The Con Men who are defrauding you on THE LEFT. You can choose to side with those hucksters that are taking you for a ride, or you can at the very least do yourself a favor and take a step back and observe if what I am telling you is true. The President is not your enemy. In fact, though you do not know it, many of you are already benefiting from his friendship, despite the fact, he's, according to you, "NOT MY PRESIDENT!"

My advice to you then, is quit playing THE FOOL. Quit letting those with political aspirations, pull your strings and ask you to dance like a monkey for them.

Cut the strings....be your own man.....be self realizing, self actuating, and think for yourselves.

Realize that The WORLD IS PUSHING AMERICA...and if AMERICA DOESN'T PUSH BACK, We'll get pushed over.

Then ask yourself.....DO YOU WANT A PUSHOVER of a MAN as your President, or do you Want THE IRISH COP with a Billy Club to have your back?
He's a liar.
He says something different every day.
Haven't you figured that out yet?
No one is that stupid. No one.

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