The Left Lies And Is Now Using The NFL To Push Their Lies Down Our Throats

I am not surprised that the trumpanzees, on cue, would throw everything they've got against people peacefully protesting against police abuse. they picked the National Anthem.
What does that have to do with cops?

See. You people don't know what you're talking about. You're just out there saying "LET US SPEAK", and then we let you speak and all you say is "YOU'RE A RACIST!!!"

I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

^Snowflake is triggered by a black guy with an opinion.
I'm also done with the NFL, hate to say it. Liberalism ruins everything.
Funny thing....anyone who was Irish who came to America 200 years ago was treated as badly as the blacks. The British subjugated the Scots and the Irish and here we have black NFL players showing more respect to them than to America.

I once believed you were simply a hack with nothing much to post but the usual hackery and "ain't it awful"; now, you seem to have gone over the edge and landed in the land of alternative realities.
I am not surprised that the trumpanzees, on cue, would throw everything they've got against people peacefully protesting against police abuse. they picked the National Anthem.
What does that have to do with cops?

See. You people don't know what you're talking about. You're just out there saying "LET US SPEAK", and then we let you speak and all you say is "YOU'RE A RACIST!!!" they picked the National Anthem.
What does that have to do with cops?

Nothing. It has nothing to do with the flag, the military or veterans. No one ever said it did except you dopes.

I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

^Snowflake is triggered by a black guy with an opinion.

Being triggered is getting violent.
I'm not being violent. I'm just using my right to peaceful protest.

Learn the issues...
I am not surprised that the trumpanzees, on cue, would throw everything they've got against people peacefully protesting against police abuse.
'Hands up, don't shoot' is a lie obscuring a bigger truth
'Hands up, don't shoot' is a lie obscuring a bigger truth
I think that those "deplorable" people aren't protesting those who protest police abuse, but are protesting those that are continuing a liberal "LIE". But hey if they didn't "LIE" then they wouldn't be liberal and would be a deplorable. Liberals ARE the stupidest people in the universe.


I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

Just your bigotry showing. Kneeling is a form of respect. Why do you even have a problem with it? North Koreans would be "proud of your monoculturalism".
I'm also done with the NFL, hate to say it. Liberalism ruins everything.
Funny thing....anyone who was Irish who came to America 200 years ago was treated as badly as the blacks. The British subjugated the Scots and the Irish and here we have black NFL players showing more respect to them than to America.

I once believed you were simply a hack with nothing much to post but the usual hackery and "ain't it awful"; now, you seem to have gone over the edge and landed in the land of alternative realities.
Sorry, but you live in a place we call fantasy land. This is where the left dwells. If reality doesn't fit their agenda, they alter it.
I'm also done with the NFL, hate to say it. Liberalism ruins everything.
Funny thing....anyone who was Irish who came to America 200 years ago was treated as badly as the blacks. The British subjugated the Scots and the Irish and here we have black NFL players showing more respect to them than to America.

I once believed you were simply a hack with nothing much to post but the usual hackery and "ain't it awful"; now, you seem to have gone over the edge and landed in the land of alternative realities.
I always believe you are a radical leftwing nutjob, and this just once again confirms it.

I am not surprised that the trumpanzees, on cue, would throw everything they've got against people peacefully protesting against police abuse. they picked the National Anthem.
What does that have to do with cops?

See. You people don't know what you're talking about. You're just out there saying "LET US SPEAK", and then we let you speak and all you say is "YOU'RE A RACIST!!!" they picked the National Anthem.
What does that have to do with cops?

Nothing. It has nothing to do with the flag, the military or veterans. No one ever said it did except you dopes.

The purpose of this protest has been clear from the beginning and now you liars want to change what it means.

This is a protest against white Americans. White leaders. White cops. White voters. A predominantly white society.

I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

^Snowflake is triggered by a black guy with an opinion.

Being triggered is getting violent.
I'm not being violent. I'm just using my right to peaceful protest.

Learn the issues...


I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

^Snowflake is triggered by a black guy with an opinion.

Being triggered is getting violent.
I'm not being violent. I'm just using my right to peaceful protest.

Learn the issues...

No, being triggered into an emotional response.
I am not surprised that the trumpanzees, on cue, would throw everything they've got against people peacefully protesting against police abuse. they picked the National Anthem.
What does that have to do with cops?

See. You people don't know what you're talking about. You're just out there saying "LET US SPEAK", and then we let you speak and all you say is "YOU'RE A RACIST!!!" they picked the National Anthem.
What does that have to do with cops?

Nothing. It has nothing to do with the flag, the military or veterans. No one ever said it did except you dopes.

The purpose of this protest has been clear from the beginning and now you liars want to change what it means.

This is a protest against white Americans. White leaders. White cops. White voters. A predominantly white society.

Only to you triggered dopes.

I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

^Snowflake is triggered by a black guy with an opinion.

Being triggered is getting violent.
I'm not being violent. I'm just using my right to peaceful protest.

Learn the issues...


I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

^Snowflake is triggered by a black guy with an opinion.

Being triggered is getting violent.
I'm not being violent. I'm just using my right to peaceful protest.

Learn the issues...

No, being triggered into an emotional response.

Becoming violent isn't emotional???

I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

This is how we can take back the game from those protecting the monetary interest of the rich owners. BOYCOTT. I would dearly love to see an empty stadium next week but doubt it will happen. So what will happen is that the little people will be hurt, so be it.


I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

Do what I did. Grab some fishing poles. Hell, I grabbed my girl child, 400 rounds of 62 grain green tip and we went and shot up our old house. It was loads of fun, especially when we got to the old fridge! We als took a canoe trip up the trinity. Football ain't even that good anymore. Unless it's highschool or Pop Warner.

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