The Launch of Grocery Insurance


Agent P
Sep 15, 2008
Little Rock, AR
Do you pay for your groceries? Well have I got a product for you. With grocery insurance you’ll never have to pay the grocery bill again. Don’t let those greedy grocery stores take all your money!

What Can I Do?
Demand that your employer include grocery insurance as part of your employment benefits. Groceries are getting expensive! Insure yourself against rising prices and pay only a $1 co-pay each time you shop at the grocery store.


Five Steps To Freedom Blog Archive The Launch of Grocery Insurance
I just read on Drudge that the FDA may now force manufacturers to put nutrition labels on the front of their packages and not on the back (sorry can't post link from bb but its there today). That should increase the cost of groceries considerably. Where can I get this insurance? Lol
I just read on Drudge that the FDA may now force manufacturers to put nutrition labels on the front of their packages and not on the back (sorry can't post link from bb but its there today). That should increase the cost of groceries considerably. Where can I get this insurance? Lol

Obama will provide it in a couple of years. People shouldn't have to worry about what things cost anymore. Imagine spending $25 everytime you go the grocery store because that's your co-pay. Would you buy hamburger or steak? :D I want to pattern it after our current healthcare system since it's been so successful.
I see shelves and shelves and shelves of Gubmint Cheese and Spam....
I just read on Drudge that the FDA may now force manufacturers to put nutrition labels on the front of their packages and not on the back (sorry can't post link from bb but its there today). That should increase the cost of groceries considerably. Where can I get this insurance? Lol

Obama will provide it in a couple of years. People shouldn't have to worry about what things cost anymore. Imagine spending $25 everytime you go the grocery store because that's your co-pay. Would you buy hamburger or steak? :D I want to pattern it after our current healthcare system since it's been so successful.

I'm sorry Hamburger and Steak will be no longer available. May I interest You in some Solyent Green??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Soylent Green - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Would You like some Reprocessed Food with that?

Yes, We have the best Recycled food out there!!! Makes One think of Obama in every bite!
Original, Creamy, or Chunky, All remind Each and Every one of Us that Obama is the Man.

Thank You ... Can I have Another!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I just read on Drudge that the FDA may now force manufacturers to put nutrition labels on the front of their packages and not on the back (sorry can't post link from bb but its there today). That should increase the cost of groceries considerably. Where can I get this insurance? Lol

( -- Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius said today that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is developing a new regulation that would require food manufacturers to display nutritional information on the front of packages.

This would mean that the front of a Wheaties box, for example, would display not only the smiling face of a famous athlete but also declare how many calories from fat are in each serving.

“Busy shoppers will be able to go into grocery stores and have some easy to understand information on the front of packages giving them quick data on what is a healthier choice,” said Sebelius at the U.S. Capitol.

“The Food and Drug Administration right now is working with food manufacturers to not only update the nutritional labeling on the back of packages, which right now is written in small bar codes and pretty indecipherable and hasn’t been updated in 20 years, but to move to a front-of-package labeling strategy,” said Sebelius. - Sebelius: FDA Will Require Health Labels on Front of Food Packages
It's even worse than that. The FDA also wants restaurant chains to display this information.

Get read to Not Have It Your Way for pizza toppings.
I just read on Drudge that the FDA may now force manufacturers to put nutrition labels on the front of their packages and not on the back (sorry can't post link from bb but its there today). That should increase the cost of groceries considerably. Where can I get this insurance? Lol

( -- Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius said today that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is developing a new regulation that would require food manufacturers to display nutritional information on the front of packages.

This would mean that the front of a Wheaties box, for example, would display not only the smiling face of a famous athlete but also declare how many calories from fat are in each serving.

“Busy shoppers will be able to go into grocery stores and have some easy to understand information on the front of packages giving them quick data on what is a healthier choice,” said Sebelius at the U.S. Capitol.

“The Food and Drug Administration right now is working with food manufacturers to not only update the nutritional labeling on the back of packages, which right now is written in small bar codes and pretty indecipherable and hasn’t been updated in 20 years, but to move to a front-of-package labeling strategy,” said Sebelius. - Sebelius: FDA Will Require Health Labels on Front of Food Packages

For bloody cryin' out loud!!! Can they dumb down things anymore for people? If someone is too fucking lazy to look at the label that's right there on the side or back of the package then too fucking bad for them.

The labeling now isn't "written in small bar codes and pretty indecipherable". Wtf are they talking about? I read labels all the time . . . they're right there on the package . . . pretty easy to read and understand.
Obama Wants to Give Free Food to All Americans Plus Health Care

"If Health Care is a basic human right, what about food?" says the slogan for the new Obama Free Food For All campaign

"Free Burritos for everyone is our next Dem deal. Not one person shall go hungry in America. You want a steak? You got one. You want a cheesecake? You got two. This is going to revolutionise food in America forever," Barack Obama told Congress yesterday.

The cost of Obama's upcoming Free Food For All bill is estimated to be about 134 trillion dollars per annum and these are of course conservative estimates.

Fat people across America, (98% of the population), rejoiced with joy in restaurants and supermarkets across the country after the announcement was made.

Sharonda Latrina, a 322 lbs. Obama supporter from Chicago said this about the new Obama Free Food bill: "Hawt diggedy dayum, I just told my whole neighborhood about this new Free Food bill. We just went got twenty buckets of fried chicken. Free food for life and free health care for life? I love Obama, he be the bomb."'

Obama Wants to Give Free Food to All Americans Plus Health Care
I just read on Drudge that the FDA may now force manufacturers to put nutrition labels on the front of their packages and not on the back (sorry can't post link from bb but its there today). That should increase the cost of groceries considerably. Where can I get this insurance? Lol

( -- Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius said today that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is developing a new regulation that would require food manufacturers to display nutritional information on the front of packages.

This would mean that the front of a Wheaties box, for example, would display not only the smiling face of a famous athlete but also declare how many calories from fat are in each serving.

“Busy shoppers will be able to go into grocery stores and have some easy to understand information on the front of packages giving them quick data on what is a healthier choice,” said Sebelius at the U.S. Capitol.

“The Food and Drug Administration right now is working with food manufacturers to not only update the nutritional labeling on the back of packages, which right now is written in small bar codes and pretty indecipherable and hasn’t been updated in 20 years, but to move to a front-of-package labeling strategy,” said Sebelius. - Sebelius: FDA Will Require Health Labels on Front of Food Packages

For bloody cryin' out loud!!! Can they dumb down things anymore for people? If someone is too fucking lazy to look at the label that's right there on the side or back of the package then too fucking bad for them.

The labeling now isn't "written in small bar codes and pretty indecipherable". Wtf are they talking about? I read labels all the time . . . they're right there on the package . . . pretty easy to read and understand.

It's about control. Common sense might consider a legal minimum on Type size, some labels one might need a microscope to read. I'm sure the loop holes in the Law will be entertaining.
Incredible? Destroying the private sector with ridiculous regulations just so they can hire more food cops to work for the fed. Read the writing on the wall folks.

And boedicca - I saw a video of a pizza guy who owns 21 shops. He claims every time they change their cheese purveyor it will cost him 30K to change his menus. I'll see if I can find it.
Do you pay for your groceries? Well have I got a product for you. With grocery insurance you’ll never have to pay the grocery bill again. Don’t let those greedy grocery stores take all your money!

What Can I Do?
Demand that your employer include grocery insurance as part of your employment benefits. Groceries are getting expensive! Insure yourself against rising prices and pay only a $1 co-pay each time you shop at the grocery store.


Five Steps To Freedom Blog Archive The Launch of Grocery Insurance

If this is given to liberals the art of dumpster diving will surely die.

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