The Kerner commission on 50 year Black condition.

the themes that occupy black life now have been the same for a couple of centuries. they are things like how well they take care of their kids, how much of pop culture they should consume, the role of religion in their values, the training that poor parents need to succeed, & the economic and social barriers that prevent the flourishing of black folks.
The Black race will survive multiple millennia after america has crumbled.

You know, I often wonder , in this nuclear age, IF America got teamed upped on and we loose a horrible war, just how things would be here then. If we had to rebuild and they leave us alone in our defeat, I think we would work together then; like we used to. Eat a very humble pie.

I see so much hatred , but I see so much love as well. I openly discuss racism, knowing I still have remnants of it in me , which is hard to explain to some Whites because of that great chasm which exist in our races and our obvious difference in conscious thinking on these incredible sensitive interrelating issues we hold to. And we Blacks often don't get their point of views as well. I mean I do try, but I still see a unique blindness in some Whites about this, its as if it just does not get into their conscious awareness concerning the deep pool of racism and how much of it we had to swim through , and still have to be criticized for being wet.

How old are you?

I am 62.


What remnants of racism do you still hold in you?
the themes that occupy black life now have been the same for a couple of centuries. they are things like how well they take care of their kids, how much of pop culture they should consume, the role of religion in their values, the training that poor parents need to succeed, & the economic and social barriers that prevent the flourishing of black folks.

The Black race will survive multiple millennia after america has crumbled.

You know, I often wonder , in this nuclear age, IF America got teamed upped on and we loose a horrible war, just how things would be here then. If we had to rebuild and they leave us alone in our defeat, I think we would work together then; like we used to. Eat a very humble pie.

I see so much hatred , but I see so much love as well. I openly discuss racism, knowing I still have remnants of it in me , which is hard to explain to some Whites because of that great chasm which exist in our races and our obvious difference in conscious thinking on these incredible sensitive interrelating issues we hold to. And we Blacks often don't get their point of views as well. I mean I do try, but I still see a unique blindness in some Whites about this, its as if it just does not get into their conscious awareness concerning the deep pool of racism and how much of it we had to swim through , and still have to be criticized for being wet.

How old are you?

I am 62.


What remnants of racism do you still hold in you?

Mostly that superior thing bothers me.
The Black race will survive multiple millennia after america has crumbled.

You know, I often wonder , in this nuclear age, IF America got teamed upped on and we loose a horrible war, just how things would be here then. If we had to rebuild and they leave us alone in our defeat, I think we would work together then; like we used to. Eat a very humble pie.

I see so much hatred , but I see so much love as well. I openly discuss racism, knowing I still have remnants of it in me , which is hard to explain to some Whites because of that great chasm which exist in our races and our obvious difference in conscious thinking on these incredible sensitive interrelating issues we hold to. And we Blacks often don't get their point of views as well. I mean I do try, but I still see a unique blindness in some Whites about this, its as if it just does not get into their conscious awareness concerning the deep pool of racism and how much of it we had to swim through , and still have to be criticized for being wet.

How old are you?

I am 62.


What remnants of racism do you still hold in you?

Mostly that superior thing bothers me.

Yeah that one gets me too. I worked with gang members years ago and you would hear the criticisms from whites about how terrible it was for these black "thugs" to be killing each other because of the color of a rag. You think about that and you look at such whites and tell them how they have some real nerve to say things like that when they've been killing and mistreating people over skin color for hundreds of years and they can't see the correlation. You are so right when you talk about the blindness some whites have.
Your response proves my point. You yourself are a flaming racist. You're consumed with racism, and your hate for whitey is dripping off your post.

I said nothing racist in my post. Nice try.
The fact that you're here peddling racism discussion non stop pointing out the faults of whitey proves you're a racist.

Nice try.

The fact we are here in the race and racism section whereby I am holding whitey responsible for what whitey has done doesn't prove I am a racist.

Nice try.
I'm sorry... I must have missed where you were a SLAVE or something... did you just get out of BONDAGE?

If you're a FAILURE, which it appears you are because you have an excuse for everything being someone else's fault, and since you're a racist your favorite excuse is WHITEY... blame it ALL on whitey... ya... that's a winner... it's ALL WHITEY'S FAULT.

Well tell me mister BLACK MAN... how in the FUCK did obama get ELECTED PRESIDENT, not once but TWICE, if WHITE Americans are so damn RACIST?

You've got NO argument other than pathetic BULL SHIT. You are nothing more than a flaming BLACK RACIST CRY BABY and FAILURE.

I'm surprised you haven't asked for your REPARATIONS yet... more SOMETHING for NOTHING.

Go pound sand... RACIST.

Oh lookee here the white boy got all pissy. Obama damn sure didn't elected because if whites. You see buthurt white boy, your race has be given all you have by legislation. Now you go pound the sand and I'll just keep doing what I do.
You're as stupid as a sack of horse piss. There is no way in HELL your little kenyan muslim dog turd could have POSSIBLY been elected president WITHOUT the white vote when you blacks only make up 13% of the population. But then, test after test has shown that you black people are one of the DUMBEST races on the planet. You have a very low common IQ, so you're too stupid to see that no one, especially this 127 IQ white person, is going to believe ASININE claims such as the one you made above.

Now go check the balance on your EBT card, welfare boy.
I said nothing racist in my post. Nice try.
The fact that you're here peddling racism discussion non stop pointing out the faults of whitey proves you're a racist.

Nice try.

The fact we are here in the race and racism section whereby I am holding whitey responsible for what whitey has done doesn't prove I am a racist.

Nice try.
I'm sorry... I must have missed where you were a SLAVE or something... did you just get out of BONDAGE?

If you're a FAILURE, which it appears you are because you have an excuse for everything being someone else's fault, and since you're a racist your favorite excuse is WHITEY... blame it ALL on whitey... ya... that's a winner... it's ALL WHITEY'S FAULT.

Well tell me mister BLACK MAN... how in the FUCK did obama get ELECTED PRESIDENT, not once but TWICE, if WHITE Americans are so damn RACIST?

You've got NO argument other than pathetic BULL SHIT. You are nothing more than a flaming BLACK RACIST CRY BABY and FAILURE.

I'm surprised you haven't asked for your REPARATIONS yet... more SOMETHING for NOTHING.

Go pound sand... RACIST.

Oh lookee here the white boy got all pissy. Obama damn sure didn't elected because if whites. You see buthurt white boy, your race has be given all you have by legislation. Now you go pound the sand and I'll just keep doing what I do.
You're as stupid as a sack of horse piss. There is no way in HELL your little kenyan muslim dog turd could have POSSIBLY been elected president WITHOUT the white vote when you blacks only make up 13% of the population. But then, test after test has shown that you black people are one of the DUMBEST races on the planet. You have a very low common IQ, so you're too stupid to see that no one, especially this 127 IQ white person, is going to believe ASININE claims such as the one you made above.

Now go check the balance on your EBT card, welfare boy.

Like I said, whites did not elect Obama. My IQ was 9 points higher than yours. Yes I tested at that level. .A minority of whites voted for Obama in both elections. Iin 2008 he got 73 percent of all non white votes and in 2012 74 percent of all non white votes. So whitey did not elect Obama. It doesn't matter what you believe dumb ass, go to the Roper Center website and look at the results by group, then shut your stupid white mouth.

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