The Islamo Terrorist Admits It, Why Wait for Execution?

I can't help but wonder if we should do something horrible with him and speak a language the savages of ISIS understand...
Don't feed the hate.
And don't allow us to lose our humanity, sink to their level--then we HAVE lost.
I can't help but wonder if we should do something horrible with him and speak a language the savages of ISIS understand...
Don't feed the hate.
And don't allow us to lose our humanity, sink to their level--then we HAVE lost.
You know, you are right. A person really wants to disagree and hang that prick in the town square but we cant. We just cant.
~meh~ My sympathy, empathy, and patience has long run out for the cockroaches...

Yah I know we don't have the fortitude to play hard ball (eye for an eye and so forth,) but I still wonder if they'd get a clue if we started say letting pigs "violate" em on YouTube or something ~giggles manically~
~meh~ My sympathy, empathy, and patience has long run out for the cockroaches...

Yah I know we don't have the fortitude to play hard ball (eye for an eye and so forth,) but I still wonder if they'd get a clue if we started say letting pigs "violate" em on YouTube or something ~giggles manically~
NO ONE said anything about sympathy, empathy or patience!!!! It is about OUR standards. We can just shoot him or lethal injection him or whatever the feds do these days, no pigs involved.
~meh~ My sympathy, empathy, and patience has long run out for the cockroaches...

Yah I know we don't have the fortitude to play hard ball (eye for an eye and so forth,) but I still wonder if they'd get a clue if we started say letting pigs "violate" em on YouTube or something ~giggles manically~
NO ONE said anything about sympathy, empathy or patience!!!! It is about OUR standards. We can just shoot him or lethal injection him or whatever the feds do these days, no pigs involved.

Oh! No... I didn't mean it that way (like ya'll were letting them off or whatever.) I meant with treating them "properly." Sympathy and empathy being what brought about the "morality" of non-torture, and patience with their continued terrorism not stopping.

It's like, I don't personally believe torture is "immoral" per say, at least not in my thought of psychological torture and public humiliation. It's not like it would be much worse than what our own citizens go through when they terrorize the innocents, nor even really what some of citizens go through when other pscyho citizens commit crimes against them. I would argue that if we publicly did so to one of these terrorists it might stop some of the attacks, and at that point debasing the terrorists humanity is worth it.

It not like these fuckers are obeying the Geneva Convention with our boys, why should we offer them the same courtesy? And it's not like we don't have a pile of T laden men chomping at the bit to beat something; on both sides of the aisle frankly. Might do those guys some good too HA
Oh! No... I didn't mean it that way (like ya'll were letting them off or whatever.) I meant with treating them "properly." Sympathy and empathy being what brought about the "morality" of non-torture, and patience with their continued terrorism not stopping.

It's like, I don't personally believe torture is "immoral" per say, at least not in my thought of psychological torture and public humiliation. It's not like it would be much worse than what our own citizens go through when they terrorize the innocents, nor even really what some of citizens go through when other pscyho citizens commit crimes against them. I would argue that if we publicly did so to one of these terrorists it might stop some of the attacks, and at that point debasing the terrorists humanity is worth it.

It not like these fuckers are obeying the Geneva Convention with our boys, why should we offer them the same courtesy? And it's not like we don't have a pile of T laden men chomping at the bit to beat something; on both sides of the aisle frankly. Might do those guys some good too HA

The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to them ... They aren't recognized as a legitimate state and we haven't declared war on them.
Furthermore ... We should not grant his behavior the power to alter our response ... We follow our laws and standards, not his.

If we simply wanted to show force and be an ass about it ... We could turn half the world into a greasy spot.

Oh! No... I didn't mean it that way (like ya'll were letting them off or whatever.) I meant with treating them "properly." Sympathy and empathy being what brought about the "morality" of non-torture, and patience with their continued terrorism not stopping.

It's like, I don't personally believe torture is "immoral" per say, at least not in my thought of psychological torture and public humiliation. It's not like it would be much worse than what our own citizens go through when they terrorize the innocents, nor even really what some of citizens go through when other pscyho citizens commit crimes against them. I would argue that if we publicly did so to one of these terrorists it might stop some of the attacks, and at that point debasing the terrorists humanity is worth it.

It not like these fuckers are obeying the Geneva Convention with our boys, why should we offer them the same courtesy? And it's not like we don't have a pile of T laden men chomping at the bit to beat something; on both sides of the aisle frankly. Might do those guys some good too HA

The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to them ... They aren't recognized as a legitimate state and we haven't declared war on them.
Furthermore ... We should not grant his behavior the power to alter our response ... We follow our laws and standards, not his.


Meh I'd argue the Geneva does apply, at least in the annals of public opinion, regardless if they're a legit nation or not. I do find the idea that we shouldn't allow "them" to alter our responses an interesting argument here; I mean it's too late, we already did. Airplane security is because of them, vetting is because of them, if the hope were to "continue on like they did nothing" we've failed - and I say thank goodness to that. We've been offering the appearance of "ignoring" it for too long, and it didn't stop, time for "action," decisive action.

For the record, yes, I do know that we as a nation do not have the fortitude for torture; I'm merely being philosophical here.
Meh I'd argue the Geneva does apply, at least in the annals of public opinion, regardless if they're a legit nation or not. I do find the idea that we shouldn't allow "them" to alter our responses an interesting argument here; I mean it's too late, we already did. Airplane security is because of them, vetting is because of them, if the hope were to "continue on like they did nothing" we've failed - and I say thank goodness to that. We've been offering the appearance of "ignoring" it for too long, and it didn't stop, time for "action," decisive action.

For the record, yes, I do know that we as a nation do not have the fortitude for torture; I'm merely being philosophical here.

Well ... You could argue the Geneva Convention does apply ... But it still wouldn't.

I didn't say we haven't altered our response ... I said we shouldn't.
Terrorism is successful when we are terrorized into doing something we wouldn't have done otherwise.

If we need to take a better stance in addressing what we perceive to be a threat ... An aggressive offense would be better than an after the fact defense.
There is cost in either ... But we have a better ability to control the outcome if we engage them on our terms instead of theirs.
New York does not have a death penalty. There is a federal death penalty for murder, but the murder would have to have occurred on federal property or the high seas. Is any of that going on here? We may be stuck with a state prohibition on the death penalty. If Saipov continues to admit that he intended to kill these people, there will be no trial. There will be a competency hearing. Which, means that if he is so mired in terrorist ideology and so infused with hate, he is descriptively insane. He might not be competent to enter a plea at all.
New York does not have a death penalty. There is a federal death penalty for murder, but the murder would have to have occurred on federal property or the high seas. Is any of that going on here? We may be stuck with a state prohibition on the death penalty. If Saipov continues to admit that he intended to kill these people, there will be no trial. There will be a competency hearing. Which, means that if he is so mired in terrorist ideology and so infused with hate, he is descriptively insane. He might not be competent to enter a plea at all.

Continued belligerent activity would qualify him as an illegal combatant by definition.
Ship his butt to Gitmo if you want to handle it quicker.

I wouldn't expect the ACLU or a few other organizations would agree with that ... But they aren't elected by the People.

New York does not have a death penalty. There is a federal death penalty for murder, but the murder would have to have occurred on federal property or the high seas. Is any of that going on here? We may be stuck with a state prohibition on the death penalty. If Saipov continues to admit that he intended to kill these people, there will be no trial. There will be a competency hearing. Which, means that if he is so mired in terrorist ideology and so infused with hate, he is descriptively insane. He might not be competent to enter a plea at all.

Continued belligerent activity would qualify him as an illegal combatant by definition.
Ship his butt to Gitmo if you want to handle it quicker.

I wouldn't expect the ACLU or a few other organizations would agree with that ... But they aren't elected by the People.


I'd be all for sending him to Gitmo, even if it's designed to be sort of a spa type incarceration. obama spent a fortune on a new soccer field for them. He should not be incarcerated with other prisoners. Even if it means a life of solitary confinement.
I'd be all for sending him to Gitmo, even if it's designed to be sort of a spa type incarceration. obama spent a fortune on a new soccer field for them. He should not be incarcerated with other prisoners. Even if it means a life of solitary confinement.

Lol ... Solitary confinement might be just what he needs.
If nothing else he is loving the attention he is getting now ... Let him chew on paint chips for a few years with no one but himself to talk to.

""May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't" --General George S. Patton" - Donald Trump

Trump quoted Patton, you see.
Another loser lookin' for glory as ISIS member...

Officials Say New York City Terror Suspect Was Radicalized in U.S.
November 1, 2017 - Investigators spoke to the Islamic State-inspired Sayfullo Saipov at a local hospital, where he was in critical but stable condition.
The suspected terrorist truck driver who carved a 14-block path of destruction along a lower Manhattan bike path was bragging about the deadly attack, sources said Wednesday. Sayfullo Saipov, 29, was rejoicing rather than showing remorse after killing eight people and wounding 14 others along the Hudson River Tuesday, sources told NBC News. Investigators spoke to the Islamic State-inspired Saipov at a local hospital, where he was in critical but stable condition. A sharp-shooting NYPD cop, identified as Ryan Nash, 28, pumped a bullet into Saipov’s abdomen after he emerged from his crippled truck waving a paintball gun and pellet gun. Saipov left behind in his rented Home Depot truck a knife and a note that said in Arabic, “ISIS lives forever,” NBC reported.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday that Saipov, an Uzbekistan native, was radicalized while living in the U.S. “(A)fter he came to the United States is when he started to become informed about ISIS and radical Islamic tactics,” Cuomo said on CNN. “Again, ISIS has gotten it down to a simple formula that they can put on the internet and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to rent a car, rent a truck. But they are cowards and they are depraved.” Saipov came to the United States in 2010. He lived in an apartment in Paterson, New Jersey, with his wife, two young daughters and infant son, neighbors said. He moved there after stints in Ohio and Florida, where he was known as a pleasant guy who showed no interest in radical Islam. “He was a very good person when I knew him,” Kobiljon Matkarov, 37, of Fort Myers, Fla., told The New York Times. “He liked the U.S. He seemed very lucky, and all the time he was happy and talking like everything is OK. He did not seem like a terrorist, but I did not know him from the inside.”


Bikes lay scattered where they were hit by a driver on West Street near West Houston Street Tuesday Oct. 31, 2017 after an attack in Manhattan, N.Y. leaving at least eight people dead.​

Saipov arrived in the U.S. from the Uzbeki capital of Tashkent in 2010 and settled in the Cincinnati area. He lived with a fellow Uzbeki family for roughly two weeks before moving to Florida. His father in Uzbekistan had asked the family patriarch to house his son while the younger Saipov tried to get his green card. “He was really calm,” Dilnoza Abdusamatova, who was a teenager when Saipov moved into her family’s townhouse, told the Cincinnati Enquirer. “He always used to work. He wouldn’t go to parties or anything. He only used to come home and rest and leave and go back to work.” Saipov’s wife was cooperating with authorities and has denied having prior knowledge of the attack, NBC News reported. The NYPD and the FBI are working to determine what led Saipov to plow a rented pickup truck into innocent bikers and joggers on Halloween. Saipov hopped a curb at Houston Street and sped south for a mile, targeting and crushing the victims in his path.

The carnage in Tribeca, only blocks from the World Trade Center site, was interrupted when Saipov rammed his truck into a school bus. “God is Great!” he yelled as he leapt from the vehicle. Nash, a Long Island resident who joined the force in 2012, shot the suspect moments later. An Uber spokeswoman said Saipov drove for the ride sharing-company, and records show Saipov was also licensed as a commercial truck driver and formed a pair of businesses in Ohio. An Ohio marriage license shows that a truck driver with one of Saipov’s addresses and his name, spelled slightly differently, married a fellow Uzbek in 2013. Saipov’s mother, father and sister were being questioned in Uzbekistan, source in the country’s security services told Radio Free Europe. Cuomo called the driver a “depraved coward,” and says the attack “did not instill terror” among New Yorkers. “Don’t let them win. They are called terrorists. They want to impart terror. They didn’t,” Cuomo added. It’s unlikely that Saipov had help, Cuomo said. “The best evidence we have is that he was a ‘lone wolf’ model,” Cuomo told CBS’ “This Morning.”


See also:

Islamic State claims New York truck attacker is a 'caliphate soldier'
November 2, 2017 - NEW YORK Islamic State has claimed responsibility, without providing proof, for a truck attack earlier this week that killed eight people in the deadliest assault on New York City since Sept. 11, 2001.
The militant group on Thursday described accused attacker Sayfullo Saipov, 29, as “one of the caliphate soldiers” in a weekly issue of its Al-Naba newspaper. The Uzbek immigrant was charged in federal court on Wednesday with acting in support of Islamic State by plowing a rented pickup truck down a popular riverside bike trail, crushing pedestrians and cyclists and injuring a dozen people in addition to those killed. According to the criminal complaint against him, Saipov told investigators he was inspired by watching Islamic State propaganda videos on his cellphone, felt good about what he had done, and asked for permission to display the group’s flag in his room at Bellevue Hospital. Saipov was taken to Bellevue after being shot in the abdomen by a police officer before his arrest.

U.S. President Donald Trump, who has called for Saipov to receive the death penalty, said in a Twitter post on Friday that Islamic State had claimed as their soldier the “Degenerate Animal” who killed and wounded “the wonderful people on the West Side” of Lower Manhattan. “Based on that, the Military has hit ISIS ”much harder“ over the last two days. They will pay a big price for every attack on us!” Trump tweeted. Earlier this week, Trump suggested sending Saipov to the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba, where terrorism suspects apprehended overseas are incarcerated. But on Thursday, he said doing so would be too complicated. The U.S. president has also urged Congress to end the Diversity Immigrant Visa program under which Saipov entered the United States in 2010.

The diversity program, signed into law in 1990 by Republican President George H.W. Bush, was designed to provide more permanent resident visas to people from countries with low U.S. immigration rates. Five Argentine tourists, a Belgian woman, a New Yorker and a New Jersey man were killed in Tuesday afternoon’s attack. The attack unfolded just blocks from the site of the World Trade Center, where some 2,600 people were killed when suicide hijackers crashed two jetliners into the Twin Towers 16 years ago. One of the two criminal counts Saipov faces, violence and destruction of motor vehicles causing the deaths of eight people, carries the death penalty if the government chooses to seek it, prosecutors said.

Islamic State claims New York truck attacker is a 'caliphate soldier'
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New York does not have a death penalty. There is a federal death penalty for murder, but the murder would have to have occurred on federal property or the high seas. Is any of that going on here? We may be stuck with a state prohibition on the death penalty. If Saipov continues to admit that he intended to kill these people, there will be no trial. There will be a competency hearing. Which, means that if he is so mired in terrorist ideology and so infused with hate, he is descriptively insane. He might not be competent to enter a plea at all.
I thought you were a lawyer? Criminally insane is very different ball of wax.
New York does not have a death penalty. There is a federal death penalty for murder, but the murder would have to have occurred on federal property or the high seas. Is any of that going on here? We may be stuck with a state prohibition on the death penalty. If Saipov continues to admit that he intended to kill these people, there will be no trial. There will be a competency hearing. Which, means that if he is so mired in terrorist ideology and so infused with hate, he is descriptively insane. He might not be competent to enter a plea at all.
I thought you were a lawyer? Criminally insane is very different ball of wax.
Yes. And one that he does not have to personally plead to.

Send him off for evaluation. Determine him to be incompetent. Bingo, he gets a guardian ad litem to enter his insanity plea for him.

There is more than one way for this ball of wax to roll.

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