The Islamo Terrorist Admits It, Why Wait for Execution?

Falls under war on terror......he committed a war crime by targeting civilians

We still haven't declared war on ISIS ... Look it up ... Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11: Declare War
That is also why those held at Gitmo are unlawful combatants and not prisoners of war ... :thup:

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Fill out the forms and get ‘er done. Only an uncivilized country would drag on a trial costing tens of millions for years and then tell him he can eat meals for the rest of his life at the same time the loved ones of his victims are eating.
So, you wish us to cease to be a nation of laws? You are little better than that asshole.

We need to pump that fellow for all the information we can on who else is into this idiocy. And then, if New York has the death penalty, use it. If not, shave him bald, and put him in the general prison population. LOL
Fill out the forms and get ‘er done. Only an uncivilized country would drag on a trial costing tens of millions for years and then tell him he can eat meals for the rest of his life at the same time the loved ones of his victims are eating.

In a murder case OUR judicial systems requires a defense even if the party confesses or pleads guilty.
The prosecution is still required to make a case instead of just agreeing the defendant is guilty.
This is in place so that people who are protecting another cannot plead guilty to a murder they didn't commit.

There is no reason our judicial system should disregard our procedures in order to expedite the process.
New York doesn't have the death penalty ... Why do you think the perpetrator picked there instead of Tampa, Florida where they do have the death penalty?


The federal government still has the death penalty.
Execution is too humane for this animal. He needs to be tortured by a professional and kept alive as long as possible while suffering the maximum amount of pain. Then they should wrap him in pig skin and bury him alive and send the video to ISIS.

Considering what he did to the families of the people he killed and iinjured.

Better yet, hire these New Yorkers:

Obama set the stage when he gave OBL - who we were all told was not a true Muslim- a Muslim funeral instead of wrapping his body in bacon.

President Obama orchestrated the death of Bin Laden, your bunch allowed him to live for seven years. In fact, the GOP President at the time even said Bin Laden was not a concern of his.
Fill out the forms and get ‘er done. Only an uncivilized country would drag on a trial costing tens of millions for years and then tell him he can eat meals for the rest of his life at the same time the loved ones of his victims are eating.

In a murder case OUR judicial systems requires a defense even if the party confesses or pleads guilty.
The prosecution is still required to make a case instead of just agreeing the defendant is guilty.
This is in place so that people who are protecting another cannot plead guilty to a murder they didn't commit.

There is no reason our judicial system should disregard our procedures in order to expedite the process.
New York doesn't have the death penalty ... Why do you think the perpetrator picked there instead of Tampa, Florida where they do have the death penalty?


The federal government still has the death penalty.
After that bastard has been pumped dry for intel, then that should be carried out.
Execution is too humane for this animal. He needs to be tortured by a professional and kept alive as long as possible while suffering the maximum amount of pain. Then they should wrap him in pig skin and bury him alive and send the video to ISIS.

Considering what he did to the families of the people he killed and iinjured.

Better yet, hire these New Yorkers:

why not according to the released jfk files

the government contracted quite regularly with the mob
No. When someone says they are guilty, that's pretty much it. They are guilty. They won't participate in their defense. They will testify as to their guilt. They will sign a confession. A trial would be pretty much pointless. So there's a sentencing hearing. The investigation will go on a to who else might be involved but that's separate from proving him guilty.

That's not what the law requires as far as proof is concerned ... We don't need to throw away the law for this asshole.
His confession will be included in evidence but that isn't enough to satisfy the law ... Look it up.

I’m not talking about right or wrong here, I’m talking about the law!
No, you are not talking about the law. You are talking mob action. Not allowed, and very undesirable. The law says he will get his day in court.
How screwed up is that. We have a confession, we have video to support the confession.

Fill out the paperwork and conduct the sentence per the desires of the next of kin.

It isn't screwed up at all ... And there is a reason it is required.

Just an example ... If I had a child and that child committed a murder ... And said I did it so I would go to jail instead of my child ... Well that doesn't satisfy the law.
In murder cases ... You actually have to prove the person is guilty ... Them saying so is included, but not all that is required.

Personally I would prefer they investigated the extent of the case.
Maybe they will find something else in their investigation.
Maybe he didn't act alone ... Maybe there is more to the story than him simply saying he did it.

He doesn't get to change our laws.
Your hatred does not determine what our judicial system does or how we handle business.

If you think we should act like he does ... Move your backwards ass to the Middle East.


Well written, I agree.
Thank you, a few seem ready to burn the Constitution for instant revenge. I guess they do not understand "close custody". Chances are the accused will want to kill himself, the US cannot let that happen. The government will decided when, where and if. He can suffer being watched 24/7.

We owe to ourselves to remain ourselves and not fall into the trap of emotional response.
I don't care if he ends up in prison for the rest of his life or if they decide to send him off to the next life.

We don't need to change our laws and requirements in regards to this little piece of shit.
He does not have the power to define who are or dictate what we do through his actions.

Well said, and spot on. Such animals as this should not be allowed to define our law system or government.
Funny weve killed an aweful lot of terrorists in it.......

A declaration of war is not necessary to carry out hostilities against a faction ... We still haven't declared war on ISIS nor terrorism.
You would know that if you had actually looked it up.


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