Zone1 The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party​

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

YOu need to stop watching Prager videos, they are rotting your mind.

The point is, when the Southern Racists got thrown out of the Democratic Party, Tricky Dick welcomed them with open arms and they've been there ever since.
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YOu need to stop watching Prager videos . . . . .

Just because YOU stopped watching the truth and choose fake news does not mean that I need to copy your errors

Try refuting the content in the video. You cannot.
Just because YOU stopped watching the truth and choose fake news does not mean that I need to copy your errors

Try refuting the content in the video. You cannot.

Actually, I voted Republican up until 2008.

Then I realized that if you aren't rich, you have no business voting Republican.

The GOP keeps stupid white people like you voting against your own economic interests by playing on your racial, religious, and sexual fears.
Actually, I voted Republican up until 2008.

Then I realized that if you aren't rich, you have no business voting Republican.

The GOP keeps stupid white people like you voting against your own economic interests by playing on your racial, religious, and sexual fears.

The only way one would know what a person's economic interests are is actually talking to them, and I highly doubt that you've had those conversations. So, I'm guessing they're voting their best economic interests. It's just that they don't agree with what YOU think that their economic best interest should be. As for if you're not rich, you have no business voting republican, that's interesting. Based on who dominates where they send their money, it doesn't support your opinion.

Silicon Valley - democrats
Media - democrats
Entertainment/Sports - democrats
Wall Street - democrats Link
Hedge Funds - democrats
Businesses - depending on the type of company, it's a mixed bag at best. Link
Unions - democrats (from dues)

I know that there are plenty of rich people who vote republican, but your opinion that the democrat party is somehow the party of the common man is silly. I mean, don't republicans usually win the rural vote, and the democrats win the urban vote?
The only way one would know what a person's economic interests are is actually talking to them, and I highly doubt that you've had those conversations. So, I'm guessing they're voting their best economic interests. It's just that they don't agree with what YOU think that their economic best interest should be. As for if you're not rich, you have no business voting republican, that's interesting. Based on who dominates where they send their money, it doesn't support your opinion.

Not at all. The Republicans support the interest of the investor class over the working class, every time on every issue. Period. In the last 50 years, they've dismantled the unions, gutted workers' rights laws, dismantled programs meant to help working class people while voting tax breaks to the rich.

I know that there are plenty of rich people who vote republican, but your opinion that the democrat party is somehow the party of the common man is silly. I mean, don't republicans usually win the rural vote, and the democrats win the urban vote?

That just means that Rural people are stupid. Generations of inbreeding will do that.
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Not at all. The Republicans support the interest of the investor class over the working class, every time on every issue. Period. In the last 50 years, they've dismantled the unions, gutted workers' rights laws, dismantled programs meant to help working class people while voting tax breaks to the rich.

That just means that Rural people are stupid. Generations of inbreeding will do that.

A democrat signed the Voting and Civil Rights Acts. Carol Swain is full of ---.

Republicans authored an amendment to officially makeslavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican Party is the party of The Corwin Amendment that would have cemented slavery as a constitutional right.

A Republican president, with the support of theRepublican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

Once blacks got a foothold in the Republican partyand gained some semblance of political equality, white Republicans too ksteps to purge blacks from leadership positions. The Republican Party is the party of the Lily White movement, a group of Republicans who worked to purge blacks from the party.

Republicans consistently broke promises or ignoredissues that affected black people. When blacks got Civil Rights, theRepublican Party did not believe that was civil or right and decided thatextremism in defense of liberty was no vice. In 1964 the Republican Party turned its back on blacks after nearly 100 years of black support with the nomination of Barry Goldwater for President. Goldwater voted against the Civil Rights Act.

On December 6, 2019, The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186.
This bill was proposed to undo the damage caused by the Roberts Supreme Court 2013 decision. There were 187 Republicans in the House of Representatives in 2019. One Republican voted for this bill, Brian Fitzpatrick from Pennsylvania. In 2021, The John Lewis Voting Rights Act was opposed by every Republican in the senate. Senate Republicans wouldn’t even let the bill come to the floor for debate.

In 2021, Republicans filibustered the John Lewis Voting Rights Act like Dixiecrats did the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

Carol Swain needs to use her education properly and stop licking boots. A family friend who is an entrepreneur once said that if you want to get rich quickly, turn into a black right-winger. He was right. Racists will pay top dollar to a black person to hear or read them expressing anti-black views. Swain is raking in the bucks. She has literally sold out. She’s so pathetic that Booker T. Washington is spinning in his grave like he’s on a rotisserie.

So these so-called independent thinkers might take the time to look back to the past to understand what a belief in states’ rights meant for blacks. It meant voter suppression, racially gerrymandered voting districts, blacks being purged from voter rolls, racist police killing unarmed blacks, and lying about being threatened. Karens yelling about black men threatening them or other things even worse when the man is just walking by. Does this look familiar?

Blacks walked away from the Republican Party to win the battle against the overt racism Republicans did nothing about. Blacks have supported a democratic party that produced the first black president and black vice president. The same democratic party where blacks are in leadership positions at every level. The most prominent democrats are a black man and his wife. Republicans can't match that. All Republicans are is a bunch of white racist extremists lying to blacks about the 1860s.
Not at all. The Republicans support the interest of the investor class over the working class, every time on every issue. Period. In the last 50 years, they've dismantled the unions, gutted workers' rights laws, dismantled programs meant to help working class people while voting tax breaks to the rich.

That just means that Rural people are stupid. Generations of inbreeding will do that.
Pretty much every working American is in the "investor class" If you have a retirement plan or a 401K, you are in the investor class since that's where your money is kept. Unions got gutted because they started working against the interests of their members and only working for the interests of the Union leaders and the democratic party.
Not at all. The Republicans support the interest of the investor class over the working class, every time on every issue. Period. In the last 50 years, they've dismantled the unions, gutted workers' rights laws, dismantled programs meant to help working class people while voting tax breaks to the rich.

That just means that Rural people are stupid. Generations of inbreeding will do that.
Holy talking points Batman!!! BTW, I notice that you didn't comment on all the wealthy groups who now put their money behind the democrats. Blows that whole "if you aren't rich, you have no business voting republican" out of the water. Maybe the reason why they support the investor class is because the working class don't create job opportunities. Those willing to invest and start businesses do. So, they throw their support to help them in the hopes that they will grow and create more members of the working class. I'm not close to rich, but I have a little understanding of economics. A tax break is going to benefit the wealthy more because they put a lot more into the tax till. You sound like a petty jealous man pocket watching what other people have, and trying to say what they should or should not keep. Are you going to make the argument that they should just pay more and not get any tax relief? Well, it's easy to say when you don't have the money to be affected by a policy.

As far your rural comment, there are times when someone says something so stupid that it should stand on its own for people to stare and wonder how ignorant a poster can be. Your comment fits that bill.
Who thinks that a hardcore Democrat or leftist who says he voted Republican until 2008 or 2016 or 2020 is most likely full of codswollop?

I mean okay. Sometimes those on the right can be gullible too. But that gullible?

I can't imagine anybody who isn't ideologically brainwashed approving much of the Obama Administration or anything in the Biden Administration.

And it was an 'evil' Republican reformer majority led by Newt Gingrich along with a coalition of reformer Democrats who dragged Bill Clinton into some very profitable welfare and tax reform that literally saved Clinton's presidency. Otherwise it would have been in the toilet.

We did have at least enough free and independent press at that time that Bush 43 could be elected. He was great during the initial 9/11 attack and his approval ratings were as high as any president's approval ever gets. But later on his mismanagement of other things and too many policy initiatives that only a leftist Democrat could love allowed an even more ineffective Barack Obama to be elected.
Oh, come the fuck on, guy, seriously? That was so Retarded I hope no one steals your helmet today.

What Is an Investor?​

An investor is any person or other entity (such as a firm or mutual fund) who commits capital with the expectation of receiving financial returns. Investors rely on different financial instruments to earn a rate of return and accomplish important financial objectives like building retirement savings, funding a college education, or merely accumulating additional wealth over time.

Joe, you just need to quit posting here because you're projecting on other people your lack of intelligence.
Holy talking points Batman!!! BTW, I notice that you didn't comment on all the wealthy groups who now put their money behind the democrats.
First, most of the rich still support the GOP. A few of them are enlightened enough to see the damage they ar doing, but your point was largely irrelevant.

Maybe the reason why they support the investor class is because the working class don't create job opportunities.

Neither does the investor class. What creates jobs is consumer demand. Consumer demand is created when the working class - the vast majority of us - have money to spend.

For instance, I could invest a million dollars into a company that makes Shit Sandwiches. But there's no demand for Shit Sandwiches, so the capital I would invest would be wasted. So, yeah, I'd maybe create jobs for about a week, but then I'd have to let people go with a whole warehouse full of Shit Sandwiches I can't sell.

The investor is a parasite that has convinced the stupid people they are vital organs.

An investor is any person or other entity (such as a firm or mutual fund) who commits capital with the expectation of receiving financial returns.
Corky, you miss the point. Sure, I have a 401K. ANd I have very little say in it other than making elections once a year. Meanwhile, the brokers on Wall Street are out there, manipulating the markets, guys like Mitt Romney run hedge funds that destroy companies to make a quick profit.

And we all know whose side the GOP is on with this struggle.
Actually, I voted Republican up until 2008.

Then I realized that if you aren't rich, you have no business voting Republican.

The GOP keeps stupid white people like you voting against your own economic interests by playing on your racial, religious, and sexual fears.
Today's Republican Party is attractive to those who don't want to have to act decently.
Who thinks that a hardcore Democrat or leftist who says he voted Republican until 2008 or 2016 or 2020 is most likely full of codswollop?

I mean okay. Sometimes those on the right can be gullible too. But that gullible?

I can't imagine anybody who isn't ideologically brainwashed approving much of the Obama Administration or anything in the Biden Administration.

And it was an 'evil' Republican reformer majority led by Newt Gingrich along with a coalition of reformer Democrats who dragged Bill Clinton into some very profitable welfare and tax reform that literally saved Clinton's presidency. Otherwise it would have been in the toilet.

We did have at least enough free and independent press at that time that Bush 43 could be elected. He was great during the initial 9/11 attack and his approval ratings were as high as any president's approval ever gets. But later on his mismanagement of other things and too many policy initiatives that only a leftist Democrat could love allowed an even more ineffective Barack Obama to be elected.
Obama saved this country from a depression and created the economy white racists gave trump credit for.
Who thinks that a hardcore Democrat or leftist who says he voted Republican until 2008 or 2016 or 2020 is most likely full of codswollop?

I mean okay. Sometimes those on the right can be gullible too. But that gullible?
Well, you can be. You voted for Trump. Twice. And even though his presidency was a historic disaster, you're going to vote for him again!

Here's the thing. All those Republicans I voted for in the past are people the Cult of Trump has denounced. You don't like Romney, you don't like McCain, you don't like either Bush. You pay reverence to Reagan, but Reagan's policies are pretty much the opposite of what Trump's were. Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million illegal Aliens, can't see that going over with the party of Trump.

(Note, I didn't vote for Romney, but that was because he's a Mormon and I really, really hate Mormons.)

I can't imagine anybody who isn't ideologically brainwashed approving much of the Obama Administration or anything in the Biden Administration.

Then you are stupid and probably racist. The ironic thing is, that Obama promoted policies that the GOP shouldn't have had any problem with. For instance, ObamaCare was just RomneyCare with a new label, but man, did you guys HATE that label. The minute the black guy proposed it, you guys hated it.

We did have at least enough free and independent press at that time that Bush 43 could be elected. He was great during the initial 9/11 attack and his approval ratings were as high as any president's approval ever gets. But later on his mismanagement of other things and too many policy initiatives that only a leftist Democrat could love allowed an even more ineffective Barack Obama to be elected.

But Bush wasn't elected, he lost the popular vote and he probably lost Florida, if they had a decent recount. He was selected by the Supreme Court.

Now, I voted for Bush, and yes, his leadership was admirable during the 9/11 attack. Then he got us into a war in Iraq. Then he fumbled the response to Katrina. Then he tanked the economy. (ALthough to his credit, he did work with Democrats to mitigate a lot of the damage. )

Here's the major difference. When Bush was in charge, the Adults still ran the GOP. Now the inmates have taken over the asylum.
Oh, come the fuck on, guy, seriously? That was so Retarded I hope no one steals your helmet today.
If it's so retarded, how about you try to refute it. It's a fact. All retirements and 401Ks are invested in the stock and bond markets, so everyone who has a retirement plan of any description is in the "investor class".
If it's so retarded, how about you try to refute it. It's a fact. All retirements and 401Ks are invested in the stock and bond markets, so everyone who has a retirement plan of any description is in the "investor class".

That's so fucking retarded it's laughable.

Are you making the decisions on what stocks are in the plan? Can you pull all your money out without a penalty if the market crashes?

The problem here is AGENCY. If the market crashes and burns you are shit out of luck.

If you aren't seated at the table, you are on the menu.

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