The House Passes a Sweeping Police Reform Bill

The House Passes a Sweeping Police Reform Bill

But don’t get too excited, Moscow Mitch will have it killed in the Senate because it lacks the single best provision that could get it by good ol’ Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump. The language in the bill doesn’t mention borrowing a couple-of-trillion-dollars to gift to the billionaire class and Big Business. The majority of Americans know how very expensive congressional corruption can be.

So, get your sh!t together Pelosi. You of all people should know what it takes to make congress get off its big, lazy, collective a$$.

House passes sweeping police reform bill


Senate should sweep this worthless bill into the garbage.

They will, and disingenuous Dims will call them racist.

It’s all politics.

535 assholes making rules for 330 million.
Woah there, Nelly. How many of those 535 are DemocRATs?

Like 280
The House Passes a Sweeping Police Reform Bill

But don’t get too excited, Moscow Mitch will have it killed in the Senate because it lacks the single best provision that could get it by good ol’ Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump. The language in the bill doesn’t mention borrowing a couple-of-trillion-dollars to gift to the billionaire class and Big Business. The majority of Americans know how very expensive congressional corruption can be.

So, get your sh!t together Pelosi. You of all people should know what it takes to make congress get off its big, lazy, collective a$$.

House passes sweeping police reform bill


Senate should sweep this worthless bill into the garbage.

They will, and disingenuous Dims will call them racist.

It’s all politics.

535 assholes making rules for 330 million.
Woah there, Nelly. How many of those 535 are DemocRATs?

Like 280
There ya go. those and the limpdick RINOs that back them need to go.
I will never understand why some believe that someone shouldn't be personally held responsible when they do something wrong.

Granting someone limited immunity in certain circumstances gives them freedom of action that they wouldn't have ordinarily.

In the situation of vaccine development, example given, they would never be able to get the shot out on time, if the pharm companies were subject to lawsuits every year.

The long term ramifications of vaccines are unknown. We are fully aware of what people's civil rights are.
I will never understand why some believe that someone shouldn't be personally held responsible when they do something wrong.

A Communist talking about personal responsiblity.

That's just TOO precious...

You are the one arguing for a police state.
Would you rather it go back to the "Bad Old Days" of the Bronx Zoo? Cops being woefully outgunned by the hoodrats, gangs, and thugs with the Tec-9s, Mac-10s, Street Sweepers, Uzis, and Tommy Guns and the police only have their pea shooter .38 revolvers and no armor?
Damn, it must be a good bill if Justin Bieber and Ariani Grande endorsed it. I wonder if Bieber's little army of bodyguards are authorized to use choke holds if you dare to try to get near him.
The House Passes a Sweeping Police Reform Bill

But don’t get too excited, Moscow Mitch will have it killed in the Senate because it lacks the single best provision that could get it by good ol’ Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump. The language in the bill doesn’t mention borrowing a couple-of-trillion-dollars to gift to the billionaire class and Big Business. The majority of Americans know how very expensive congressional corruption can be.

So, get your sh!t together Pelosi. You of all people should know what it takes to make congress get off its big, lazy, collective a$$.

House passes sweeping police reform bill

Pelosi loaded their bill with poison pills so that the Senate will have vote against it so that the Dirty Democrat can use it as a campaign issue.
Democrats are not serious.
Why are you calling him "Moscow Mitch"?
The Russian Collusion Conspiracy has been debunked.
Hillary and the FBI are who were working with the Russians.
The House Passes a Sweeping Police Reform Bill

But don’t get too excited, Moscow Mitch will have it killed in the Senate because it lacks the single best provision that could get it by good ol’ Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump. The language in the bill doesn’t mention borrowing a couple-of-trillion-dollars to gift to the billionaire class and Big Business. The majority of Americans know how very expensive congressional corruption can be.

So, get your sh!t together Pelosi. You of all people should know what it takes to make congress get off its big, lazy, collective a$$.

House passes sweeping police reform bill


Senate should sweep this worthless bill into the garbage.

It's guaranteed.
I will never understand why some believe that someone shouldn't be personally held responsible when they do something wrong.

Like tearing down statues?

It’s ok if you don’t like the person.

I can tear down any MLK statue because he was an adulterer.

If we tore down everything that offends us there wouldnt be an abortion clinic left in the country.
I will never understand why some believe that someone shouldn't be personally held responsible when they do something wrong.

That sounds republican...
But of course we know better.

I'm not sure I've ever argued otherwise. Who argues otherwise?

Some will argue that possessing pot shouldn't be wrong and no one should be held for that.
The long term ramifications of vaccines are unknown. We are fully aware of what people's civil rights are.

Leftist allow no civil rights of any sort.

Group privilege replaces individual liberty. No freedom of speech, no freedom of religion, no right to dissent.

Why is it you couldn't actually simply address what I said? Are you disagreeing?
The long term ramifications of vaccines are unknown. We are fully aware of what people's civil rights are.

Leftist allow no civil rights of any sort.

Group privilege replaces individual liberty. No freedom of speech, no freedom of religion, no right to dissent.

Why is it you couldn't actually simply address what I said? Are you disagreeing?

I did.

You have no business speaking of civil rights, YOU are the greatest danger to rights.
But don’t get too excited, Moscow Mitch will have it killed in the Senate because it lacks the single best provision that could get it by good ol’ Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump. The language in the bill doesn’t mention borrowing a couple-of-trillion-dollars to gift to the billionaire class and Big Business.

Perhaps you can tell us what is so good about the legislation

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