The Greatest Redistribution of Income in History

Or maybe your hatred is reserved for Arabs only?

Fuck the Gipper on February 6th.

Not only are you fucking stupid, but historically clueless, if you think FDRs policies were in any way economically helpful. Go check the rate of unemployment from the 1920 through the early 1940s to see how the New Deal impacted them, I dare you. Assuming you have the brains to track them on the web.

As for the crybaby whiners complaining about how other people make more money than they do - get off your fucking ass and get a job that pays more, you lazy fucking turds.

I'd be surprised if a lazy, not-so-bright fool like you isn't working in a public union in some city pushing paper back and forth waiting for your pension at age 50... :cuckoo:
"The pre-WWII New Deal era from 1933-1940, even if you include the recession of 1937-38, saw the single biggest drop in the unemployment rate in U.S. history.

"According to the census, the unemployment rate in 1933 was 24.7% by 1940 unemployment had dropped to 14.5%.

"This was accomplished my massive federal spending focused on job creation."

Where does the right get the idea that the New Deal didn't put Americans back to work?
Or maybe your hatred is reserved for Arabs only?

Fuck the Gipper on February 6th.

Not only are you fucking stupid, but historically clueless, if you think FDRs policies were in any way economically helpful. Go check the rate of unemployment from the 1920 through the early 1940s to see how the New Deal impacted them, I dare you. Assuming you have the brains to track them on the web.

As for the crybaby whiners complaining about how other people make more money than they do - get off your fucking ass and get a job that pays more, you lazy fucking turds.

I'd be surprised if a lazy, not-so-bright fool like you isn't working in a public union in some city pushing paper back and forth waiting for your pension at age 50... :cuckoo:
"The pre-WWII New Deal era from 1933-1940, even if you include the recession of 1937-38, saw the single biggest drop in the unemployment rate in U.S. history.

"According to the census, the unemployment rate in 1933 was 24.7% by 1940 unemployment had dropped to 14.5%.

"This was accomplished my massive federal spending focused on job creation."

Where does the right get the idea that the New Deal didn't put Americans back to work?
One of the primary cause of the 37-38 recession was a government austerity program which resulted in massive cuts in government spending.

The Right is pushing for such a program today. Results may well be same as in 37-38.
I would suggest help for your mental illness

Speaking only for myself, I think my obsession with Israel and Jews...

Obsession is an illness George, and yours extends far past Israel and Jews as seen on this page
Have you ever read Chris Hedges, Ropey?

War is a Force that gives us Meaning?

"'Come on, dogs,' the voice boomed in Arabic. 'Where are all the dogs of Khan Younis? Come! Come!'

"I stood up and walked outside the hut.

"The invective spewed out in a bitter torrent. 'Son of a bitch!' 'Son of a whore!' ''Your mother's ****!'

"The boys darted in small packs up the sloping dunes to the electric fence...They lobbed rocks towards a jeep, mounted with a loudspeaker...

"There was the boom of a percussion grenade. The boys, most no more than ten or eleven years old, scattered, running clumsily through the heavy sand. They descended out of sight behind the dune in front of me.

"There were no sounds of gun-fire.
"The soldiers shot with silencers.
"The bullets from M-I6 rifles, unseen by me, tumbled end-over-end through their slight bodies.

"I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital.

"I had seen children shot in other conflicts I have covered--death squads gunned them down in EI Salvador and Guatemala, mothers with infants were lined up and massacred in Algeria, and Serb snipers put children in their sights and watched them crumple onto the pavement in Sarajevo--but I had never watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport."

Chris Hedges, War is a Force that gives us Meaning

Those who profit from war and recession are obsessed in ways you and I can't imagine. And it doesn't matter if they're Jew, Arab or Christian, they will exterminate this specie if they are not killed first.

"Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war."

That's existential obsession.
Not only are you fucking stupid, but historically clueless, if you think FDRs policies were in any way economically helpful. Go check the rate of unemployment from the 1920 through the early 1940s to see how the New Deal impacted them, I dare you. Assuming you have the brains to track them on the web.

As for the crybaby whiners complaining about how other people make more money than they do - get off your fucking ass and get a job that pays more, you lazy fucking turds.

I'd be surprised if a lazy, not-so-bright fool like you isn't working in a public union in some city pushing paper back and forth waiting for your pension at age 50... :cuckoo:
"The pre-WWII New Deal era from 1933-1940, even if you include the recession of 1937-38, saw the single biggest drop in the unemployment rate in U.S. history.

"According to the census, the unemployment rate in 1933 was 24.7% by 1940 unemployment had dropped to 14.5%.

"This was accomplished my massive federal spending focused on job creation."

Where does the right get the idea that the New Deal didn't put Americans back to work?
One of the primary cause of the 37-38 recession was a government austerity program which resulted in massive cuts in government spending.

The Right is pushing for such a program today. Results may well be same as in 37-38.
And this time War is not our friend"

"Unlike the era of FDR, war will not get the economy moving.

"The U.S. has been engaged in the longest war in our history in Afghanistan, still has tens of thousands of troops and mercenaries in Iraq and is expanding the war in Pakistan.

"Wars are not creating the kind of WW II war economy as the methods of war have changed. At a cost of $1 million borrowed dollars per troop per year in Afghanistan the war is a drain on the economy not a stimulus.

"Spending on military certainly creates jobs, just not many compared to other spending or tax cuts.

"Spending $1 billion on the military creates 8,555 jobs while spending the same amount on mass transit would create 19,795 and on education 17,687.

"Even spending on tax cuts, not a great form of stimulus, is more efficient than the military, creating 10,779 jobs. Health care and infrastructure spending create about 12,800 jobs.

"The U.S. needs WWII in reverse, a rapid switch from a military-dominated economy to a civilian-dominated economy."

Obama's State of the Union
Government regulation is one thing government can change if they're serious about bringing jobs back to America.

Apparently, they're not.

Unfounded false dilemma.

Yeah, not really.
Are you including tax law in your definition of government regulation?

"The Obama 'Regressive Tax' commission spills the beans with its proposal to remove the tax subsidy for high housing prices financed by mortgage debt.

"The proposal moves only against homeowners – 'the middle class' – not absentee owners, commercial real estate investors, corporate raiders or other prime bank customers.

"The IRS permits mortgage interest to be tax-deductible on the pretense that it is a necessary cost of doing business. In reality it is a subsidy for debt leveraging.

"This tax bias for debt rather than equity investment (using one’s own money) is largely responsible for loading down the U.S. economy with debt.

"It encourages corporate raiding with junk bonds, thereby adding interest to the cost of doing business.

"This subsidy for debt leveraging also is the government’s largest giveaway to the banks, while causing the debt deflation that is locking the economy into depression – violating every precept of the classical drive for 'free markets' in the 19th-century. (A 'free market' meant freedom from extractive rentier income, leading toward what Keynes gently called 'euthanasia of the rentier.'

"The Obama Commission endows rentiers atop the economy with a tax system to bolster their power, not check it – while shrinking the economy below them.)"

Obama's Greatest Betrayal
Unfounded false dilemma.

Yeah, not really.
Are you including tax law in your definition of government regulation?

"The Obama 'Regressive Tax' commission spills the beans with its proposal to remove the tax subsidy for high housing prices financed by mortgage debt.

"The proposal moves only against homeowners – 'the middle class' – not absentee owners, commercial real estate investors, corporate raiders or other prime bank customers.

"The IRS permits mortgage interest to be tax-deductible on the pretense that it is a necessary cost of doing business. In reality it is a subsidy for debt leveraging.

"This tax bias for debt rather than equity investment (using one’s own money) is largely responsible for loading down the U.S. economy with debt.

"It encourages corporate raiding with junk bonds, thereby adding interest to the cost of doing business.

"This subsidy for debt leveraging also is the government’s largest giveaway to the banks, while causing the debt deflation that is locking the economy into depression – violating every precept of the classical drive for 'free markets' in the 19th-century. (A 'free market' meant freedom from extractive rentier income, leading toward what Keynes gently called 'euthanasia of the rentier.'

"The Obama Commission endows rentiers atop the economy with a tax system to bolster their power, not check it – while shrinking the economy below them.)"

Obama's Greatest Betrayal
We're talking about industry, dimwit. Do keep up. Ask a grownup for help if you need to.
Yeah, not really.

Okay, then it's obvious that you're a closed minded person with no interest in exploring any issue. You just want to cry and moan about something you don't like for whatever reason and throw around unfounded accusations and name calling if you don't get your way. You obviously don't have anything to support what you're saying, because all you're doing is repeating yourself and ignoring the facts that clearly disprove what you want to claim is true.
Were Dick Nixon and Ronald Reagan progressives?

"Progressivism is a political attitude favoring or advocating changes or reform through governmental action. Progressivism is often viewed in opposition to conservative or reactionary ideologies.

"The movement grew out of the 'Social Gospel' of American pietist millenarianism in the 1820s.[1]

"The Progressive Movement began in cities with settlement workers and reformers who were interested in helping those facing harsh conditions at home and at work. The reformers spoke out about the need for laws regulating tenement housing and child labor. They also called for better working conditions for women."

I believe many of the RHINOS were progressives every since Woodrow Wilson the traitor....

The Pillars of Liberal Progressivism

American Thinker: The Pillars of Liberal Progressivism

Progressivism in the United States

Progressivism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Federalist No. 55

Federalist No. 55 - The Broadside : Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Nalco linked to Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, among others

Nalco linked to Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, among others :

Oligarch Khodorkovsky conviction exposes links with Soros & Rothschild

Oligarch Khodorkovsky conviction exposes links with Soros & Rothschild | Rebel News - Dissident News and Analysis


George Soros: An Evil Rothschild Agent | Real Zionist News

The Grasp of Socialist International

The Grasp of Socialist International (SI)

Barack Obama - Zionist Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

Barack Obama - Zionist Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Illuminati
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Yeah, not really.

Okay, then it's obvious that you're a closed minded person with no interest in exploring any issue. You just want to cry and moan about something you don't like for whatever reason and throw around unfounded accusations and name calling if you don't get your way. You obviously don't have anything to support what you're saying, because all you're doing is repeating yourself and ignoring the facts that clearly disprove what you want to claim is true.

You want an echo chamber, you came to the wrong place, kid.
HAHA, nice! Nothing like some good ol' fashioned ad hominen when you can't support your arguments. At least you're disproving the "ignorant redneck" stereotype of conservatives.
From Common

How much have the richest 1% stolen since 1980?

"If you make less than $114,000 a year (90% of us), you've been financially damaged by the flow of income to the richest 1% of Americans over the past 30 years.

"Based on Internal Revenue Service figures, if middle- and upper-middle class families had maintained the same share of American productivity that they held in 1980, they would be making an average of $12,500 more per year."

Since US GDP has increased five-fold since 1980 is it not reasonable to say upper-middle class families should have maintained their same share of the economic pie?

"But if earnings since 1980 were based on this measure of productiveness, the richest 1% of Americans would be making $1 trillion less per year.

"A trillion dollars a year. That's more than we spend on the entire military.

"A trillion dollars a year. That's seven times more than the budget deficits of all 50 states combined...

"Who are the people making up the richest 1%? Bankers, CEOs, upper management, university presidents, Congressmen...

"Taxing them is not 'soaking the rich.'

"The greatest redistribution of income in history has taken place over the last 30 years, and the victims are beginning to make a fuss about it."


Yeah, ok.....This is just wonderful. A liberal blog tells all.
Yeah, not really.
Are you including tax law in your definition of government regulation?

"The Obama 'Regressive Tax' commission spills the beans with its proposal to remove the tax subsidy for high housing prices financed by mortgage debt.

"The proposal moves only against homeowners – 'the middle class' – not absentee owners, commercial real estate investors, corporate raiders or other prime bank customers.

"The IRS permits mortgage interest to be tax-deductible on the pretense that it is a necessary cost of doing business. In reality it is a subsidy for debt leveraging.

"This tax bias for debt rather than equity investment (using one’s own money) is largely responsible for loading down the U.S. economy with debt.

"It encourages corporate raiding with junk bonds, thereby adding interest to the cost of doing business.

"This subsidy for debt leveraging also is the government’s largest giveaway to the banks, while causing the debt deflation that is locking the economy into depression – violating every precept of the classical drive for 'free markets' in the 19th-century. (A 'free market' meant freedom from extractive rentier income, leading toward what Keynes gently called 'euthanasia of the rentier.'

"The Obama Commission endows rentiers atop the economy with a tax system to bolster their power, not check it – while shrinking the economy below them.)"

Obama's Greatest Betrayal
We're talking about industry, dimwit. Do keep up. Ask a grownup for help if you need to.

As in Apple or Appaloosa?

"Apple Corporation, for example, earned about $6 billion in 2009 by expertly engaging its 35,000 employees. (They went on to earn $6 billion in the last quarter of 2010 alone.) Along the way they offered us an array of popular new products that people are enjoying and putting to use.

"Appaloosa, the hedge fund, earned about as much as Apple in 2009 by speculating on god knows what. But it has fewer than 250 employees and it's not at all clear what these individuals added to our economy -- certainly not the iPad. How can 250 workers, no matter how wise and talented, produce as much real worth speculating on stuff as 35,000 Apple employees can make inventing, manufacturing and marketing useful products? They can't. So hedge funds must be siphoning off wealth from elsewhere, not creating it themselves."

Does the FIRE sector (Finance, Insurance and Real Estate) qualify as industry? Does industry as we know it exist without Finance, Insurance and Real Estate?

When Michael Hudson talks about corporate raiders borrowing high-interest "junk bond" credit to buy profitable companies and then make money by stripping assets, cutting back long term investments along with research and development in order to pay out depreciation credit to their financiers, does the government's tax bias of debt over equity investing affect industry and unemployment?

Obama's Greatest Betrayal
From Common

How much have the richest 1% stolen since 1980?

"If you make less than $114,000 a year (90% of us), you've been financially damaged by the flow of income to the richest 1% of Americans over the past 30 years.

"Based on Internal Revenue Service figures, if middle- and upper-middle class families had maintained the same share of American productivity that they held in 1980, they would be making an average of $12,500 more per year."

Since US GDP has increased five-fold since 1980 is it not reasonable to say upper-middle class families should have maintained their same share of the economic pie?

"But if earnings since 1980 were based on this measure of productiveness, the richest 1% of Americans would be making $1 trillion less per year.

"A trillion dollars a year. That's more than we spend on the entire military.

"A trillion dollars a year. That's seven times more than the budget deficits of all 50 states combined...

"Who are the people making up the richest 1%? Bankers, CEOs, upper management, university presidents, Congressmen...

"Taxing them is not 'soaking the rich.'

"The greatest redistribution of income in history has taken place over the last 30 years, and the victims are beginning to make a fuss about it."


Tax cuts aren't theft. You can't steal what is your own.

As in Apple or Appaloosa?

"Apple Corporation, for example, earned about $6 billion in 2009 by expertly engaging its 35,000 employees. (They went on to earn $6 billion in the last quarter of 2010 alone.) Along the way they offered us an array of popular new products that people are enjoying and putting to use.

"Appaloosa, the hedge fund, earned about as much as Apple in 2009 by speculating on god knows what. But it has fewer than 250 employees and it's not at all clear what these individuals added to our economy -- certainly not the iPad. How can 250 workers, no matter how wise and talented, produce as much real worth speculating on stuff as 35,000 Apple employees can make inventing, manufacturing and marketing useful products? They can't. So hedge funds must be siphoning off wealth from elsewhere, not creating it themselves."

Does the FIRE sector (Finance, Insurance and Real Estate) qualify as industry? Does industry as we know it exist without Finance, Insurance and Real Estate?

When Michael Hudson talks about corporate raiders borrowing high-interest "junk bond" credit to buy profitable companies and then make money by stripping assets, cutting back long term investments along with research and development in order to pay out depreciation credit to their financiers, does the government's tax bias of debt over equity investing affect industry and unemployment?

Obama's Greatest Betrayal

This is a terrible argument.

I am not wont to defend egregiously paid hedge fund managers, but they entered into contracts to manage the savings of individuals and institutions who of their own volition agreed to pay them levels of compensation based on specified targets. Thus, the hedge fund manager has every right to collect as much money as they did, even though I can't find anything to substantiate that Appaloosa earned $8 billion - Apple's 2009 income - which I believe is a gross exaggeration.

Finance is not an industry? Insurance is not an industry? Real estate is not an industry? The author of that article shows a stunning ignorance of economics. Finance represents capital and savings, which is invested within the economy to make the economy grow. Insurance plays a hugely critical role spreading risk throughout society. And you can't live nor go to work anywhere without the real estate industry. That's mind-boggling.
From Common

How much have the richest 1% stolen since 1980?

"If you make less than $114,000 a year (90% of us), you've been financially damaged by the flow of income to the richest 1% of Americans over the past 30 years.

"Based on Internal Revenue Service figures, if middle- and upper-middle class families had maintained the same share of American productivity that they held in 1980, they would be making an average of $12,500 more per year."

Since US GDP has increased five-fold since 1980 is it not reasonable to say upper-middle class families should have maintained their same share of the economic pie?

"But if earnings since 1980 were based on this measure of productiveness, the richest 1% of Americans would be making $1 trillion less per year.

"A trillion dollars a year. That's more than we spend on the entire military.

"A trillion dollars a year. That's seven times more than the budget deficits of all 50 states combined...

"Who are the people making up the richest 1%? Bankers, CEOs, upper management, university presidents, Congressmen...

"Taxing them is not 'soaking the rich.'

"The greatest redistribution of income in history has taken place over the last 30 years, and the victims are beginning to make a fuss about it."


Tax cuts aren't theft. You can't steal what is your own.
"Obama seems to be campaigning for his own defeat!

"Thanks largely to the $13 trillion Wall Street bailout – while keeping the debt overhead in place for America’s 'bottom 98 per cent' – this happy 2 per cent of the population now receives an estimated three quarters (~75 per cent) of the returns to wealth (interest, dividends, rent and capital gains). This is nearly double what it received a generation ago.

"The rest of the population is being squeezed, and foreclosures are rising."

But you can use government to redistribute your share of the total tax burden onto those making less money than you do.

Obama's Greatest Betrayal
Are you including tax law in your definition of government regulation?

"The Obama 'Regressive Tax' commission spills the beans with its proposal to remove the tax subsidy for high housing prices financed by mortgage debt.

"The proposal moves only against homeowners – 'the middle class' – not absentee owners, commercial real estate investors, corporate raiders or other prime bank customers.

"The IRS permits mortgage interest to be tax-deductible on the pretense that it is a necessary cost of doing business. In reality it is a subsidy for debt leveraging.

"This tax bias for debt rather than equity investment (using one’s own money) is largely responsible for loading down the U.S. economy with debt.

"It encourages corporate raiding with junk bonds, thereby adding interest to the cost of doing business.

"This subsidy for debt leveraging also is the government’s largest giveaway to the banks, while causing the debt deflation that is locking the economy into depression – violating every precept of the classical drive for 'free markets' in the 19th-century. (A 'free market' meant freedom from extractive rentier income, leading toward what Keynes gently called 'euthanasia of the rentier.'

"The Obama Commission endows rentiers atop the economy with a tax system to bolster their power, not check it – while shrinking the economy below them.)"

Obama's Greatest Betrayal
We're talking about industry, dimwit. Do keep up. Ask a grownup for help if you need to.

As in Apple or Appaloosa?

"Apple Corporation, for example, earned about $6 billion in 2009 by expertly engaging its 35,000 employees. (They went on to earn $6 billion in the last quarter of 2010 alone.) Along the way they offered us an array of popular new products that people are enjoying and putting to use.

"Appaloosa, the hedge fund, earned about as much as Apple in 2009 by speculating on god knows what. But it has fewer than 250 employees and it's not at all clear what these individuals added to our economy -- certainly not the iPad. How can 250 workers, no matter how wise and talented, produce as much real worth speculating on stuff as 35,000 Apple employees can make inventing, manufacturing and marketing useful products? They can't. So hedge funds must be siphoning off wealth from elsewhere, not creating it themselves."

Does the FIRE sector (Finance, Insurance and Real Estate) qualify as industry? Does industry as we know it exist without Finance, Insurance and Real Estate?

When Michael Hudson talks about corporate raiders borrowing high-interest "junk bond" credit to buy profitable companies and then make money by stripping assets, cutting back long term investments along with research and development in order to pay out depreciation credit to their financiers, does the government's tax bias of debt over equity investing affect industry and unemployment?

Obama's Greatest Betrayal
There's just so much for you to hate, you can't pick a topic and stick to it, can you?

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